Lots of Traffic but No Sales? Watch me Fix LIVE Dropshipping Stores, Edit Facebook Ads & Google Ads

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alright guys so I've been wanting to do a video like this for a little while what we're gonna be doing is going over different subscribers live stores and breaking everything down we're gonna be going over the products and we're going to be going over the ads so we're actually going to be going inside live add accounts Google Ads Facebook ads and analyzing what's working in how I would tweak it but of course one thing we really need to dissect is how to structure your landing page what are kind of common problems I see with different stores and how to fix this that way you can have a high converting store so when you get traffic it converts into sales so this is going to be definitely a very packed video and honestly it'll actually act as a mini course because you will see a ton of examples so I'm really excited so let's get into it alright guys so let's get into our first store so we're looking at pas Huggies now this store is actually doing 40k per month in revenue and it's mainly through Facebook Ads so this is very surprising because these products are so it's gonna be very competitive but regardless you know congratulations you're doing 40k per month so let's see what this magic landing page looks like okay so I want to kind of give bullet point structure of what I look for every single time in a landing page and what I've noticed to really help with conversion rate so the first thing is the starting image like if we look at it on mobile this is the first image that I see and it needs to either be a lifestyle image that describes the product or some other type of image that easily describes this product because this is not you know you're not selling just a blanket you're selling something that has probably a ton of different features as I had to see as I scrolled through so that's the first thing it needs to be very demo fide and it needs to explain exactly what this product is and if you could have a lifestyle photo with it in use then that really really helps especially if it's with your target demographic now the next thing is as I scroll down is the button so there's two things you don't want to have text saying get it now or buy it now that's gonna actually reduce the amount of add to carts and the reduce the amount of purchases because a lot of P we'll actually believe that if they click this button they're immediately going to purchase and so what you want to have is just literally have it say Add to Cart and you can use an AJAX Add to Cart function where it literally goes from your landing page or product page straight to checkout and that really helps with conversion rate and there's actually a bunch of apps on the Shopify store that can do that and the next thing is the color so your website accent color is this nice teal right so you want your button to be an opposite color so a nice green or orange would have it pop out the reason why is because you want to have this button consistently reminding the prospect as they're scrolling through to go ahead and click and add this to cart so that is another thing now if we scroll through the page I see that we have a size chart that's good and then I see a huge block of text so you do not want to have just an enormous block of text you want to have like a good rule is actually 50% text and 50% image now if you want to be even more advanced you can use a jiff and an example of this would actually be this right here like you'll notice it literally explains the entire product in three seconds it defied the process it explained the product and it made it very engaging Andy the last thing you want is for your prospect to use a ton of brain glycogen trying to figure out if this product is right for them or if this product is actually doing what your facebook ad video or what your Google Ad kind of said it would do so if we keep going we'll scroll through the page another thing I like is that there is at least a lot of selling which is good this is a little bit too small and another thing that I've noticed that really helps is once you see a product is working go invest into really high quality images like I can probably tell that these are taken from Aliexpress or or wherever Alibaba and if you can get high-quality professional images and makes your entire brand have more authority especially if you were in a niche store which I want to talk about that real quick so if you're just getting started you do not want to get started with the general store general stores are now having a very bad connotation almost everyone has been skinned with dropshippers having these spammy drop shipping products on facebook and having the same kind of cookie cutter look so you want to immediately separate yourself before more people start catching on and you want to have an overall branded approach and a niche store so you look like an authority in that space overall actually this store is doing that because it is in this niche but eventually if you see that let's just say this is the product that's working then you can invest a little bit more in two different images and creatives and that will increase conversion rate but overall as I keep scrolling through this is good that there's a lot of selling and if you want to put like how it works typically and how it works should go a little bit higher above it should be one of the first things that the customer sees as they scroll so I'm actually going to be going over some other examples of longer styled landing pages and it'll give you guys some ideas of things you can use in your ad copy or angles that you can do for your product because it's very important one of your main goals should actually be to have the customer be very engaged with your landing page because the longer they spend on your page the longer they spend with your brand and the more comfortable they'll be from purchasing from you because they'll see that you answered most of their questions versus someone else who maybe only answered a couple questions had some bullet points they won't feel as confident in that product versus yours so overall this is actually not a bad website there are some things definitely to tweak and another thing is bundles like actually if we go into this other website this is wiggle fish Willy this is actually their homepage but I don't want to really critique this one too much because there is quite a few things I would change but we're going to just scroll down and look at the positive right now the bundles I'm a really big fan of bundles if you're kind of hovering over breakeven or you're trying to become more profitable having a bundle styled structure is going to help immensely especially if you can justify it with logic on why someone should get your best deal and it'll be justified with a discount so I've noticed around a 30% take rate on the one where I say this is the best deal or this is the offer and that has really helped with overall profitability and so the way you can actually structure this you can use Zippo five pages you can use gem pages and then when you click order now it should go to checkout and truthfully this this shouldn't say order now it should say Add to Cart and you'll see a higher click-through rate so that's a couple things and before I actually go through other stores I want to show you a couple examples of stores that I look at for inspiration or for ideas like for example this store right here we're looking at clear beer now they have absolutely scaled like crazy if we look at their traffic I'm using similarweb right now they actually started they started this way before the trend so in a way they got lucky but they really capitalized on their luck so if we look they started way back I mean even before November and they scaled it like crazy right perfectly with this trend but what they did that was unique is they have their landing page structured very well they have a longer style landing page but they also really have amazing facebook ads where they kind of reiterated they're creative they're Google Ads is pretty good it's kind of getting at in my opinion most of probably their brand traffic and overall it's a well-oiled machine because right now this industry is really competitive but they have so much data and they started earliest so that's why they're gonna be able to survive whereas other people that start right now selling this product it's gonna be a straight uphill battle but overall I want to explain kind of the psychology and some ideas that you can take that you can then apply to your own store like the first thing if you can do this this is a huge bonus is lead with curiosity or lead with the main benefit so the main benefit here is that this customer is going to save money on toilet paper by buying this bidet attachment so that's huge now one way you can actually make it more interesting as saying how much money will it's person save so putting a specific number is going to make it more believable and also I'll just say there's two things that people are really attracted to they love numbers and people love faces so they like seeing faces numbers and so if you can kind of combine the two that's definitely going to make your landing page overall more interesting and more relatable another thing that they have very close up top which is a great thing to have is these bullet points but also you want to have bullet points up answers a lot of your frequently asked questions or a lot of the immediate questions that you get either on your ad in your chats and your email you want to have it up top and you also want to sprinkle reiterating those answers to those questions throughout your landing page customers will probably have you know a top three questions and you want to make sure to answer it over and over and over so as we scroll through we'll see that they describe their product they demo Phi the entire process here's step one step two and I can tell that one of their main questions might be you know do I have to have a handyman to install this yes no no you don't because it's literally three steps and they keep on selling now another thing I want to mention is that there's really two types of people so a lot of dropshippers are actually only talking to one type of people and that's the action takers people that see the product like the product don't really read much they skim through and they go and buy like that's a very small portion of buyers do you have another half of people that are more practical and so you'll notice a lot of smart marketers or advanced marketers are using this kind of longer styled landing page approach because you have these practical people that are actually reading through and seeing logically why does this make sense for me to buy this versus something else okay it upgrades my bathroom oh this is interesting okay I see that there's an option for me it can save money that makes sense simple installation and then as they have their questions answered their last question is okay how much does it cost what's the price so then that's when they click and they have an option to click whenever they want and so at the very bottom frequently asked questions perfect that's what you always want to do and if someone is really on edge you have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee and this always helps so I don't want to go too deep into this because I would rather just look at actual stores and just show you guys specifically how to adjust it but this is like this overall concept I believe is very important and I think will help you now you're making your new pages and maybe give a new perspective so this is the other store that we got which is dramatically different and I don't want to just tear this apart but you know the background needs to be white like in these products are very very tough okay so look if you're if you're just getting into drop shipping you do not want to go with you know some apparel company or something very broad you want to go very specific so like when I brought up examples like this putting green like this product is perfect like this product right here very good idea it's very simple it's very specific to a customer and the landscape is actually pretty good even when I mentioned yoga head stands on my channel I think I mentioned that two videos ago I mentioned it and some people started selling it and I got messages that they're getting sales which is great but it's more important about the concept so make sure to choose like specific products that like speak to a very specific demographic or customer don't go very broad I don't suggest starting an apparel company but of course that's just my opinion because on the other side like these guys start an apparel company but they did it very creative they did it very unique and so this is one idea that you can do if you do want to go in this competitive space you can kind of go this angle but let's go ahead and keep going now here's the next product so this actually overall as a layout let me break down the layout first this is a good layout make the button a little bit brighter I see that there's bundles right here the selling is good it's more of a dropship style approach but I do want to hype on one thing the reviews so people are now expecting to see real-life pictures of the product in they want to see a customer review of someone that's just like them so longer style reviews is really going to help especially if someone is ready to purchase but they're just looking for that extra push so this is good that there is actually like real photos but unless you're advertising worldwide you do not want to have these customers that are from you know you want to have if your main customers are from the US and needs to show like United States or just take out the flag and have like USA names oh and I also want to hype actually on trust badges I know this is actually funny so a lot of people say trust badges remove all of your trust badges it's spammy well the truth is and not a lot of people have split tested whether these trust badges are bad or good and I don't think they really understand why trust badges are actually good for certain demographics and for other demographics it's not so if you're advertising to the older demographic trust badges like satisfaction guaranteed or safe check out like it's actually really good like the older demographic they respond better to nice cleaner style trust badges but if you're selling to a younger demographic then you don't necessarily need trust badges and you can kind of remove them so let's keep going now here is the next door oh man okay so now we have a general store and it's mainly I think into fitness of trying to write a fitness trend it this is gonna be really tough and I know like there's this idea and it's weird I there's this idea that if you get a bunch of products and you just test it on Google and just see which one gets sales then you can like focus on that product that that was an old idea many years ago like maybe you can do a general store you know a couple years ago and and see which is the winning product but now it's more about you know trusting the process and having an entire process to test inside that niche you can test a couple different products inside a niche but just testing blindly is gonna make it very difficult and we'll see an example very soon all right so now let's switch gears and let's actually go into some live add accounts see some products what's working what's not and we'll first be going over the Google Ads accounts and then after we're gonna be looking at Facebook Ads so let's get into the first one okay so this is the first account and what I notice is that this is actually a student because how they structured all these campaigns how we have shopping we have a big net we have long tail keywords are high low medium a with all of our Scaggs this is exactly how we structure our campaigns now we can see that overall it was profitable as a 2.32 but what this person did was they took a risk and they went into a very competitive industry of bidets so like I mentioned before it's it's gonna be very competitive to jump into this space but nonetheless you know they made it work so we're gonna go through the ad account but I'll just say what you could do since you do have 130 conversions you know you're profitable you could take all of that data and scale it with Facebook so let's actually go through some of the campaign's so the first thing I always suggest is stock is starting with a shopping campaign and a scag campaign so let's actually first go over the shopping so if we just click on shopping right now and I want to actually look at some of the search terms that we were showing up for so if we just filter by costs the first thing I would have done is excluded this broad one because we spent a hundred two dollars on it without a conversion and what I'm looking at right now is making sure that I see relevant terms and what you we can see is that these are very relevant and what we'll look at in another count is pretty much the opposite where it's kind of just scattered everywhere and so all of these are pretty good and what we can actually do with some of these is bidet attachment is put it into a scag campaign so let's actually look inside this campaign right here I see bidet attachment what was the best bidet toilet attachment okay cool so this is working for Skaggs now understand that what works in shopping isn't always going to work in search campaign that's why you have to test and so I see that we have the day toilet attachment right here in $19 cost per conversion this is perfect this is awesome and this is literally you can leave this on and it'll just keep going and going and you really don't have to do much once you find kind of winning keywords and winning terms like the way this is structured there's a plus right here so bidet toilet attachment what you'll see is that your ad will show up as long as it has these words in some kind of combination and it can have an extra word at the end usually the longer the term the better because it's more specific more just hyper targeted traffic so the way this is structured is very good the only Achilles heel I could see with this is just the product ooh the fact that you made this work is fantastic but if you can take the same process and do it for a different product that would be exactly like the direction I would go so you know good job for getting a 2.32 you can definitely just take this approach and go and do a different product it would be like 200 times easier so now let's actually look at a contrast example so we'll see that this person spent 736 dollars or pounds and they're at a1 return on adspend now when I kind of look through here so here's their store they're selling this the booty bands and it's a gym goat but let's see what happened here so if we look I think the biggest thing is that the there was a ton of products being advertised like if we look through here we have these booty bands Pilates and if we look actually at the search terms you'll see that a ton of search terms are showing up black yoga mat a barbell and glute bands like skipping rope this is gonna make it absolute hell like this is the best way to drain your budget it's very tough when you have just everything advertised you really want to have a focused product or I like a top-three like folks focused products and then that way you can optimize from there because what you can do is you can exclude this add this as a negative keyword now this as a negative now I do see that we got a conversion for barbell but that's like a shot in the dark like it's just it's very it's gonna be hard to focus and see which product is doing the best and how to optimize so what I would say after looking at this is there needs to be a shopping campaign and single keyword ad group campaign you need two campaigns need to focus on one two three products inside a niche so you can try and test you know different products in the fitness in the fitness industry but then you need to have a focus so that way you can start excluding your keywords and start understanding where you need to rank because truthfully as you start running your shopping campaign you should go into the settings and you should change bydd once you get enough conversions you're gonna actually change your bid to target rows and you're gonna have now machine learning and hyper targeted traffic to find your exact customer because what we'll see if we look at all campaigns and since you have search campaigns let's go into here I'll show you guys so Google actually knows you know what's been converting who's been converting how old they are what time of day now as we get more advanced we can adjust certain devices like we see that we are getting a ton of conversions for computers we'll look we're getting two conversions very profitable we should actually up our bid on this and for mobile we should decrease our bid because maybe it's unprofitable on mobile for whatever reason maybe we're getting better traffic for computers so this is I'm like there's so much that you can do when you deep dive into the data and you have a focused approach you can see which campaigns are doing well should I up the I lower the bid so let's actually now go through a couple other examples inside Facebook Ads because look when you're running your Google Ads it it is very hard not to see some traction especially when you're just kind of going in a more focused approach but as you start getting data you can then do the same thing with Facebook and have a very targeted approach in a full ecosystem where your brand literally seems like it's everywhere so let's actually start by going into this account right here now here's what's interesting so I noticed that actually they aren't doing that bad so a 2.55 return on adspend with this campaign now this is a CBO and it's with a conversion objective now let me actually just kind of break down inside this campaign and I'll show you the settings that I would change but the first glance is I noticed that we have we have these five ad sets but some of them are broad some of them are mixed with different interests and what's funny is actually this one is doing pretty well like you're at a three point four eight return on adspend with 30 purchases but the problem is is that we don't know what actual interest gave us the best results because this interest probably could give us let's just say this one gave us a four this one gave us a one and this one gave us literally zero there was no purchases coming like we can optimize in segment which audience is best especially early on since we don't have enough data by going with one interest in each ad set you do not want to stack them so that's the first thing and if I keep going the settings like okay I would actually change this so I don't choose automatic placements I do manual placements and I actually go only into the feeds so Facebook feed Instagram feed and that's it I uncheck story stream I uncheck all of this right but I won't change your settings but that's what I do every single time I've noticed the best results with that in conversion window this is good one day click that's exactly oh do I choose as well and I also see like the targeting for locations you know us isn't in here so I mean that's fine that's fine and as far as exclusions I personally do 180 day exclusions of purchasers so that's typically what I like to segment and other than that this is pretty good and we have our conversion rate as purchase we have our pixel in there okay good and everything's good now let's actually look at the ad creative so I want to actually break down the ad creative because it's definitely one of the most important parts now I see okay I see that they're deleted so what we're gonna do is actually go buy filters delivery deleted so I'm guessing they're deleted maybe cuz of an ad policy but let's look at this one so we're gonna click Edit and the first thing I want to analyze is actually the text so the text right here even though I don't know what it's saying I do notice that there's emoji that's good but you also want to have some type of offer in your text but what's more important is actually the ad so let's actually look at that right now okay so first thing I'll say is that the ad should describe what the product is without me having to read the text and also it needs to be a little bit snappier a little bit more interesting I know this is a very simple product but you can still make it very interesting and just have better cuts now a better way for me to explain this is actually to show you a couple examples like for example econ vids like they do a very good job of showing exactly what the product is or at least a scroll stopper in the first three seconds so let's actually just look at one of the videos boom so it shows you exactly why would you want this product what is the reason or purpose of this product and so as we go it's going to explain how this product works you know what's the benefit good we have our demographic right here you know it's very relatable to because it's not all just professional content and then shows almost like an iPhone style quality so this is really good and obviously it's edited very well this is a professional company but it's not about editing your videos perfect it's just about following the right structure so the right structure is first you need a hook because if you don't have a tension then you can't sell the customer anything so you need to have their attention so we start with a hook or a swirl stopper then you want to explain what does the product do for them so you need to explain exactly what your product is and you can't drag it out then after that you need to answer all the features and benefits any frequently asked questions you're gonna sprinkle it in through the video kind of make it engaging and interesting and then at the end you're always gonna have a call to action or reason for them to click which is typically you know sales happening now so that is a very simple structure and you can you guys can go through this page and you can get some ideas on different ways to kind of do that okay so now let's go into the next ad account and this will be one of the last out accounts we go over so we have our video viewer look-alikes that's still on but overall we have a one point four four so what has been doing better ah okay so look that ad set budget optimization campaign has been doing better so all of these are CBO's so let's look at this one we were just doing two ad sets okay all right let's look at UM one that's active okay so one of the biggest mistakes I see is like a lot of people might have already a winning product you might have a winning product but your structure is not very organized so it's gonna be very hard for you to see where you need to have your targeting so like this even naming convention tells me that there's a big mess you want to have yes you want to have a 1% look like 2% and 3% so I noticed that this is actually for the 95% video viewers so you want to have your look likes a video of yours and then your look-alikes of add to carts in the last say 30 days and then you want to have your hundred eighty day purchasers all one 1% 2% 3% like if you're gonna do look-alikes those are your best ones to start with by the time that you have a ton of data let's just say 500 purchases or you're scaling you're at 3 grand a day you could start testing broader and further look-alikes like a 7 to 10% but when you're just starting it's important you want to stay very relevant to the data that has proven to work and then you can start kind of using Facebook's pixel to find different buyers in different audiences because eventually to scale yes you do have to have a ton of different audiences and you can start getting more advanced you can start breaking these down and you can break them down by platform and we can see all right what gave us all the conversions we'll see like oh it was mainly Facebook maybe I'll duplicate this and only target the Facebook platform instead of spending on Instagram which wasted $26 and let's just spend more on the Facebook platform with this specific audience so by dissecting and segmenting your audiences it's very very powerful now if we look at the product we see that it's this magnetic 360 charger I've actually seen this quite a bit that's interesting it's very catchy and look how simple this product is but yet you can still make it very engaging into an ad so that's one thing I would definitely take away from this they explain the features very well it is a good ad it's a good start but that I think the biggest thing would be this account structure of how you're getting your data - now just test the look-alikes but that is it for this video and in the next one I'm thinking to do one of two options either I'll cover logistics in exactly how to find suppliers find private agents and how to negotiate so I'll either cover that in the next video or I can cover an in-depth Facebook Ads tutorial so let me know which one you guys would want but with that being said thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next [Music]
Channel: Charlie Brandt
Views: 143,765
Rating: 4.9618292 out of 5
Keywords: 100k Academy, Charlie brandt, google ads for beginners, Shopify dropshipping for beginners, winning product research, google ads launch strategy, google ads 2020 strategy, Google ads for Dropshipping, Google ads for Shopify, charlie brandt course, 100k academy, 100k academy charlie, 100k launch and scale, dropshipping for beginners, facebook ads for beginners, how to start with google ads, charlie brandt google ads, charlie brandt google course, dropshipping stores
Id: 1pwFLcWfP-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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