Make Any Keyword Into Full SEO Content in 7 Minutes

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this is my new favorite way to make content using Ai and I'm going to give you it for [Music] free if you watched yesterday's video I showed you how to do some decent keyword research and find some good keywords in this video I'm going to show you how to take that keyword and turn it into a piece of content so this was the keyword here work genes for men as you can see word jeans for men this is using ahrs free keyword generator I have not paid for anything so the keyword here we'll put that into the prompt in a second and we're actually going to be using claw for this so I've got the prompt here we'll put this into a notepad and basically all we have to do is fill in the missing pieces so you can see here it says enter your title here so we'll put work genes for men and and are there any other yeah I'm writing for website so we'll write two men. it and that's pretty much all we need so we'll head over to Claude and we'll do contrl V and we'll put that in okay so that's the keyword inside that's the business inside now we just need to see if there is anything else so for products we're using products you can decide you know what whatever works for your business but we will be using a tool called sitemap to clipboard so we'll go over to to men. it/ sitemap.xml and we'll open this up which is the products sitemap if you don't know on Shopify they have their products and they have their product images so we'll click here and we'll click process images and that will give me a download Okay so now we have the products so if I just go on downloads I'll just show you what that looks like so we on file explorer downloads double click this you'll see this has a list of all of the products so we'll do crl a contrl + C and then we'll paste this in here and then that's guys honestly that's literally it this is all I'm doing to write content you need to get the products contextualize them put the keyword use this big prompt and then just press go and you'll see in a second CLA will start to write now at the same time I think what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to give chat GPT a chance as well a chance at glory so we can compare the uh difference between chat GPT and Claude uh we'll attach here instead of doing the paste thing we'll just attach the file like that Claude has not even started writing yet so let's see if chat gbt can finish before Claude has even started now the quality of Claude is better though uh normally so yeah we we'll see what happens here this is still not stard which is very slow the really good thing about tra gbt and especially the new uh model is that it's very very quick as you can see here perfect now one thing it doesn't do very well is uh take things not literally so chat gbt has taken that very very literally that that is the title and now it's talking about sweaters I definitely did not ask it to talk about sweaters okay perfect thank you Claude you are you are the boss so you can see Claude kind of understands things a little bit better like nobody writes an article called work jeans for men okay I know that I've said the title here is work jeans for men any llm worth its salt will read that understand that that's not a very good title and give it a proper title instead chat GP chat GPT just decides I'm just going to write you an article anyway B basically now this article is totally fine it would serve it would probably rank on Google so we'll just take this over to markdowns HTML um this is how I view articles and make sure they're correct uh and then you want to check links because uh chat gbt and Claude both invent a lot of links okay so this would work this is fine you know the content's not bad um it's just I don't know why it's talking about sweaters and sneakers and things I guess it's not the end of the world but I am trying to write a best work genes for men and it's not just talking about genes okay Claude on the other hand I'm going to absolutely guarantee that this has done a much better job we'll just type continue here uh but we will let that finish but I just want to um copy this if I can no I can't I will have to wait for it to finish okay let's see if we can just uh cheat a little bit okay so I just want to see um how this content is looking so we'll have a quick look here crl a contrl v let's get rid of this bit at the top and then let's scroll down okay so yeah it's not actually giving me the content just yeah there we go right okay I'm sorry for being impatient Mr Claude so let's see just how much better the final product is here well I'm assuming it's better I don't actually know yet okay so in order to see kind of this in its full Glory let's go uh wait let's just get rid of the bit at the top and we'll go to W3 TR editor without going on Google control aolv run finding the perfect pair of work genes okay we have jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans okay so this is something that does happen guys um so just be careful sometimes it invents images if it does invent an image you can very very easily just right click this and just edit out edit it out so if I click here okay so I actually have the link here all you would do is find where it says Kiton gray okay jeans for every body type there it is okay and then you would find this image and just change out the link basically it's that simple so this is the link that's broken contrl +v run and you'll see if I scroll down now that that image is now working it's that simple guys and you can see the content on Claude is significantly better than the content on uh chat GPT as expected so the final thing we'll do is just so we have just so you know uh we'll check how long this content is and yeah I honestly you you should be editing your content anyway so you should always be checking your content anyway there we go tools word count 2372 words it's way too much for me personally I don't like that amount of words but it is what it is thank you so much for watching guys if you're watching all the way to the end you're an absolute Legend and I'll see you see you soon with some more content peace out hey you subscribe
Channel: Income stream surfers
Views: 9,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo tutorial, seo tutorial for beginners, search engine optimization, chatgpt seo, ai seo, ai, chatgpt, chatgpt 4o, claude, claude opus, claude vs chatgpt, claude 3 ai, chatgpt seo strategy, what is seo and how does it work, seo training, chatgpt tutorial, claude 3 opus, openai chatgpt, gpt4, ai news, claude 2
Id: 3fZ1dHJuoyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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