How I Built the Entire Solar System in Minecraft Hardcore!

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I've just spent 20 hours mining these obsidian pillars so I can transform my boring end Dimension into the entire solar system and the solar system doesn't really have an end Island so we're going to have to get rid of it wait a second we have a problem when we finish the transformation we won't be able to spawn the dragon because the portal will be inside the Sun and if we spawn the dragon it will absolutely demolish the sun I think I have a solution we need to kill 50 Ghasts our first victim wait a second it's probably smarter if we use our looting three sword hya oh my God all right and then we can use these to make a bunch of end crystals so we're going to kill the Ender Dragon another 15 times to unlock all 20 gateways here we go wait what no no oh my God I have wasted 20 hours and there's Dragon number one now time to kill him 14 more times um I think I've broken the game I placed them when the dragon was still alive and now they're not doing anything I guess I just shoot them well that is that was very clever and great we have run out of end crystals and we have five more portals to get looks like some Ghasts are about to die and with that we have all 20 portals okay so now because of my tiny brain we need to mine all these obsidian pillars again oh my god I've just realized or something we could have used a beacon for all of this time that's going to make it so much faster I have such a tiny brain today and there we go haste two this is so much [Music] faster and bang that is all the obsidian pillars removed for the second time I'm actually such an idiot that took so long anyways the next step of the plan is Operation delete Island literally everything has to go so of course we'll start with this stuff actually we should probably leave the beacon and we should probably move this 40,000 obsidian get rid of this stuff I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with the sand jeeper maybe we could turn it into some kind of asteroid but what I am sure of is this Enderman Farm needs to go so I'll say the magic words subscribe to lockdown life and bang wait I can't believe that actually worked all right and the last thing we need to get rid of is just this 1 million end we obviously can't just mine This by hand right yeah we actually can't so my plan is to build a bunch of TNT machines and make them do my work for me whilst I relax somewhere and read your comments but before we can do that we actually need to build the machines so let's get collecting the first thing we need is a bunch of slime that is the wrong hole ah here we are perfect next some Redstone a bunch of observers a Sprinkle of TNT and finally some Coral fans yeah not going to lie these were surprisingly hard to find so I'm going to click to them all right so I've just done the math and it turns out we need a bunch more slimes so I'm just going to collect up the rest of the materials whilst the slime farm does its thing all right perfect that is everything we're going to need okay now it's actually time to start operation delete Island but before we can just sit back and relax and use our TNT machine workers we need to trim this island because right now it's a bit of a weird shape and the TNT machines are just going to go along in lines so I think it would be better if we had more of a square shape um hello oh my god get combos all right so first let's get rid of these weird floaty [Music] bits the little random floating bits have been destroyed now I think we'll use some good oldfashioned TNT Bruce Force action to trim the rest of the end Island yeah you see this bit that kind of sticks out that has to go so I think we'll draw a line about here all right now everything that side is getting destroyed are you guys actually kidding [Music] me all right that is a lot of angry Enderman yeah we're going to need to do that a lot more this time I might try some pillars of TNT oh we do too far [Music] wow so now it's time to build the machines H we need to make sure these things are not in the way I think this looks good so all right that's the machine built we just need to Prime the TNT and then we click this ah what the hell all right it looks like the machine's working which is good and it should stop nice now we need to place our second TNT here and now for the Moment of Truth is this actually going to work look let's go oh that's going to make things so much faster I'm going to let it run for about 10 minutes and see how it [Music] does all right let's see oh my god wow if that's what one machine can do in 10 minutes imagine what 30 could do in an hour all right so let's turn this thing off for now did an Enderman actually just knock me off first we need to lay out a perimeter so the te TNT machines can cover the entire Island so all right and now the same for the other side subscribe to lockdown life perfect and now I need to use my massive brain to figure out how far apart these TNT machines need to be to each other one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 13536 137 180 divid 30 that is six so that means the TNT machines need to be six blocks apart and we're going to build 30 of them all right so first let's build all of the return stations and straight away we've got a problem these things are going to be in the way this is going to be so annoying because if we can't do this this is all going to be up really high and the rest will be broken doing this by hand or manually with TNT will just take so much more extra time as well but after some time of thinking I might have come up with a solution what if we do the impossible and break the bedro rock all we really need for this is some Pistons some levers some trap doors and some TNT yeah as you can see from the broken portal block this is definitely my first try come on please let it work this is how you me to do it what and it didn't even break Yes we finally broke one piece of Bedrock now let's try and do it for all the other ones that are going to be in the way of our machines ow and the last piece of Bedrock yes perfect that is the first end portal Gateway completely destroyed and now I'm just going to go along and destroy all the other ones which are in the way of our TNT machines wait pause the transition there is another problem I've checked and pretty much all of these portal gateways are in the way of our TNT machines so instead of literally breaking all that bedrock and destroying the water blocks as well we're just going to lower this by a couple of blocks and then mine the extra blocks from the endstone so that way the TNT doesn't blow up the TNT machines so let's make sure we got Hast two and let's just clear as many of these blocks on this level as [Music] [Applause] [Music] possible all right nice now we just need to test how much we have to lower this by all right and that all depends if this machine can go under this is it going to work oh nope it is not going to work we need to lower it one more time so looks like we're going to have to mine this entire layer all right nice now I'm going to lower these and then blow up these random pieces of Bedrock so resume the transition all right now the TNT machine should be easily able to go under there so before we can destroy the entire Island the last step is to build 30 of these TNT machines this is going to be fun perfect we now have all the flying machines complete the only thing I'm worried about is the lag because this is what my PC sounded like with only one machine running yeah we might be in trouble and we've put the levers in the wrong place great perfect now we just need to Prime the TNT wow that looks so cool now we just need to add the TNT to this side and now all we have to do is turn the machines on is it going to break my PC oh my God no we forgot to cover up the portal oh no it is literally destroying our Beacon and for some reason all of these flying machines have broke oh this is going to be so annoying all right we've managed to fix them all but we have another problem the portal is higher than the rest of the endstone blocks which means the three flying machines there blow themselves up when they go over it so to fix this we need to break all the Bedrock just hover this up so we don't fall through and let's get to work and we accidentally blew ourselves through the B wow we've actually got so much better than that now if we just remove this obsidian and we have a completely bed rockless portal which TNT can't rest on meaning these machines won't be able to destroy themselves all right now I think it's finally time to turn on these machines and complete operation delete Island and whilst the machines destroying the entire end Island I'm going to be reading some of your comments and sitting outside it wouldn't be a lockdown live vid if he didn't kill a horse I like Ramen says he is so close to 1 million I think he deserves it well thank you very much and you guys can help by clicking subscribe wow those were some really nice comments I really hope I get another one of those ah Aiden Gilbert says l l l l all right it's been a couple of hours let's see what it's done oh my God it's literally destroyed so much of the island all right so to finish up the remaining 5% of blocks we're going to need a beacon but not just any old Beacon a void Beacon yeah it's a it's a beacon in the void okay so my plan is to start at the top of these bits and just work our way down yeah this is going to be a bit harder than I thought goodbye endstone blocks yeah I think one of my favorite things to do in this video is just to drop Enderman into the void so satisfying so this process of clearing out the Romanian endstone actually took quite a while and made me realize we had a very big problem and as you can see guys operation delete island has been completed but like I said we have a very big problem this video was meant to be completed tonight and we still have to build the entire a solar system so we really need to start picking up the pace the next step is to map out where all the planets are going to go so for this we're going to need a bunch of dirt and we'll probably grab some Netherrack too okay now we should probably build something around the portal the only problem is this might be a bit tricky need to go exactly through the middle yes perfect actually how are we going to do the edges he effect so this is going to be the very center of our solar system and now I need to work out how far away the planets are going to be and how big they're all going to be so whilst I use my massive brain to do that all right this might not make much sense to you guys but that's okay because I think I know what I'm doing we've got it all planned out now now we just need to get the materials and actually build the entire solar system so one of the main materials we're going to be using is concrete which means we need a bunch of dyes nice so that's all the magenta Dy will'll ever need yeah this Farm's pretty annoying because it only does one type of flower for the rest of them I guess we'll just collect manually [Music] scary all right and now with this die we can make all the different colored concrete all right now we can come down here and use our concrete oh wait we destroyed all of it with our TNT Jeepers yeah we need to rebuild this chests Hoppers and I think it goes something like this okay there it is kind of feel like it's not going to fit in with this build H I don't really know what to do about that what do you think Mr Enderman wait that could actually work all we need is a couple more blocks and some lime green stained glass and bang we have a flying UFO to completely house the sand duper all right let me show you how this works all right so first we load up all the concrete powder that we want to duplicate then we just flick these leevers to turn the machine on and make sure our chunk loader is working now if we jump through here all the concrete is being duplicated and sorted into these chests oh this is actually working so much better than I thought it would whenever I build something it always goes wrong anyways the process isn't over now we can take this stuff and whilst we're getting more concrete powder we can come down here and convert the concrete powder into concrete this way I'm using my massive brain to get concrete and concrete powder at the same time and we're going to use this method to get all the materials to build the Earth which is the first planet we're going to build okay I think we're finally ready to start building and how this is going to work is we're going to build a planet at each one of these stations and then in the Middle where the Netherrack is that's where the giant Sun's going to be and obviously as you can see from this animation everything is not going to be to scale because that would be actually impossible to do in Minecraft and doing it this way is going to look so much cooler anyway so of course we're going to start with the Earth which of course is going to be blue and green but the question is which green h i feel like this one's more realistic but the lime kind of looks cooler yeah I think we're definitely going to have to go with this green all right so we're going to start at the bottom and use some white concrete to build the South Pole all right now we're going to move up the layers and gradually Fade Out the snow into some ocean and also land I think this is going to look really cool and there we go we have finished building the entire Earth but that is only one planet of the eight planets in the solar system so we need to get moving the next planet we're building is Elon musk's favorite planet yeah that's right we're building Mars Mars has a very ready orange color so we should probably use a mixture of orange and red concrete H actually I think these colors are a bit too vibrant at this point I decided to Google the conditions on Mars and it said that the surface is actually covered in some red dust which gave me an idea there isn't any red dust in Minecraft but there is red sand however red sand has gravity so we're going to have to use red Sandstone which still looks good all right we've got all the red Sandstone oo and I've actually got a cool idea to build Mars how about a countdown in three two one and wow that totally didn't take ages but it's not finished I want to add one more thing get in the hole yeah it's definitely too small all right now get in the [Music] hole just get in the hole and there we go that is Mars complete next up we have the gas giants and specifically Jupiter all right so as you can see Jupiter has this stripe pattern going on and I think the color scheme of it is pretty pretty similar to a Mesa biome so I think we'll be using these sort of blocks to build Jupiter all right I think we've got everything and because Jupiter is mainly this white color we're going to build it entirely out of that first and then add the stripes tell you what I am good at building spheres in Minecraft and now we just say the magic words subscribe to lockdown life and it's not working wait a second you're not subscribed are you you have to actually subscribe for it to work okay let's try again subscribe to lockdown life and there we go it actually worked that is three out of the eight planets complete all right now it's time to move on to the second of the gas giants Saturn I didn't really know this but Saturn is actually sort of a yellow color so I guess we'll just use yellow concrete then all right so I've decided because Jupiter has some Stripes we're also going to use some yellow terra cotta to just make it more realistic what do you think about that Elon all right that looks quite cool but I feel like it might be missing something H I can't really think what it is ah yeah Saturn has a ring doesn't it and just like that Saturn is now complete so that's four planets complete and four more to go however we're running out of time so we need to do these planets quickly so the next planet is Uranus all right and because Uranus is pale blue and it's also extremely cold so I seems like the perfect option so let's build [Music] Uranus that is Uranus complete now onto Neptune the furthest away planet from the sun and looking at the pictures Neptune is a bit darker so I think we'll go with this blue concrete and I'm sure you're probably bored of watching me build Spears in Minecraft so whilst I build this one enjoy this footage of a squirrel eating a nut all right and that's Neptune built all right now it's time for the last two planets and they're pretty mid here so all right so this is Mercury and that planet there is Venus so we now have all eight planets in the solar system so all that's left to do is build a massive sun in the center I think we're going to go for something like this as the design cu the glowstone will give it the light and the magma blocks will give it the fiery aesthetic we're going for so I guess let's start collecting the 14,000 blocks we need for this sun ooh that actually looks way better than glowstone after countless calculations hundreds of decisions and over 60 hours of work we are finally about to finish the entire solar system in Hardcore Minecraft it looks so cool I just had the finishing touches to do getting rid of the bed Rock adding more lighting and replacing the horse Elon with Elon husk and then it was [Music] [Applause] done watch this video next or Elon husk dies
Channel: LockDownLife
Views: 5,574,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, lockdownlife, minecraft solar system, i built the solar system in minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore solar system, I built the enitre solar system in minecraft hardcore, i built the entire solar system in hardcore minecarft, minecraft hardcore entire solar system, How i built the entire solar system in minecraft hardcore, how I built the enitre universe in minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.19 hardcore, solar system in minecraft
Id: v3ElgEJeS7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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