How I Edit Videos like MagnatesMedia in CapCut PC?

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hey what's up everyone welcome back to the channel a few days ago I dropped a video asking can I edit videos like magnates media in cap cut on PC well guess what today we're diving into it I'm going to break down the process step by step so you can create those amazing edits yourself so first things first while editing this kind of video we split it into the parts to do that I have the Audio I will cut the audio before the name JP Morgan revealed for first time synonymous with wealth power and influence in the annals of American History one name stands out Above the Rest a name synonymous with wealth power and influence in our opening shot we have a person standing and we're about to transform the entire atmosphere into something truly captivating step one importing the sky first off I scoured the web for a dynamic sky video that would bring life to our scene after downloading I imported it into cap cut this moving sky is the key to elevating our opening shot step two setting the scene now let's position our Sky perfectly by tweaking the properties specifically setting the x coordinate to 52 and the y-coordinate to 385 we create a seamless blend making it look like a cinematic backdrop step three key frame magic the secret source of Animation I planted the first key frame right at the beginning of our video over the scale property I set the value to 100 this ensures our Sky starts at its original size get ready for the wow factor the second key frame strategically placed at the end of our footage is where the magic unfolds by adjusting the scale property to 77 we create a gradual and cinematic Zoom effect giving the impression that the sky is in constant motion now that we've set the stage with our Dynamic Sky it's time to bring our scene to life I went on a hunt for the perfect Street image and and let me tell you it was a journey step one finding the perfect Street image hours of searching for that ideal New York City street image from the 19s it was a challenge but persistence pays off and I finally found one that matched my vision step two refining the image before downloading I needed to refine the image using the magic of remove BG I effortlessly removed the sky background leaving us with just the city streets step three importing the refined Street image with the refined image in hand I imported it into cap cut now let's position our city streets perfectly setting the X and Y coordinates both to zero we ensure it aligns seamlessly with our Sky backdrop step four animated transformation here comes the animation magic I added the first key frame at the beginning setting the scale to 119% as our scene progresses I place the second key frame at the end of the footage cranking up the size to 144% but we're not done yet to add that extra flare I introduced rotation starting at one degree and ending at one degree we've added a subtle twist to our cityscape now that our sky and city streets are alive it's time to introduce a key element our character step one finding the Perfect Image the Quest for the Right image was quite the adventure finally after a bit of digging I stumbled upon the perfect shot a man in a suit standing with his back to us adding that touch of mystery step two refining the image before we download we need to refine our character using I seamlessly removed the background leaving us with the Striking figure of our man in a suit step three importing the refined character image with our refined character in hand I imported him into cap cut placing him on our scene I set his position to x0 and y0 ensuring he seamlessly integrates into our backdrop step four animated transformation now let's make our character Dynamic I added the first key frame at the beginning setting the scale to 148% and rotation to 3° giving him a subtle twist as our video progresses I plac the second key frame at the end of the footage here I adjusted the size to 109% and the rotation to 2° adding a natural flow to his presence in our scene and there we have it a dynamic composition position our man in the suit stands against the vibrant cityscape and moving Sky adding that touch of sophistication to our video now that we've set up our base scene let's fine-tune it to Perfection there's a subtle difference between our actual video scene and what you're seeing now to bridge that Gap we're going to use some adjustments like saturation brightness and more step one accessing adjustments click on the adjustment tab right after the animation tab this is where the real magic happens we'll be adjusting each layer one by one to bring our scene to life step two adjusting the sky layer starting with our sky video let's make it pop adjust the properties saturation to 22 brightness to 5 highlights to 24 and add a touch of vignette at 33 these tweaks will seamlessly integrate the sky into our composition step three adjusting the city street layer now onto our city street apply the 9 1880 filter to enhance its vibrancy apply a saturation of 8 brightness of 14 contrast of 12 and a vignet of 36 watch how these adjustments harmonize our cityscape step four adjusting the character layer finally let's polish our character apply a brightness of 18 illumination at 13 and a subtle vignette of 23 these adjustments will ensure our man in the suit seamlessly Blends into our Dynamic scene our base scene has undergone a transformation these meticulous adjustments have brought our video frame closer to the real scene ensuring a polished and captivating composition now to add a touch of eminence we're going to create impactful words to do this we'll switch over to canva a fantastic AI based design web application in case you're not familiar with canva it's a free-to-use design tool offering a plethora of resources if you're interested in a full length tutorial on how I gather my editing resources let me know in the comments but for now let's dive into creating those compelling words first things first open canva search for video in canvas search bar and click on create blank to start a new project after the project loads click on the blank canvas set the background color to Black and then click on the text option choose add a heading and a text box will appear on your canvas double click on the text box and type the word you want in our case it's wealth change the font to Open Sands make it bold choose a color I'm going for an orange shade adjust the text size according to your preference I'll set it to 150 now here's the magic to achieve that glowing text effect select the text go to effects click on glow and keep the default value which is 50 duplicate the text and for the duplicated one remove the glowing effect by clicking on none align both texts with each other repeat this process for the other two words create each text separately choose colors adjust sizes apply the glow effect and align them once you're satisfied download each text file separately in image format now import them into cap cut one by one now that we have our glowing words from canva let's dive into cap cut after importing grab the first word wealth and sync it seamlessly with our audio for that perfect timing once synced select the blend mode brighten to remove the black background integrating it seamlessly into our scene now for the exciting part animation set key frames for three properties scale position and opacity all in the same place at the very beginning of the text for the first key frame let's make the word Grand scale it to 155% position it at xed 908 y99 and set the opacity to 5% now move to the end of the text image add the second key frame and let's bring it to life for the second key frame set the scale to 110% position it at X 706 y CH 84 and crank up the opacity to 100% and there you have it the word wealth gracefully animated growing in size shifting position and perfectly synced with the rhythm of our audio all while seamless ly removing the black background making our video scene truly Dynamic now that we've animated the first word wealth let's seamlessly repeat the process for our second word power the steps remain the same only the values will change once imported drag the power word to the timeline and sync it with our audio to ensure a harmonious Rhythm now select the blend mode brighten to eliminate any unwanted background ensuring a smooth integration into our scene just like with wealth let's set key frames for scale position and opacity at the very beginning of the text for the first key frame let's give power its grand entrance set the scale to 155% position it at x1106 y 113 and set the opacity to 11% move to the end of the text image add the second key frame and let's bring power to its full Glory for the second key frame set the scale to 110% position it at X 932 y1 184 and crank up the opacity to 100% with wealth and power dynamically animated let's now bring the third word influence to life the process is familiar with some variations in values similar to the previous words drag influence into the timeline and sync it with our audio to maintain the fluidity of our composition once positioned select the blend mode brighten to ensure a smooth integration eliminating any unnecessary background now let's delve into the animation set key frames for scale position and opacity at the very beginning of the text for the first key frame let's give influence its grand entrance scale it to 155% position it at X 823 y 437 and set the opacity to 6% as we reach the end of the text image add the second key frame and let's bring influence to its full glory for the second key frame set the scale to 110% keeping the position the same as the first key frame and crank up the opacity to 100% we have finally complete the first scene and now you can enjoy the final reveal in the annals of American History one name stands out Above the Rest a name synonymous with wealth power and influence I hope you enjoyed the creative process if you found value in this tutorial give it a thumbs up subscribe for more insights and share your thoughts in the comments your support means the world see you in next video
Channel: EliteEcho
Views: 9,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnates media, magnatesmedia, magnates, magnates media edit, how to edit like magnatesmedia, how to edit like magnets media, magnets media, how to edit documentaries, magnets media editing, magnets media youtube, magnets media editing breakdown, magnet media video editing, magnets media editing tutorial, magnets media rolex, magnet media airbnb, magnet media amazon, how to edit like sunnyv2, edit like sunnyv2, sunnyv2, How To Edit Like MagnatesMedia, joey edits, joey edits cap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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