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[Applause] talking about myself i am subekshakarka former miss nepal uh international 2012. i'm a media personality myself it's been seven years that i've worked in the television field and yes uh i'm running my own business right now someone who has a never-ending dream like all of you kalingpong is a second home to me because my mom was born and brought up here she studied here so i've had a lot of amazing beautiful memories here in the country in kalingpong space and whenever i come here i always go back home with this positive energy because this place is small yet it has made the most out of whatever it has um be it uh the infrastructure be it the schools and universities that residing here in kangpong itself and walking the streets i meet so many um very humble and humorous and fun loving people who is always there welcoming you with a wonderful smile so these are the things that i go back home with whenever i leave kalingpong and this time this event youth and truth has invited me here to interact with you all the young generation of kalimpong and i'm so privileged it's an honor to be here right now standing with such eminent speakers professors teachers and everyone to students most importantly what i would like to say is i started my journey at a very tender age of 17. and we live in a society where we're always said that aurul we're always there trying to impress others but to all the girls and boys out here i would like to tell you all what do you like have you ever thought about it we're always worried how to impress our friend how to impress our girlfriends or boyfriends aurula gorda hari ram ra kunsala baniti ramik but have we ever thought what do i really like what do i want to do what do i want to give to my society or as an individual so this is one question i would like everyone to ask yourself what i'm really good at as an individual because we hardly think about ourself but always contemplating on what others are going to think about us and when it comes to this particular thought process social media everybody has facebook and instagram i am sure everybody does and we are so hooked to it that more than trying to impress ourselves because we should never forget that we are our own competition right healthy competition but we should be competitive within ourself because it's one life that we get it's one moment that we live live it up to the fullest when i was your age i was this very shy not so confident always behind a lot of group of people when people uh when student when teachers used to ask questions i was someone who was always hesitant to answer one fine day one of my teacher she told me to participate in this tourism olympiad that happened every year where hundreds of schools participated and i was one of those students who never really participated in any kind of curriculums but that was an opportunity that kind of made me realize that i had something to do and i from that particular journey i always loved stage i'll share a very short story and then i'll end my speech as well so i was i went to the competition i gave my speech i had to speak about tourism and how we can develop tourism in the country as a youth i had practiced like i had mugged everything that i was supposed to say i went on the stage i said everything that the teacher told me to do and then the time came when the winners were announced since i had participated i thought maybe third thunds then i had a little hope then the mc started announcing the winners like third there was some other college that was announced and i was like second i'm never going gonna be placed second because that was the first time i ever stood in front of the stage second there was another college name that was announced first i i didn't even think of it and at that particular moment dear students a student who was less confident was not believing in our own potential my college name was announced as the first in that particular tourism olympia 2011. and from that moment i realized we are always trying to be in a very comfortable situation we always easily say no to things but have we ever pushed our limits from that particular moment i realized we should always put ourselves on an edge always challenge yourself since that olympiad i got a gold medal it's it's been a journey that i've put forward on stage and from that journey until now i've always been on stage i've loved stage i've loved this microphone and this is what helps me live my life my survival way and that's how i realized my potential so what i would like to tell you all is sometimes we don't realize so we always think of different ways but sometimes putting ourselves on an edge when someone's pushing you that's when you realize your potential in the beginning i said we don't believe in ourself come on if you don't believe in yourself how is everyone around you going to believe in you right so start believing in your potential if you want to do something opt for it if you think you're good at singing if you if you're good at dancing start taking classes sharpen the talents that you have and polish the things that you're weak in because no one's perfect it's practice perseverance and consistency that makes a person a better human and a better version of who you are yesterday so this journey of grade 11 and 12 you're nurtured by your teacher you're taken care of every small thing is looked at right so as soon as you move out of this college out of these boundaries what's going to happen you're going to face the real world so when a teacher asks you a question in your school in your class make sure that you answer give a wrong answer it's always good to make mistakes don't hes don't hesitate make as many mistakes here inside because once you move outside of this place comfort zone you'll be challenged by the world it's not just kalingpong but india and overall the whole world will be your competition so do whatever you want to do because opportunities just knocks ones so grab that opportunity i saw these amazing dancers and singers on stage they reminded me of our school days my school day i also went to all girls school so they took a chance and they will remember this particular moment throughout their life so go for it like don't wait for tomorrow or don't wait for the time when you will be perfect because this is the moment we're going to live and this is going to be remarkable one for all of you so take chances make the most out of the opportunities that you're given and as girls i think over the time we've had the privileges and uh we're getting the best of the best educations our our uh male friends who are there because it has done stereotype thinking oily china the world has become a much easier place but yet if we change our mindset if we think if we change the way we think and take everything as it comes then it's going to be a very easy and a beautiful journey for you all because it's all the mind that makes it difficult right so don't underestimate the being that you are because everybody in this world is here with a mission with a vision you guys are the change maker and as i see kalingpong is a beautiful hub of opportunities it's yet to be developed right so i think if you want to pursue your study go abroad dhanus dhanu parsa because there's a bigger world a bigger picture outside but remember your roots come back in the country come back to your place and do something for your country for your people and that's going to change the living that's going to change or make a mark to your younger generation as well social entrepreneurship kubernetes doing something in an entrepreneurial field at the same time contributing to the society so try to be social entrepreneur of your country of your place kalingpong and i hope that this generation who is giving their best who is getting the best of the best education here will bring about a change because we are the change makers we are the change that we talk about every single time we always blame others but have we ever realized that what can i do to make a difference so be the change maker do what you want to but do it with full passion with commitment consistency if you do something with a lot of effort one day or the other you will surely see a difference so let's make a difference because we are the change makers so one last time thank you so much everyone uh for having me here it's been a wonderful time here listening to the speakers i came here just for this particular event and uh today itself i'll be leaving to siliguri tonight so i hope to see you all soon and lastly let's see this together i feel good [Music] i feel great i feel better and better can we do that one more time loudly all right i feel good i feel great i feel better and better [Applause] say this to yourself every single day because we human beings we are grown in the same environment we have the same potential we have the same um facilities it's just how you make most of it that will make a difference that will bring about a change so remind yourself that you are enough all right so let's give it up one more time everybody and wish you all the best from my end and thank you so much one more time you guys are being taught by such a wonderful principal ma'am the leader of the school and she's such an inspiration to all of you so yeah thank you so much ma'am for having me here it's been a wonderful time here thanks a lot have a great evening everybody
Channel: Rkay Talk!
Views: 707,357
Rating: 4.9309759 out of 5
Keywords: subeksha khadka, miss nepal, subeksha khadka speech, subeksha khadka interview, subeksha, khadka, subeksha khada speech with subtitles, speech with subtitles, Listen with subtitles, miss nepal 2012, listen with big subtitles, big subtitles, learn english, fluent english
Id: r6AQ016iHaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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