How I became FLUENT - the truth | Dr. Sandeep Patil
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Dr. Sandeep Patil
Views: 451,241
Rating: 4.9419527 out of 5
Keywords: learn to speak english, spoken english, how to improve english, english speaking course, english speaking practice, soft skills, english grammar lessons, dr.sandeep patil, Sandeep Patil, How to speak fluently, english speaking tips, communication skills, how to speak fluent english, how to speak english fluently, how to speak english easily, how to speak english, grammar, how to, how to speak in english, english tutorial, speak english, confidence, speak english confidently
Id: inT8CU1T-l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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