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300 mini kits 30 red bricks 30 superhero statuses and 25 hostages this is what it takes to 100% Lego Batman the video game well that and various characters Vehicles there's some uh data entries and I guess like a couple of bonus levels what you get the idea point is there's a lot to collect and you're intended to replay every level using free play which gives you an extended roster of characters and abilities to pick up a majority of everything the game has to offer today we will not be doing that my goal is to see how close to 100% in Lego Batman the video game we can get without ever hitting free play using a complex series of glitches exploits and Pixel Perfect positionings we can push this game to the max without ever needing to press that button and I'm not yanking your chain when I say complex a majority of you watching this video are going to enter thinking huh I never knew you could throw a batang on a tight RPP and leave thinking to be honest the lag abuse wall jumps in 2-1 don't require nearly as much skill as as say the super jump janitor catch Bush upw warp in 4-5 or even the numerous FDT bar launches throughout the run everything I said there was real and will happen in the next 40 minutes as I do in the beginning of all of these videos I'd like to thank the Lego Batman speedrun community and general for already having a lot of the leg work done for a challenge run like this but in specific I'd like to give an enormous thanks to a runner named Senor who actually ran this challenge side by side with me over Discord so I wouldn't get stuck along the way sure sometimes we got a little sidetracked oh he's dead like he's getting fire bomb oh no it's a helicopter they're like firebombing the guy imagine getting like your proposal Bomb by theing scarecrow like not even like an a-lister just like a like a bister villain but overall I could not have gotten anywhere close to our final value percentage without his help go give him some thanks in the comments and follow his Twitch in the description for some high octane gaming okay fine you take that button okay fine you don't take that button okay fine you take that button which button do you want which button do you want bro choose a button unlike the Lego Indiana Jones video where I kind of just did everything all at once we decided to format this challenge a little bit differently we started out in the first day grabbing every collectible we deemed as easy these included ones that you're casually able to grab in story like the one up top in 1-1 but also some more unintentional ones that required simple Tech to pull off for example we're going to be abusing in-game lag a lot throughout this video you can create lag in a variety of ways but the safest and least likely to crash your game is done by hitting control alt delete and then hitting escape to close the menu and enter back into the game the lag created through this is useful in a variety of ways it helps us displace our character's position to grab items through walls and even increase the length of our jumps in some scenarios however its most practical use is for clipping out of bounds in conjunction with another glitch called a BRC BRC or batarang clip lets you fall through certain objects by pulling out your batang if you fall and get sandwiched between between an object and a wall you can then use Control Alt Elite to force your character through this is used right away in 1-1 to get the mini kit behind the glass window we are unable to break of course not everything is this complicated there's still some fny developer oversights that make our life easier like how you can build the truck in the toxic waste by standing on the tire and going piece by piece I wouldn't consider the following vehicle clip to be an oversight but it is what it is I totally nailed techit skip first try without having to spend 3 minutes on attempts and including the red brick grab in the Clayface fight we were able to leave with a healthy five mini kits completed hostage and fast grapple extra there aren't any extras that really change the game for us here but there are still some bricks that make things a little easier on us like fast build so we opted to route that in ASAP this meant going straight from 1-1 to episode 3 which started off pretty laidback there's only a few kits in the beginning that we were worrying about for now there's this tight Glide grab nice this one on the wall that we get from using an extended Glide from the stairs and of course the one you get from cleaning up all the toxic goop there was a day One lag kit I couldn't grab in room two so I'd have to come back for that later you'll also notice that Batman Bobs up and down whenever I'm gliding this is called an eglide or extended Glide it's just repressing the a button every half a second or so to go a little bit further than normal one badass Robin rail grind later and we get to bdj to the red brick fail the elementary school primary color test and get our first big FDT of the run first bdjs it stands for bat ring double jump if you recollect your bat ring midair and hold down the attack button you get another set of jumps the second fdts FDT is a pretty unhelpful and vague term but it stands for frame dependent trick basically anything that requires vsync off or high frames to do is an FDT and this punch launch is no different if you find a really steep wall or slope you can usually punch it to ride all the way to the top where here we not only find a hostage but also another kit leaving us with only one more BRC collection during the fight where we can kill Mad Hatter dead where he stands and move on to little to no fun at the big top immediately we have to BRC and go beneath the level's floor twice once to get inside this Fair Booth that's normally only accessible in the tech suit and another time when getting the kit behind the bus there's really only one way to get out of bounds in this room so naturally I broke the barrel I needed to clip through and started all over again that's going to be annoying oh hold on hold on it didn't happen once we get the sewar suit in the Next Room we'll have to backtrack in order to grab one more kit in room one but the only other real thing to note in this level is the outof bounds drop and warp to get past the green toxic goo in the boss fight that is uh quite the sentence drop and warps are very simple you just drop in player two with an altered camera angle or player position and the game might sometimes put them out of bounds or in areas where they can easily get out of bounds such as here like I said pretty smooth sailing vehicle missions aren't really anything to write home about as most things are just done casually we did skip the red brick for now but we will be coming back for it eventually well okay I will while Senor was waiting for my slow ass to catch up he got it in like three tries so uh yeah that's cool while you're doing that I'll attempt a couple of times the red brick as this is a day two thing but I will likely not get it one time oh is this like a is this an FDT thing uh technically no oh wait oh my God actually got it wait um big good fun at killer moth's Big Top is a very trick heavy level beginning right away with a BRC and upwarp for Kit 1 and then another BRC upw warp for kit 2 control/ all T and then got out oh yeah okay and then you can up workp from there easy I did ruin yet another cool clip by breaking something I needed which will surely not remain a trend for the rest of the video but the rest of the level is pretty casual through and through leaving us with only one level left in Joker's home turf I would definitely consider this to be one of the harder levels thus far but like everything else in episode 3 it wasn't too bad the first cool thing we do is a wall jump on the inner left Cathedral for the kid up top but then we backtrack to the first room once we get the Glide suit getting us the kit on the outer right there's not a ton more we can do during the boss fight so we just go straight into the final room using even more wall jumps to snag an Out Of Reach kit and take down the Joker baby it's important to hear both sides of every story so let's go straight into episode 6 a much more difficult and annoying episode than three ever dreamed of being there's a lot of lag abuse in the villain side of the game because we don't have a batang to make clipping easier this doesn't stop us from getting out of bounds though as right in the first room we can do a series of really tricky jumps to fall out of bounds and Rob an ice cream truck after driving it around the back side of the map we can clip inside to save a hostage and grab a mini kit it only takes a couple of more tedious Collectibles to clip out of bounds one more skip the boss fight and move on go behind the door out of bounds still you can pop in here yeah yeah yeah and then watch you right okay cool that is way easier the only substance that scarecrow's day off provides is the realization that these cut seames are insane I've always sort of skipped over them in this game but we found out there's some kind of Side Story of a random guy getting his dates ruined by The Joker every chance he gets keep your head up King it it'll get better oh that's unfortunate scarecrow grabs the guy mid proposal there this cut scene I I've never seen some of these cut scenes imagine getting like your proposal bombed by the scarecrow like not even like an a-lister just like a like a bister villain I didn't even realize it's like a story line you know okay wait oh he's dead like he's getting fire oh no it's a helicopter they're like firebombing the guy I think this is when Joker and scarecrow drops straight into the museum yeah that would make sense I'm I'm very invested in this lady's life now though there wasn't a lot to talk about with the museum it's just a complicated level on its own but a lot of the Collectibles we routed in were just ones you can get anyways in story there is one out of bounds we do with Joker to get behind the painting and another couple of unintended jumps but it's really nothing to write home about the lure of the night is a completely different story and it's a massive jump and difficulty from anything we've covered so far the level opens with a sliding CAD clip followed by a few normal kits and a dumb red brick pickup for this red brick we have to use the helicopter you buil earlier in the room to grab some monkey bars and blindly Eide to The Brick below you Killer Moth is the hardest character to Eide with because of his funky animations and the winning strategy ended up being to close my eyes so I could focus on the timing and not the animation this one for sure yep yep obviously this wasn't the hard part nice okay and then you just go around uh you want to cut in right after this little fence like right like here's a good spot oh okay so wait you haven't done truck skip before so don't load the okay so oh no I I we probably should have just done the other thing because if you miss truck skip you soft lock the level oh boy okay so here just watch me do it first it's not that hard all you need to make sure you do is like just Spam y to get in the truck it's like as soon as you que it then start heading stunning your way up to like that spot oh shoot oh yeah don't spam wire early you still you should still be like fine nice okay okay and then you just use this truck to Ram into the other trucks it should actually Auto destroy I think yeah there's kind of a timer on them so you have to wait there we go sick first time truck skip I would have done horrible things if I had to go back and get that red brick a second time but don't worry it gets worse it's time to talk about super jumps in these simplest terms this is when you force player two to jump path through a wall and interrupting it Midway to get stuck out of bounds or collecting things through walls we have one super jump right away in the top of the tower and it's done by getting Harley stuck next to this barrel and swapping over to her when she jumps back to the staircase then after we Ascend a bit higher we reach the most difficult jump I've ever had to do in Lego Batman twice over I'm supposed to make it from this platform around to the inside of that pillar looks easy enough right well it requires you to lag in order to stop your momentum and make it into the Gap plus every time you miss you have to go all the way back around and back up so this took a while to get oh that's it oh wait yep nice huge okay and about three steps later we had another kit with the exact same situation A weirdly placed jump requiring lag with a decent amount of setup time yeah that makes sense yeah probably the best oh nice the second one had a much worse angle but it was easier to rryy and when we eventually got them all we had left to do was to ring a bell upwards of 15 times and well be done okay cool I guess we do you want to go back and finish up one yeah we can do that do we want to do we have the fast bu red brick yeah we have that now so we can kind of buy it on our way back okay sure we were two episodes in and 3 hours deep and still had a lot to do and cleaning up the rest of episode one seemed like a good place to start but I should mention that earlier on on this level my hostage decided to kill themselves and soft lock so I had to go back and do that again and then there's a actually there's a hostage and a and a mini kit over here but you want to get to this platform oh okay so your soft your hostage soft locked himself which is common Ah that's all right level two kicks off with a drop and warp behind the Riddler door and a couple of tight wall jumps to save both the hostage and grab a kit a couple of more wall jumps later and we can clear up to room three where we encounter a pretty unique pickup there's a mini kit inside this box in the way far back corner of the room and there's a very specific spot that allows you to down warp inside with a BRC it is a very very precise spot you have to stand but it's only a bit of trial and error Mr Freeze Falls with ease and Two-Face Chase only has a single place that slows our Pace bars in the last room there's a little market stand we have to break Behind These silver fences and if we're lucky enough we can bait one of the explosive trucks that two face gives birth to into blowing it up this is super finicky and I got really lucky with it the timing is weird the hitbox is weird and I'm just glad I got it done now instead of later because we've got more pressing things to attend to 1-4 is one of the hardest levels in the game to speedrun and this challenge is no different room one is fine a punch launch can get us this kit in the tree but then I had to make a choice okay now here's the thing I don't think you want to do like unless you want to do like room two Skip and stuff you probably want to grab the Sonic Suit and whatnot like unless you're confident in doing room one and room two skip I've done it uh before I think I'm I can probably get it okay yeah it's kind of like a commit sort of thing because you can't I guess you could go all the way back but you know is skipping the sonar suit meant I would have to commit to two pretty difficult routes but how hard can it really be so you bdj to get up so you have to like Target the plant and then bdj off of it to get up you like inch in the middle here and then as you're falling right you take out the bat rang once you're down here you do like a control alt delete you like hold the batang up in the air make sure you like if you Target the plant with the batang you can't get it so you have to like immediately you have to immediately like start targeting up once you start like down warping [Music] [Music] okay nice okay so now you're going to control alt delete and then in the control delete menu let go of the x button and then just hold up got it nice okay surely I won't make things harder on myself by turning a simple BRC into an ultra precise Pixel Perfect upw by breaking a single important object right do you know the skip in this room now uh I don't know the new one I know how it kind of used to go so like when you're actually are you oh wait I'm trying to think this is yeah you're supposed to do this Robin so actually to make this easier what you can do is if the make sure you don't destroy the bench otherwise destroying the bench okay um I'll do casual well no casual you need the uh I don't have the attract suit shoot so you're going to have to like find the pixel here I could always just go back and grab the attract suit but then I have to do the whole oh I think you need to run along the wall a little longer than you did there I'm going too far left again yeah I think your first jump is too far left okay nice now make sure he stay towards the out of balance you're going to pan the camera ight and the wall jump into the wall and drop in okay nice so then try to pause with player two and player one red drops here and then drop out player two and swap over like player one to the other guy gotcha well on the bright side we were done with a poisonous appointment for now and could work on finishing up episode one The Face Off is pretty relaxing for a Max story percent and we're actually able to get all 10 mini kits in a single playthrough there's some FDT punch launches required a couple of extended Glides and lag grabs too but it's actually really easy yeah you don't actually have to clear the oh you don't really want to clear the Gap cuz now you have to do this watch this first dve though already I'm doing it at the same time as I did not get it first try I was close Okay and luckily at this point it's just finishing the level and it's like barely easy there's like two kits in the end room and they're both very very straightforward so there's the five chests and then there's just one chilling on the far right all right I'm good if we make it like a three-parter and yeah end part one here oh my God I this fight is ridiculous I know it's just so much extra necessity like the that's heart too so dumb we were getting pretty exhausted though and we decided to call it quits for now and picked up with episode 2 the following afternoon if There She Goes Again was any om of how day two was going to go we were in for a long one the very first collectible we set our sights on doing was a lag abuse wall jump off of a random billboard then another lag abuse jump from the inside Collision of a pillar onto a glass Roof then some final outof bounds maneuvering this was our first kit of the day everything else progressed fine up until we got to the red brick which felt like it required a class syllabus to understand just fly from the ledge up to on top of the bed yeah so and then go to like the top corner of the bed top left and then you can bdj down and what you're going to do is just let go and don't hold right immediately let go first and then jump and then hold like up left and then you're going to Glide like kind of around and then into this room I see all right all right kind of let it push you out before you jump that's like I think I was doing that oh yeah you're right nice and then you can swap and he'll super jump out of there thankfully batbat battle provided us a much needed break as it was sandwiched between the last level and under the city which gave us our first and only out of bounds kit of the run for whatever reason there will occasionally be mini kit left over out of bounds that aren't normally collectible even though they do add to your level total by using a BRC to get Batman out of bounds and another BRC to upw warp we can use the Glide suit found in the previous room to navigate around the void to our mini kit the positioning is really hard to get used to but it's super easy to reset we do something similar in the Next Room using a BRC upw orp to jump out of bounds into the area blocked by the dumpster and then CAD clipping to grab the kit inside those kits were the only super difficult ones in the level and not too long after we found ourselves in zoo company an easy level with a lot of backtracking right off the bat we use a drop and warp to get Robin inside the toxic room and use a really precise jump kick to get him across then after clipping into the next area we can use another BRC to collect the sonar suit with our goal being to progress to the very final room get the bomb suit and head all the way back to the beginning on the way we can free the elephants and use their height to collect this kit in the air and the Red Brick by The Zookeeper of of course this means it's time for the infinitely frustrating boat miname in the front of the map which even as a grown ass man I still somehow can't get first try but after one last collectible we Eide behind the waterfall to grab it's time for 2-5 a penguin is appointment despite being the shortest level in the game it still manages to pack enough Collectibles to be interesting a simple BRC gets us below the ice a simple CAD clip gets us this kit through the metal and a punch launch in the final room grabs us this one from there we just do another lag grab by the toxic goop and end off episode 2 not quite you might okay there it is this challenge was flying by but remember we still hadn't even attempted the hard stuff it'll have to wait though because we still had two more episodes to work through before we really commit to that beginning with episode 4 the Riddler's day off I think I already used that joke for scarecrow earlier the Riddler's day on the Riddler's day on I've always loved this episode a bit more than the others and the first level has some really unique speed Tech like how you can just jump out of bounds through the window sill and clip below this mini kit or how you can pull this lever through the bar to get the red brick in story I even got this hyper precise pixel jump to get out of bounds and get the kit inside the glass garage saving me some valuable time when we Circle back around for the hard stuff oh oh wait oh my God you got it nice sick outside of a heartbreaking crash in freeza's level and then down there the kit and my Game just crashed we only had to manage a single drop and warp a punch launch for the red brick and another punch launch in the final room as I said earlier a majority of the villain stuff is reserved for day three as the tech is either super complicated or a crapshoot and there really is no in between green fingers exemplifies this well as we don't have much to talk about up until we're inside the garden we can use Ivy's double jump to get out of bounds by swapping right before she hits the transition zone ending up on top of it and then using that position to jump over the left side of the map our wall jumps come in handy once again at the end of the room where we can jump up really high and drop onto an otherwise impossible kit Senor and I then spent around 15 minutes shooting into a wall until one of our stray Magic Bullets hit the hostage saved the hostage we saved the hostages here and a few more minutes doing a jump attack lag grab to reach this kit here we skip just about everything else and go right into the final level of the episode unsurprisingly mind controlling a helicopter pilot is the easiest thing we do here we spent a good amount of time on a new drop and warp that no Koo had discovered recently but we had to give up as we couldn't quite get it we had bigger things to worry about as we approached the final room anyways there's a mini kit inside the vaults on the right and we have no way to blow it up well normally you actually can use the gun on the mech to crack it but it requires some insanely precise positioning you have to be at the exact right angle to hit it through the wall which took way longer than it probably should have another running Trend with only a single episode to go it's time we start talking about the structure of the rest of the video once we clear episode 5 we'll have to go back into most levels a second time to focus in on the trickier Collectibles yeah everything we've gone over so far was classified as easy after we do that we still have two more topics to cover hypothetical kits and cheat codes hypothetical kits are Collectibles that are so difficult to grab in game that either only been done in segments or have only been proven possible by tasks there aren't too many of these but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it then there's cheat codes not every red brick in the game can be gathered in story in fact quite a few are straight up impossible this is why after we get our final file count without them we'll then use the cheat codes to unlock everything remaining to see how much closer we can get to 100% it might not be a bad time to go to your comments down below and leave your guess as to how close we might be and the answer might surprise you remember Lego Indiana Jones was in the 9s let's not get ahead of ourselves though episode 5 is no piece of cake our 17th hostage can be saved by once again shooting through a wall and then we ourselves can just walk through a wall by aiming for a gap in the door and once you get out you have to go all the way around here e gliding out of bounds is a little difficult but we can cross the Gap and then precariously walk inside of the penguin bomb bonus room getting us the red brick the rest of said level goes by fast there she goes again again is pretty similar I mean there's a somewhat tight jump to save the hostage and grab a stray mini kit but then we're able to easily skip the helicopter boss fight with a sliding jump and do another slide jump on the fence for this kit the red brick is done simply by using a dinosaur to get over the glass and Catwoman's wall jumps can skip the strength check by the statue this is followed by our final vehicle level which only has a single trick we need to do in the final room with the boss fight we can use the penguin submarine which by the way if you didn't know allows him to commit crime to sort of wedge ourselves underneath the robin wall to get the red brick only problem was I didn't get the last hit off on the boss's penguin and I was now stuck on the other side of the wall so I had to reset but this was nothing compared to the next level which had multiple out of bounds jumps that took the joy and the spark out of my eyes the first one is for a hostage and a mini kit and is done by getting a perfect e Glide over the toxic waste and flying through the arch on the top right of the screen we can glide easily to the hostage room from there but before we reach our next outof bounds Glide we have to Sidle up against this flaming wall and do a quick jump to hit the transition before we die netting us another kit now it's time for pain our goal for this jump is to get into this Glass Room off to the side in the alligator section we start in the Next Room over doing a double lag jump to get ourselves on top of this pipe then gliding from the penguin hatch over to the sewage hole then we need to do a jump on top of the walls Collision which instantly kills us but gives us a respawn point we can jump off of if we're fast enough from there it's just a long long e Glide Towing the wall until we can curve around inside the kit room don't ask me how long this took but that essentially ends off the level and almost the full episode as we enter our final level of easy Collectibles yeah this one kind of just flies by we do a drop and warp to get inside lag grab to get the kit do everybody's favorite slide mini game first TR by the way and hit an end level trigger you might need to watch me do it first so you go to these barrels in the back here and see where I'm standing right there you can jump onto the spot where I'm standing it's it's kind of tricky because you'll slide a lot you want to like do a jump first like the first jump you want to go back to inbounds and then then the next jump you hold basically straight up and that allows you to like get into this pocket of the wall that's above yeah so I guess the key is your first jump has to go a little bit towards the camera and then you hold back up okay make sure like maybe down down it a little bit right to avoid the barrel there you go honestly it might even be a little bit up to the left just because of how the camera is okay nice now that you're here so you want to line up there's like an invisible wall in between this like weird blue thing and then the pipe you can do so what you do is a single jump and then when you land you hold upright on the d-pad yeah so single jump got it nice easy see you know I took a quick sanity break before coming back to the challenge a couple days later to begin the hard stuff while a lot of these were super Dreadful it was made easier by the inclusion of another Runner who helped knock some stuff off the sheet the hamster originally messaged me about a potential hostage pickup in green fingers which is the only hostage in the entire run we can't collect but after spending a while Theory crafting lagging and even cheating nothing came out of it but he's still stuck around to help out with the harder Collectibles we might as well go in order with these so let's speed run our Redux beginning in 1-1 we can use the truck we built in the toxic goo to give Robin a little extra wall jumping height below this Terrace by placing Batman far away on this dumpster we can then jump up and do a diw blowing up the window and grabbing a kit in the Next Room we can do a hard BRC on the phone booth and lag clip into this little Nook warping us up to the mini kit we get our second Super Jump of the runup next this time using cars cars don't set your spawn point when you're driving them so we can go all the way down by the waist set our respawn point on the ground and drive all the way back up and lag the game a bunch as Batman starts to fly through the ground getting the kit and ending off the level one-2 kicks off with another super jump once again using a combination of the Riddler door diw and an ice cream truck to get this kit inside the wall wait so I have him in the wall do I swap and then I'll test uh so swap pause lag I'm out okay I got the super jump finally nice okay then you can just go into like behind the strength handle is and get the K whoa later on in the level we get to finally talk about bar launches when you turn your vsync off and a partner player AI tries to grab a monkey bar they just disappear in actuality what's happening is they're being launched vertically at an insanely fast rate and dying if you switch over to them on the right frame you can take control before they die and take advantage of the height given I don't need to reiterate how difficult this was and every bar launch you'll see going forward took upwards of 45 minutes to attempt this one on 1-2 was on the shorter side and didn't require any complex movement afterwards so we got this one pretty easily 1-4 has a more complicated bar launch with us needing to not only launch but clip inside the map in a very specific spot to upw warp and and grab a kit unfortunately this is probably the easiest one we have oh that's that's definitely high enough so go right okay so start holding right and maybe a little bit up right as well and pause buffering okay okay um I can't tell if you're close enough to inbounds here so you're going to be falling really fast so at like at some point just keep pause buffering and going down a little bit lower a little okay now you're want to hold straight down I believe so you can catch the water oh okay okay I think I okay so what you can also do is try jumping to the kit and lagging yep okay nice nice okay we then get to hold our batang out in the corner of the lab until a stray enemy bullet reflects and breaks this gas tank thing spawning the final carrot for a mini kit oh I got it nice okay and now 1-5 the only collectible we're missing here is a red brick which is locked inside a vault guarded by toxic waste we can't stand anywhere to build stuff so we have to use a transition skip to get out of bounds this is done by having your vsync turned off killing player two in front of a door and standing on the respawn point to push them through these are much more common in Lego Indiana Jones speedruns but get their fair share of uses here anyways once we're through we need to do a near perfect outof bounce e Glide to land on the side of the Vault or we can alt tab or lag clip to get in the 2-3 had one of the most infuriating Collectibles I've ever had to gather the red brick in the first area is locked behind a tech suit boat miname where you're supposed to drive a boat into all of these buoys however you can still move the boat with your body even without having access to the techit it's just super unruly and never goes where you want after around 30 minutes and two lungs full of sewage water we finally got the god run 2-5 has a launch that's accompanied by a series of outof bounds Glides afterwards to just barely graze the transition for the red brick room there's also our 10th mini kit inside which makes this level another full clear 3-1 has a transition skip that we follow up with some Glides to hit this far out of bounds room where we can circle around the back of the mini kit and clip below to pick it up this skip is very finicky and you have to be super careful to not clip back in bounds remember that red brick that cenor got in 3-3 that I unfortunately missed well I had to return for that obviously and all you need to do is swap characters in the middle of a flip and then swap back you should either end up or respawn on top of the gas and you can fly right over I bought the two times and four times studge extras and did some grinding to finish up the superhero statuses which unlocked us Wayne Manor one of our two bonus levels as most of you know I used to speedrun this level in a cat atory called grunt Al way back in the day and I wanted to see if my practice still held up and for the most part it did I didn't miss a single purple St in the platforming section but when I got to the ball rolling area I got some of the worst luck known to man these balls have a random chance to explode when they hit a pylon which is slightly influenced by its velocity look how many times in a row this thing exploded on me [Music] eight eight times in a row anyways it's time for villain stuff we're missing one bar launch kit in 4-2 that's pretty self-explanatory and 4-3 gives us a new super jump method by using Riddler's mind control to stop the player out of bounds and walk into the box pushing room which isn't too hard to wrap your head around giving me plenty of time to talk about the hellscape that is 4-4 starting with hitbox warps hitbox warps are an XBox exclusive piece of Tech that when done collect every single object on screen it's done by wedging your character half out of bounds which freaks the game out and autocompletes the room collecting everything on screen at once this can be used to get three kits in room one and one in room two we'll be counting these towards our total even though it can only be done on specific versions of the game because they're still collectible without free play that's not all though we've got another two bar launches in 4-4 one for the Anvil pressure plate kit and another to get behind the room that houses is the red brick you can do a super jump with two face for the same effect but I luckily got two high launches anyways the reason I was even bothering to launch in the first place was because of this kit on the far right of the screen above the Flaming pipes but I found out on complete accident that you can just jump into the valve and it brings you up this whole time the bar launch was thought to be the only method as my eighth grade tech ed teacher would say keep it simple stupid now it's time for the long awaited janitor super jump cancel upw bush jump in 4-5 which yes is a real thing so how does it work well it's simply combining a lot of what we've already done in the past we use the janitor to super jump and interrupt it by taking control of him as Riddler once he's out of bounds he'll fall out of Riddler's range and warp back up to safety since the game doesn't let these NPCs die due to their importance we can then use his double jump and bigger hit box to do some parkour and grab the mini kit that's on the upper ledge it sounds more complicated than it looks but it's still isn't easy of course we still have the bookshelf diw from earlier and the hostage to collect and here's the fun thing this hostage is technically possible to collect but it's only ever been completed once and there's zero video proof of it it's done using the same method as before where you just shoot into a wall and hope something connects but here you have no Visual and there's a chance the hostage spawns in a place that's impossible to save the odds were stacked against us so we began working on the diw again we still didn't know how note was able to do this in his example video and we began to think of things that change how drop and warps work or some method we were missing there's a very obscure piece of game knowledge that works in the Complete Saga Indie 1 and Batman 1 where by reloading a room around 15 to 20 times the Collision starts to break which changes the way player two paths around the map slightly altering drop and warps this unfortunately had no effect on the bookshelf diw so while I was waiting for a DM back from note I threw myself at the hostage over and over until this happened I got the hostage holy oh you did yeah nice yeah turns out the room reloading I had been doing deloaded part of the metal door giving me a perfect line to the hostage inside I then got a response from note in regards to the diw where he figured out we needed to break a fence behind the bookshelf so player two could path inwards which was the very last thing we needed to collect sending us to episode 5 yeah this one starts out fun we have to collect the mini kit inside the hostage room and to do so we have to be out of bounds by gliding from the staircase and getting a jump off the fence we can glide all the way to the outof bounds Water behind the door to the Next Room jump up behind the transition and glide around the inside of the [Music] map a simple jump kick grabs us the Monkey Bar moving us onto room two where a series of of tight jumps from the ladder to the dumpster the dumpster to the fan and a lag jump from the fan to the upper platform gets us the final kit we were missing we can skip all the way to 5-4 now for even after everything we did here we were still missing a red brick which I would consider to be the hardest thing we did in the challenge alt together this red brick is hidden in the room behind the bathroom mirrors and the only way in is out of bounds after doing a li clip on the corner lockers we need to do a spinning jump off of the thin Collision inside the wall it's really easy to bump your head here and if you miss you have to reset the room then once you get the jump you need quite a few perfectly spaced e Glides to land on the sink being extra careful not to clip in bounds like I did a couple of times but don't worry we're not done yet because after you inch your way into the door you have to do three jumps by slotting yourself into the wall with Croc's super strength if you go too far and fall out of bounds here you have to reset the entire trick from the beginning it was kind of a nightmare but we got it 5-5 has not only three separate bar launches one for the kit behind the ice one to make it to the slide race ignore that attempt and one to grab the super high kit by the sign but it also has a super jump in the water in the final room done by hamster with multiple lag Clips needed to catch yourself under the iceberg making it a very grindy level but far more doable than whatever that last red brick was as we move on to our final episode Redux it's important to keep in mind how much we've worked through in this video alone we've managed to pick up two 228 out of 300 mini kits 22 out of 25 hostages all super statuses and 21 out of 30 red bricks we can buy every single character and vehicle besides two of them purchase a majority of the game's data entries and even beat both bonus levels what more could there possibly be to do well for starters we can do a really tricky jump off the Joker face in the second room of 6-1 then drop from the top of the coaster onto another kit then in 6-3 after using the same outof bounds method as before we can snipe the hostage from Super far away 6-4 gives us another hostage and mini kit pickup by doing this really dumb bar grab after lagging your game and finally one final kit with a bar launch to end it all off slowly Gliding Over as my boy Killer Moth those numbers right there are our totals before we count the theoretical pickups and cheat codes in terms of theoretical kits we only have two one one of them is a kit proven possible by tassk and green fingers which requires you to wall jump up a wall for like 8 minutes and then as you're falling blindly navigate to this kit on the tree there is no reason to believe a human couldn't do this it would just take days of resetting so we're adding it to our total in a similar vein there's a kit that's only been collected in segments at the end of 6-3 this kit in the Box can't be grabbed with any sort of lag jump but hamster has proven that a bar launch in this room is possible and if given the proper height you could land on the box and grab the kit fairly easily it again just takes an inconsistent bar launch and more blind maneuvering so that's it for theoretical kits now we get to enter some cheat codes and then view our final percentage there's no cheat codes for hush or re the only two characters we're missing but we do get cheat codes for all the red bricks we couldn't pick up filling in both our suit upgrades and Extras menu after that and everything else we can now pause the game and check our final in-game percentage 88.7% 88.7 not quite 90 but pretty damn close this does beg the question though of what we can't collect and why is there a way we could bump ourselves up to 90 well probably not a majority of the remaining kits are character specific like the ones that come out of attract machines or by exploding metal objects these ones will never happen as the kits themselves only become collectible once the puzzle is completed and can't be cheesed or lag grabbed in any way the same goes for Joker machines and techit panels of course there's then abilities like strength or diving characters which we've managed to circumvent In This Very video but only in specific scenarios and by bulk are usually required to be done the intended way in fact out of these 67 mini kits we have remaining 66 require character specific abilities that leaves us with one mini kit in 3-4 that doesn't spawn in story even after you build all the cakes unfortunately in its current state getting past 90 is near impossible you also have to get all 10 mini kits in a given stage for the percentage to even increase making it all the more unlikely even if we somehow manage to get the green fingers hostage both collecting it and buying hush puts us at 88.9 still just a little bit off and I don't see it changing anytime soon this video took around a month and a half just to film so if you feel like I've earned it don't forget to like And subscribe for more crazy challenges like this in the future I'll also be live on my twitch for the next week straight filming this Channel's next video so stop on by if that interests you of course do the same for both Senor and hamster who helped out immensely this video would not have been possible without them thanks for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: bd1p
Views: 511,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, batman, lego batman, 100%, freeplay, story, lego star wars, the complete saga, lego batman the videogame, can you 100% lego batman without freeplay, lego batman challenge, world record, speedrun, bd1p
Id: pcgWZ9Xqh80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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