How to make a Chibi Vtuber Emote Tutorial

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hello domo and welcome to the video in this video i will be teaching you how to make an emote [Music] yes emotes the quintessential streamer hype thingy i don't i don't have a script for this but yes so if you've ever been in another person's stream you should have seen like people spamming emails in chat or like just having emotes there if you have gap again on stream elements you'll be able to have emotes flying around when people type them in chat which is really fun for people to look at and i think they really look good in clips so usually you will only be able to do emotes for twitch or youtube if you're a youtube partner or a twitch affiliate or partner but actually you can go around that by having bdtv up i'll try to make a video for it in the future but basically bdtv allows you to have 15 free emotes whether you're an affiliate or a partner or not and as long as the people watching your stream have the extension you and your viewers will be able to see and use the emotes just an extra tip i guess if you are thinking about having emos but you don't really think that you need it anytime soon bttv is a nice work around for if you haven't hit those milestones that unlock a lot of the slots there's also a lot of limits with twitch emotes since if you're not partner you only get a set amount but yes moving on the main point of this video is teaching you how to draw an emote from start to finish we will be working on this emote and it is advice that you already know how to use drawing programs and do know a little bit of drawing if you don't this could still be useful to you if you do want to start working on getting better at art this video is sort of for people who are more on beginners already in digital art and know a little bit about it already but maybe in the future i'll make a video talking about more specific details on how to use these programs for people who are completely new to the digital art space since i make videos teaching people how to be v tubers or kind of uh along those lines i think getting into art would be very helpful if you're a broke trooper like me because assets are not cheap to have made or to commission so if you can get started on um building up your art skill it will really help you out in the future to save money as well as make the things you want to do and hey art is a really good skill to learn i think it's a very much applicable to any field that you get into so yeah just get into it i guess it's easier said than done but that's really what art is you just kind of get started and practice and learn things from the internet there's so much tutorials out there and i'm hoping to make more art tutorials in the future but yeah let's go ahead i've kind of drawn out this introduction way too much let's go ahead and start the tutorial so first of all i start with a square canvas this one is 800 by 800. you can make it bigger or smaller depending on what you want to use it for after um for emotes technically you just need a smaller canvas but i used a bigger canvas because i made a cropped and uncropped version and in this video i do actually start drawing it before it is cropped and then afterwards for the emote i just cropped it a little smaller to show the face a little more preferably when you're making an emote you would like a close-up of the face because they do get resized a lot for use in chat because the text is really small so the emotes need to be around the same size of the font you actually can skip uh having too much detail in your emotes if you're just gonna keep it small but i wanted to use my emote for other things like for thumbnails so i made the size a little big and i also sort of invested some time into the details which you can sort of skimp over if you would rather just focus on making it into an emote which is completely fine too but i am a little lazy so i try to use most of my assets for different purposes if possible so that's just what i'm doing for this particular e-mode so to begin i make a tiny square within the bigger square this is to sort of simulate the crop this is what i did so that i can estimate where the face will be cropped while also still drawing the full image past the crop of the emote this is a skippable step if you do not want to use your email for anything else but this is also quite a nice tip if you're drawing other things for illustrations and stuff i know a lot of artists who also add like a little margin area so that they can spill their drawing over and then be able to just cut it out later when they're fixing the composition at the very end before making your emo you should probably give some thought on what actual emote that you want or maybe you already have an idea at this point in the video i recommend thinking about what emotes you really like using in other people's streams when you're thinking of what emotes you should make for yourself so in my case i have a lot of emotes from my past designs that i don't currently use that much anymore there's a lot of them and they still haunt me yeah i really should redesign those sometime soon maybe in a future video but for now let's get back to making our chibi emo so to begin with when i'm drawing a chibi i usually begin with these shapes i don't know how to explain them they're sort of like gumdrops or like little uh little balls of clay or i guess that's not really the best explanation for that but this is just a simple shape that i like to start with i sort of draw this guide to sort of figure out where the eyes will go and where the middle of the face will be so i just start drawing the eyes i draw the hands as little balls because we're not here for the details details can come later it's just a sketch so we're just focusing on the overall feel of the emote and the overall expression so i'm just drawing the face um i am not the best at drawing symmetrical faces but we're doing digital arts so we can trust the process and just fix it up later when i am working on gb faces i tend to use rounder shapes if possible if it fits the expression of course and i try to go big for the eyes but you know not too big though i guess it depends on you it might be a style you prefer i like to draw a little dot for the nose of chibis i think it's just cute but some people don't draw noses for their chibis which is fine too this is just how i like to do it so once i'm done with the expression of the face i start just polishing the sketch a bit more and making some adjustments to make everything balanced you want to sort of iron out the expression while you're still in the sketch phase so that later when you're doing liner you don't have to like keep changing a lot of things i say that but i'm also a person who tends to make a lot of changes later on i'm just saying it probably will be easier for you if you can finalize most of your details uh in your sketch stage once i'm done with the face i start working on the other details i changed the ears to fit my own and then also start drawing a little bit of the outfit that will be shown in the emo now that the body is mostly done i do resize the image a bit more to sort of fit it towards the crop of the smaller square and then i start drawing the hair with a different color on a different layer i recommend this so that you can easily see the hair a bit more and you won't get too distracted by the guide this is a pretty good tip if you're doing digital art it's just to make use of the availability of having different layers in your art program and just going into different layers when you're working on different parts and different details of your image especially during the sketch stage because it gets a little messy once i'm satisfied with how my sketch looked i merged all of the layers and then did ctrl b to turn the layer blue if your program doesn't have this because this might be a clip studio only thing you can turn on preserve opacity or alpha lock on your program if you don't know how to access that most art programs should have it you can google it don't ask me down in the comments if it's not clip studio sometimes i just don't have the answer google is out there you just type your art program and then type alpha lock or preserve opacity alpha lock or preserve opacity basically makes it so that the only thing that you can draw on on that particular layer are the parts that you have already drawn on earlier so it locks your any of your brush strokes onto the things that are already on your layer once you have found how to use alphalog or preserve opacity you can now fill your layer with a single color i recommend this shade of blue or a light shade of blue or whatever color you like that doesn't hurt your eye and won't conflict with the color of the line art you'll be using so if you're someone who's not very good at liner who's not very used to it or if you don't like it like me and you want to do some clean line art i do recommend um using a lighter pressure to when you draw just like draw your lines slightly and if you're having trouble drawing round circles or like complicated shapes did you find just draw them in like small parts like uh chopped up tiny lines and then just collect them later that's what i do and then if you manage to draw a thick line i would say go over it with like an eraser and just like just erase the thicker parts that sort of make the lines a little less balanced that's what i do and sometimes if the lines don't feel quite right when you're drawing them you might have to rotate your screen or zoom in or just like adjust your canvas to work for your arm you know don't move your arm around and try to uh make it more complicated for your own limbs just move the canvas the canvas is movable and that will make it a little bit easier uh if you're working on the next part of the body i would recommend uh once again drawing with a different colored pen this will just help you focus on certain parts first and sort of uh ignore the other layers without actually having to uh you know erase the layers and still see the overall picture so that's what i usually do i separate the line art by changing the color and i also do recommend uh having several layers for like the face for the head for the hair just so if you need to make any adjustments you won't have to like redo the line art all over again uh yeah until you finalize the line art it is quite recommended to have more layers you know you won't lose much from from having just more layers but not too many layers unless you're into that you're weirdo all right so going back uh we continue to do the line art just finish the line art i spent way too long on the line art so this is sped up really fast and uh so that you don't have to like watch me struggle all the way uh but if it's too fast maybe slow the video down there's not really a lot of other tips i can share so maybe i'll just be quiet until the next part of the video i'll probably put some timestamps so just skip this part if you don't want to see the liner okay [Music] do okay now that you're done now that i'm done with the line art um i select everything outside i sort of closed off my line art though you can't see it because uh i clipped the line art onto the little square that was in the beginning of the video you know it's been there this whole time you might have forgotten about it uh anyway i just sort of select the outside of that and then invert the layer and once you've done that just fill the selection uh here i sort of messed up there are some uh parts that were probably supposed to be unselected but those are pretty easy to reselect again and just erase so i just did that using the magic wand tool uh for the next step you don't have to do it it's just something i particularly started doing in my later emos is to add an outline so what i did was make a folder with the line art and the color that we did earlier the we call that the flat color that is within the selection of the line art and then i just did the border effect that cliff studio has to just automatically make a border for the things inside the folder so i don't know the equivalent for this in other programs you might have to skip this step or think of another way to do it if anybody has any suggestions of how it can be done for another program please leave it down in the comments below for other people to see the border effect is really quite handy and it's one of my favorite features of clip studio paint uh but yeah moving on we're gonna start coloring the line art here i start using this lasso tool that colors and fills in within line art it's a pretty nice tool but it was also not quite working for the line art that i had so after using it for the hair i just started coloring everything normally i found it easier to use the magic wand tool or just use the paint bucket tool and just fill out the little gaps that might not be covered i have area scaling on which allows the pixels to uh expand a little beyond the lines and stuff uh but it's not foolproof because it's just um generated depending on how your image is and sometimes you might have to like make adjustments for the eye whites i had to color them in manually because i didn't really draw that in the line art i started out with a gray and then just lightened the eye whites because the gray was easier to see on the skin color and now i just preserve opacity again and just shade in the shadows of the eye whites i try not to make too many layers with my colors okay that's a lie i do have many layers when it comes to colors but uh if i can do it all in one layer i just use preserve opacity to sort of limit myself to just painting on top of the colors and depending on how the coloring is being done sometimes i might need to do a clipping mask on top to sort of do a multiply so i don't have to guesstimate the colors i might have to tackle a lot more of those other art digital art terms in a future video so i basically just do this for the rest of the coloring i make a different layer i color in some of those parts here i'm drawing the sparkle of the eye a little star in the eye actually forgot to do it in the line art and so i'm just doing the line art here in a separate layer and then coloring in the white and then i merge them down and just copy paste it to the other eye so for when i'm coloring the hair i do a little gradient using an airbrush to sort of have that two-toned gradient color hair even if your hair isn't a gradient uh i think that doing a gradient between like the color of your hair and then like a darker shade of it underneath is quite nice i didn't do it for this one because uh i kind of forgot and um i just did the shading over it with a multiply layer on top of the layer where the color of the hair is i tried not to make the hair coloring too complicated because it really won't be visible too much i just wanted it to look good so uh i didn't render it much and i decided to just go into the highlights very quickly after doing a bit of like multiply color blending and stuff after coloring the hair i realized that the line art looked really thin and i thought that it didn't really stand out very much so i did the technique of duplicating the line art and doing a gaussian blur so that there's a nice uh kind of fuzziness to the line art and it makes the linearts look a little thicker so i just did that very quickly and then i went back to coloring after you can sort of see the difference a little when i toggled it a bit there and then i go back and i start coloring the ears just a nice orangey hue this is another one of those things that i that the line art did not cover because the ears did not have full line art so um that one i had to color manually then afterwards i clipped another layer on top of the hair color and then i started doing a nice little outline shine or whatever this is called basically just like a shine on the corner of the hair so i did like a light blue because it matched the hair color quite well for the hair shine i usually use light blue or yellow depending on what hair color the character's hair is and then i just added this sort of skin airbrush uh area in the middle of the bank so basically where the hair will touch the skin around that area i would add like a light gradient of whatever the skin tone is and i would lighten that it's a quite nice effect uh depending on uh the hair color and usually you'd like to pick the redder color of the skin and not the actual skin color so it'll add like this nice transparent feeling to the hair i almost forgot to mention but you should probably lower the opacity of that skin airbrush as well on top of the hair you don't want it to be too pronounced you just want it to slightly show up there and then i start coloring uh and i started adding some shine on the gloves and darker parts of the outfit basically i just started shading the outfit uh i added some lights that are also blue and just added some shading on the shirt i add more details and sort of color in the gold for the gold i did like an orange on top of the kind of more desaturated gold and sort of made a pattern for that it's not very detailed because i'm like it's not going to be very visible so i started to skip over that and then i add a bit more minor shading in random places and then we're done uh the way i colored this chibi was not usually how i color things there's a lot less shadow contrast thingies that i've done and it's quite simple but that's just what an emote is i think for emotes you want to keep the colors a little more simpler not too much uh here is the final part that i'm just sort of cropping and also editing some final details i add these sparkles that i think i do keep them in the final um emote i'm sorry if this is a sort of rush tutorial do you feel rushed because i feel a little rushed doing the voiceover right now but i didn't want to make the video too long this uh process was about two hours long and i am a very slow artist uh usually and uh i found it quite boring to watch the video in its regular time so i've rushed it you can sort of see around the video that i put some speed markers like how much i've sped up the that part of the video and it's usually to match the tips that i'm giving at that very moment um you know i don't want you to be this illusion that i work this fast uh art takes time and if you're moving slowly or if you're like working through your details you don't have to work as fast as i am working in this video because that's not the normal speed that i usually work in at the very end i just crop my canvas to fit the emote and then i just save it in this size don't forget to remove your background it needs to be slightly transparent unless you don't want that because i guess some emotes do not have a transparent background usually they do just keep it transparent and save it as a png i think youtube and twitch will resize it for you if your image is too big but discord won't i think discord requires you to have like a smaller file already uh it could be wrong since this is from my memory uh but usually most of them will not take your emote if it's not a exact square so your width and height of your canvas or your image has to be the same but that's about it thank you so much for watching the video i hope this helped you out somehow even though it's a little fast uh i know that we have short attention spans and this already might be too long of a video anyway uh and yeah good luck on working on your emotes if you want to see any other video from me or any other e-modes or any other kind of tutorial do tell me in the comments below i do read them sometimes i don't reply because i get several comments that are the same and then i run out of responses and i'm also very socially awkward and i basically put off replying until i don't end up replying because i'm like oh it's been a week it's kind of awkward if i reply now so there's that if you do want to talk to me directly i appreciate everyone who drops by my stream and we can have a proper conversation there kind of i've started streaming on twitch again so check out my twitch because i stream there when i just want to be a mess and i don't want to schedule my youtube streams uh it might be a little sporadic for now i don't have a proper schedule yet but i'm trying to figure that out um i still do stream on youtube occasionally but most of my art streams and more of my casual streams are on twitch i've decided to just stream more of my gameplay or maybe my collabs on youtube because i do want to watch those for myself and i don't really make much money from streaming on youtube anyway so it's you know it's about the same when i play games on twitch since people like my art streams a lot more which is fine i have accepted that i also really like watching art streams a lot more than gaming streams anyway so i cannot judge you for i am the same um yeah and i hope to be making more videos soon i've been a little busy these past two months trying to do things and now i'm sort of like uh panicking this is my life update for people who don't go to my streams okay um i'm sort of panicking because i uh my rent is being raised and i'm hoping to move out soon so there's a bit of scramble there but uh this video was recorded last month i was hoping to edit it by last month but i got a little overwhelmed with everything and editing freaked me out and so i only released it now and i have a couple more videos that i still haven't edited and i hope to also make live 2d tutorials soon since i've gotten back into working on that since i'm gonna reopen v2ber commissions since uh you know i'm a little uh short on money and i need to move out so um yeah i guess if you're interested in maybe commissioning me when they do reopen or at least seeing the prices do follow me on twitter because that's probably where i will be promoting my prices and stuff i still haven't quite settled on the price but i have changed them from my previous commissions they are those were uh kind of underpriced uh i did not price them very well and they didn't think it through very well and um it's my fault that i had a financial instability for a couple of months where i was struggling to sort of make a a good income and also maintain my own mental and physical health so uh now i am sort of adjusting it according to the recommendation of other artists who do live 2d model commissions uh so yeah i will be changing that up and making it more sustainable for me as a v tuber parent so there is that so look forward to that and i do make videos on being budget friendly for v tubers so i will still make tutorials on how to make your own youtuber model probably in the future uh because i do know that not everyone has the money to commission models but you know if you do have the money and if you are interested in having a youtuber model this video is probably not the best advertisement since i'm using a png since it's a lot easier for me to do voiceovers when i just have a png doing it this way sort of helps me streamline the editing process a little more and i don't have to do so many uh retakes as if i had to sort of do the lip sync properly so there is that uh my videos are not really scripted since i can't really follow a script because my brain so um yeah it's a little too hard for me to do it with a youtuber model so you know not the best advertisement but i'll make a proper one when my commissions do open up so yes has been extended too long i will uh stop that's about it thank you so much for watching my video like comment and subscribe if it helped you out or i don't know just just do it to help my channel please uh that's about it um
Channel: kaeriruu
Views: 51,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber
Id: trMuRS6o12Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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