How I Made the Earth FLAT in Minecraft Hardcore!

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Quite a comedian, that one, innee!?


... I enjoyed that more than I expected to.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CPE_Rimsky-Korsakov 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
this is the Earth or is it you see last episode I built the entire solar system and in it I built the Earth as a sphere but I might have been wrong some people seem to think the Earth is actually flat so I'm gonna build what they think it looks like so for this I've spent hours studying flat earthers and what they see the Earth as and I think I finally know how to build it so now it's just figuring out where to actually build it maybe it'll help if we do this oh my God we can actually see the end Islands from here so let's build it a couple hundred blocks this way [Applause] oh wait we only have one rocket oh no oh my god oh you fall off I would have been dead anyways now to build one of the biggest circles you've probably ever seen in Minecraft [Music] this project is gonna be massive and it's gonna look so cool when it's finished and maybe it'll actually convince me to become a flat earther but you'll have to wait till the end to see if it does alright so now we're going to use this carefully constructed plan to build all of the continents and all the oceans in the entire world but there's just one massive problem with that if we use the equation pi r squared to calculate this area we can see that the circle will be made out of 17 672 blocks that is a lot of blocks hmm maybe this UFO will help because you see it's not really a UFO it's a sand jeeper that we built last episode so if we just fly into the sun place our colors so blue lime green yellow and white and then turn it on this will now give us an infinite amount of these materials however this will give us concrete powder which will fall so whilst the machine upstairs is generating concrete powder I'm going to be converting it into concrete all right so now we're going to build the ice wall which is actually what flat earthers believe stops us from falling off the world yeah that definitely makes sense all right we've done about half of it but I don't remember seeing these guys on the plants they're just gonna respawn so we should probably get some torches perfect now if you didn't know flat earthers think this ice wall is actually Antarctica which means we have done one out of the seven continents so now it's time to build these continents which is gonna be very cool but also very hard like as in I literally have no idea where to start okay we're gonna go for South America first and I think we're gonna use these notches to figure out where it starts so one to three all right and looking at the plan I think it's about eight blocks away from this corner so one two three four five six seven eight and now we have to try and map out all of South America then it goes up oh it's so hard to see how many blocks this is I think it's five then two one one three one a little indent here oh I think that kind of looks like the shape in the picture now we need to somehow do all of the other continents can you guys just move please right next we're gonna do North America which is actually close to the center of Flat Earth Okay so we've got this little scrappy bit here which I don't really know what they are then I think North America literally starts here oh anyways it's North America time foreign okay and that weird looking thing is actually all of North America however when I was building it I realized we have a little bit of a problem there is no land connecting North America to South America it just seems to stop here so let's add a couple of blocks in to act as the Caribbean countries that link these two continents I don't know if you can see but there's a very angry Enderman in North America oh my god that actually jump scared me bye okay now let's build the North Pole which is actually in the center of the Flat Earth all right nice and now let's move on to the final three continents Asia Africa and Australia wait how did I forget to mention Europe it's literally where I am anyways we should probably fill them in nice oh my God the Enderman are literally taking over the world what do you want to kill themselves that's now created a bit of a problem because these torches don't look very good and I'm pretty sure flat earthers don't think there's giant torches everywhere well actually to be honest they might anyways I think I have a genius plan to stop the Enderman spawning in the ocean all we need is some of this stuff then if we do something like this this and this with a little bit more water we can make the entire ocean Enderman proof without even having to use any torches [Applause] they might be able to grab the blocks and mess up the build yeah we should probably do water at the same time and about one hour later we finished the entire ocean oh my God it actually looks so cool but before we move on to phase two of the Flat Earth plan we need to make this a bit more realistic and the first step and the first step to do that is finding a way to remove these torches we could try using lanterns or even frog lights but they'll still look just as bad wait a second what about a texture pack alright let's hope this works oh my God yes it's nice and bright and you can't see the Torches that is perfect next we're gonna add the smaller countries that we forgot to add first up is Madagascar which is just off the coast of Africa oh my God my torches are literally invisible on my Hotbar as well there's Madagascar next up is what I think is New Zealand and it's right here next to Australia and there's New Zealand and how could I forget about this one next up is the UK which is actually where I live we'll also do two squares for Ireland and now let's just quickly go for our map and make sure we've got all the countries here's the Caribbean islands oh and I think these islands actually might be the Philippines wait a second so this isn't New Zealand that's Papua New Guinea and New Zealand is like somewhere over here and there we go that is pretty much every country big enough to be represented on this model oh wait I forgot to light up New Zealand and let's just end them and chill in there sorry guys okay so this is looking pretty good but I think we can make it better and to do this we're gonna need some more resources we're gonna build some cool things like a ship and some other awesome landmarks to make this a bit more realistic and to do this we're gonna need some more resources okay so for our ship we're gonna need some Spruce Wood and now we need some wool for the sails so so now I'm thinking we built the ship somewhere over here all right and now we're gonna do the sale and there's our ship now we're gonna build some of the most famous landmarks in the entire world and first up is the Eiffel Tower so for this we're gonna need one iron bar and probably about one trees worth of wood and we'll get two just in case actually we'll probably get Spruce Wood instead all right I'm pretty sure this is France so oh there is a torch there then a fence on here some signs and perfect we have an Eiffel Tower I'm gonna make all the landmarks really small like this otherwise the scale is going to look ridiculous I mean the Eiffel Tower is already taking up all of France the next Landmark we're gonna do is the Great Wall of China and some people actually say you can see it from space wait all right I think this is China and there we have it the Great Wall of China all right next we're going to build the pyramids of Giza so all we need is some sandstone and then we can use this to craft up some stairs there we have the Pyramids of Giza now I'm thinking let's speed this up a bit next I built the Sydney Opera house and I did this quite easily by using Court stairs I'm not too sure it looked like the real thing though anyways next was the Leaning Tower of Pisa and once again it was a bit of an awful Recreation as I use these diorite wolves and then for the penultimate Landmark I decided to build Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue and you may be wondering how I'm gonna build such detailed architecture on such a small scale I'm just gonna use a armor stand and now for the final Landmark Mount Rushmore wait a second we don't have any heads well that's gonna be a problem all the other landmarks are looking perfect and exactly like their real-life counterparts but this one just looks nothing like it it doesn't even have heads I was gonna use my channel in Trident to get a supercharged creeper and get ahead that way but I can't seem to find it the only other way I can think of getting heads is by killing weather skeletons wait oh my God I'm such an idiot we have a wither skeleton form and just like that we have all seven landmarks built this place is looking pretty cool now but I think we need to add something to make it feel more alive the first thing I want to add is some fish in the ocean so let's grab ourselves 60 buckets build them all up with water and now let's collect all the fish we can find oh these are cool fish I really wish these guys could go in a bucket Nemo these ones are so cool let me know your favorite tropical fish in the comments down below and now let's release them into their new home foreign liking this it actually adds a lot to the ocean also we can add some salmon into the lakes and rivers feel like it's still messing something though I want to bring some frogs to the flutter come on Frogs make tadpoles now let's grab a bunch of these guys and once these guys grow up we're gonna have a bunch of frogs now there's only one more mob I want to get on the flutter and that one mob is the most impactful mob on the entire disc yeah that's right I'm talking about people or in Minecraft's case villagers all right now how are we gonna get these guys into the end I guess we could just use boots nice now we need to find a way to get this bow up that hill could try using Pistons will this work underwater wait what where's the Villager going wait how how did he get up there come back no no no don't go down no stay okay at least he's out of the water and this should be easier okay and then nice [Music] we've finally reached the top of the hill and now to do that one more time okay now it should be pretty simple to drop these guys down into the end now this is the difficult part nice and if we just all right let's try that again with this guy we oh my God oh my God no well that's definitely did this get any worse all right we can do this [Music] nice then if we just break these and that I'll be come on no all right let's try that again maybe we need to break the boat no no let's go stay don't don't go anywhere one in there and one in there please now we just need to build a railway to transport these two villagers from the UFO to the Flat Earth and now we just need to do the tracks ow [Music] okay let's test it out um yes and the next one and yes let's go it's actually working and there we go we now have villages on the Flat Earth so we have the landmarks we have the animals and we also now have the people maybe the Earth could actually be flat the only way to know for sure is to move on to phase two of our plan you see during my research of flood earthers I discovered that they think the Sun and the Moon move around the earth so we now have to find a way to show this on our model maybe we'll start with the Sun so I think we use the same blocks that we used for the sun in our last episode so magma blocks and stream lights all right I think we've got everything now as far as I can tell flat earthers don't think the sun and the moon are flat but judging from these diagrams they seem to think the sun is very very small meaning we won't have to build a massive Sun like this but we do have to find the right place for it so I spent the next 10 minutes searching around and trying to find the best location for the sun I used all the diagrams I could find of the Flat Earth theory and eventually I think I have it all planned out so let's build a tiny Sun and ow ow I keep burning myself on this stuff and I think there's an enchantment you could get for your boots I'll try it with some diamond boots no no uh great apparently you can't even get it from an enchanting table and I guess we're doing this now oh my God we got it first try can someone please like calculate the odds on that anyway let's go they actually work [Applause] thank you wow this looks so cool already imagine how much cooler it's gonna look with the moon as well oh and speaking of the Moon many flat earthers believe we never even went to it so I think before we build it it's important to understand how the moon landing might have actually been faked and for this we're gonna need some of these a couple of these and a bunch of other stuff now we need to find somewhere to build it and it has to be top secret this is pretty secure how about down here and then over here and if you haven't guessed already I'm building the TV studio where apparently the moon landing was faked okay so this is where like the top secret government officials might have sat then we'll add some Redstone torches to make it seem Top Secret at the front We'll add a green screen oh and we can use the invisible torches to light it up and last but not least let's add a camera that is the wrong way around and just like that we have our secret TV studio let's see if it actually works one small step for man one giant leap for lockdown live kind so now that we know how the moon landing was faked it's time to build the moon and the moon's gonna be slightly smaller than the Sun so we can start building it here now what blocks should we use to build the meat My Heart Is Telling Me cheese but Google is telling me rock and 10 iron and sadly there's no cheese in Minecraft so we'll have to go with Google's suggestion [Music] and there's the moon I'm not gonna lie it's a pretty dull Moon let's add a couple invisible torches that's much better wait I think I've got a better idea if we get rid of the torches on this side and put more torches on this side it kind of looks like the sun is reflecting onto the moon wow that's looking so cool but it's gonna look even cooler after phase three a massive Dome that protects us from everything outside of our atmosphere you may be like this frog and think that that's stupid but it kind of makes sense I mean why else would the Horizon appear to curve from a plane so to get our final opinion on whether the Earth is flat or not we need to build this massive Doom the only problem is it requires 20 000 blocks of glass I don't have 20 000 blocks of glass so I guess let's grab ourselves a shovel head to a desert and now let's mine a strange amount of sun one two three seven eight eleven whoa and that is all the sand we are gonna need yeah I don't even need this anymore thank God for this machine so now we're getting about 12 sand per second and we are definitely not smelting it at 12 cents per second looks like we need a super smelter all right let's try it out so coal in this chest sand in here and it's working so that's good we only seem to be getting about three glass per second okay so we're now getting glass at the same rate we're getting sand the only problem now is this doesn't really fit in with the solar system now whilst these machines are getting us thousands of glass so I'm gonna go check on the flutter look at these mobs everyone's happy and having a good time and these landmarks look completely natural and the Sun and the Moon just make perfect sense maybe the Earth really is flat so whilst I was building the giant Dome I did some serious thinking and I think I finally came up with a conclusion after hours of research Planning and Building I have finally made up my mind the Earth is flat [Music] and now that you know the World is Flat check out the entire history of my hardcore World goodbye
Channel: LockDownLife
Views: 1,223,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, lockdownlife, I Built the FLAT EARTH in Minecraft Hardcore?!, I provd the earth is flat in minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.19 hardcore, flat earth minecraft, minecarft flat earth, I Built the entire world in Minecraft hardcore, How i built the etire world in miecraft hardcore, Building flat earth in hardcore minecraft, minecraft 1.19 survival
Id: wNuFTz3i-Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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