Sick Of AI Content? Claude Blog Writing Is NOT Your Ordinary HYPE AI

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could Claude AI be the most human AI content producer that's what we're going to find out in this uh quick video because if you know me for any length of time you'll know that I mostly focus on Google bard now it's Google Gemini and that's for search engine optimization for keyword research for blog content creation as well but people started asking me hey Kieran have you tried out Claude Ai and to be honest I didn't spend much time with Claude Ai and that's because I'm a Google person but but I've recently started playing around with Claude Ai and I Think Jesus this is this is a this is a big kind of this is a a big moment for me I think that clawed AI is it produces better outputed content and it's it's a it's a very strangely human um artificial intelligence it it really really is so what we're going to do in this is we're going to speak the CLA i' I've created a whole series of prompts for use to actually create a blog post for your blog utilizing CLA AI but what you're going to notice about these prompts is that they're very human there's not very much formula to what it is obviously I ask at certain things related to keywords and all of these kind of things obviously but everything that I do is is very human it's it's almost like having a conversation with a friend and what you'll notice when you do it for yourself as well is that it sounds like a human being it doesn't sound like an AI it speaks to you it gives you answers in a way that doesn't overload your senses with too much information it's a very very smart AI it's created by a company called anthropic uh and so let's first get into it so the prompts that you want to be using here guys they're over on my um substack so crafting human level blogs with Claude Ai and so have a read down through the content but if you'll see here so your blog post prompts with CLA AI so what I found was I like to start off the conversation with Claude more than the other AIS by explaining in small detail what the conversation will be about okay and so for this conversation so what what it is here uh for this conversation I want you to think and act like an SEO who specializes in Niche blog marketing can you do this all right the reason being is I love the answers that it actually gives us clear's throat speaks an enthusiastic T well yes Niche blogging is my speciality as an SEO focused on helping blogs Niche blogs grow I have a wealth of experience targeting all right Etc so we know this kind of stuff it's going down through that process okay now what I would recommend is I'm doing it for sake of quickness here but I would recommend that you actually read what it says so after each prompt that you go through I want you to go back and read what it actually says so the next thing that we want to do is we want to actually ask it for an outline okay if I can or if you can I would like an article outline for the following keyword and I'm going to insert the keyword here so so my keyword is how to make money as a blogger and what it's going to do is it's going to give me the article outline here okay so very simple introduction first heading second heading uh then sub points so they'd be your H3 tags then you got another heading Etc okay so as you can see it's given us a good outline here so let's go back to the next one okay what what we're going to basically do after Claude gives you uh his reply I want you to read what it says but most uh mostly this prompt here will work okay you have to remember that your AI no matter what it is will not give the exact same reply every single time it will be a variation so no matter what you ask it it doesn't matter like sometimes the prompt you'll going to need to tweak it a tiny little bit okay and this is just the way the AIS actually work how do you think um how do you think is the best way for me uh and you to create this as a oneoff full article or section by section so you see I'm giving it a little bit of communication back and forth here and then it's excellent question since this is a full indepth article on making money as a blogger I would recommend we tackle it section by section rather than trying to write it an article in full go okay so we knew this was going to happen okay and this is much better this is what you should be doing with your blog articles anyway okay so let's go back in and get our next prompt next we want to talk to Claude and say uh we like how he thinks and that we agree it I do this to a pie the AI not that it might work uh I just like to think about the future when I potentially might be a lot smarter so in this section about keywords um here's our prompt okay so we're just going to paste it back in here we're just going to say I like the section by section idea also but before we do please make a list of related LSI keywords and NLP keywords that would fit well in this article so all right NLP LSI keywords these are super super important when when it comes to your blog posts these are things that Google look for In Articles to understand the contextual relevance of your content but also it's how people speak so NLP it understands how people actually communicate and ask questions so natural language processing NLP so we need to include these types of keywords in our content as well so we press enter now and again it's just going to give us a list of keywords here absolutely identifying relevant longtail keywords and natural language phrases here are our crucial so then we got blogging income blogging Mon monetization and you got your NLP uh wondering how to earn an income from a personal blog as you can see very human figuring out how to make an extra money by leveraging your blog content okay great so let's go on to the next one and this is another uh keyword one all right so I'm just going to ask it for anymore all right so they are great can you recommend any other keyword types that you think should be included and it's going to start doing it it's going to bring them up now while it's going and doing that what we're going to basically do is we're going to go back to the article and we're going to grab our next one we're going to ask it please do research on on your end to identify relevant competitors and targets to help inform our keywords all right so what's this given us in here all right so it's got conversation keywords transitional phrases and comparison keywords okay so these are great all right now we're going to ask it please do research on your end to identify relevant competitors absolutely conducting competitor research okay so then we got Pro blogger blog Tyrant smart blogger Target in terms of targets some key audience groups to keep in mind include new bloggers aspiring fulltime bloggers Niche bloggers Etc okay so we're getting what we're doing is we're building up a repository of information that Claude is going to actually bring together now at the end super super important okay this is what I love about Claude over Google bar in some instances so let's go back what we're going to ask is to update that outline okay so boom all right can you update the outline for the artart article now ensuring to take on board all the latest information on keywords okay so as you can see I made sure to incorporate relevant keyword variations language reflective of the Searcher intent for various blogger stages okay so this is awesome now we're going to get into the blog creating okay and this is your main prompt here for getting your blog created once you have all of that okay so we now have an amazing list of keywords and an article outline we should get started with the introduction of the article ensuring the integration of the different types of keywords including LSI n NLP competitors and content gaps in a natural way you should also include H it follows correctly or correct SEO formatting to ensure it is easily usable on my website now what I want you to notice here is where it says introduction when you're on to the next phase just go chapter two or uh part two or put in the piece of content okay so imagine that it was like this and I had I'll actually put those brackets in there and I'll make a note in the article okay so once we do that we press enter and there we go so it's going through uh the introduction of what it is that they're going to cover and then once we've got that all we're going to do is we're just going to paste that in again and then we're just going to go Section one okay so go through with section one then go section two go section three go section four and that is pretty much it that's how you're going to use um Claude AI to create absolutely humanlike blog posts I'm like really it is so so good in my opinion and for those people out there who English isn't their first language use this over the other tools okay so see if you can get access to it make sure that you read the content but enjoy it my name is kieron Doyle I'm the creator of the blog profit path if you're looking to get started and start build and grow a successful blog online and earn an income well then check out my um course which is down below and if you're new here give us a like and a subscribe I'd appreciate it well that's only if you enjoyed the content talk to you soon bye-bye
Channel: Ciaran Doyle
Views: 4,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claude blog writing, claude blog post, claude blog posts, claude blog article, claude blog writer, claude 2 blog post, claude blog post writing, claude blog post writer, best ai blog post writer, rank on google with claude, ai content writing tools, writing with artificial intelligence, rank on google with ai, claude 2 seo writing
Id: CaCAcE-_rFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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