How I Became a Web Developer in 3 Months | Learn Code with CodeCademy

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just want to tell everybody a little bit about how I became a web developer in only three months so what made me really want to start to get in to learning to code on my own was I accidentally ran into the inspect element on Google Chrome and I saw the inner HTML of the page that I was on and I just decided since I could see the blinking cursor to change one of the words and I saw it instantly changed on the web page and from that moment my curiosity was spark just wanted to learn more about it I've always been kind of a do-it-yourselfer I love anything DIY anything that I can create from scratch so I set out to learn these things on my own I started with googling a lot of things and just kind of getting really the concepts together at some of the terminology and also I researched some career paths to see if this is something that I would be interested in and I decided that it was but I never really took it seriously until last year I kind of did something sort of risky I decided to put in my two-week notice of my current place of employment although there was nothing really wrong with the job I just knew that's not what I wanted to do and if I was going to make a major career change I had to really just jump into it if I was really gonna make it work what I actually tried first was just YouTube so I went through some of the videos that I was able to find but I found that they weren't really super helpful for me in the long run too many options and not really any one clear path that I could follow and I'm really oriented around instruction so I like to know one two three ABC this is what to do so having too many options overwhelmed me a bit and I decided to try w3 it's an online resource for learning the basics just about any major programming language that's out was following the steps for HTML and CSS and I actually got pretty bored with it because you're really just reading a lot of these exercises and it just didn't do much for me again it's a really great resource but I use it now very frequently for trying to remember certain basic functions that may be you know I don't use very often and I just need a refresher but learning from scratch and learning how to use these things in a realistic setting I didn't really get that from that site me personally so then I tried treehouse comm I signed up for their pro membership I think it was about 25 dollars a month where they give you full access to any course you want to do have an IDE where you can type in your code as you're watching the video of the instructor that's hosting and I honestly don't know why it didn't work for me but I was doing it for about three weeks and I started to lose interest again and at this point I was really close to just giving up on the entire thing because they had already spent a month trying these different things and nothing was really working out so I was feeling like maybe this just wasn't meant to be it wasn't that I wasn't understanding the concepts but I just didn't have the drive or the passion that I did when I started one last-ditch effort before I just decided to scrap all this and get another job doing customer service I decided to try Codecademy I had used it previously the free version for just trying out some HTML CSS here and there I saw an advertisement for there pro intensive course and the pro intensive course is basically I'm not sure if that's the right term but I would compare it to a bootcamp you pay your money upfront there is no guarantee of job placement at the end of the course they do have a 14 day money-back guarantee no questions asked which made me feel secure in going ahead in trying this it was $200 for the entire course and when you're done with the course you get a code Academy certificate and you get lifetime access to all of the learning materials that you used in that course that is the course that really just changed my life the pros for this course for me [Music] they had a set amount of activities and learning lessons and quizzes that you would take within that one week it's called an intensive course because it's not lightweight so if you're just planning to spend two hours a week on this you probably won't do that well because it's a lot of material to cover and it's really meant to just be immersed in that being said it is something that you can do if you have a full-time job if you put maybe two hours a day rather than two hours a week so of course me being a full-time student I put in more than two hours every day my goal was to finish the lessons as quickly as I could each week if there was anything that I didn't understand or I needed a little more help with there were tons of resources and I had tons of time so I told myself that I have no excuse not to get it done you're also invited to a slack group so whatever activities you're working on for that week you know that there's X number of students also working on the same things and probably have the same questions as you do it's not just you and your course mates but it's also some of the instructors so a lot of times you will get answers directly from the people who's set up and designed to these courses within the hour I would usually get a response and they'd say oh you're missing a semicolon story of my life so to have that direct sense of whenever you need help someone's there that that just made me feel so much more secure throughout the entirety of the course I'd say they were either three or four major projects that when we completed them our code would actually get reviewed by professional experienced developers working in the field right now they were volunteering their time to help other students learn that was such an invaluable thing in my eyes because of course you can write your code and see the webpage appear and that's how you know it works but these professional developers they took the time to really go through your lines and they would help you understand things like syntax usage naming conventions the basic layout of your code they would also give reminders to add comments and that is something that I would have never thought about prior and I would have never thought to look up research or ask but I'm so glad that they told me because when you go to work on someone else's code if you can't read it you can't fix it and vice versa if someone else can't read your code they can't fix it they can't work with it and it's gonna make it harder for someone to work with you professionally if you know every time they get something from you it holds them back a little bit so that is a major thing that I really really appreciate it throughout the course when we were assigned projects they would provide us with a Photoshop document that was marked up with the specs like font size font spacing font family colors that they were using everything widths Heights all the dimensions and so that we had the information that we needed to build the site and this is when I really realized that designers and developers are two different people and that helped me career-wise because the job that I'm in now we actually receive artwork from the design team and then we have to move forward and make our final product match what was given to us and so there are so many lessons that I learned through code CAD imme that helped me not just learn code but how to be a valued member of a development team professionally and that's what I did this for I didn't do this just to learn code I did this so that I could change my career when the course was complete I took all of the projects that we had been working on and I uploaded them to my own personal website that made my portfolio I put contact information and a little about Me section and then my portfolio is complete with the five or six pages that we had built through the course because once you make them they are yours of course you can't claim the design portion of it but you can claim the development portion because you did code those from scratch so it definitely shows off the talents that you have in April I tried YouTube w3schools and treehouse in May I started the code Academy Pro intensive course and that went through June and July then in August well late July into August I started applying for jobs when I finished this course I felt prepared to do this professionally my $200 investment more than paid off in August I got a job offer and I started in September I'm very excited just three months and my life has completely changed I started off the year unfulfilled unhappy in a job that I knew I didn't want to be in but I was doing it just because I need some money and at the end of the year I was in a job that I loved making markets salary which was twice what I was making at the beginning of the year twice I doubled my salary within three months it still blows my mind and I still feel like I was a little crazy to have done that and taken such a huge risk but anything worth the prize is worth the risk and this definitely by far was one of the hardest and most rewarding decisions that I've ever made and I really hope that I can encourage other people to just try it out you don't have to quit your job I mean that was really drastic on my part I know you just have to be committed and you have to be willing to put in that extra time yet to be really dedicated and you have to just get it done if you have the type of personality where you can just get it done put a little investment towards yourself and do it if you really think this is something you want to do do it there's fireworks going on fourth of July what you gonna do this is 22 minutes yikes I'm gonna have to cut this down i I just rambled the lot
Channel: KimComplete
Views: 338,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Web, Development, Website, Developer, Kim, how i became a developer, learn html and css, web developer, build websites from scratch, codecademy, developer in 3 months, become a developer in 3 months, how to become a web developer, web development, web developer in 3 months, learn code, Team Treehouse, front end web developer, how to, How I Became a Developer in 3 Months, Telmo Sampaio, Sylvester Morgan, Chris Sean
Id: ASbijZRU2Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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