How I Became a Web Developer in 3 Months

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hey guys this is Kishan and this is a life of a web developer I do [Music] I know that right now there are many people trying to do program lines and they don't know what to do and how to do it and so this is me sharing my story and how I became a web developer and three months so what happened is that I actually had a dead-end job for me out someone who barely graduated high school I went to college thinking you know I have to go because that's the only way I could make good money and then I had no interest in it I got bored I started skipping classes and by the time I was in within my first six months into college I just stopped going so what happens is that I had a dead-end job not really knowing where my life would take what happens that I finally got a really good job okay you have to imagine again I had no high school diploma I didn't even do anything in college barely went to college and I had a job that paid me $18 an hour for someone like me to get paid that much is actually a lot I've been paid $10 an hour totals now or $14 an hour or no degree in 18 dollars an hour that's actually really good so I took the job right away and as I was working at the office I realized but not that I want a job that just pays well but I want to be able take care of my family also this is a dead-end job there's no where would they go I'm not going to get a raise I'm not going to climb up the ladder the small company I needed to do something so what happened does that actually saw this video on YouTube and I'll post it on the lid the link in the description below but I saw this video on YouTube called Y code now watch this video and I saw these videos of Mark Zuckerberg Bill Gates the founder of Twitter was on there and what they talked about was how programming is actually a much more within your reach than you could ever imagine and so talk about it maybe I can be a program they get all these perks they treat it well most of them what you do well the companies and what they get paid very well and so what I did is I started searching online and I found this length the and I'll post that link below to I click it that link and I saw that I could get 70s free so I went ahead try to seven days and you know I had a free trial and I made my first website I went to the basic HTML class they had a basic CSS class and I made my very first website and when I made that website I felt like I was a king of the world I just used code right and I use code to make a website that says hello world that's amazing not many people can do that now realize well being a programmer a lot easier than people imagine for someone like me who's not smart at all who has very bad memory even if you're not the smartest person in your school you could still be a program so what happens that when a treehouse calm so I take in more classes do even ones down the line I've so love a code that even doing workouts tell code I would you know my boss is looking I'll go ahead and I'll go introduce calm when I learn some HTML CSS on my homie no one's looking and I got so good to the point that I'm making multiple websites but really minor ones as in like this llamas that normal every news and what happens that 31 such I started learning my boss takes me to the office nobody won't review and my boss tells me Chris you know we've noticed that you haven't focusing on work so much am i Milan like here I've been learning code you haven't been you know focusing on work so much and we need unless you know you need to step it up well you might be let go and imagine me hearing that of course I got worried I'm like what is wrong with me why did I put so much effort to learn code I need you know now I need to make sure step it up I can't code doing work anymore I feel let it go so what happens to go back to my office and I start working but I still kept thinking your code what is wrong with me oh I might get laid off saying I get fired actually then I realized maybe I could do something my job is not safe anymore Sonia might as well look for a new job and while I look for a new job I might as well look for a job is looking for web developers so I go on Craigslist calm and D calm then I tell myself to help apply to to office job today while at the same time thanks to developer job today so I did this for two straight weeks after two weeks I got an interview I call the office they picked up that CEO he said he wants to meet with me the next day I've only been studying code for three months and a CEO interview me to become a developer to company I don't even have a website yet I just I'm actually barely working on one I can't imagine my excitement and how nervous I was now I didn't want to throw at this opportunity overnight I stayed up till 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. and I made my first website which is Christian life now call right now and I'll post that in the description to made our website showed it to CEO when he interviewed me he asked me why I wanted to become a programmer why do i code what do I like about it and I told him is the best thing that ever happened I feel like when I create something with code I feel like I have the most powerful person in the world I feel like my limits are only upon how much effort I put to become a better programmer so on that spot he hired me and not just that I was making $30,000 a year he increased my salary I'm not rich I'm not wealthy but I'm able to survive and learn code and take care of my family now hey you two actually didn't get to finish my vlog the other night unless you know that anyone could be a programmer it doesn't matter what people say what you can or can't do doesn't matter if you know code now if you only know litter or a lot doesn't matter your past your experience what's most important is that you just go for it so if you want check out the link below treehouse comm to click that you get seven days free trial coding just to see how it works and really you never know what could happen if you would have told me months ago that I'd be a position that I am today I would have never believed you you know so just go for it give it a try and don't be someone that regrets what if I did try what if I actually went for it would my life be different now so go for it and leave me a comment let me know how it goes email me if you have any questions until next time this is Chris Shawn life / web developer and I'm out alright see you guys [Music] hey YouTube actually didn't get to finish my vlog the other night um I just wanted to say you know I don't anyway good stage presence it's recording this is hard how do you how do you stand still they have study you keep your elbows close to your body where I occasionally video right now okay show me the video clues might keep it you showing the video please
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 323,984
Rating: 4.7153354 out of 5
Keywords: Web Developer in 3 months, How I became a developer, how I became a web developer, how to become a developer, how to be a programmer, how to become a programmer, how to become a web developer, web developer in 3 months, web developer, front end developer, front end web developer, developer, programmer, treehouse, teamtreehouse, learn code online, learn code, code, html, css3, html5, css, javascript, js, jQuery, php
Id: JRanDRgYxu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2016
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