How He Went From JAIL to $100 MILLION!

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[Music] and gentlemen my name's welcome back to the channel uh anyway we're minutes away by meeting the gentleman that goes by the name of Tony had a little trouble growing up been to jail but he turned his life around and now it makes about 90 to 100 million per year not only are we going to meet him pick his brain we're gonna find out how he did it and how you guys could get to that level too by the way guys we have a community that we are building right now we're aspiring entrepreneurs can learn from successful entrepreneurs in this community we have live calls guest speakers religiously we all get to learn from each other talk to each other click the link in the description below it's only 9.99 per month if you're all about leveling up your life remember your network is your net worth you might find your next career opportunity here click that link in the description below let's get a video sorry my man what's going on boss how are you yeah for the people that don't know who you are what's your name what do you do for worry my name's uh Tony Nino I'm a man of many traits so you're sitting right here at City Collision Center we're the largest body shop in Orange County and then we're also one of the largest Auto Wholesalers so as a kid I've got in a lot of trouble unfortunately got in trouble with the law went to jail but turned my life around and now have over three businesses that do between 75 and 100 million dollars a year I'll touch more on my story a little later but let me show you the showroom and what we do okay let's see it let's do it [Music] so sorry we got business going on right now so you know customers coming in and out okay but this is our personal showroom so some of our custom crazy builds so this Jeep is all custom built all metal eventually this uh this thing will be crashed through a brick wall really uh it'll put it through its test so what business are we in right now you guys are in City Collision Center and these cars are all your cars or personal cars company cars this is the car we saw at uh Cars and Coffee right here so Aventador is one of my favorite cars but I'm a real fan of your channel and I watch your channel a lot so I see you got a lot of successful people on there the only thing I haven't seen on there that I've always wanted to see is we talk about a lot of money yeah we don't ever show any money so I got I got a little special treat for you guys today so of course it's in the because that's what I came in today okay something's in the front yes sir you know go ahead take this out just casually is this what I think it is important papers it only saw fitting to bring four hundred and twenty thousand dollars cash so 420 000 cash in here right oh Flip Flip It Go through it is it look look I just just in case it doesn't say Motion Picture use only it's real you never know when you're gonna need cash if you try to go to the bank lately and try to take out 400 Grand it takes weeks so it's one of the first cars in the collection the 2006 Ford GT four option so all the options that they came was the last year they made the GT40 paid around 179 000 for the car back in 2007. okay and now the car is worth almost 450 000. wow these cars appreciate huh they've gone way up they're collector's item now you said you also buy and sell cars as well buy and sell cars as well so we're partnered with Manheim the biggest Auction Company in the world we buy and sell between 300 400 cars a month when I was a lot younger in my early 20s I used to use Manheim because I used to sell cars like as a car broker I used to use Manheim to get like the pricing info MMR yeah yeah MMR yeah man high market report value you got the Supra right here so one of five real replicas Fast and Furious super in the world the sto is the newest edition so it's brand new with a custom green color wow wow and uh you know obviously we had to do the straight up driven logos all over it full carbon every single option so this is the pride and joy right now this is getting most of the attention just because it's the newest car in the fleet pretty face it's just like a club or what turns into one at night this is the office huh this is uh where the million dollar deals go this is where it happens come on in sit down cool are those little sharks so yeah leopard sharks so I apologize the Tank's a little dirty right now so I'm a big believer scene is believing it's a little bit more proof about the money that we do we're gonna cover up the routing number so here's a check for 224 thousand and forty dollars 286 thousand and thirty dollars what they don't stop there's a 21 500 there's 22 800 fourth uh 4 300 that's that's dinner tonight casual yeah yeah there's a seven thousand six hundred and fifty five dollars and this is all from 11th this is about a week's worth of checks forty four thousand four hundred five dollars you see your dad like do you ever like see this and you're like dang hey that's a lot of money like oh yeah no heavy is the brand too much yeah I need a pen No Matter What so one two three four five so even across so it started with just this building right here yeah and then you know through through God and good grace and through customers I mean we could be anything without our customers yeah it's grown to this like how did this even happen just starting from here like how much you have to put down for this building initially first lease this building okay and it was just one little shop one little paint booth in there yeah and then through you know just customer relationships like I tell people I don't value any of this I value people because without people our businesses wouldn't be successful that's true so I value the relationship more than anything else and then we bought the building bought this building so typically you know first it was it was a lot of money down the first one was about 500 000 down yeah on the first building but then second building third building and as as your network and your net worth grows yeah you don't have to put as much down several of the buildings are paid off there's only one building that's we're still making payments song that's amazing man you couldn't do thank you bro appreciate it all of our paint boosts in here are about 200 to 250 000 a piece full downdraft System state of the art custom so we do a lot of the exotic cars in here and more of the custom stuff in here I see wow so we've got the polished apartment here okay we've got the detail Department here the cars for assemble come up through here so here's one of the new toys that's not quite done yet so it's our twin turbo hurricanes so we're doing a super trophail wide body on our Lamborghini this is going to be one of the new toys instead of pushing 600 horsepower what is it going to be pushing so this one right now is 950 to the wheels and we're not going to go through this tour without noticing the the AP on the wrist well let's get a focus on that bro how much does this AP cost than there is so I'm not I'm not gonna PS I bought so I like to make money on everything I buy yeah so originally I bought the the watch for 38 39 000 you got a lot of watches okay now the watch is worth over 70 grand so due to covid everything's been inflated yeah so I haven't bought a lot of watches through kovid thank God a lot of the watches that were in the collection I bought them at the right time so we got full frame machines in here so mainly Tesla BMW is all done in here so we got a little hidden treasure over here for you [Music] is that a 720 720 it's seen better days for sure geez lots of carbon fiber options come on in do you see what's going on you're just he's just focused on the car he's not even focused on what happened look so I want to make it clear the driver of this car was not injured okay so I don't want anybody thinking that we're we're making having a good time with a car that nobody was injured so that's why it could be funny with the hrus too huh HR able The Backs you know never be the same but uh but yeah fire started in the engine yeah and then it went all the way uh you know into the cockpit until uh you know the fire fire department got there and put it out if you're on Instagram this thing was uh very popular on Instagram yeah I think I seen it yeah so it was uh that it caught fire on the freeway on the side of the freeway congratulations on all your success man everybody wants to know you know how did you start this whole thing kind of talk about your come up as a kid you said you got into trouble kind of like just touch on that a little bit first off I want to thank you guys for coming out and taking the time you know big fan watch you and so we're really you know appreciative to be here and doing this with you appreciate it um so started for me is I loved cars so I was uh you know at 16. um you know first car was an 83 Oldsmobile Cutlass and then you know quickly progressed into an Acura Integra was part of the street race scene yeah and I just loved cars loved Imports and unfortunately didn't have a lot of money at the time to be able to fix up the cars and to be able to get the car that I wanted so I got into uh you know at a very young age uh stealing cars selling them for parts breaking them down and selling them for parts and making some mistakes to where it eventually caught up with me where uh you know it's funny where you think that when you're younger you know you're invincible and that's never going to happen to you yeah and it was a real reality check you know getting locked up the first time and how it impacted my life and you know to where it really motivated me that this is not what I wanted I wanted more out of life and I needed to change my way of thinking and how I was going about getting it when you went to jail how old were you first time I went to jail I was 17. so I went to went to juvie yeah and uh you know for not being too graphic but when you go to like juvie was worse than jail so the super vision and things of that nature back then like I would see people get beat down in the corner and stomped out for acting tough for who they were and it you know you can't pretend as a kid and going into places like that the only thing I had going for me is I was a little bit bigger yeah so I didn't have as many problems but I said hey this is not what I want out of life what did you do next at that moment like how did you because like you built this Empire I want to hear more about that story like what was the next step I started working for TaylorMade golf so I was a materials analyst and project manager so don't don't quote me but we're going we're going back a little bit for me because I'm 39 now so uh but I I am well I don't feel young but uh I was working for TaylorMade golf and working the regular nine to five and uh what I was doing on the weekends as I was buying cars off of Craigslist with check engine lights things of that nature buying them fixing them up and then turning around and selling them for a profit on the weekends after my nine to five and then I saved up enough money to do one car saved up enough money to do two cars and I was doing that and then a family friend and that's why I always say it's about relationships and the people that you meet of course that you can grow together yeah and a family friend said Tony you know you're really good at the car thing why don't you think about doing that full time and I said well I just don't have the you know the finances to be able to do that yeah and he says well you're so good at it he said what if I you know invest in you and I put up the finances and he's like you take uh 30 I'll take 70 percent until the business becomes sustainable and successful yeah and then we could talk about a 50 50 partnership but um you know at this time I I just gotten married it was really scary to do I leave you know a good job that's paying for the bills and take the biggest risk of my life and bet on myself yeah you know and I went home and I talked to my wife and uh you know I said look we've been you know we've been without so we could always go back to that so let's you know I want to take this risk because I really think that if it works out you know it could change change our lives yeah yeah and you know do the support of my wife um we we went ahead and we took that chance and I quit my job and I started buying and selling cars full time and uh I literally had a Dodge pickup truck with a four call Hauler Trailer yeah and I would go anywhere to get the the right car go to San Francisco I drive to Chicago so when I got started um the biggest thing was is like going to Chicago during the snowy season and buying to drive huh well with a truck and trailer absolutely and literally sleeping in the back seat of my mega cab Dodge you know to save money and to get the business going yeah there was several nights that I would sleep in the back seat of the truck and uh I would go to Chicago or any place where the first snowy season and you can buy two-wheel drives and convertibles a lot cheaper yeah than you can in California so if I could buy those cars two or three grand cheaper in Chicago or in Utah and I bought four five of them and brought them home if I'm making an extra two three grand a car you know there's a profit margin of course so that's how I got started and it was a lot of traveling a lot of buying hauling stuff back and forth and then um after a few months we started a dealership in Vegas I was young I was immature so how old were you now at this time like I said still probably 21 just about to turn 22 because I was only about six months in okay and uh uh the the name of the dealership was West Side Motors okay so you know still young was really into the hip-hop things still so West Side Motors they're off of Decatur in Las Vegas and that was our first retail car dealership and I would buy cars during the week work the dealership on the weekends and Retail the cars started with doing about you know 10 15 cars a month we got up to doing about 40 retail deals a month within the first year and a half we made our first million dollars oh there you go is that still going on though so no it wasn't uh you know it was good for a couple of years and then my dad got real sick and I took some time off from the business to spend time with him thank you thank you and uh because family's always first of course yeah you know and uh so when I came back the business was going a different direction while I was gone and me and my business partner at that time decided to go our separate ways another scary you know scary thing starting all over from you know what the bread and butter was yeah but you know putting you know putting all my faith in God is every single time when one door closes another door opens 100 and uh you know in my experience every new door has been better and better there's always a reason uh why you're in the exact moment that you are like there's it's no accident it's no mistake right so the deal so the dealerships no more right the West Side Motors is gone yeah and in that partnership that you had uh the the um buying and selling cars is no more right so how old are you now so I'm probably like I said probably about 23 24 okay and then you're starting from Ground Zero again start well I I've saved some money so I've got a little capital on my own now but starting over and uh but I've got a little reputation in the car business and I just Partnerships you know working with people and building up so another guy that was great in the car business we decided to partner up okay and uh you know that company was called House of Hondas and then we were doing House of Hondas but strictly wholesale so buying cars from uh franchise stores Honda Toyota Kia um you know all the franchise Dodge Chrysler Jeep we buy all their trades that didn't make it to their front line you needed too too much reconditioning yeah to uh to be retailed again so we would fix them up and then we'd send them at auction and we'd sell them at auction and that's how my relationship started with Manhunt is that what kind of came into fruition is is this whole thing is that is that that moment so after that with the the wholesaling of the cars like I said so probably and you know the getting to my later 20s Gary my business partner here yeah that you met earlier so Gary actually started this in one little shop and then that's where we had been uh lifelong friends his brother owned a mechanic shop at the time and they used to do all the work on my Toyota Super the Toyota Super was my dream car his brother used to do all my building and everything because I was still in the Big Time drag racing yeah so I was on the cover of d-sport magazine turbo magazine uh you know I had a 1100 horsepower Toyota Supra through that relationship you never know who you're going to meet and what it leads to and the opportunity presented itself for me to partner with them on the body shop and then we we grew it from this to what you see today where does that drive come from though I always felt like I was I was destined for more and I wanted more I wanted more for myself I wanted more for my family and uh you know people used to tell me you know don't don't be a dreamer you know get a job be an active part of society you know and uh and I'm the exact opposite now you you know anytime kids want to sit in the car or do anything I'm like dream if you can dream it you can go out and get it one of the things that frustrates me the most is when people come up and they say how do I get this quickly or how do I do this quickly and I said you're already asking the wrong questions nothing is going to come quick and easy I mean I slept in the back of a truck starting my business buying cars and doing that and you know you're always going to have to sacrifice you're always going to have to grind but if it was easy everybody would do it everybody would be a millionaire that is true but literally if you're willing to go that extra mile and I don't care what it is if you're if you you know if you're selling comic books when everybody else is sleeping you know they go to bed at 10 o'clock at night if you're online from 10 till two in the morning and you're looking for those Comics that you can buy cheaper than anybody else then you're going to be more successful than the next person that's trying to do it yeah there's no nine to five when you're doing your own business if somebody wanted to be in your shoes and do what you do build this kind of Empire what are some practical steps you would give that person that's watching right now now the first thing is be ready to work you know open your mind up to to what you really want make a decision that find something that you love to do I love cars yeah so like I'll just use this as an example like if you want to get into the car business like so hey what part of the car business do you want to get into do you want to get into financing do you want to get into buying and selling find something that you're passionate about and then be ready to sacrifice and go in it because it's like I said earlier it's not a nine to five yeah so be ready to put the time in and you'll be successful and you know I want to elaborate on that to where like with the buying and selling the cars we're going to be doing a mentor program um pretty soon here with straight up driven and with one of our other companies where you'll be able to have an opportunity to come in and if you're part of our Mentor program we're going to pick five people and I we will train you exactly how to buy cars so we have a gentleman that works for us now 20 27 years old came to work with us when he was about 25 and I did about six months worth of training and then once he started you know grasping it and yeah you know uh catching his stride now the kid is 27 years old he's making over 400 000 a year wow so I want to do I want to do five more of those and then it usually takes about six months for the program yeah and then I'll pick another five okay but that's where you know benefits me and like I said you come into the mentor program use our money to buy cars we train you how to do it and you make fifty percent you know Commission of whatever you put on the books using our money we just train you to go out and do it that's super interesting so they contact you on Instagram or is there like a screening process or like how do you want to so we're in the process of setting up the mentor program and uh you know through you know meeting you hopefully getting advice from you and you know do a lot of this stuff but uh they would reach out through Straight Up driven okay so for now just follow you on Instagram my Instagram straight up driven Str the number eight up driven straight up driven with the number eight so if you want the nice cars you want the million dollar houses you want your own business you can go out and get it but you've got to overcome the fear to do it nothing good came without that so I read Donald Trump's book and that's one of the steps that really inspired me so you have five businesses failed before you had one really hit yeah so you may like I said you may fall you may trip and fall but don't quit keep going and as long as you have that mentality that you're going to do it no matter what you're going to be successful damn I love it my man what book is that what what's the book's name you know what I don't remember it but it was it was Donald Trump's story where you know where he had several businesses fail and I'm like man if I if I failed at two or three of my businesses I don't know if I would have tried for the fourth yeah you know but it really inspired me and then you know people before me that hey if you want it you can go get it and that's that's my biggest thing because I didn't have that support I didn't have anybody telling me that there's people uh that I've seen you interview that are you know way more successful you know that I appreciate it like I said if it just helps one or inspires one or two people then that's all I wanted out of the video you know and if there's anything that we can ever do to help you know reach out to us you know it's real important if you see us at a car show the car is available for any of the kids to sit in because like I said they're the future so anything that we can do to motivate them and make them chase their dreams that's what I'm all about um Tony's a great guy make sure you guys check out his stuff link is in the description all his social media I'm just very impressed with the Empire he's built all the businesses that he's in all the stuff that he's invested in but yeah guys uh thank you for watching today's video Tony is the perfect example why you shouldn't ever give up on your dreams no matter how hard you hit rock bottom you know he's been to jail turned his life around I'm sure you guys can too if you're in a tough situation in a very challenging time in your life you can always turn it around no matter what surround yourself with great people have that Relentless work ethic be resilient and I know for a fact if you keep doing that show for yourself every day you will level up your life thank you for watching today's video like it subscribe if you are an aspiring entrepreneur and you want to learn from successful entrepreneurs we have that Community we have live calls religiously guest speakers we get to talk to each other learn from each other only 9.99 per month click that link in the description below tell me [Applause] you need baby you know that I'm bad for you yeah why you gotta be so naive if I treat you like one I don't want and you know I'm just so hard to please [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SnewJ Knows
Views: 166,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: money, finance, mansion, how to make 1 million dollars, ecommerce, graham stephen, noah kagan, jordan welch, biaheza, Sebastian Ghiorghiu, stocks, crypto, real estate, Andrei Jikh, rich, wealthy, snewj, snewj money, shopify, how to get rich, investing, how to buy a house, how to invest, investing tips, money lessons, finances, financial advice, wealth, how to shopify, amazon stores, amazon, how to sell on amazon
Id: bqydLIE3_1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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