How to Speak Fluent English | 5 Tips to Speak English Fluently and Confidently | ChetChat

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hey everyone so here it is on your request five tips to help you speak English fluently and confidently and these are not your regular tips like speak more often or read more books these are advanced researched and tried and tested and of course easy techniques to help you speak English fluently and confidently so today I'm going to give you five tips and one bonus tip so make sure you watch right till the end hey this is Chetna and you're watching ChetChat one of the largest career and higher education chat shows and this is ChetChat's masterclass on 5 tips to help you speak English fluently and confidently but before I begin to give you those 5 tips I want to give a quick shout out to sushil gosh who in our last video said to us that that video helped his daughter immensely in choosing her career so if you want a shout-out in any of our future videos press the subscribe button and the bell icon right next to it and put a comment in the comment section right below this video with the #chetchatters and press the thumbs up because that helps us to know what we need to prepare for you in future okay and we have two videos already on how to improve your English and how to speak better English and I'm gonna put those links as well in the description box and let's without further ado get straight into those five tips to help you speak English more fluently and confidently tip number one it's called learn in chunks now imagine if you were to build a house and now imagine that you have no experience in construction or architecture and if you were told to build that house brick by brick it might seem impossible and you may even give up before completion but what if you were able to source these ready-to-use walls and windows and door and ceilings and all you had to do is piece them together like a jigsaw puzzle and how about that for making it interesting and easy to build your own house likewise when you're learning English a simpler way to put it together is if you have a repertoire of full sentences and you can learn a few of these sentences entirely what if you can just use them and then remove a word put another one remove a word put another one it's easy actually if you try tip number two is to sound well-prepared here's another quick and easy tip to help you sound like a pro so there are a few common theme that tend to appear in most conversations interviews or even English language tests talk about yourself talk about your family maybe your hobbies or your pastime talk about your most memorable moment or your most challenging moment to talk about your goals and your aim in life or even talk about what you do to stay fit or your daily routine now here's the cheat code prepare 4 to 5 lines on each one of these topics show them to a friend or a senior who's fluent at English practice these lines in front of the mirror and learn them up initially when you see them it might sound memorized but soon with some practice is gonna sound absolutely natural and later you can add more topics to it and very soon you'll become this fluent and confident speaker who makes natural conversation tip number three is converse with native English speakers now there was a young college student that wanted to learn how to cook so he went onto YouTube and saw some videos he watched cookery shows Annie read recipe books but every time he went into the kitchen nothing seemed to work similarly when you're learning English you can read books learn vocabulary or watch several English movies with subtitles but the only way to really get fluent at spoken English is to speak English but the challenge is who do we speak to because our friends kind of make fun of us and our family sometimes not so fluent in English so question is who do we actually speak English with so I went out looking for an expert that I could speak to whenever I was free someone who wouldn't judge me but they would guide me and help me improve my spoken English and I came across this app called cambly which i highly recommend to you so as you log on to the app you will see a list of several tutors and there's a rating given there and there's also their experience so why don't we give a call right now to one of them and see how this works hey I have a question for you for my viewers okay what is that one secret tip that you wanna give an English Learner to help him overcome the fear of learning a new language because I tell people all the time there really is no secret to learning English there's probably no secret to learning how to play guitar or how to bake a cake or you know something like that people can give you tips to help you but there's not like a magic secret it's just practice don't worry about making mistakes you don't need to worry about grammar just about communicating and as you progress you can start to think about grammar more and you know the more fine points but but just really just practice so speaking to them and listening to them not only helps me improve my speaking skills but also my listening skills so I approached Cambly and I said hey why don't you give an offer to us exclusively so we can try this candy app before we sign up for your monthly or quarterly packages and they came back and gave ChetChat an exclusive offer and I'm so excited to tell you that if you use the code that's given right here on the screen and also in the description box you can try candy for the first 10 minutes for only 199 rupees so hey what are you waiting for tip number four is called speed reading and reading aloud one very important aspect of learning any language is physical fluency our mouth lips tongue and facial muscles all need to get used to speaking these new kinds of words so this tip is gonna help you gain that physical fluency so here's what you need to do take a passage a short passage it should be approximately at your level possible but a bit challenging now read that passage and time yourself now second time over read the passage again and time yourself a and do that one more time till you find that you're beating your own time record every time that you're reading now in a previous video we spoke about singing out song lyrics now that also helps you in gaining physical fluency tip number five is called join meetups or groups so this tip is for you to practice because practice makes perfect okay now don't say no one's perfect so why practice now I want you to join groups or meetup in your area of interest it could be a coding group or it could even be a composting group it doesn't matter as long as the conversations are in high-quality English you must join these groups because not only are you going to get practice opportunities to build fluency and confidence but you're also going to become stronger in your own domain or area of interest now that's the five tips but before we get to the bonus tip I want you to put a comment in the comment section under the video to tell me which of these five tips you liked the most and if there's any other strategy that's worked for you while you trying to learn English with that as well in the comment section so it helps us to know what are the good strategies that you're using and you're appreciating I'll be waiting for those comments and now for the bonus tip the bonus tip is called observe and copy so observe good English speakers they could be on the news or on TED talk or even on movies and when you observe them read the subtitles hear them pause and copy and when you're copying pay special attention to pronunciation and intonation now intonation is that combination of stressed and unstressed words that creates a natural rhythm for example the statement what his name is actually not pronounced that way it's pronounced what's his name now the his becomes unstressed what's her name so the her is unstressed I'll be back from college at 2:00 it's not from college it's I'll be back from college at 2:00 I saw him but he ran away but he ran away also sometimes within a word there are stressed and unstressed parts like master wonder so the first part of these words is stressed another thing you need to pay attention to is when someone's asking a question you will notice especially if it's a yes/no type of question the intonation tends to go up so for example can I borrow your book is College open today so you notice how the tone tends to go up especially in questions that I guess know type questions now mastery of this rhythmic contrast is what makes you sound like a fluent English speaker so that's all from me for now I hope really that these five tips and the bonus tip help you improve your English we also have two other videos on how to speak good English and how to improve your English and I'm going to drop links in the description box and you can go back and watch them also please put a comment under this video of what other videos you'd like us to cover so I know what you're looking for and press the subscribe button and the bell icon right next to it and give us a thumbs up if you like our work and happy watching
Channel: ChetChat
Views: 2,111,151
Rating: 4.9010501 out of 5
Keywords: how to speak english, how to speak english fluently, how to speak fluent english, how to speak confidently english, how to speak english confidently, how to speak fluent english faster, 5 tips to speak english confidently, 5 tips to speak english fluently, how to improve your english, how to speak english easily, english speaking tips, how to learn english, chetchat, spoken english, how to improve english, how to become fluent in english, english, speak english, english speaking
Id: h7mOR4conx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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