How to Set Up/Run Google Ads LIVE - 4x ROAS - Shopify Dropshipping

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you know what's up guys welcome back to another video so in today's video I'm going to be going over Google Ads which is something I've never talked about in my channel there's actually four main parts of this video on the first part is going to be why you should be running Google ads and how beneficial they are and there's plenty of reasons why you should be running Google ads second part is how to actually install the Google ads so we're gonna go into the computer and I'm going to show you on a new inactive Google ads account that I have that I never used how exactly to install it how to use the code how to install the conversions and how to do all that and we're going to talk about the different types of campaigns that you can have with Google ads finally we're going to talk about the ad creation with Google ads and I'm actually going to go on the computer and physically create Google advertisements in front of you guys so you guys can see exactly how to do it let's talk about the first thing why should you be running Google ads and I'm gonna bring up a screen shot right here as you can see this is from the Google ad platform and this was actually a shopping campaign from a store previous to the one I'm working on right now and this was just one of the shopping campaigns and this was like a I think it was like a two-month time frame so ignore the bottom that where it says total account I just look at the top from this one campaign we spent four hundred and forty one dollars to generate two thousand three hundred and twenty six dollars which is a 5.9 robbaz this is from the branded search campaign for the same store so this was just another campaign as you can see we spent twelve hundred here to acquire back six thousand seven hundred and fifteen 45.58 realized so then at the bottom the account total for just this entire Google Ads account for all the campaigns I've ever and we spend sixteen hundred dollars to generate nine thousand dollars or 5.5 robots so as you can tell the Google ads are extremely profitable like that's just pure pure money coming the door and I'll explain more about why Google ads work so well and how to set them up that way but one thing I do want you guys to understand first and foremost is I was actually forced to shut this store down so I was forced to shut it down early early December of 2019 I'm filming this in February so if I was able to continue running Google ads I estimate that this store in terms of Google ad conversion value would have been passed 50,000 because I was really really silly this was actually my first time actually running Google ads well I've rang Boogle ads like a total of three or four times on three or four different sorted but this was the best time for my last tour that I just did and I was still learning a lot of things I made budget mistakes I made ID mistakes I made a lot of different mistakes that I know better now so that being said if this soar was able to continue running I would have had a little bit more experience running ads with Google but either way I still think that this is enough to kind of get you guys started and I'm sure that 99% of people watching this would love to spend $1,600 and return $9,000 for one of their stores so I'm going to show you guys how I did that today but let's talk about a few things first so why do we run Google Ads well first and foremost because they're extremely profitable that's enough of a reason in it of itself second reason is that Google ads are much much more consistent than Facebook so you if you increase the budget it's not as risky as it is on Facebook where you don't know if it's going to be a good day or a bad day and it's super volatile Google Ads is usually usually really consistent when I was running them I remember always going between like a like a 4 to 5 rows or 4 to 6 rows every single day and there was really no negative days so Google I was extremely consistent the next reason is because you're cleaning up your own customers from what you're paying for so I know that doesn't really make sense of the way I said it but when you spend a lot of money on Facebook Ads basically a lot of people are seeing that brand a lot of people are getting impressions to whatever you're gonna spend money on and so they're gonna know it's gonna exist in their mind but they're gonna go and look around on the internet for proof that your brand is legit and this is a real thing that happens so most times they'll actually go to Google and they'll just type in whatever name they saw on Instagram um if they want to do more research on your brand and if you're not running Google ads and you're not ranked number one in SEO because you're not sending enough traffic so Google just doesn't rank your site yeah they're gonna find another competitor of yours and maybe they'll go on their website to see that it's better and buy from them so you don't want to do that you definitely want to be running we'll add because if you were running Google ads the search campaign that I'm gonna teach you guys how to create in a few minutes would be the first link that pops up because Google will always favor if it's a business is running a search ad for its own business name Google will always like prioritize that so if someone were to type in Apple for example cuz its own ad for Apple and then you no wonder more about the company and go on google and type in Apple the ad would be first and then they click it and then one of our competitors wouldn't get our conversion so that's one reason and the second reason is because you're already paying for the traffic on the front end right and it's just people are kind of getting lost in the back end and you want to just make sure you're you're redirecting them back to where they belong for very very cheap price so if you think of Facebook ads as like a snow plower you know in the little edges there's always those little pieces of snow Google ads is just a shovel that picks up the rest of the customers and make sure that you know the driveways completely clean if you guys get that analogy last and final reason is for brand validity so if people see this kind of goes with what I just said but if people see that you're running ads on multiple platforms they will immediately become way more trusting of your company you know Google Ads Facebook Ads maybe they see a YouTube ad they'll like immediately just they'll know that you guys are more professional than than the people that look like they're scamming so finally I want to give out a little shout-out to a youtuber that is primary like he's really really good with Google ads um and actually know him personally it's this guy right here Charlie Brandt if you guys want to know more about Google Ads charlie definitely knows more than I do on Google ads he's definitely spent more money than me and he's uh he's a smaller youtuber here so make sure you guys go check him out he's one of my personal friends and he's really really smart guy is especially smart with Google and Facebook Ads so then we go check him out after this video if you want to know more and yeah let's get right into actually setting up the conversion pack I'm on here on my Google Ads account and creating Google Ads account it's easy it's fine I'm not gonna show you guys how to do that the really the most important things you're gonna have to do is just setting up set up your payments and typing in your website name and doing all that the most important thing is setting up your conversions because if you don't set up your conversion your conversion action then Google won't know when you get a conversion and therefore it will miss a tribute and it won't make any sense you can't run in yet so when you get into your Google Ads account it's going to look something like this - the campaign just go to tools and settings and if you don't see that it's gonna be you're just gonna have to switch to expert mode there'll be a button up here but go to tools and settings and then go to conversions here it'll come with a a pre conversion that it already set up for you but it's not going to be useful so then click the blue plus sign here and then click website and then we're gonna go to purchase and our conversion name can just stay purchase we're gonna use different values for each conversion for count select every its purchases so each of them are valuable in their own way and then you can leave that and then click create and continue then you're going to click on install the tag yourself and you're going to have to site tags or two tags you're gonna have the global and the event snippet so take this global site tag and then we're gonna go to your Shopify store so I have just a random Shopify store that we never used and it's just like a base Shopify store there's literally nothing on it so go to settings and go to checkout and then scroll down here where it says additional scripts go ahead and place that global site tag over there and then hit enter a few times go back and select this code here and place it and you're underneath that just like that that's fine so yeah that's good click Save and then there's one more thing we're gonna do so we're gonna change the value here and the transaction ID if you saw on my screen shot earlier in the video the conversions were a little bit we're just a little bit off and they're a little bit miss attributing it wasn't by much but this is going to actually fix that so I'm gonna put these two codes in the description below and all I'm gonna do is just gonna swap out one of these codes so if you go into the description right now you'll see the exact code that I'm going to swap out so there's a value one and there's a transaction ID so I'm gonna swap this out like that and then I'm gonna swap up the next one and I'm going to tell you exactly what they do so I'm gonna swap out the transaction ID and perfect so the purpose of swapping out the value part of this code is so that the conversion is liquid and if this basically makes Google track way better because it's it's a liquid conversion it's not like you know someone purchases and it counts as one someone purchases it purchases and it counts as as whatever they purchased for so the conversion is much more accurate this way if you replace the code and then the transaction ID this is just replaced so that duplicate orders don't happen so once again to replace the code it's down the description just go ahead and check it replace it just like I did and you should be fine so once you guys are done putting those codes into the checkout you can come here to online store and then go to themes and click actions and then click Edit code on your theme if that's load and then you can go and click on theme dot liquid and as you can see this is the header of theme doubt liquid right below the last line of your header you can go ahead and paste both of those the global and the events snippet and click Save and that's just going to throw the global tag on every page in your site and after that you should be good to go it's just time to go back to Google Ads and finish there come back to Google Analytics I mean Google Ads sorry and click Next and then click done so it's gonna take a few hours to verify if you want you can go do a test purchase and that will speed it up so just go in your store and create a discount for 100 percent off and checkout and that'll be a test purchase and then wait a few hours and see come back to this and make sure that the tracking status is verified if you guys have any problems just reach out to the Google tag team they have a number a help number right there and they'll help you implement it it's pretty easy ok so the last thing you guys want to know and I should have mentioned this a little bit earlier on but when you create a new Shopify store you actually get a a Google Ads credit so if you go to discounts on your new Shopify store and you go down here there's going to be some information I don't have it on the store because we already claimed it but on the bottom here were on discounts you're going to see something about Google eyes and about claiming your credit so go ahead and claim your credit and then when you're setting up your Google Ads account you can apply that credit and it's a hundred dollars of free Google ad spend um so you guys definitely have to do that and if you guys want I actually have the Shopify trial link in the description should be like the first things so make sure you go and get the Shopify trial and then once you get that Google Ads code you can copy it and apply it to your Google Ads account when you make it and get a hundred three dollars but other than that we can actually go into the campaigns now the creation what they mean and how to actually build the app we are in Google Ads right now and I already have the campaign's tab selected so just follow me here and then click on this blue plus and we're going to do new campaign then we're going to click sale and then now we're gonna be prompted with the four types of campaigns we can do so we can do a search which when I do a search campaign I do a branded search campaign so when people are searching for it they're usually looking by typing in the name of my brand because they saw it on Facebook and then there's a display campaign and the discreet display campaign is just running different kinds of ads across the entire internet in image and text form so for example if you're shopping for something and Google picks up your code or and you go on another website that maybe doesn't get a lot of traffic that sells ad space to Google sometimes you'll see like the Google Shopping ads over there or I'm not the Google Shopping guys the Google Display ads so display ads and search ads are definitely very crucial in the beginning and then shopping ads and video ads are also something you guys should be doing anyway we have shopping ads those are like at the top when you search for a product on Google you have like the price and the reviews and then like it's a bunch of competitors that you can slide through and then video is obviously just YouTube ads and you guys know all about YouTube ad so we'll go ahead and click search and start with the search campaign and we'll just make a search and a display campaign today because those are the essential 1 click website visit what we're just gonna do pair because that's our brand name for this example and then click continue and for the name we're going to do branded search when I'm scaling my stores I usually start in the US then and go to t4 and then go worldwide so you can set United States if that's all you're gonna be running Google ads - for now I'm gonna leave it at English my dad's gonna be English I don't want to target anyone that can't understand it so we're actually not gonna have to do audiences for search campaigns we're just gonna have to do keywords for budget we're gonna go down to $5 today now let me talk a little bit quickly about the budget so a lot of people ask how do you know when to increase the budget how do you know when to leave it the same or decrease the budget with Google just start off with the five to ten dollar budget give it like ten days to run and you know this should this should only happen if you're already running Facebook Ads doing this method right so if you're not running Facebook Guide don't just do what I'm doing right now because the whole point is to run Facebook Ads and build up a bunch of traffic and momentum and then to just clean up with Google so you can start with $5 a day but you know when you're getting like 20 30 purchases a day through Facebook you can definitely bump that up you know you can just both it every few days but the budgets pretty pretty self-explanatory it's kind of like a retargeting ad like a really really really profitable large retargeting ad if you're gonna be doing Google primarily not Facebook then this video is probably not the best for you but this like I just said this video is good if you're running Facebook ads and all kinds of ads we want to focus on conversions we can leave that alone now ad extensions I'm going to be doing this at the end of the video these are very very important so you guys should stick around and we'll talk about that as well go ahead and click continue now we have our ad group which is going to be like our ad set so I'm gonna highlight this I'm just going to put branded keywords and as you can see there's different ways we can put them in here so there's if you do nothing a broad match if you do it in quotations a phrase match and then in brackets his exact match so for the keywords I'm going to actually do all three so let's type in pairs like that and I'm gonna copy it paste it three times and then for the second one I'm going to quote it and then brackets if your brand has two words or it's not just one word you want to do the same thing but with two words together and then space so but only if it's like shop pairs or try pairs you know if my brand was eight pairs calm I could do one like this et pairs and I could do one like this eat pears and then you would do the quotations and brackets for both of them so you to have more key words just keep that in mind while we're gonna save and continue and now we get to create the ads I already did this before the video because I don't want to spend a lot of time thinking about this during the video because it would be boring I have a notepad here and basically these are like what our ads are going to be made up on Google so there's brand legitimacy which just gives people the idea that you guys are a real brand and you guys are an actual business and you know you guys care about your customers so this is very very important there's bold claims bold claims are really good at grabbing attention so I wrote up some bold claims for this brand there's features of our main products or the product that were creating ads for and then the benefits for the people um you know the whoever wants to buy it just all of these are basically different ways to get people on to the site that's what we really want when people see Google ads it's visual and they get to choose from whichever one they want so we want to win them over and we want them to click on us all the time so these are some of the ones that draft it up you guys could literally go into notepad and just do brand legitimacy bold claims and all this and then really think about your product and then populate this we'll go through it together and you guys will understand what I mean this is just the name and the trademark symbol so you guys will see that I'm actually gonna make the first ad right now so I'm going to drag this off screen and I'm gonna get working on this at our first headline we're just gonna do the simple one which is the name we're gonna do pear trademark and then official site you'll see a lot of big companies that's all they have just like that for the description you all you have to really do is describe your product a lot a lot of people don't even read the description they don't wait that long they just click on a link if they're actually curious don't be lazy so I'm just going to put [Music] so I just put something random I put the pearpod pros have over 2,000 positive reviews and then use for up to four hours on a single charge again it's not that hard I don't want to talk about it that much you guys just have to be come up with creative attention-grabbing descriptions give benefits all that now we're gonna start doing some different stuff I'm gonna keep pears in there but I'm gonna bring in some bold claims best headphones of 2020 and then we're gonna just do like mix and match the best headphones of 2020 bass boosted I'm gonna keep the description is the same I'm gonna save and continue' so I'm not going to do three I'm only going to do two you can create up to five for this campaign the only reason I'm going to do two is because you guys get the idea you're gonna just mix and match these headlines features benefits both claims and it's going to look good let's go ahead and go to branded keywords as campaign and then you can see what one of our ads are here so head over to ads and extensions right here and you'll see the two ads that we just finished creating and then you'll see this responsive search ad and it says recommended so the responsive search ad is basically the dynamic ad of Google um you know Facebook Facebook has dynamic ads google has them as well where you give it a bunch of data of all kinds and then you just let it do its thing and it chooses which one of them to mix and match depending on who's looking for your product so responsive ads are amazing they're insane they're very very good and you guys don't have to do it so I'm gonna populate this really quick with all of the all of the ones that I did before this video and you guys will see what it does as you can see this little add strength guide she tells you how good your ad is um for the dynamic option so you want to make sure these are all checked off so obviously it wants me to add more descriptions finished adding the descriptions you guys can pause and look around at this but I already showed you the notepad so you guys should know how to just kind of populate it based on your own brand but we're gonna go ahead and save this ad and it should be good to go you can see we have our three ads now one of them is the responsive ad now we're gonna make a display campaign go to all campaigns new campaign sales display we're gonna do standard pair change the night display campaign United States it's fine English automatically maximize conversions we're gonna start this one at ten bucks a day let's go ahead and create our ads for this one our ads are going to be just a little bit different I'm sure you guys will be able to do just fine so we're gonna click add images and logos and I'm going to need to upload some so I have some images that I downloaded for the time being just to borrow them and use this really quick and now we're going to going to sort these images so I'm gonna use this as a logo I'm going to use this as an image gonna populate if you guys want to add a video you can and then I'm gonna do the same thing I'm just gonna bring over all the headlines and then you should see all of the ads filter through right here and for the descriptions you're gonna do the same thing as you did for the search campaign you're going to populate it all the way and then just finish populating this campaign and then that's pretty much all you have to do so I'm actually gonna go and turn these both off now you guys know how to set up your google conversion tracking and you guys know how to set up the two basic campaigns that you should have including the responsive ad which is dynamic and which is really really beneficial for google so the last thing I'm going to show you is a little bit about site link and the little call-out extensions that will help your CTR with Google Ads we're gonna go to branded search at the campaign level go over to ads and extensions and then click on extensions and then we're gonna create what this is is basically you can come in and populate this with links to your site helpful links so imagine the you know the pages that you create when your drop shipping on Shopify you know helpful pages track your order how it works FAQ shipping policy and then you can give some descriptions you can even if you have like articles on your page or like some sort of science or you know how to use a product or like refund any important pages or you know things that you think could get people on to the site you would put here so for example track my order and then you'd put the URL to you know tractor order and remove ordered with us recently you know you get the idea you can track it here just create like a little baby description but these are very important I highly recommend that you completely fill these out and then save it if you guys want to do like a price extension or a call extension where you have the number and you can actually get verified through Google and then even get reviews which is really really good for CTR and brand legitimacy people would literally be searching up your product on Google and they'll see like verified reviews with five stars and that would just be really really awesome for you guys so make sure you guys go around make sure you check out Charlie's channel because he knows a lot more about Google Ads and then I do the link to his channel is down in the description along with this course that he just released so make sure you guys go check that out other than that you guys can follow me on instagram at Seb Seb you can DME there interact with me there I'm going to be coming out some pretty cool videos in the future so I'm really excited for you guys yeah I'm just really excited so make sure you stick around make sure you subscribe please leave a like on this video and other than that I think that I will see you guys all in the next one peace
Channel: Sebastian Ghiorghiu
Views: 76,974
Rating: 4.8994169 out of 5
Keywords: shopify, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, google ads, shopify google ads, sebastian ghiorghiu, how to set up google ads, google ads for beginners, shopify product research, dropshipping shopify, shopify tutorial, shopify store, aliexpress dropshipping, e-commerce, beginner dropshipping, online business, shopify 2020, shopify review, dropshipping 2020, digital marketing, google ads shopify, shopify q4, ecom, ecommerce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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