All You NEED to BECOME A JUNIOR Web Developer Today

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today in this video you'll see what are the minimum languages I need to know to get higher this developer when can I start applying where do I start applying check it out here just now knows that I have a YouTube channel oh are you a cellphone I use this to hold my phone so I use that to hold my form on to do regular videos but this will be the first time I usually use my selfie camera camera to code my videos this will be the first time you need a front-facing camera on my cell phone which has 4k which does 4k video so I'm excited I'll be straight hey guys this is Chris Sean and this is the life of a web developer I'll be going we'll work for things number one what are the minimum requirements I must meet to get hired as a junior developer what languages must I at least know when can I start applying why am I not getting hired that's what I'll be going over in this videos today so get ready in check it out it is January 13 2017 the reason I'm making this video is because I've seen many different videos out there that say know what programming languages once I known 2017 what should I know in 2016 what should I know in 2018 as important those videos could be as a true developer as new web developers people who are aspiring to become a programmer those videos can be very daunting those videos tell you so many languages that will take you years to learn but what is most important is what can I do now right my channel my youtube channel it's not here to help those who are the best programs in the world because I'm certainly not but I'm here to help those who argue they're extremely well developers those who are aspiring to be developers and those who are just curious and those who just want to see what is the life of the developer should I even try to go into it or should I stay where I am now so that is why I even started my channel okay then Creek how do I become a wolf developer what stuff since I take what are the first languages that I need to learn number one you just have to make the first step you just have to do it you know there's many different websites to catch artists do - decom is code Academy com you know I think it's free code camp komlin org and there's treehouse treehouse would I use a strategy - be calm I wasn't happy with it it was too confusing for me I looked at code Academy but it just wasn't working for me and then I found and really I'll put the link of description below it's just one click away and yet seven days free and if it doesn't work out for you in six days or seven days if you don't like it what you should do is just click cancel because easy is that but how can you know if you could even become a developer if you don't even know how code works if you don't have if you've never even coding in life they're what you need to do we need to try it you need to jump what's the water and see how it feels see how the water trip see if you're able to actually you know do it just try it that's it okay then Chris what should I do what are the least minimal amount of languages I must know to get hired number one you need to know HTML CSS very basic languages you have to at least be able to make a basic website to get hired why because when I tell myself code and when I got higher than three months that's all I can it that's it now of course I redesigned a website to better match what I can do now and asked about at least be comfortable with it after you're comfortable with HTML and CSS need to start learning JavaScript then you need to learn jQuery JavaScript is the main language that you know pretty much every programmer knows even back-end developer a jQuery what does jQuery jQuery is a library of JavaScript right where they simplify the code and make it easier for you to use it what you need to do to make your website as interactive as you need it to be without putting someone's code and just using jQuery and put that all together now don't make the mistake I made is what I want from JavaScript then straight to jQuery and now I'm not as good at javascript as I should be I'm so now what I'm doing I'm focusing all my time on JavaScript we're now in PHP if you want to be a more full rounded front-end developer or a web developer the next languages should learn Ajax in JSON that's what I work with right now it's something that only every website uses it's something that's very popular today and JSON is used for transferring information from page to page Ajax allows you to load anything you want on to that page without refreshing the entire now back in languages which is what are focusing on right now to become a full-stack developer later on is PHP in my sequel the reason I say that is because these languages are just really popular and now this is popular where I live I live in California and everywhere I go people looking for those you know PHP people looking for those employers are looking for those who know my sequel that's what you need to become well-rounded developer in the lab step also in front anything you want you want to know angular 2 eventually so again I know I see illogical languages that you don't even know so let me say the minimum languages you need to know to get hired as developers is HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery next question Chris when should I start applying to jobs should I wait till I know the lab stack so that wait till I know HTML CSS JavaScript and jQuery how do I know when I'm ready to apply how do I know when people want to hire me from my experience as soon as you get comfortable HTML CSS and as soon as you made your own website you can start applying HTF that's what I did even if people don't want to hire you right away right that's fine at least you got experience and sending out application you want to tell applications right away that's what I did the reason is because yes the people were looking for developers all around the world you know all around us specifically as well employers understand there are people out there who are humble or hungry or passionate that's what I showed it to my boss right the CEO my company and you're hiring like so when should you start applying is when you at least know them one of the most important languages HTML CSS regards to front developers are the last but not least Chris where can I apply to jobs these are three places that I've got suits in the past number one is Craigslist calm number two is indeed calm and monster calm you'll see a lot of job requirements those they're going to ask for languages that you don't even know yet they're going to say do you know this you know this you know this but honestly still apply even though it says that when I applied to my job they said I need to know JavaScript PHP Haskell my sequel but guess what none of them I just imagine what I felt when I got hired that day even though I didn't know all the language to do looking for now listen look I picked them at hour because I know as the Sun was right behind me but honestly I want to say this last partner is very important last but not least what it takes to become a developer is this don't listen in the world of what people are telling you people saying Chris you can't do it Chris you can't become a web developer Chris you're crazy man dude you're paying a website $25 a month to learn code and they're saying you can become a developer through what they teaching you and I heard all of these things I remember the day I told my friends I was learning at a website even my mom my mom was like okay whatever Chris and my friends like oh yeah it's Chris you tried so many things I don't think they'll work for you within three months later I told them hey guys guess what I got hired six months later my mom's like Chris send us the link what did you learn I'll send it to your dad now even my friends are learning a treehouse call why because they see how my lifestyle has changed in regards to hub I'm not struggling no more at helping sure to take care of my house now I'm able to pay my car not struggle in that so believe in yourself know your value know where you'll be okay guys this is Chris Shawn it's the life of a web developer and I'm out [Music]
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 183,297
Rating: 4.8528886 out of 5
Keywords: how to become a jr web developer, junior web developer, jr web developer, junior developer, web developer, how to become a junior web developer, jr developer programming languages, what i need to become a junior developer, how to be a junior web developer, chris sean life, life of a web developer, life of a junior web developer, html, css, jquery, jr developer, life of a jr developer, what I need to be a developer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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