How I Got A Job At Tokyo Creative | Q&A

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yeah hello everyone this is Johnny today I'm going to make a Q&A video about me why I'm drinking this gear so fast bu I'm going to drink it to go be a citizen on Japan's first movie music while I'm drinking I'm going to answer the question by that phone is the prom first question what's my favorite drink of course beer the next question is for money thank you la food goes well with ear I prepared a bunch of good food this is similar this is Joshua my brother made and then this is the Saba mcaro and this is hoping skin and yoga and my mother made it let's go boppin tamago bread any is a cat food it goes well with beer I possibly I just kind of love it top buddy downside anything is ikat me next question is what's my favorite known Japanese food I think I like the my Asian food lot as my inspiration that's also another question I got and he used to live the same house as Chris's family they handle together for me my husband and Chris and Chris's the dose and girlfriend we already closed and then our next question is how long I have been together with him it's I started dating with him early 2012 and then now it's 2020 so we've been together for eight years and there will be my for three years how did I learn English learn my English for my husband basically like the guy a hunter maybe you are living in Japan you guys noticed Tom but when I was University my parents pickles and then I was a day with my dying brother finally I need to support my dad a lot so I worked non-stop like right now I did I love the pot kinda job and then I cook I do a lot of the household things for me brother and that I was like I would like to start speaking English and then I was thinking we love Bobby the best way to learn quickly that I started from him in the Pokemon idea and now I found my husband in the share house party I wasn't living there but I visited here's your house for the Christmas party and then I met him joining us America speaker be of the Bahasa just because my very good friend Allison she's asking me to send other year and she taught me a lot of them perhaps out in the nation language so I could speak via bahasa we can simulate the money and then English I just love from the high school and Japanese I mix everything and started talking to him that's how I Japanese the next question is how did I get job in topic right there the answer is I was close friend with Chris open all when Chris wanted to start his new brand which is Nokia creative you wanted to start influencer company not managing already but it's very being the bridge between the and equal in suicide and he was asking me who I am interesting joining his new company well not last night okay why not because I was walking like crazy I was because my previous job is publishing because maybe I'm signing my background as well whenever Chris and my husband wants to catch up and hang out I couldn't join because I'm working non-stop weekend it's always walking I had many of the overtime and then he was always telling me I should start thinking about a new career he's supporting me to think about the new thing and then I thought maybe go opportunity for me to start something new so I was basically dove from the classroom / Tokyo crazy before the company registered for me it was very interesting because I have no idea how to register company how I set up the everything behind 3d logo is me and will be walk together and we made so that's how I got the job in total freedom I was so happy to take this job and I'm I'm still thankful to Chris O'Connell to ask me if I'm interested in I think that a lot of people I should leave there's so many drama happened in you know in the past I i cannot poke much about it but i I love this job I shouldn't take it around there what I have right now even though I love the things happen let me last year I still think that without Chris I couldn't get this job so yeah it's awesome to be a I am right now nah next is the Barry John White Oh Alec yl a style beer well NTP coriander so it's from a whiskey guys again he did located in go Tampa repair let's write the document it's Cena color [Music] this copy is really curate it's the socket cup ii was in it with itself with genuine my i prefer this one or one on that next question is a puppy a hoplite try the guinness before yes of course I'm not big on the stout beer I prefer this kind of idiot like oil or pale ale here well my brother-in-law is Irish so I should go to Iran and then I want to go to the factory I've been to so many Japanese beer factory I think the real meat of the Noir kidding in Nagoya bikinis everywhere Asahi I've been in a conical and that's also everywhere Sapporo inverted support of I went there and then somebody that was not in Tokyo it's very easy to access yeah Patrick is stay in the top thumbs up thumbs up from the top of the tongue it all has a beer so I just imagine they'll be that cool bus you know my stops in a beer I wanna do that but really really awesome to visit those factories of course because you can drink a lot that prepare so next place to eat my favorite mascot mmm I'm a huge fan sanyo I have tons of the goodies that I used to have son your pure run on your passport as well I knew a possible son's very big deal but it's really horrible favorite favorite from mascot character from Sanyo is kidding me down Jamie means the meat companies I put in the meat is very cute a salmon character very very on my favorite cat this caimito see it favorite pastime for be right now mmm home most of the time I like cooking so I just cook and then drink that's the best time so just cook them those kind of fish in this enjoy my jacket I wish my husband were coming next question how many toys do I have I cannot count because it's to me whoa what the hell cheering what is this junk I do you collect toy I have tons of figures and then small image style figures I said the my dream is to have my own Museum in the future but that's not like I literally want to have my whole room you have tons of the figures like haha oh no that's my dream so I'm never counted but maybe I should do things that way the good content but yes heartless a lot next question is why I play Animal Crossing unfortunately not I just love Wharton in my frame Animal Crossing that's her story to be honest Emma's living like Animal Crossing kind of feeling Envy are icky as well she's really calm and really nice I'm watching her play I wish I had a switch I watch money I don't have the next purchase for my sake what's my favorite unlimited about mmm difficult question but I think I'll choose I like no-nomicon happy day I might share but soon I like to make enough protein I like I think I'll choose see the bus to God because for the food I think a lot of people have different thought but I just like the way manga feature the you know I appreciate anything I eat and I should think about how many people are working on it too these or ingredients yeah but as you pass through it really know hopefully the vaccine but also man that I would be think about a consider border food so I like syllabus for another do ma happy my dear Tokyo craft op glued in Tokyo IPA 20 Queen it's on to the craft oh brother honey I know I Bienvenue you don't look animated on it [Music] [Music] the next question is why did I watch when I was young the other is this one Indiana Jones I love watching archaeology stuff when I was young my parents subscribed and I showed our geographic it's in Japanese for us me and father so many mystery things in there I know reading those things so I love watching the Indiana Jones have enough Torah anything about those mystery mystery but ma rota the many civilizations in oh yeah so I love which in those eggs I wanted to I want to take over the next questions by notice I've been talking too much it's hard to make it like in a one video and then I should have the introducing myself kind of video for the first video where I forgot doing that so I'd like to continue answering the questions as much as I can so please allow me to wrap up in here and then continue for the next video the for the next video I'm going to poke my things like about Japan things I'd like to do after the whole thing settle down so please agent Funes well thank you all waiting again and I'll see in the next bill [Music] yeah choices my brother was to take care of the video but if you up your mind coming up turned off without noise waiting [Music]
Channel: Little Giant Shiori
Views: 16,491
Rating: 4.981503 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Fun, Vlog, Japanese, Tokyo Creative, Life in Japan, sanrio, beer, food
Id: UKijfivKEMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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