Start a Mobile Car Detailing Business with $500

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in this episode we catch up with Alan from go detail back in February when we first interviewed him they were doing about fifty thousand dollars a month that is a good profit margin I could swim in that but since then he's made some breakthroughs that has allowed him to nearly double his business in just about six months we've actually found all of our success from using Google my business and this is a must-have tool I would say for all detailers because no one's been doing that that's pretty new Allen shares his breakthrough on how he scaled up to a seven-figure business at just 23 years old by using simple but game-changing hiring and Marketing Systems that you'll discover in this video so let's go and dive in Alan it's good to be back with you good to see you Paul how's your day it's been awesome you're rocking it we've been working we'd love to get our audience an update on how your business has changed but before we dive into that tell those that haven't seen the first episode about how you got into go detail why did you have a background in detailing cars and so on sure so I got into detailing my senior year of high school I was 18 at the time just looking for a summer job and I came across a YouTube channel that was just kind of showing how to detail cars so I picked up on a few things you know you got to know how to detail a few marketing strategies which all of them I've improved on since back then but now we're really trying to scale the company just grow as big as we can and go National wow you guys are thinking big but you didn't have any previous experience at 19. you just started with the YouTube video exactly and that came to be what it is today right right that's pretty cool as far as the seasonality how were your months over the last six months is it yeah super high one month and and why why do you think that would be it's pretty consistent and we like to Pivot depending on the month so you know in the winter months when detailing slow we sell more ceramic Coatings window tints stuff like that so we're able to stay busy all year round believe it or not okay which is a really cool thing in this industry you know most people think it's a summer only business and we've been able to make it last all year long awesome well I am excited to show our audience your podcast and your office slash room and where you know the operations happen so why don't we go and check that out awesome let's go there all right so this is where you actually run your whole business Allen from yes sir this is the go detail office so right here we've got like our work station got four chairs four employees usually down here including myself uh five days a week just helps run the business Zachary here say hi Zach hey Zach what's up he's our dispatcher so he handles all the calls and scheduling appointments and we also have our manager that's usually here nice as well as an intern that just helps us with like day-to-day stuff God it's so much better here than outside during the Heat Wave and what is this thing for so that's my mic I use it for my program just hopping on Zoom calls with people stuff like that just to keep things official nice have you increased your marketing budget since we last spoke if so by how much and one of the best marketing strategies that are giving you the best return yeah so we haven't increased our marketing by much probably only 500 bucks more where are you at now total right right now we're spending about thirty five hundred dollars a month on advertisement and that's print media so like postcards and stuff as well as Google ads which have been really helpful is that the majority of your ad spend is on Google if we had to divide into thirds we've got print marketing which has been working amazing business cards just handing them out to all the shops we can I'll actually get one real quick sure let's check it out so I ordered these through vistaprints yeah a little stack here so you can check it out yeah it's pretty cool so is this an actual oh this is a scratch for this is a scratch yeah so it's got you know this QR code on the back our website our phone number everyone's been loving these we've been putting these into shops All Around Town what do they love about them what stanza is it the discount the discount Yeah scratch off because no one's been doing that that's pretty new can paper rip off and duplicate you that's fine by me there's no competition sounds good what's your number one piece of advice for having a great team and making sure people stay with you for the Long Haul better wages is always a must if you want to keep people around for a long time right now we're kind of in this you know weird state where we don't really know if we're going into a recession or whatnot but keeping higher wages definitely helps and it's a tight market for labor too right are you seeing that uh we are seeing that but with our commission structure in place right now and all the benefits of working for our company it's hard to resist right we're probably the best employer in terms of detailing in all of Oregon and I've done my research I've done my due diligence to be able to say that so when employees come onto your team what kind of training knowledge do you provide them so that they get better at what they do yeah so typically if we're hiring someone that's new to detailing we'll just have them Shadow an actual detailer for a few weeks so they could pick it up however most recently we've been really into hiring people with actual detailing experience which means less training goes into it and they're able to just start right away you know you get to make commission here you're going to make a lot more money be a lot more happy Be Your Own Boss at the end of the day tell me in detail that your commission structure if you may just in a nutshell yeah so typically off one detailing job our commission is 30 so if we're doing like a 300 detail they're getting roughly a hundred bucks plus tips which is really cool you know sometimes you'll get a hundred dollar tip sometimes a fifty dollar tip just depending on how well you can connect with the customer and show your value for mobile detailers specifically it's strictly commission based plus tips I see all right and they they're still able to pull anywhere between fifteen hundred to twenty five hundred dollars a week or every two weeks which is our pay period so it works out for them pretty well in the end nice well going back to knowledge I want to give you guys a quick golden nugget every business owner and entrepreneur like Alan was saying needs to learn things and needs to have knowledge and our upflip Hub is the place to go and do that so check it out right now forward slash learn check it out how has your business changed since last February at this point what are the biggest changes uh and and value that you can add to our viewers sure so since last the last video we've gotten 1500 enrollments into our program where I teach people of all ages you know teenagers adults on how to scale and grow their detailing business oh wow okay and they've seen tremendous success with my program that wasn't the case last time so I guess we'll talk more about that later but one of the changes that you want to highlight since almost six months ago so last month we had our biggest month we did 75 000 in just one month which is pretty cool before last month I didn't really think was attainable so 75 grand that's no joke how many people are you uh currently employing right now we currently have 18 hires 18 hires yeah wow so we've got a big team in terms of the 75k can you break it down to us what was the profit like yeah so the profit margins we always shoot for 60 percent and that's after material cost after all the labor which is our biggest cost because of all our you know how big our team is right but we still are able to keep a significant portion of that 75k and put it towards expanding our business further and reaching new clients in different states around this nation did we interview a lot of businesses but 60 profits that's that's a pretty cool industry to be in yes sir so let's talk about the best Marketing System that you can use to attract new customers and build brand awareness Ellen what's your what are you currently using and what do you think you need to change as you continue to scale up so from my experience you know trying out Yelp Facebook Instagram all those common things that detailers use I haven't had a lot of success really and we've actually found all of our success from using Google my business specifically Google has brought us the most customers and we have the most reviews on that platform and it's really attributed to Our Success over the past few months the reason we've been able to scale so fast grow our team everything's thanks to Google so what can you share that you're doing right on the Google platform then that's generated so much business for you just making sure it's SEO friendly so I have a deep knowledge of websites and SEO and that of course what I used to do before detailing you know for other companies so now I'm kind of just applying all the knowledge I've accumulated to my own thing and reviews help a ton like I said the back end stuff like making sure you have quality pictures making sure the pictures have geocoding which I talk about more in my program stuff like that really separates us from our competition and it's been able to grow us into the number one detail shop in all of Portland if you type in car detailing Portland right now we are the number one result man congrats all right well this has been fun I know there's other places we have to go you've got a couple detailing sites right that you'll take us to so stick around you guys come with us and check out more details and how how he runs his business but before show us your storage Hub where all the stuff is and kind of where employees come to get more supplies sure let's go look at the Hub all right I'll follow you my friend all right so we've seen this before Alan right tell our audience what is this place for those that haven't seen it before sure so this is sort of our equipment Hub our mobile detailers come here to restock their rigs you know grab more chemicals off the shelf right here we got everything here you know the shine sprays the bio enzymatics everything that they might need for a detail job is all easily accessible here nice now we even got these uh like floor mats we put in after each detail just to look real professional and they're not branded to you yet not branded yet but soon enough we will have go detail on here nice but anything you want to highlight that you've updated or added and why more tools essentially so more polishing supplies more tape you know all the essentials you need for this job you've got all the lighting which I haven't seen before are you doing a lot more of that we started doing tinting but it's a pretty hard industry to get into so if you're just starting out I would suggest you put that on the back burner but it is something eventually you might want to do yeah so let's let's head out to the location I'll drive with you if you don't mind sounds good let me just pack this up are we grabbing this thing right here yeah just our A-frame so we put these out for all of our jobs and they've been helping us get a lot of Walkers and people just passing by nice okay man I'll take passenger come with us you guys we'll keep asking more questions and show you the actual detail spot so see you there Alan so we're heading to an actual job site what kind of car are they cleaning there now I believe they're cleaning uh SUV Toyota so we're gonna check out which make and model that is but it's a pretty large size car should take them about three hours to clean right now we're just approaching the final touches I believe so we'll get to see what it looks like almost near completion all right Alan what's one thing someone can do right now to grow their mobile detailing business honestly there are many many must-dos in this detailing business and I lay out the exact blueprint on how to start and scale your detailing business in my coaching program below it's based on practices that I've learned and perfected over time so tell us more about that what does the go detailing coaching program cover exactly man what does it not cover just a brief rundown we go over how to set up your marketing all the ads everything you need in place the Flyers the business cards all of that stuff we go over how to train a team make sure your Management's set up so you could you know automate the business not have to work on it when you don't want to and we also train you how to detail a car 40 faster than your competition dude 40 that's incredible you guys we're gonna have more information down below and for a limited time Allen is giving our viewers uplift viewers a whopping 25 off on a go detailing business this coaching program so make sure you click the link below and find out how to Skyrocket your mobile detailing business as you're working you're going to be helping out your team what are you doing right now I mean what is this tank obviously it's not something you see at houses yeah so this is a deionized water filter which means it filters all the water that we get from the customers you know hose or from their house and it essentially just eliminates water spots at the end so you don't really have to worry about drying the car or working in the sun like we are right now it'll come out streak free that's pretty cool without any water spots which is amazing this is a must-have tool I would say for all detailers how much would it cost this guy here is about 300 bucks and I will have a link down below okay awesome appreciate that Ellen for somebody looking to get into the detailing business right what can they do from the beginning to set themselves up for Success faster growth and so forth one of the key things that come to your mind yeah so definitely hiring a team that's probably the biggest one focusing on reviews just getting all the traction you need online is another big part of it because you could be the best detailer in the world but nobody knows about you but if nobody knows about you're not going to get any customers I mean where the mouth will spread but that may take some time that's gonna definitely take time but if you want to jump start your business you have to focus on all aspects of this marketing building a team doing quality work it all goes hand in hand and you started with what 500 bucks I remember right 500 bucks so there's always a place to start that's the whole point what are we doing we're just watching this Tundra basically we're just watching this it just got a simple wash bucket I'm gonna throw in another wash mitt here with an ionized water bucket yeah so this is super clean water this is exactly what you want to be putting on this car in this hot weather no water spots hot you guys so I'm gonna grab the solution we use you guys have seen this minivan in the previous episode if you haven't seen his first one make sure you check it out I think it will greatly benefit from what Alan shared the first time how many of these Vans do you have now yeah so right now we've got two of these rigs too all right and then we've got two guys using their own cars but we're gonna upgrade them pretty soon we're working on getting more minivans for the team got it and as you can see they're very spacious we're able to fit all the supplies we need for necessary for the job for sure the canopies the A-frames everything you might need on a job Blitz time with Alan Allen if you had to go somewhere for let's say a month you're not here what happens to your business at that point sure so my business is pretty automated in terms of just keeping the ball rolling when I'm not around you know we have all these things in place to make it automated including our booking software the guys I hired to manage the business it's all pretty straightforward you know it's day-to-day activities and if I left for a month it would still be running still be making the same money Alan what is the best part of being an entrepreneur for you you know being able to work when you want to you know sometimes I feel like working late at night sometimes I feel like working early in the morning it just depends on the day all right worst part about being an entrepreneur the hours I would say the worst part about being an entrepreneur is the hours so I put you know entire basically all of my time into this business wow it's my baby at this point you know I'm growing it as fast as it can grow but it's a very fun process even though I might you know work 80 hours a week some weeks it's still worth it to me because it makes me happy true entrepreneur at heart right there and last one if you could change one thing about your business or maybe yourself let me throw that in what would it be if I could change one thing about myself it would be to think even more big picture you know completely removing myself and just seeing it from a way bigger Viewpoint than I'm currently seeing it you know working day in and day day out yeah even though I am still pretty out there you know just managing the business I still want an even bigger view to see where it can go nice I think that's really important who is the first person you hired so the first person we hired was just a detailing technician so instead of me detailing all day they would have been doing that job right and then I guess besides the extra help for detailing who was the other role that you filled the second person we hired was the receptionist so someone to be able to take all the calls help with the customer satisfaction side of things calling back for reviews all of that stuff I mentioned earlier right and while you're still doing all the detailing yourself right exactly right so this is a pretty light clean we get a lot of these cars that are you know pretty clean they might just have some dust on them but you still go all the way and make sure to complete it to perfect satisfaction you know this is kind of satisfying especially being out in the sun yeah so the process we worked out we don't use foam cannons anymore we don't use foam or soap really we just use this on our liquid and it's really helped our business grow because not only can we wash cars faster but it's also safer for the cars and the environment because it is an eco-friendly product that is a big change you guys because yeah last time you were spraying foam like there's no tomorrow that's right I'm still shocked that you went away from the foam right the yeah because a lot of people use that a lot of detailing companies right yeah so where did that change happen for you why is it a cost saving is it a service improvement because I mean I didn't see any soap on the car but it looks clean so so we definitely got away from the foam because we noticed it left a lot of water spots and actually did you know in my opinion more harm than good especially in direct sunlight the direct sunlight is a big factor the direct sunlight is a big factor so it makes sense you know you could still use it in the winter and we might but for now this is our kind of solution for all and we can use it year round so we'll basically go over the whole car with the rinse and then we'll go over it with a clay bar just to remove all any surface contaminants and then finally just dry it off just feels like the surface feels like you you you waxed it feels like glass yeah that's incredible yeah so if you're not doing that or you didn't know about it I hope that's a pretty good tip for you guys let's talk about systems that you use to actually book the jobs uh software what it costs you and how does that contribute to growth in Revenue sure so house call Pros what we use currently so essentially it's a CRM it's a customer relationship management tool it helps us book all of our appointments it helps us with scheduling dispatching people to the right jobs at the right time and of course generating reviews as well as keeping track of all of our customers which is super important because you know you have to follow up with them right you have to make sure they're still happy which a lot of detailers don't do all right that's a big note for you guys I'm actually working on my own app with developers to recreate it because there are a bunch of hiccups that I found in the software and so I've kind of gone out on my own found developers and we're building a better system now that has better booking better before and after pictures all these things that you need to run detailing business that they are kind of lacking in into interesting though it's good that you're seeing something that you can improve on is there a cost for you right now what is it per month to use that software so the cost right now we're under like highest graded plan because we have so many guys and I think it's about 300 a month and with my own software once I do kick start that we're aiming for reselling it at about half the price Alan you started out as a solo Operator just you when did you know was the right time to you know build the team as soon as I started getting like one job a day or two jobs a day I kind of had the idea that I could automate it since all the leads were coming in I could kind of take a more manageable approach to the business hire somebody on to essentially do all the detailing for me and that way I could actually manage and focus on growing the company and you've always wanted the scales it was that always the idea to get to the National level that you're talking about now or is that that evolve as well over time I think initially I didn't I wasn't able to even think that big you know I was just focused on my next job what happened was after I you know my Hunger continued so I was doing two jobs a day then I ended up doing four jobs a day six jobs a day now we're doing closer to eight jobs a day wow and definitely building the right team was a big focus of mine you want to make sure they're reliable they'll be there on time and just trying to hire the right employees from the start now if the employee is not a right fit don't expect them to change instead find a substitute fire yeah I would say fire faster than you're hiring yeah that's always the slow that I remember slow to higher quick to fire besides actually finding the hires or the employees what else would be the most difficult part about that transition from solo to team so I would say building the leadership skills is very essential to actually managing a team right because you can't just jump into it you know there's a lot of things you have to learn how to manage expectations from people setting aside you know times that they're working making sure it works with their schedule as well as your as well as your company's schedule and treating them like real people because they are you know it's not just all about employees and how fast you could make money and it's not like you know how to run a team because you never had one right so then you learn on the go as well or that you go to some places to get that knowledge as well to get better as a team leader I think experience is definitely one of the biggest factors right biggest schools you would say biggest schools but you know I do go over it as well in the program I teach you how to hire a team how to manage a team all the scripts and cons tracks necessary for hiring somebody on onboarding them all the legal paperwork you might need to use which has been like a struggle of mine in the start because I had none all right and now that we have this Foundation I could share it with people and help them grow their business that's awesome guys keep watching because we're going to dive more into detail as far as their their team structure and how everything operates so stay tuned for that tell us what you've learned with the experience that you have already the do's and don'ts of an effective customer communication experience over communication is key I found customers would rather you give them too many updates than too few I see it's like hey I'm on my way hey I just started the job hey I finished the job things that are should be common sense but aren't really common sense so stuff like that really helped us grow this past few months we've implemented a new foundational structure to our business as well we've got all these contracts and scripts that we use every day a to make sure that we're number one oh wow so you train your employees to say certain things in a certain way because we do that in real estate you know we call them scripts too right we learn it but then we make it natural is that is that what you do as well yeah so we would have like generic scripts for right you know ceramic Coatings for General detailing services and you know of course you tweak those to every scenario you're not talking to a customer that has a truck you're going to approach differently than someone that has a Prius you know stuff like that really makes the difference that's awesome what's the best way to encourage Word of Mouth advertising per se from customers what's your experience so customers expect the most from you so definitely do an exceptional quality work will help you get you know more reviews but also you know not expecting them to do it on their own making sure you ask maybe once maybe twice maybe Thrice but really trying to drill the hammer in you know make sure they actually leave a review you because at the end of the day when people are searching for you online all they're looking for is reviews let's be honest you know when I search up made cleaning or dry cleaning restaurants exactly I I basically picked the one with the highest reviews and the best rated reviews and that's why we've had so much success here in Portland it's because we've got like over 300 reviews total right now and we really put in the work to get those what's your process for asking for that can you break down the steps real quick maybe you've touched on it already but so essentially through our CRM the customer management tool we use they send an automated text message at the end of each job once we finish it which asks for a review and then we might follow up the next day call them say hey how did it go we'd love your feedback could you possibly share some feedback online and we would send them a link do you always do you make that call one of our team members does make that call but it's like it it happens absolutely for every client right that follow-up call for clients that Don don't leave a review that we notice then we would follow up with them the next day or something like that to make sure they do do you ever reward them or can reward them and say hey we'll give you a 20 certificate or discount off just leave a read because sometimes people it's only three minutes to leave a review but isn't it in real estate I struggle with that too sometimes it's like great clients they still either forget how do we change that so incentive is definitely important and we've been able to find a way to do that I go over it more in the program but to essentially give you a gist we give them ten dollars off right before they pay we ask them hey could you leave a review and if they say yes then we'll just trust their word for it knock off that 10 bucks and they're happy and we're happy that's a win-win what would you say you do better than some of your competitors and I think you mentioned it earlier on but what comes to mind maybe it's systems maybe it's processes I want to highlight kind of what sets you apart from competition I think not having all your eggs in one basket is important so you know as I mentioned working with not only regular consumers but also other businesses and then doing the same you know really trying to spread out with your advertising and marketing as well so you know some people just focus on print some people just focus on ads some people just focus on organic reach we like to do all three and that's what's really set us apart I think in the long run that's a big one you guys make sure you keep watching because we're going to get more insights from Alan and go details marketing strategy that helped his business scale so quickly and it's continue to do it so much so keep watching I'm curious what other things make your business stand out in this very very competitive industry yeah so I think branding just being able to differentiate your brand in some ways really important in such a competitive field and you know we could take a look at the uniforms show me what you've got so far because last time you didn't have uniforms officially read this is what I'm officially yeah last time was just like a logo printed on a black shirt but we've got more you know nuanced things now we've got these detailing shirts I've got the detailing hats so our logos match on both gee yeah it says car detailing specialist right here on the back side we got our website some cool logo right there and everyone that is working on site is you know needing to wear this right yeah so they show up on time they look professional wearing a uniform you know it's not just any shirt they want it's not just any sweatpants they want we really want to ingrain the brand into our customers brain and just show them hey this is who we are this is what we look like uh you're gonna get exceptional quality work from us so as a business owner who get started with one employee too what are the key systems and processes you have to have in place Alan before you start thinking about scaling further what comes to mind so definitely automating a few things would help including the calls that's a big one right because that's the most time consuming I would say that's the biggest time consumer in the start is just being able to pick up all the calls while you're detailing you know I have to do it myself for four years and I was able to do just fine but another thing would be getting a nice CRM system getting a nice booking system that would help you you know automate all the online appointments stuff like that would really help you scale that's awesome and definitely need to have cute puppies in your office for some some entertainment right what's what's this guy's Rocco Rocco he's only who doesn't well he's on an interview that's adorable well I could have him run and we'll keep keep chatting so you mentioned earlier on that you're thinking big you want to go National right are you thinking franchising or just keeping it all Under One Roof for you for now franchising is in the realm of possibilities still need to figure that out but for now we've got Arizona Texas and Florida Miami specifically on our radar and we're hoping to expand there this year so for somebody in the same position as you right now right thinking to expand different business maybe the same business let's talk about goal setting like you as an owner what do you do when you sit down at the table when it comes to goal setting goal setting has a lot to do with taking advantage of opportunities that come to you at certain times of the business and you have to really recognize those and be able to Pivot your business like most recently we started doing more B2B work you know business to business so it's not you know you don't want to think of your business as only limited to one clientele base interesting there's a lot of clientele bases out there you know you could work with businesses you could work with everyday residential consumers right I want to elaborate a little bit more on the scaling part so you're thinking Arizona Florida right what are the steps that you're going to take to make that happen so right now our first step would just be to create a website in that vicinity whatever we try to expand get it to rank hire a team and then just manage it and make it automated so that I don't have to use my personal time to be there all the time right because that's the biggest thing that we as entrepreneurials have is our time and that's our most valuable resource we have to allocate that accordingly and make sure we're using the best use of our time in terms of the platforms that we already mentioned a couple times Facebook print and Google how do you maximize the effectiveness of that I really want to understand and share that with our audience yeah so I would say you definitely want to hire an expert you don't want to try doing it yourself because you're going to mess up a lot in the start which will cost you a lot of money so definitely you know hiring a special dedicated agency that specializes in specifically promoting detailing companies would be the best thing for that you can do so print marketing uh is it dead for your industry newspapers and so on or how effective is it because you've got some here for us yeah so print marketing I think is a hit or miss depending on how you use it we've been able to make it very effective so we've got like our B2B Flyers here uh this one's for ceramic Coatings that we sell to dealerships and stuff like that nice this is for our actual detailing services that we sell to carvana Toyota and other dealerships I can't share all the details here but I do go into it into our program you know you'll have access to all of the scripts all of the files everything you need to start this business from the ground up and even if you've been doing this for let's say five years and you're not happy where you're at maybe you're only doing five thousand a month you know we'll help you set a new goal and reach it with you together in terms of hiring new people Allen and finding great talent for the go detail team what's been the best place for you to find those people we've recently had really good luck with hiring on indeed really yeah so they actually charge I think 14 bucks per application and you get to like choose whether you want to keep it or not and if you cancel it within I think 24 hours they don't charge you a penny there's no cost exactly so you just look through the resumes make sure you know you can see them working for your company and approve them as they come in what do you look for in applications when you know you're on in the indeed platform I look for people to go above and beyond you know they need to submit a resume they need to contact us somehow they need to want to do the job it can't just be like they press a button it submits into the automatic system or whatnot and then we receive the lead it doesn't work the best in my opinion so just we're looking for them to go that extra step Beyond to want to be on our team and actually be part of this growth so walk us through go detail management structure right the systems the tools and how everything's set up for you today it starts out with me on top you know I'm kind of in charge of all operations in terms of expansion new ideas coming in then I've got my manager underneath me Gunner does an amazing job he can run the business if I'm not present then under that we have the receptionist okay and then under the receptionist we have our four mobile detailers as well as our other remaining staff are all on the dealership I see all right so the majority of the staff is on that dealer that we interviewed last time correct Carolina Roger that as an entrepreneur Alan you've got so much things going on so much things on your plate and others watching probably understand that how do they have the perfect work-life balance what can you suggest what are you learning so far just as an entrepreneur kind of a general question yeah so if you ever feel overwhelmed you could just turn it into a nine to five essentially you know you clock in at nine you clock out at five and that way the rest of the time your head can relax sometimes I've definitely felt overwhelmed in the past where doing that really helped me personally don't forget about real life you know have friends get out there go go-karting do something that's not related to work because if you're just doing this all day long you're not going to last long so I'm putting in roughly about 40 hours a week now I'm trying to get more like a real job nine to five but that doesn't mean that I don't work some nights on the website don't update this don't update that you know being an entrepreneur yeah you're just always itching right to do something exactly if you could go back in time right now and do something or this or that thing differently what would it be what can you think of now that you have a lot more knowledge under your belt I definitely think I could have thought bigger in the start you know I never expected this business to get as big as it did yeah it hasn't been that long though too it hasn't been that long and you had a 75 000 month revenue and a lot of people on our Channel we I read the comments you guys and and you know you're talking about oh Revenue yes we always talk about Revenue but more importantly we highlight in the videos right profit margins and you said that was what sixty percent is what you shoot for that is a good profit margin I could swim in that yeah so anywhere between 50 to 60 percent uh depending on the job of course you know if it's an interior or just an exterior detail we're making less money than let's say a full detail because there's more money involved of course but we shoot for 50 to 60 percent and that's with the ad budget with all the labor expenses with all the material costs and I talk about this more in the program where where to Source cheaper products how to hire the right team all that stuff will be included in that in the coaching program that you have yeah awesome well in conclusion um what would you what would be your advice to our viewers watching right now who are inspired just in conclusion anything entrepreneurial when it comes to to your heart at this point yeah you definitely want to work hard in the beginning it's going to take maybe a little bit of time to get things moving before you see results you know don't give up because most people they'll put in like a week or two and then they'll just say oh I didn't get any results I'll just stop uh that's actually when you should be pushing even harder so that's what I would say is just don't give up that's awesome well thank you Alan well that's a wrap with Alan the owner of go detail thank you guys so much for watching take a second to make sure and check out the go detail coaching program because that will Skyrocket your business again thank you for watching take a second to like subscribe and hit that Bell so that you don't miss any of our videos
Channel: UpFlip
Views: 81,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile detailing, car detailing, car detailing business, detailing, detailing business, mobile detailing business, mobile car wash business, mobile car detailing, mobile car wash, auto detailing, auto detailing business, mobile detailing setup, detailing a car, mobile car detailing business, how to start a car detailing business, car detail, how to start a detailing business, car cleaning, upflip car detailing, upflip
Id: riTWH_MG6Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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