My 666 IQ Imposter Play Made the NEWS

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so we played among us but added two new roles to the game jester and sheriff whoever has the jester rule has the sole purpose of trying to pretend to be an impostor if crewmates vote them out thinking they're the imposter the jester wins whoever has the sheriff roll gets to take matters into their own hands if they think someone is an imposter they can kill them and if they're right and pick the right one it'll work but if not both players die instead leaving the other players down two crewmates if they're wrong also we were drinking enjoy the video hey look guys we're all friends now i haven't killed each other all right i'm gonna stay away from the sheriffs don't mess with me i got a gun i got a gun i'm not afraid to use yeah okay okay same though i got it you know who i think it is [Music] guys i think tina's innocent but she's trying to get us both killed i think no say god is an imposter tina if i was an imposter i would have just killed you there and died okay let me break down what happened corpse just killed pregnant oh yeah oh yeah corpse you caught one you caught one oh let's all drink to it guys cheers nice job thank you best sheriff in town he was just singing and you killed him that's what he does i actually noticed that he starts to like act extremely casually but she's really funny all right wait guys i know what to do please kill another person and we'll see if he's right all right i like that idea if it's a youtube video or not i agree what what's the plan he killed both of them yup that would be a cool youtube video let's just skip and let them try again guys the video when you talk about the video right i'll just go cut it out yeah cut it out cut it out cut it out but what if corpse is just the imposter yeah no no no no no we'll know that it's him then right all right listen all right i'm gonna kill him i'm gonna kill him toast and i'm gonna blame him [Music] okay oh great corpse get him corpse who do you think everybody everybody get on the wall get on the wall get on the wall all right line up on the wall it's like the way it goes [Music] everybody say hello in left priority hello hello hello hello hi i need to hear ray yeah where'd ray go how come she's afraid of getting slapped right she's running maybe she's i want to go for ray ray chase and react she's reactive okay that's all good let's go let's go to reactor oh tina i know a shortcut to reactor actually it's in the new mod pack oh okay yeah see over here there's actually a oh wait sorry this is the wrong spot otto was showing me something um it's special yeah right here this is the shortcut do we have everyone no ray yes right yeah she's here right i'm here alone oh it's a shortcut this one is in tree room oxygen at the top no god didn't we just oh what where's right who's in reaction it was for it no i mean i guess she could have been to but i don't think she did no she can't well yeah that's true no she was in reactor when we looked down and then i i walked there and i was like ray and then she's here so unless you're tired it's impossible but i don't think so i don't think it was her what happened i was gonna murder you and then well corpse wanted to kill you for the next shot i believe corpse killed bretman accurately the way he sounded was too innocent sounding okay i think there's one killer and i don't know i think corpse is innocent yeah didn't you get one yeah yeah i feel like it's toast and corpse wait the corpse just say we're on six though i'm drunk dude i was looking at the vote he has been drinking are you guys even drinking yes not vote somebody and then i was like my brain was like wait we're on six we shouldn't do oh yeah that also finish the bottle um wow damn all right well do you mean you want me to shoot as in you want me to vote yeah we're shooting because i don't i would vote ray but i also just she just backed me so now rey okay i don't want to shoot anymore i'm skipping okay wait we're gonna leave okay oh no i got one [Music] or if you're wrong if you haven't seen that you got one oh yeah everyone line up including ray okay everyone including ray i will light up i don't know what's happening here wrong corpse i thought you wanted this youtube video what did i do all right corpse you're gonna have to tell me tell us what to do on this one all right so i couldn't [Music] what do you think about bingus i love bingo's praise vegas hmm there was a smile maybe he's smiling too smiling this makes me happy so i couldn't say hello hello what are you toast why are you standing all the way over there what are you what do you think about shiny bingos what do i think about it yeah i think it's shiny all right toast what's up how do you feel about economic value um capitalism is a social construct all right everybody take a drink to that okay okay yes sir yes sir yes sir i can't believe this i can't believe you guys just did that we did it you guys forgot me [ __ ] i made them take their hand off i hate you i made them typically do this anymore i made them take their hand off the [ __ ] report button so that this is why that is so weird so much power actually i'm gonna yell i'm sorry i was being mean i didn't i'm gonna yelp it right now [ __ ] don't say sorry come give me a [ __ ] guys we'll stop being such a [ __ ] okay ash i was kidding what's up just kidding what i can hear dragon dragon i i can't do it okay i couldn't pull the trigger on that i'm sorry it wasn't about what do you mean by dragon that's toast that's toast i'll come with you oh i watch that video don't even think for a second i don't know what that means and this is that joke let me just yeah i deserve that i like this mode a lot just as fun it confuses me i wish i just wish there was like [ __ ] makes me not want to take shots on eight oh man everyone's gonna feel bad for me they won't want to kill me first right i hope i really hope i really hope all right we're back in it guys we're back in it let's go fake a scan boop faking a scan boop making a scan oh i just finished it i i just finished it yep i had just finished my scan right when he got here that's what i happened when she leaves i'm 8371 [Music] i just don't want to die i just hope i don't die i really don't want to die it's like i'm smart someone's watching do you love the number 7927 they're on admin oh my god ludwig knows [Music] where the fudge what the heck ah what the hey gosh darn it ha fudge frick wait she asked it all right i'm sure this will work because if someone comes here to just do the task then boom i know they're crummy oh no what the hell is this what the hell we need the double kill i think ray is the jester right where are you oh no please don't kill me please please don't kill me don't don't kill me please don't kill me i'm gonna hit the button someone's got to be dead oh my god i just tried to hit the button i didn't make it in time jesus you guys killed everybody oh my god i thought for sure someone was dead we're so close to reporting the first body so i was like kind of watching it to see if they're going to but they never got close where was it there was it was right at the entrance of that like that uh the garden area yeah yeah you guys didn't go up far enough and then psychonaut was running to the button with corpse and i killed it yeah i was like somebody's got to be dead yeah they just killed them i was dead so i couldn't let [Music] do we have keys no we don't have keys you're clapping then stop everybody stop that stop i'm i'm gesturing i'm really yesterday okay okay i sounded like a pirate um i think it's you to be completely honest huh okay oh corpse remember when i killed you in storage earlier wasn't that so funny oh really [Music] oh you know who i last saw with brooks who did you see him with tina carps he said hey brooke let me tell you something corpse i mean brook keeps dying kill brook first the beginning of the round no you wouldn't yes he would all right guys i really need to go to the bathroom because of all the drinking i'm gonna vote for one of the imposters this person is definitely an imposter oh can you say that you passed me real quick can you at least tell them that i was just i know who you are okay i'm gonna vote for psychonauts i also voted you know i'm voting for no too so when he comes back he'll be like what like wow i was just was like i know it's not him i was just with him oh wait what the heck it couldn't cancel my vote oh that's just preposterous i don't know why that wait we can't count oh oh my god what if anyone asked i voted for you because valkyrie oh my goodness i didn't even regret then what is going on you all my friends are weird on alcohol just because i love psychonauts oh my question i have a task i'm doing my little task what toast nose 100 good job whoever fixed it i fixed left seismic oh i reported about it jesus meeting's still not over uh the bathroom and came back um the body just have our checked vitals in office and almost that oh wait i can't hear toast okay i refer okay it's valkyrie it's probably your guilty conscience but we control heart i think left sides i mean left seismic who fixed the right one yeah who was cena's on left who's on right hello it's a good thing to be on the right reactor who was on the right reactor was he right no i didn't go at a reactor were you the one vitals with me in toast someone else would say when reactor was called i went straight out and then i was checking it said one or two so i was heading to the left side but then it was finished before i got there so i started going to lab where's the body [Music] um vitals oh [ __ ] went down did you pass by ray no no there has to be someone who left a reactor then right probably right reaction i think it's someone that went to reactor i think of an imposter wants to try to be innocent by going to reactor he was telling the truth he was [Laughter] i caught that oh oh wait now i can tell her the joke ray ray ray ray because an imposter is someone pretending to be someone else and you were pretending to be dream so technically it was a joke because now you are an imposter imposting his dream almost ray hello no no no a lot of people voted for ray almost people that's really true i don't like the fact that reactor got caught though yeah that's a little weird it's toast safe right guys yeah oh yeah yeah someone else thank you samantha thank you natalie thank you salsa wait which key is your kids listen i'm doing it i'm doing my keyboard my bottom left maybe i've done this um she seems to be afk oh then they'll think i'm not imposter because that seems to work every time wow we are imagining snack guys we shouldn't stack you know yeah someone could be at the drop ship and kill us imposter stuff wait so yeah i was the imposter last round that's crazy tina's afk that means if there's two postures they could double kill here and then tina there's five of us so yeah but tina's a okay oh that's true all right double kill all right okay okay all right i'll get brett i'll die to try and keep tino alive i said i protect her correct roman wait can anyone hear bretman i can't hear brethren oh i can't remember let's control her as well hey bretman oh hey i'm pretty sure i saw you walking around what does afk mean just say what does afk mean wait toast what were you doing right there oh there's a note there right toast can you hear me oh my god toast can't hear me they're all in dropship they're gripping oh no we hate gripping i missed clicked okay ray's in the middle of telling me about her dog and how old he is and someone has murdered wait i think that their vision didn't reach them i'm so upset i wait that's true but i didn't i didn't thank you yeah but there was a report button inside the cage right we got the report button but we couldn't see the body so i don't know no it was in the hallway who was it the report it was in the hallway into the lights corpse uh yes walked in there and i'm pretty sure i heard brooke and ray talking and she literally died as they were talking mid sex yeah i wouldn't kill her in the middle of talking with her guys my gpa is huge earlier in the round yeah because me hoffu and ray went down to bottom left and then we came up with the lights and then yeah well whoever did this is actually really good because i was literally there so it could be one killer doing both kills yeah yeah that's what i'm saying it could be i want to clear everyone in electrical lights but at the same time they could have done the other kills so i'm like well bradley couldn't have sounds like we don't have enough my sauce is on brooke you could skip no no brendan could not i am the one that fixed the lights i don't mean [ __ ] girl that was really fun if it's outside of the lights i fixed the light yeah but you could have killed and got in fixed oh my god gotta kill what the [ __ ] what was that noise it killed cycuno unfortunately sorry that was my bad i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i my reflexes are not good right now i'm sorry that was it kill me are you please don't kill me please don't focus it what the heck okay wait tina no wait of course corpse did you realize that tina was talking to us when we couldn't see her wait i wasn't talking to you guys oh my god this is so confusing wait you said what the heck well let me let me know no i was talking to myself what the hell did you process this okay so i was walking about wait i have a story i'm i reported the body okay saikuna was like tina you want to see something i can trust you right and i was like yeah and so then i followed him right or i tried to and then i lost him i was like where'd you go where'd you go and then i see a report button i'm like thinking it's behind storage but lo and behold it's above storage right so this is either tina or tina's the jester and i i have heard i also can hear toast oh okay okay corpse and brook walked out of electrical after fixing the light at right speed yes who did you vote i um skips because i'm wrong but i am oh well maybe i did vote and i'm not saying who i voted for we'll find out when everybody votes really important seconds to spare okay do you guys want to know who i voted for yeah okay let's hopefully spill it okay since we're all drunk there's no feelings that will be hurt because we all don't feel [ __ ] i must say i'm sorry brooke but i'm so obsessed with you right now oh my every situation brooke has been involved in to be honest can you tell them okay i don't think it has to be tina it has to be it's not brook [Music] [Music] open this button i counted down brooke oh it's toast are you guys happy are you guys happy now that you accused you did a great job you did a great job brother are you happy now toast i hope you get the win you want it too bad oh no i don't die oh i died oh my god holy [ __ ] those are some good kills why did i have to say that was pretty good jesus thank you abe brooke was with me the whole time did you think i was gonna vote for you there yeah yeah because he said feelings and i was like well he doesn't have feelings for anyone else [Music] right
Channel: Corpse Husband
Views: 4,204,992
Rating: 4.9602365 out of 5
Id: bC45cng6hY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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