How I Got Around The Long Rolex Wait List And Purchased 3 New Rolex Stainless Steel Sport Watches

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today I'm talking about Rolex a long waiting list how I was able to purchase three Rolex Sport and bottles or stir professional models within the last six months what I did to get around the long waiting list and help get myself bumped up on the list I'm gonna show you these watches here and here in a moment but before I do that I'm gonna show you what's on my wrist today you may have already seen it but it's the Rolex Explorer 2 42 millimeters love this watch I purchased it back in Lake Tahoe actually it was late summer of last year I picked up this watch I'd been looking at it for a number of years I picked up from a dealer called David SW and then really after I've started wearing this watch it really changed how I felt about the modern Rolexes and with the news of the oyster bracelet some of the new updated technology that comes in these watches so stick with me I'm gonna show you these watches here in a sec and I'm also going to give you ten tips on what you can do to help bump yourself up on the list if you're someone that's looking to purchase a Submariner or an explorer in that stainless steel it's a it's a sport model if you want to buy one brand new from a dealer or an authorized dealer you got to go on a waiting list and I'm gonna share with you how you can help get yourself or get around the waiting list if if you follow these steps I think it'll it'll definitely help and might get you bumped up on the list stick with all right guys so the first watch I'm gonna show you is my Rolex deep sea sea dweller it's the james cameron edition i purchased this back in the beginning of December 2018 and got lucky actually with this particular model I just happened to walk into my authorized dealer I had just come from a client meeting and it was was actually my birthday the salesperson I guess she was I guess you could say that she was excited to sell the watch to me and be able to get approval because she had to go through an approval process with their VP okay watch number two is the Rolex GMT blue and black ceramic or also known as the Batman that everyone calls it bought this at the beginning of April 2019 one of the most popular watches that I own right now I guess as far as collectability is concerned this one is very high in demand a lot of people want to pick it up and they no longer make this exact model you can you can buy the this watch with the blue and black bezel but it comes with a Jubilee bracelet and I'm not as big of a fan of the way that that looks and just got really lucky to be able to buy this and bought it from a different store same authorized dealer just different store different salesperson okay so the final watch that I purchased within the last six months is my brand new Rolex Submariner date and I recently sold about a month and a half two months ago I sold my Submariner no date the pre ceramic version to buy this one and as soon as I I was all ready I'd already told my salesperson that I was interested in this but I really wasn't on the list and so as soon as I sold my know date and went in and I said hey look I I really want to buy this one and so she put me on the list and you know I got the call a couple weeks ago and when picked it up and I'm gonna from here I'm gonna share with you what I did to go through the process of getting these three watches within the last six months and how I was able to kind of quickly bump myself up on the list to get this one in fact I actually was able to get around someone else that should have bought this watch and I'm gonna show you some some tips with you on how to do that so stick with me and we'll get into it right now so without further ado here are the tips that I have for you today on what I think you should do if you want to try and get around the waiting list I mean if you're somebody that you know you're not a huge hurry I wouldn't worry about this you know just I guess continue to wait for for a phone call but if you want to try and get yourself around that or get bumped up here's some of the things that you can attempt to do and maybe it'll help I can't make any guarantees that it will increase your chances but I think you know if you follow these steps it will at least it'll least help and it'll help you create a relationship with your authorized dealer okay number one get to know your sales rep I know this sounds kind of kind of simple but I think it's very important right so what I mean by that is when you go into a dealer for the first time or if you you know been there a few times but maybe you don't have a relationship or maybe you've bought a little bit of product from them or maybe you've even bought one watch for them right get to know that the individual sales people if you can or ask around and find out who is either the manager or the ambassador to the brand and find out or find out who the top salesperson is at the company because most likely the person that islet the ambassador or or maybe a manager or a top salesperson they're the ones that can effect change for you and kind of push to to help get that watch maybe a little bit sooner because obviously the people that have top sales typically you know they have access to be able to sell those products a lot faster okay number two dress nice when you go in I know this may sound again a simple tip and and interesting or maybe weird that I'm saying this but first impressions are very important I'm not saying that you need to wear a suit and tie or a tuxedo I'm not saying you need to wear those things you know if you can wear some some nice slacks and a button-up shirt and a belt I mean obviously you can wear whatever you want but again first impressions matter right and so one of the comments that one of my sales persons mentioned to me was the day that I bought the deep sea I was dressed in a suit it was my birthday and she's you know she just she lied to my I guess my appearance and how I approached her and no she decided to sell me the watch and got approval to do it and you guys think you got I remember too is you know these folks they have people approaching them all the time that want to buy these watches and so it's a seller's market they can sell really to whoever they want the products in the safe you just got to convince them to sell you to watch essentially number three and I think this is probably one of the most important points or taught our tips that I'm going to give to you and that is be persistent persistence will typically get you what you want and this is something that I truly believe in sales I've been in sales for Alma over a decade and the more persistent you are the better chances you have in selling yourself and selling a product and so with this because this is a seller's market right now with these authorized dealers you kind of have to sell yourself in that you want to convince them that you want to buy the watch and so the more persistent you are the more you show up the more you go in and talk with them the more chances that I personally believe that you'll be able to sell it and again you got to talk to the right person the person that is you know most has the most ability to affect change with selling you that timepiece number four and I think this coincides with being persistent and that is let them know you're serious about buying the watch and that you are ready to put your credit card down as soon as they call you again these guys they get calls all day long they have people coming in and wanting to try on sport models wanting to Submariner that's the number one thing that people ask for and if you let them know like hey number one I want this I want to pick it up as soon as you call me I will I will pay for it right away right and that you are ready at all times to pick one up plan a sales person that one of these authorized dealers gets assigned one of these watches they have a limited amount of time to sell it and so they immediately start calling the people on their list and the first person that says yes I'll give you a down payment or 20% or however much they require down to buy it they're gonna sell it to that person right away so you've got to be ready to put money where your mouth is essentially number five and some people might might think that this is odd that I'm saying this but I think it's important be polite and cordial to your salesperson remember it's a sale it's a seller's market and they can sell to whatever they want if you go in and you're a jerk or you're super pushy and you're like getting angry because they're not selling you what you want they're just gonna write you off they're gonna blacklist you and never call you all right they're gonna pretend to write your number down and throw it in the trash as soon as you walk out you want to make friends with these folks right because they're the ones that can sell you the watch they they basically decide when and where they sell or when and how they sell these watches to their clients right and typically the VIP customers are the ones that get to buy them sooner than everyone else number six spend a little money if you can and I'm not saying you need to go out and spend thousands of dollars or tens of thousand dollars even more than that I haven't you know before I bought these watches I hadn't spent you know within the last couple of years I hadn't spent a whole lot of money with my with my dealer I had a out of history with them but basically what I'm saying is if you can do it right so let's say you have Father's Day coming up or Mother's Day or Valentine's Day or it's your anniversary with your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend for that matter spin a little bit of money if you can maybe a hundred bucks or a couple hundred bucks what this will do is it will start the process of and make sure that when you buy whatever it is that you buy if you do it that you use it like a debit card or a credit card or something that's electronic so that there's a record that that starts with that transaction and make sure that you let them know that you want an account created in your name so that there's a history there because a lot of these authorized dealers when they go to sell you one of these watches or they look into your history they will look at your account and how much activity you've done and they'll look to see if you've done any business and the reason behind that is they are trying to avoid selling to people that are going to flip these pieces because remembered there's there's a high demand Rolex right now this the the sport models are the only link it's the only product that I know of where you can literally buy it at retail and pay tax and then turn around and put it on the market the open market online at double what you paid and sell it the same day these sales people they are trying to avoid that from happening they want to sell the people that want to collect these models right so just keep that in mind spend a little money if you can you can't no big deal but you know I think it's it's a good thing to do if you if you have the ability to do so alright number seven ask lots of questions and what I mean by that is ask questions about how they do business as far as when they get product and so what I did is I found out with my authorized dealer is they get product about every one to two weeks and it's typically on the weekends and so it's not going to be the same for every dealers and probably something there maybe get get product every week during the middle of the week but what you can do you can actually wait until around those times after you've let your sales / you know you've gone in you've got to know them you've let them know that you're looking to to buy something and right around that time you can text them if you have their cellphone or call them or go in in person and ask hey do you have you have product in stock by doing that you're letting them know that you still have an interest right I'm not saying this is gonna work right off the bat you may have to go in a couple of times your enquire a couple of times but to give you an example on the Submariner that I just bought I kept going in about every week every or every two weeks letting my salesperson know hey I'm interested in buying this you know when do you have stock available and then I texted them on a Saturday asking hey you know do you have any product coming in I'm super eager to buy this the Submariner the next day I got a text back saying well let you know when something comes in right and so it was kind of like a bummer but then 10 minutes later I got a text saying we'll call you on Monday be prepared and so that told me that someone had come in they were gonna call me and let me know you know that I could they could pick something up number eight do your research and define what you want and what I mean by this is if you're new to the brand and you haven't figured out what you want I recommend going in and trying on as many models as you can you might get lucky and there may be a two-tone version this is like for example the Submariner or there may be a gold version right and so you can at least try some of these on and figure out which watch you like the most if you have that ability and the I'm saying this is it's better to define exactly what you want with your dealer like I want to Submariner date or the Explorer right and so if you define what you want you can get an idea of maybe how long that will take and then you're more likely to get that specific watch than if you just say I want anything in your your catalog because they might kind of write you off if you do that thinking that you're just looking to buy whatever you can so that you can turn around and sell it number nine is throw as many feelers out as you can go around and check as many authorized dealers as you can if you've got multiple companies that are in your area that carry Rolex go to each one of them right get to know the salesperson at each single one get yourself on the list right the more feelers you have out there the more chances you are that you're going to get that phone call soon all right guys so my final tip is number 10 and that is be persistent be persistent and I know that I talked about this on a number three but going back to what I was saying earlier the more you stay top of mind with your salesperson and the more you I think stay in contact with them and I'm not saying to be annoying I'm just saying makes you go in if you can like if you really want to buy one of these watches I get it you're just you know open at the mouth and you're burning a hole in your pocket why be lazy right if you if you have the ability if you're you know going through there like for me I go and visit clients up more from where I live and I have several authorized dealers that I Drive by so I just you know at lunch I'll go in and I'll just drop in and say hello I've seen videos of other very very well-known collectors and in the watch community that have these huge collections where they've got all brand-new you know all like maybe they have every single brand new Rolex sport model available and the main thing that I heard from them was they were very persistent right they just got to know there's their salespeople they got to know their dealers and just were you know basically in there as much as they could and were as persistent as they could possibly be so and another thing that I that I will tell you a quick story before I in this before I bought my to the Submariner the last time that I into my dealer I had gone in there every week I sometimes I've gone in there twice in a week and so finally I guess I was I was ready to buy a used one I almost did I almost bought one from a dealer that sells them locally in the area and so I went in and I talked to my salesperson and I said look I'm thinking about buying one of these used ones and the response I got was John do not do that do not buy it used you're gonna not only you're gonna pay a premium but you know why would you do that I'm not saying that you you know if you're someone that's looking to buy it used Submariner and you found one that had a price at you that you like a more power to you they're much easier to get used than they are brand new but her response to me was all and I was able to go in and pick it up and so through persistence and then kind of finally sort of kind of giving that nudge of hey look if you don't sell me one I'm gonna move on and so back to what I was saying earlier when I was showing you the sub I got got the call and you know they my sales person and in a nutshell told me that they had bumped me up on the list and it was supposed to be sold to someone else but you know sold it to me and so that guys that's what I did to help get or to help bump me up on the list and get around the long wait times was to follow those steps and it's work for me I hope it works for you if you want to try it let me know your experience if you do try some of these steps put some comments in good or bad I want to hear about them if you liked what you saw on this video please hit the subscribe button and also hit the bell from the notifications you can also follow me on instagram at Luxan time and then you know I would love to see you in the next video come check me out I'm going to be posting more videos about watches I love watch collecting and other items on the sneaker head I also love technology so I'm going to be posting more videos similar to this some unboxing but I'm also through social media I want to be able to show the lifestyle of some of these things so stay tuned there's some pretty good stuff coming your way and we'll see you in the next video thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lux and Time
Views: 147,390
Rating: 4.1187372 out of 5
Keywords: rolex, Rolex stainless steel, oyster professional, rolex sport watch, how to video, rolex wait list, submariner, get gmt master ii, deepsea sea dweller james cameron edition, new rolex, get batman, luxury watch, getting around the rolex waitlist, Rolex Explorer II, rolex waiting list, rolex bubble, rolex stainless steel shortage, rolex waitlist, getting around the rolex wait list, rolex collector, watch review, rolex hulk, rolex watches, rolex authorized dealer
Id: CAbhDZkbcYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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