7 English Sounding Japanese Words That You Never Knew!

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first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about fight pump hello everyone is welcome to take your creative play I'm your host Emma and today I'm here with the wonderful yeah so today I'm with Jodie and we're gonna be doing seven Japanese words that originally learned Japanese yeah so this might take a little bit of explaining yeah when you come here there's gonna be some words that sound like English they've written in katakana so like when you go to a restaurant on menu a bike might be like hamburger potato fries so there's some Japanese words and technically in the Japanese language but they come from English so there's a lot of words incorporated into the Japanese language that come from other countries so we're gonna be going through this today and see if I don't I'll see if I can recognize any of them but shooters gonna teach us about Japanese believe in that this is English so I always use this so then I realized that oh this was Tony so today I'll just set up some words so I will tell you and could you guess or could you can you get a bathing yeah yeah I'll do my best mmm-hmm cooler cooler cooter cooter cooter can turn on cooter it you've never heard cooter so a cooler in in Australia I guess would be like an esky so like a box that you put like via meat ice and you take camping so that's a cooler but you cannot count on because is it like a freezer no yeah it's not aircon it is a con yes be cool you guys go I say aircon AC cooler t oh yeah and oh the most sturdy but I guess that money don't think this has that many cooler so sushi mmm cool oh yeah so we just comes to the cooler as a product so now I know that it's a bit weird to say could you tell Nakula in winter yeah that is a little bit weird next my husband is Tara Dima oh yeah celery man how do you mind yes this one often but is it Angry so it technic it is English salaryman but we don't really call salary men salary man maybe like a businessman there's also like this this image of salary man yeah like I think maybe in Australia I don't really have an image of like a businessman like here it's always black suit a very specific look or is in Australia people can wear different suits Oh Andy yeah people look kind of different going to work whereas here it's like you can see the salary yeah yeah it's kinda we don't really have like a salary man collective funny thing is I don't need to cut myself selves karate umaña yeah I never hear a salary woman I've also wondered cuz I'm like oh yeah I have a friend she's a she's like a salary it's not so common right already office lady oh you know really oily is also the official lady oh oh oh oh oh yeah oh ill oh I do oh I do oh okay so I guess that is kind of English office lady Oh L Oh edit you don't say if you are already you nervous very next M asam could you take out your notebook peso come from your bag so my laptop basically yeah no a note pasó con like personal computer yeah that's right personal computer so that's our pasta con comes right we cope a psychopathic ah no no and no dough is like no no work like notebook personal computer I really thought not the copper coins just English one yeah yeah you guys know so we can be like old you have a notebook like that still means like writings but I think laptops at one point were cool no it works but now I think we just call them laptops next yup so you might give Emma neela doing some kind of sports yeah hey I think if I was fighting maybe it would make sense but in Japanese it's more like Go Go yeah best you fight though like giving your old tearing yeah but in it's always running you like fight oh usually just dish what do you meant to her just be like whoo Oh Eddie who's a lot we use this word title it's like a cheering oh I thought yeah got my head yeah in English it's a lot of yelling a lot of like you can do it Oh run like I did and if M soaring peaks at the 2020 Olympic is coming right how to cheer your team usually well at the Olympics I think people are quiet when the sport is happening right you like and then if you win it's just a lot of like you are the less EPS already can I ask you to give me morning a cold morning coal wanna get caught it so good morning may I might wake you up mmm yeah they'll be called morning the quarter I have no idea what we call that in English probably something similar I think when you gloomy morning coal do you guys know wake up coal okay yeah in English it's probably a wake-up call but they're very very similar yeah morning call wake-up call yeah I think just from hearing it I immediately understand oh I think my you like skinship you like skin see poop skinship I probably like excuse you that sounds like a horror movie my god here comes the pirate writing and made out of skin sounds terrible people they are where is it like friendship with two friends who have stuck together by their skin but I guess but yeah friendship vision okay that's the same but skin skin is the same like we have the same skin like like like brother from another mother kind of thing Oh risk and I had no idea okay can you explain skinship to me like hugging oh it's so what context do you use it in like oh how far have you got with your girlfriend or where it's now you have the boyfriend so how is going or did the ski miss can you give me an example how I usually don't hug you don't touch each other be the whole hands even though I thought its friends is your partner how many we don't do skinship at all we don't have anything okay is it Oakland so skinship does means physical contact right Mac next I do the pose now I do the poses and could you guess how we call this pose okay oh you're no idea okay like that's like kind of a ganky it looks kind of fight doll but like literal fight something poets sorry no idea okay that support jutsu got suppose what does it mean it's like yes when you win the race and they're taking you're pretty good yeah yeah that's I got it supports at the end of movies when they win all right so we just did some research on guts opposes guts isn't English well it kind of is it's the name of a boxer that's it hmm and I he was famous for his pose God's got it a lot and I like every time maybe every punch he was like okay yeah I could buy this first guts is G UTS so it is still like like English I guess but it's just his name thank you thank you guys so much for watching yeah we'll see you oh I think you for coming on the video with me nobody okay see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 62,842
Rating: 4.9522567 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, Learn Japanese, facts about japan, tokyo creative, Tokidoki Traveller, Okanotv, littlegiantshiori, abroad in japan, travel japan, travel tokyo, japan travel, speak japanese, tokyo youtuber, japan youtuber, english to japanese, plan a trip to japan, life in japan
Id: yjAwJ_RILLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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