How I Became The Fastest Amazon Driver On The Team

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Hey, guys. Chris here. Welcome back to the Amazon vlogs. Do you find yourself being one of the last drivers to come back to the station? Are you tire of gang rescued every other day because they're too slow? Well, have no fear, because today I'm going to show you how to deliver faster and how I organize my packages optimally. Now, some of these methods I'm going to show you how to go faster are questionable. So this will be an unofficial guide. So here are five tips that can help you improve If you want to go faster. Number one tip, you need to get yourself a bigger vehicle. Now, if you're driving a sprinter slash cargo van, I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems, but those bands ain't one. You see, the key to being a fast driver is organization. You want to be as efficient as possible when you're on the road and with organization. The more space you have, the better. Now, you can still get the job done in those cargo vans. But your job in life becomes much easier when you drive one of these big ones. For example, right now I'm the step in the Vivian's or the electric fence have lost space as well. Dual shelves on both sides. There's something called the CTV which is like the cargo van, but in the back, it's box shaped. And if you work at Amazon Excel, you drive those big box trucks. So make sure you guys upgrade. So now I'm going to show you how I load and organize my truck during morning load out. All right. When you guys load, you want go left to right. The warehouse workers are supposed to sort of feel that way, but sometimes they don't. You don't have a lot of time. So that's the way I do it. So I put the first toe on the middle shelf and the second toe on the bottom one. And I keep doing that. The third toe would be in the middle. And the fourth one will be on the bottom. Fifth won't be on top and six won't be on bottom. And I will just continue that pattern. You should do the same method in the cargo van. Well, if you have a lot of totes, you might want to stack them three high. As the pictures shown above. So this is what we got today. You can see this is when we scan our carts. I'm just going to do this. And this is the load out menu. You can only see this menu during load out. So you got to pay attention so you can see which totes come first. And if you want to sort by totes, you can add the stuff in. It doesn't really matter because there's just so much room to work with. And when you come down here this is very important. The overflow packages. The first two numbers of driver eight number. See, it starts at 85, goes to 87 and 86, eight, 788. I like to group the overflow by the first two numbers. So 87 go together to 86 goes together. 87 and 88. And that's why our overflow is looking like. All right. If there's time out, load out, you can organize your overflow. But if there's no time, do it during your first stop. They start at 85 and go to 88. So the way I do it is I usually write down or have the label facing us. These are the 80 fives. 85 you can see 85 or take the sticker. In 585 then 86 is our right here. The sevens are on down right here and 88 are back here. That way we know our first few soft we're going to look in this general direction or this general area. And if this was the cargo, then you have the shelf on the left side. You slide 85 closest to you and 8687 and 80 towards the back. That way you're not thinking through so many packages. You kind of know where everything is in general. All right. Number two on the list. Organization. Organization is key to be a successful delivery driver. So we're going to start by opening a new tote. And how I sell my truck is I always leave space on the bottom shelves, like right here and right here. Now, our next tote is four for two green. So we take it always one tote at a time, guys. Maybe two at Max. But you always want to be working with one tote. So I take all the boxes and put up on one side and all the envelopes and other stuff on the other side. Make sure the labels are facing up and towards you so you can see better. Now, four boxes, I always leave like that because if you need a box, you just look on this side and you're only looking maybe like five or six labels at most. And for the envelopes, sometimes there's a lot. In this case, it's like six or seven. One tote can have like fits and envelopes and you kind of want to go for it. So the way I like to do it, if you're tall enough, I like to use both shelves and put in alphabetical order. A two L will be on top and M to Z would be on the bottom. So, for example, this package clerk D like right here was a clerk Thomas. So right down here, clerk up there, and do it by street. You can do it by driver aid number. But I find it it takes a really long time to look at the number. It's just easier to organize by three because you can just toss it right there. One bomb and you're organized in less than 2 minutes. So if I had Main Street, I put it down there. If I had Apple Street up there, Hillside right here. You guys get the point. So right now we're on Clark Street, and we need a box. So we just go to our box side and bam on the right here. Just like that truck there. And look how seamless. You have a bigger truck. Just walk right in, press the button my pocket and push the start and we're off to our next one. All right. Our next stop is Brandon, end of the corner right here. So we're going to pull right here fast. The truck All right. Watch how fast I can find this. So I'm looking for a medium box. Ridgewood one. Here you are. Just like that. It's a less than 5 seconds to find it, because if you don't have an organized truck, it might take you 20 to 30 seconds to find a package. And if you have 150 stops and you take 30 seconds to find a package that's almost an hour and a half wasted looking for packages. So it's very important to be organized. You don't have to do it my way, but maybe you could take my way and put it in your own style. However you feel comfortable. I can't say enough. Organization is key. Now, I think a lot of you are in the cargo van. So if you are, a lot of people like to put packages on the passenger seat in the aisle, the seat and on the dashboard. I heard you not supposed to. It's a safety hazard. So do at your own risk. I personally don't like things on the dashboard. I don't like the reflection of the packages on the glass. And I have all the space anyway. But I know in the cargo van, it's very limited. You only have one shelf Like right here. Everyone calls it the working table and everything's in reach. When you're in the cargo van. So if you want to do the same method, but set up in the front Knock yourself out. Number three, the seatbelt trick. This is an old classic I learned from working at FedEx, and it's a trademark secret between all delivery drivers. So every time you have to deliver a package, you've got to take your seatbelt off. Go deliver the package. Come back to the truck and put on your seatbelt. You do that a hundred, 150 times a day. So can get quite annoying. So while the drivers like to do a seatbelt. So have you ever walked into someone else's truck and their seatbelt was already clicked on? This is exactly what they're doing. So I'm going to deliver a package and I come back and I got to do just like that. My belts on and we're off to our next stop. And after that, when we get to our next stop, I've got you. Just like that, Well, where does keeps you safe or not? I'm not entirely sure. But remember, guys, safety first. Right. Number four, number four involves the phone. It's taking the password off the phone. So by the fall, I think every phone, when you turn off the screen and turn back on it has the lock screen turn on immediately. And it's quite annoying because I know you want to see battery on your phone. So you want to turn off the screen because these phones don't last for the whole day and we're going to change that. So we don't need to put the password every time we go in. The first thing we would do is go to our settings. We bring the scroll bar down and we click this little icon right here for settings. Then we're going to go to security where it sits right here. Click on security, and then we're going to click the settings icon for the screen lock right here And this what we're going to change. So we're going to change log after screen timeout to immediately or not to immediately. We're going to take it off immediately. And put it for 5 minutes and you're going to turn power. But in so many locks, you can turn off. Oops, turn off like that. So every time I turn off my phone, and turn back on, I don't have to use the pin code. I'll have to put a password. And saves me an extra couple of seconds. I always do in the morning. I never forget. It's always a pain to put in password. And number five, tip, eat a good breakfast and have some coffee. Ah, yes. The most important meal of the day. It's important to have breakfast in the morning because you need that energy. When I have breakfast, I'm always so pumped up and ready for the day. In the break room at the warehouse, they have a coffee machine so I can get free coffee. Any time I want. And for a bonus. Make sure you have good music. I bring my wireless speaker when I'm in the stuff.and and I find some jamming playlists I listen to. So I go into a zone. Now, when it comes to Amazon, you really don't want to be the fastest one that finishes on the team unless for three reasons. First, you get paid by the day. You just want to get paid and go home as best you can to your DSP, pays for rescues, finish as best you can, and make more money helping other people out. Or three. You made plans later in the day, so you got to finish at a certain time. Maybe it's a hot tinder date or you're going out with your girlfriend or boyfriend. Other than that, nine times out of ten, if you're the first one to finish your dispatcher will most likely ask you to do a rescue goal and help other people do their work. That's why you got to find the sweet spot. You don't want to fish too early where that happens, but you don't want to fish too late where someone else helps you. You just want to finish just right. So I hope this field helps you if you learn something new. Make sure you leave a like and subscribe and with that, I'll see you in the next one. Piece out, guys, later.
Channel: Chris Sing
Views: 130,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laos House, Amazon DSP Driver, How I Became The Fastest Amazon Driver On The Team, how to deliver faster, how to organize your packages at amazon, amazon driver aid number, tips to deliver fast amazon, 5 tips to deliver faster, how i organize my packages amazon driver, amazon driver how to load your van, how to load your truck at amazon, amazon loading, tips for amazon drivers, organizing overflow, overflow amazon, how to move fast, move faster amazon driver, slow driver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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