How I get Consistent Profitable Sales every day with Google Ads in 2020 | Shopify Dropshipping

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what's up guys Charlie here and we're gonna be covering how I get consistent sales with Google Ads so this is going to be the most updated video and version obviously I've been gone for about two months because I've been in the trenches q4 was absolutely insane and even going into the new year is still insane so I want to give you the most updated version of what's working right now now I just want to step back even if you're not at that point where some things you're watching in the video just are like hey I'm not at that point yet you need to know it eventually so I wouldn't really skip through it but regardless I can't wait to show you guys so let's get into it all right so let's hop right into it and the first thing I want to show you guys is the issue and the issue that I went through so for you specifically you might be seeing a very similar kind of graph where maybe you're getting a lot of clicks in some days you're profitable some days you're not maybe some days you get a sale some days you don't it depends but nonetheless you can see that there's a lot of these spikes know what's going on here well even though yes for me I was profitable I was making 300 bucks a day in profit sometimes a thousand bucks but when you compare it to this graph all the way on the right I nearly tripled the amount of profit I was making each day but my marketing costs if we look at this orange line my marketing costs never changed meaning I didn't increase the budget I didn't do anything with the budget that wasn't the strategy here but the last thing I wanted to mention was this also has nothing to do with seasonality this was when I made my initial change in fact this particular product does worse during November and December than it does after q4 after the holidays in fact we can look at today it's around 2:00 p.m. already 900 dollars in profit yesterday this was 3000 let's go the last other day in 1900 but this isn't the point I'm trying to show you but what I want to show you is the spike and what we have to do so there is a process and so this is gonna be specifically for shopping ads like honestly shopping ads should be really your base you should get consistent profitable sales with your shopping ads and so the first thing we need to cover in order to make this work is the impression share strategy and this is gonna outline the issue that happens with every single Google store let's just say we're selling this water purifier it's a portable water purifier and seems like an okay product it's not bad obviously there's a market for it I see that there is a really big company and there is room I even saw on Alibaba you can get this for about $29 and it's a similar looking model so let's say we're selling this and we're getting a couple sales but we're seeing a lot of variability however let's imagine because this is what I've been seeing a lot now let's imagine your budget is only $50 a day well that's okay you don't have to change your budget my budget wasn't really all that big either however the issue is that you'll notice that you're listing this shopping listing with some searches of 200,000 searches a month you might be showing up for those terms and paying about 30 bucks and so these high impression share terms or high search volume terms are going to be taking a lot of your budget now is that bad no because you need that in order to know what's going to work later down the road because as you're showing up for these terms you're also going to be showing up for terms like this water purifier bottle maybe people that type this in specifically are converting like crazy but the issue is that out of your budget you're only spending $20 for those terms so you can kind of see where I'm going with this the first thing that we need to do is we're going to exclude a lot of the terms that are not converting and not change our budget but in essence it's actually increasing our budget for what is profitable right so how do we apply this in a real sense so the first thing we need to do is create in a negative keyword list with this strategy in mind so the way we do this and the way I can explain it is by going into one of my account and what I'd like you to go to is actually your shopping campaigns under keywords and then click up here to search terms and as you scroll down you're gonna see everything that you are showing up for but the first thing you'll see is how much let's let's filter by cost so if we see what we're spending on the most we also want to make sure that what we're spending on the most is also giving us a really good cost per conversion or return on adspend so my goal is a for return on adspend for this specific product and so this is great okay however there are certain terms like let's just say this one right here that is taking a bunch look how many impressions I have of this and I spent a good amount as well so what I would do is say oh okay this is going to be excluded and now my budget is gonna be allocated more to these terms right so we're gonna go through here and we're gonna see what am i spending on what am i showing up for a lot and what can I exclude and so we're gonna go through here and I'm gonna see I might even look by row as so I'll see oh do I even want this one maybe not maybe I want to exclude this right now so I'm gonna exclude this one I'm gonna go through here I'm gonna exclude this one and so you'll be going and you'll be adding this as a negative keyword right so but that's step one what's actually going to be more important is actually improving your targeting and understanding what's converting so there's gonna be a couple parts to this so we need to optimize our shopping listing in a couple ways so the first thing we need to do is actually see all right well if I'm going to optimize my listing and make sure I'm getting more sales I need to see what's converting so what we need to do is actually add a filter in here and we're going to look at conversion value over cost this is going to give us a return outspend and I want to see what are my ridiculous return on adspend keywords that maybe I showed up for a couple times but I didn't necessarily have that in my title so I wasn't ranking as high as I could be like for example let's say let's say this was something that people were typing and it was self cleaning water bottle and people were typing this and we were converting like crazy for this term however in our listing in our shopping ads listing we never had this term this term wasn't even relevant so meaning maybe our actual shopping ad out in our shopping campaign if it was right here if it was more to the front and ranked better we would be getting instead of one sale a day from this term we'd be getting maybe five but instead we were way way way way in the back so we need to keep note of this term with like okay I need to start ranking higher for this term let me go back into my google campaign okay what is giving me a crazy return on spinel back oh shoot like and I'll be like oh wow 16 return it's been for this oh wow okay I'm gonna add this one in 15 return on adspend I'm gonna this one this one and already honestly Google already did the work for me I don't really have to do much research so I can see wow these are crazy especially if you find like weird terms in here that you would have never put in your listing before and let's just say you only got you know a couple clicks but if your conversion rate let's just say your conversion rate is ridiculous like even 20 23 percent conversion rate you're like hey this is an interesting term I didn't think this would convert let me put it in my listing so I'm gonna show you how we're gonna organize our listing in a little bit but we first need to do kind of this like nitty gritty work right so we're going in through here and we're seeing okay this is a good start I can add this to my listing now so if we go back to our checklist we need to optimize our shopping title so how do we do that well one thing that I teach is that you guys should really look into this thing right here feed for Google Shopping it's an app that really helps you structure your listings in the way that you need to structure them at least the way I do so I would download this app and it's gonna look like this so this is our listing inside the app and this is our actual product title and the product title is this thing right here if we look at this see how they they have these words I guess nutrition bottle plus starter pack this is their title however our title is going to be more organized than a lot of these other sellers so we're gonna have these specific keywords that's going to help us rank in the most profitable areas without having to just blast our budget so well we're gonna first look and see okay I saw a couple of those terms that were converting let me add those in so so for example okay self-cleaning water bottle this is converting like crazy all we have to do is make sure that we're gonna add this one in and we're gonna add in self cleaning water bottle and then we look up here oh wait water purifier this was ranking up top but honestly this was not giving me any conversions it was very unprofitable so instead what we can do is reorganize our listing and put the most dominant words first that do give us a good amount of clicks and conversions and if we want to put more generic terms we can put it more towards the back so that's something I've been doing and it's been really helping now of course with your description you're gonna want to type out a description that also includes other keywords that maybe you couldn't fit in your product title but maybe you found for example these keywords on the left they're like okay let me try some of these keywords and sprinkle them in now as you're typing your description just make sure it's cohesive just copying and pasting keywords is not how you're gonna like rank at all it needs to actually have like it needs to make sense like if someone was to read it that way won't set off any red flags but nonetheless you're using specific terms so that way your ranking in the best places so very very simple in a weird way right like this is not that difficult but it's important to know so what we went from is spending 50 dollars a day on everything to now only fifty dollars a day on specific terms by becoming more narrow with our negative keyword lists and more optimized with our title so by following these strategies this is absolutely the beginning of how to get consistent sales now what I want to quickly mention is that in addition to this spike I and one other thing that was important I did both at the same time I of course did my whole revamp of the shopping ads once I had enough data but the second thing I did was I also optimized my landing page i optimize my landing page really crazy to where i knew what terms were converting what people were clicking on and what was why people were coming to my landing page and i reorganized it to make it very very relevant in that sense so a couple things if you are looking to learn more about Google and all that good stuff I have a free Facebook group you can join you can come Ingle with everybody and see how hey what are you doing is this working has anyone experienced this and then help out others as well it's crazy it's a very active group and it's great so you can check that out link is below and then the second thing is make sure to subscribe to the channel because my video releases are absolutely sporadic so you never know when I'm gonna release a video so you definitely should subscribe with that being said guys I'll see you the next video [Music]
Channel: Charlie Brandt
Views: 48,607
Rating: 4.9454856 out of 5
Keywords: Tristan Broughton, Hayden Bowles, Tanner Planes, Arie Scherson, max aukshunas, samir chibane, ecom wizard, Shopify Dropshipping, Google Ads, Conversion Optimization, Google ads for Dropshipping, ppc ads, Shopping ads, how to scale google ads, how to optimize google ads, how to scale your shopify store, surf side PPC, google shopping ads for beginners, shopping ads for shopify, google shopping dropshipping, shopp, google shopping ads shopify, google shopping ads optimization
Id: cGcb3jq6XaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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