ToonTubers V2, A new type of Vtuber! (Free Tutorial)

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[Music] June tubers have been updated and if you don't know what toonttubers are they're this they're kind of a vtuber that can be animated however you want sort of like a gift tuber Deluxe like I chose to animate myself on twos and at 24 FPS with a variety of poses for each emotion but you don't have to limit yourself to looking like this you can go all Phoenix right on them if you wanted the only restrictions you have are what you can animate you see tune tubers are run through OBS using media sources so any GIF or video you want could essentially be your tune tuber they have transitions in between emotes and even stay open when you talk loudly you can have as many emotes and animations as you want custom animations like taking a sippy dying but they will have to be triggered by something like a hotkey or stream deck each emo is broken down into four files the transition the idol the talking and the peak for me the peak is normally just the most open frame of the talking animation but you can have it look different if you wanted in order to get this to work you'll need a few things the first being my starter folder OBS Studio the freeze Source clone and audio move plugins and Sami if you use my previous version you'll remember it was very poorly optimized you needed to downgrade an OBS encoder and use a plug-in that apparently went paid not only that but for a lot of people it unfortunately lagged sometimes or flickered between frames luckily that's not the case anymore and you can use current OBS and none of these plugins are paywalled this isn't a semi or OBS tutorial so you'll need to get that set up on your own but I will include a link to the official guide on how to hook Sammy up to your OBS to get started after installing Sammy and the three OBS plugins extract my starter folder to the base of the Sami folder so it should look something like this make sure that OBS was opened after installing the plugins and currently connected to Sami next open up the example deck file and copy the text go into Sammy yours will probably be a lot more Barren than this right-click this little plus and select paste deck it should create a tuber option open it up and click the settings and config button and change this variable to whatever your default mic is called in OBS for most setups it'll probably be something like mic slash aux one or whatever be sure to keep the quotations around it though hit save and OK and then open the first run button with OBS active and as the comment suggests click the Run button in the bottom right if everything was done correctly it will automatically create the toonttuber scene plus the initial sources and filters if you want to resize the example tune tuber feel free double check that everything looks like this you should be able to try talking to your mic at this point and see if the tune tuber activates it's very important that the tuber scene itself has the freeze and green screen filters the freeze filter is essentially how I got it working with current OBS if you didn't know around OBS version 28 the media encoder changed and whereas it is more effective at loading files it changed it so when swapping it would unload the source for a moment this caused a flicker whereas older OBS just swapped the freeze filter is to essentially hold the tune to proper post while the files flicker to load the new ones the reason I use Source clones instead of just using the talking and peaking sources above is because having them active allows file changing to be smoother whereas if you just use the sources they'd probably have a frame or two left over from the previous emo when swapping next you'll probably want a toy with the mic settings open up the filters for the mic you're using and mess around with the threshold and easing to fit your mic the default settings should be okay for most setups the important thing to know is that peaking should have a much higher threshold over talking so that it only activates when you're loud if you don't see these filters in your base mic you didn't label your mic name variable correctly in Sami you can always delete the scene rename it and try again if it fails now if you want to add any emotes you'll need to copy and paste the example button name it whatever you want and change the appearance so you know what's what I recommend starting most custom buttons with tuber you can also feel free to increase the size of the deck or resize the buttons inside you'll need to change the text inside the quote to whatever the emote is keep in mind that your tunetuber files must be named in the following format for instance you'll notice the base files are set normal idle normal talk normal and Peak normal if you wanted a happy emote you just swap the normal for happy and then in the button you change this variable to happy my files personally are webms but you can use anything that OBS uses as a media Source if you're using something other than a weapon be sure to go inside the settings and swap the file type variable to whatever you using whenever you change these variables you must keep the quotes around them finally you'll need to add a trigger to every emote you can set this to Simply Be A hotkey or even have it trigger if someone follows you on Twitch or something but that'll require hooking Sammy up to your Twitch I personally use a stream deck and foot pedal to trigger all of my emotes if you want to add a custom animation that doesn't revolve around talking you can use the custom animation template button copy and paste it and then simply fill in the name of the custom animation file change this time to however long your animation is if you don't want to go back to the normal emo afterwards just delete it or change this command to add any costume changes you can copy this template button to have a costume swap you'll need a separate folder inside your current tune tuber folder with the alternate files named the same way upon triggering this button it'll swap to your normal emote with your new costume you can feel free to have it trigger any effects in OBS beforehand if you like to swap between the costumes simply trigger those buttons keep in mind that the costumes can be entirely new characters if you want they they just need the same emote files like Phoenix Wright is technically a different costume it helps to load all of your animations at once to avoid flickering since a session's first swap will take a second longer to change so I suggest adding every emote to this scroll button and to have it trigger upon connecting to obs you can just copy and paste these two commands and swap each line to whatever emote you have an important thing to note is the timing and settings of this example deck is based around my toontuber animations you don't have to copy them one to one of course but if you'd like different timings head into the animate button and change the delays in the green and yellow areas to fit your animations the green area decides when your talk and Peak can be activated again since normally they get shut off during a swap so that the emote plays smoothly the yellow area is basically just when your swap animation ends with a little extra added to the second command the settings in the blue should be good for everyone so you don't really have to mess with that it's important to note that all of your files must include a background that you can key it doesn't have to be green but you'll need to add your own settings to the tuber scene itself I had a lot of people message me in the first tutorial because they applied the green screen to every individual Source it might seem a bit daunting at first but Sami is a pretty easy to learn program I mean I learned it this version should definitely be a lot more user friendly and just the fact that there are no more downgrades or paywalls is a huge update I hope some can use this to make whatever they desire as a v tuber as I said in my last tutorial I'm honestly not super tech savvy so I'm not sure if I can fix any issues you run into truth be told I hadn't originally planned on others using the tune tuber since it was heavily leaned towards only really working on my setup and held together with bubble gum and Band-Aids but I think this new version should be good on other people's setups if you like this idea it'd be great if you could share this video around and if you want to see a tune to her in action you can always check out my streams on Scott underscore Falco that's also probably the best time to get any support if you need it since I can respond in real time you can also follow me over on Twitter for any little updates that I make here or there good luck everyone and I hope to see some amazing creations [Music] thank you
Channel: ScottFalco
Views: 110,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oICHBZaz2To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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