Starting A Drop-shipping Business In 1 Week... (What I Would Do) - Shopify Drop-shipping

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all right what's up guys so I know there's a lot of dropshipping videos on YouTube but I feel like none of them really go in depth about how to start where to start and what steps to take in order to not make as many mistakes as possible I know it's very very important because a lot of people make their website and then don't really have a product or they don't have a niche and then they have to like redo their entire website or buy a new Shopify trial so in this video I'm going to actually show you what I would do if I were to build a brand new store which I'm actually building right now and I'm already running TV ads towards it but if I were to build a brand new store tomorrow I would show you exactly what I would do in a 7 day process exactly what I would do for 7 days after the deciding that I wanted to start a Shopify drop shipping business so I think this will really really help a lot of you because it'll kind of paint the picture and it'll kind of show you the pathway that I would take to make the least amount of mistakes so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope you find it valuable I hope you learned and I hope it kind of helps you make your mind up about where to start and if you do make sure you click the like button also make sure you click Subscribe we're about to pass' 23 thousand subscribers whoa so make sure you click Subscribe it'll be a win-win for both of us so let's get right into this thing what would we do on day 1 okay so day 1 is here you know you see a couple people on YouTube driving nice cars you say ok I want to start drop shipping right I want to start making money online I don't want to go to my nine-to-five job or what do i do how do I start well the first thing I would do is I would go on all social media right if you're not a huge social media person download it make a profile and look for influencers now influencers are people with a lot of followers that post ads usually because they want to make money so go follow influencers that post ads on all social media now I'm talking Twitter I'm talking Instagram and I'm talking Facebook ok those are your 3 big ones right now so go get on all of those platforms and follow big influencers I know you can't really do that on Facebook but you could still scroll through Facebook and kind of see ads once in a while and that will help you as well now what you want to do is you want to look for a product that you kind of see a lot right if you see a certain product being pushed a lot usually that means that it's making money because nobody's going to advertise a product over and over and over again especially on three different platforms if it's not making money so that's exactly what I would do is I would go on all three look for products and then the ones that are common right ones that you see is the ones that I would start with now there's two ways to kind of start a drop shipping business you can go after a trending product or you could kind of try to start a brand which is more long-term you get more consistent customers although on the other side with the trending product if you get it right and you get in before the curve you can make a lot of money really quick so those are kind of the two ways I see that you could start a drop shipping business though on day one like I said I would just look for a product I would go on all three platforms follow big influencers and look for something that is popping up because that means it's making money guys come on also on day one after you kind of have decided to product or if you've written down three or four products that you see often go and look for a market right go on Instagram and look if it's available for example I'm gonna use this all the time if you see a dog necklace or right or a rose ring or something like that go on Instagram and look for potential places that you could advertise those products now your goal is to find pages that are related to your products for example if you're if you're gonna do a dog necklace you want to look for dog pages and you always want to make sure that they have high engagements in a decent amount of followers now I have videos about how to do all of that so make sure you go check out the other videos if you haven't already seen them but the gist is is you want to find pages that have something to do with your product because those people are most likely going to be passionate so that's what we're gonna do on day one we're gonna look for products on the social media on three platforms we're gonna see what we see often and we're gonna write them down write down a couple of products and then look for an available market right go on Twitter go on Instagram look for influencers look for pages that are related look for places that you could market this product before you jump in you know you buy Shopify in all the expensive apps and start making a website you want to make sure that you're going to at least have the product and have the places to market the product before you go and spend all that extra money so this is a good way to save on mistakes day to decide on one main product to promote and then create our website around that product now it depends if it's a low ticket item or a high ticket item if it's a high ticket item for me personally I would add one more lower ticket item to upsell or down sell them but if it's low ticket item you could add a couple more maybe two or three different products to that are related that you could also upsell with so what I mean by this is you want to focus on one product you don't want to just try to promote all of them you want to focus on the one that you see trending or the one that you see on all platforms because that's probably going to be the one that sells the most so if you focus on one you get a couple products that are similar or related and then you can upsell down so with those other filler products is what they're called so day two we're going to build a website around the product the main products that we're focusing on we're gonna add all the apps and gadgets and whatever we're gonna do all that just all of the front end work and we're gonna get the whole website done on day two and really realistically it does not take that long if you know what you're doing or if you're working with somebody that's mentoring you or if you're in a course it shouldn't take that long personally I could build a website in less than three hours and have it up and running functioning everything I could do it in less than three hours granted I do know what I'm doing and I have multiple websites but if you're out there and you know what you're doing it shouldn't take long at all I think you guys could get it done in less than a day day three so this is what I would do on day three is I create social media right I'm gonna be promoting on Instagram Twitter and eventually Facebook but I still have to create my social media so I would create my Instagram account I would create my Twitter account and I would buy followers just to get that social proof not for customers because those fake followers are not going to be customers are not gonna buy anything but it does give you social proof and then when you start advertising people are going to think that you're more of a legit company and they'll be more inclined to buy so that's why I buy fake followers not everybody likes to do it but that's what I personally do and that's what I would do if I started in a new store right now so that's what happens on day three you make all your social media you link all of your social media to your website so people could go back and forth through your website and your Instagram and your Twitter and all that and also you post content on your Instagram and you get followers for your Instagram so you basically set up all social media and link it all to your website it's also very important that at this point in time you want to install your Facebook pixel now also I have videos on how to do this there's plenty on YouTube if you're in the course I explain how to do this as well it's important to set up your pixel before you drive any traffic so that the pixel can track everything because that will help you down the long road when you're trying to scale with Facebook Ads so make sure you set up your pixel on day three after you're done setting up the website okay so Dave for you should have already looked for in influencers you should have already looked for a market but now it's time to contact them and ask for rates negotiate and try to buy your first ad so this is day four I'm already looking for influencers I probably already messaged a hundred of them and people have already responded I'm negotiating and I'm already to purchase an ad tomorrow I'm ready to go I got my ad all set up everything's good to go so that's what I would do on day four is just go through influencers and look for one to promote you know negotiate with a couple of them and then get an ad honestly I would buy an ad on the fourth day probably set it up for the fifth day or even the fourth day if I'd do it early enough in the morning on the fifth day you are posting ads right now at this point you don't know if you're making money or not because influencers can be a hit or miss or they could be breakeven but you want to rinse and repeat right if you didn't make money you want on the fifth date contact different influencers and get ready for the sixth day and start posting ads again I like to work really fast so I don't waste any time but the fifth and the sixth day is really just you contacting influencers posting ads if it works move on if it doesn't then don't so this is kind of the part most people get tripped up because you have to spend money you know that's where the budget comes in and most people don't like spending money but unfortunately to start a business you need to spend money and if you want to get it going fast then you're going to have to spend money so that's what I do on the fourth and the fifth day Six Day is the same thing we're still doing ATS influencer ads you know if you are doing this correctly by this time you should have at least five to ten people that have responded you should have at least five to ten ads if you're moving quick and you should have a decent amount of orders I would say either twenty to the thirty depending on if you're selling low or high ticket items if you're selling low ticket items for maybe more high ticket items maybe less but you should have already made your first sell at this point if you've done everything right up until now so that's the whole thing you want to build up your pixel and that's why we said we would install our pixel on the third day and on the fourth day we start driving traffic so that the pixel can collect all the information and start tracking it on the fourth fit and six days when we're running ads on Instagram or Twitter now when I say this I mean Instagram or Twitter you know the fourth fifth six days if you're purchasing ads it doesn't matter you could do it with influencers on Instagram and Twitter so don't get confused by that day seven I at this point honestly I would have more than thirty orders and I think that it would be okay time to move to Facebook because I'm starting to understand Facebook a lot better I kind of know how to work it the more orders you get on Instagram and Twitter the more ordered you get with the pixel insult the better and the easier it will be but with 30 to 50 orders I can already move to Facebook and start working on Facebook if you guys want to stay on Instagram longer that's perfectly fine and I encourage you to do so because it'll just make it easier in the long run but a good place to kind of leave Instagram or a good place to kind of move to Facebook not leave don't leave Instagram if you're making money but a good place to start moving to Facebook and start adding on Facebook is probably around 50 to 150 orders that would be a really really good spot to leave because you're pixel by then is already seasoned you know you're you got a bunch of orders you're you got a bunch of ads of carts and all that good stuff so you can start adding on Facebook and let the pixel do the work so day 7 I would move to Facebook I would start off with PPE ads and then I would move up down the line at the car you know initiate checkout and optimized for conversions the whole scaling process would probably take two to three weeks maybe four weeks maybe a month total if you want to play it slow and get all the pixel data but it really wouldn't shouldn't take that long and yeah guys that pretty much is it's not very very very difficult to understand but you know if you're very very very serious about starting a drop shipping business you know each day you should be working each day you should be moving forward and it shouldn't take that long now a Granik you know some people are gonna get their first sale very quickly and that's okay what I would recommend is you don't have to do this as fast as I say in this video right I'm just saying this is how fast you could do it in a week but if you don't make any sales on day six then don't move to Facebook on day seven right you have to wait to make a couple of sales on Instagram at least before you start moving to Facebook now I'm not saying you can't make sales on Facebook without starting on Instagram I'm not saying that all at all I know plenty of people that start with Facebook and don't touch Instagram or Twitter and that's perfectly fine but they are very very good at Facebook ads and if you're a beginner I would highly suggest starting on Instagram and then moving over to Facebook because it just really simplifies everything so yeah I hope this helps some of you if you did like it if you did enjoy the video make sure you do drop a thumbs up because that's how I know that you do enjoy the content that you're learning from it and then I could continue to post more like it so you guys could enjoy it so also if you did enjoy it make sure you do click the subscribe button because like I said we're growing super fast and we're gonna be the biggest family on YouTube so make sure you click the subscribe button right now and also you should click subscribe because I bought something and the video is coming out soon most of you guys know what it is but focus yeah you guys know what it is I've been dreaming about this car for my entire life I can't wait to post the video but I'm gonna work really hard and try to make the quality as good as possible because I just really want the video to stick I wanna be able to watch this video 25 years in the future you know show my kids and say I love this video I want it to just be an awesome awesome video so I'm gonna be working really really hard on that and I hope you guys are as excited as I am to post it I just I can't wait guys but other than that I'm going to quit talking go start your business right now my course is still 50% off if you guys do want to join and if you're completely new go ahead and click the link in the description to start your 14-day free trial with Shopify that way you can kind of make your website before you start paying for it other than that I'm out guys I will see you all in the next video with my car peace out [Music]
Channel: Sebastian Ghiorghiu
Views: 140,269
Rating: 4.9523611 out of 5
Keywords: shopify, shopify review, dropship, dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, sebastian ghiorghiu, how to start a business online, how to start shopify, how to start a dropshipping business, what whould i do when starting, ecom, ecommerce, ecommerce tutorial, shopify case study, shopify tips, shopify 2018, shopify course, influencer marketing, how to make shopify sales, shopify niche, shopify sales, shopify reviews, shopify instagram, how to make your first sale on shopify
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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