How GOOD was Excadrill ACTUALLY? - History of Excadrill in Competitive Pokemon

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next up we have excadrill this mole has been digging its way into fans hearts since the fifth generation games where it was gym leader clays strongest Pokemon and its anime counterpart appeared in an excellent pokémon generations episode iris also had an extra drill she raised from a drill birth while traveling a long sigh - today we're going to be examining this subterranean pokemons effect on the competitive scene and so we ask how good was excadrill actually but first let's talk about the sponsor of this video that's right it's expressvpn with everything we do these days being on the Internet it's important to have the technology to keep your data safe and protect it otherwise your unencrypted data can be intercepted by people who have no business viewing it that's where a VPN comes in a VPN provides a private connection and a virtual server that prevents anyone from taking a look at the info you're sending out into the world wide web and when it comes to VPNs there's no better 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generations but it never offered any direct offensive boost to any pokemon black and white changed that with the addition of the speed doubling sand rush ability and the power boosting sand force ability with sand rush extra drill defined the early stage of gen-5 oh you it was faster than absolutely everything no choice scarf is short of Deoxys speed could outrun it in sand and scarf Deoxys speed was of course an extremely silly idea this immense speed allowed extra Joe to make the most of it's terrifying offensive capabilities a massive 135 base attacks that swords dance and stab earthquake it was instantly one of the most devastating Pokemon in the meta game able to sweep at a moment's notice it wasn't uncommon to see an even slightly weakened team completely powerless to stop an extra drill rampage especially since its choice of item made it tougher to check a task already known to be difficult air balloon was the standard allowing extra gel to turn its earthquake weakness into an immunity until hit by another move this made dancing around it even tougher life war was also a great choice though as the sheer power it offered let extra drill mow down some of its usual checks more easily once they'd taken just a bit of chip damage most notably Rotom wash excadrill had a pool of very specific physical walls that could check it fairly Gliscor Skarmory and tangrowth but those Pokemon were also tasked with dealing with other meta game threats and thus could be overwhelmed easily when extra drill was paired with fellow sand abusers Landorus incarnate and Taraki on of course there was the option to change the weather with rain but if excadrill got in against a rain team with sand politoed wouldn't be able to switch into it at all safely giving rain teams similar issues the amount of strain that extra drill placed on both team building and playing was considered incredibly unhealthy especially once it started using leftovers and rapid spin even if its counters were healthy none of them could stop extra drill from clearing the field of hazards making it and its team much more difficult to work down thus extra drill was eventually banned from oh you late in black and white - however excadrill made a return as the metagame had become overrun by hazards and players wanted some recourse against it its alternate abilities in sand force and mold breaker had been released and a complex ban was instituted to ensure that it couldn't use sand rush on San teams as it was agreed that that would still be overwhelming even with the addition of Landers T especially since black and white - had gifted extra drill a powerful secondary stab in iron head it did however begin yu-san rush on rain teams and that put opposing sand teams in an uncomfortable catch-22 situation if they use their sand to slow down a rain assault which was much of the point of sand then they risk being swept by a Pokemon that was so strong they weren't allowed to use it themselves but if they allowed the rain to go uncontested they would have a seriously difficult time withstanding all of its attacks the combination of extra drill and sand and scarf keldeo and rain meant that no matter what rain teams had a terrific fast cleaning option Escadrille ability to release spikes pressure had been accepted as a generally good thing but out speeding everything in the game in sand was agreed to be unhealthy in general and sand rush was been excadrill shifted back to San teams after that less as a source named sweeper and more as a source of rapid spin support with sand force it was still naturally powerful putting a ton of pressure on pokémon like Ferrothorn and ryu niquist it also like protecting the last slot this safely scouted the intentions of scarf Landers tea while racking up leftovers recovery preventing Escadrille from getting worn down and allowing it to spin throughout the game this allowed it to increase its already excellent longevity stemming from immunities to sand and toxic as well as a quadruple resistance to stealth rock that it out healed with leftovers a distinction is shared with only three other pokemon in the entire game steelix Lucario and kobali Oh mold breaker was also an excellent ability as it nullified levitate and thus turned Rotom wash from one of extra drills best counters into just another victim for its earthquake extra roll was also quite bulky with a bit of investment thanks to its enormous HP stack this along sided steel typing allowed it to take latias as draco meteor in a pinch which was crucial for keeping its teammate Tyranitar healthy to take on other threats like Alakazam overall extra drill was one of black-and-whites most important new pokemon from its original place as the sand defining oh you turned Ober to the freed anti sand tool for rain to its role as an excellent offensive defensive utility Pokemon on sand once again whenever it's been oh you it's been at the forefront of it and significantly shaped the metagame excadrill was also excellent in ubers as its sand rush set turned sand into a legitimate style of team even up there with the Sun and rain that were fueled by titans Groudon and Kyogre spikes were incredibly powerful in ubers and extra dose powerful sword stance boosted critical hit rate shadow claws put immense pressure on the tears spin blockers Arceus ghosts and both forms of Giratina allowing extra drill to get a rapid spin off it also posed a significant sweeping threat graudin was a great counter let s core drills teammate Tyranitar would often lure it in and damage it hard with fire blast boosted by grout on Zone Sun which would quickly put it in range to be threatened by extra drills +2 earthquake ESCO Joe's typing was terrific defensively - primarily because of its electric immunity this helped against various usually choice restricted thunders from Pokemon like dialga and Kyogre as it hard countered the most common variant of electric Arceus and it was an AI perfect check to Zekrom black and white - made things even easier for extra Joule sweeping as new additions like Karen white genesect and the return of the soul duel IT twins meant it had more and more victims as Kudrow also went pure defensive with a bulky mold breaker set in reign as a completely walled standard stealth rock Tioga allowing it to spend against it while setting up its own stealth rock mold breaker was especially nice because it broke through the occasional z2 magic bounce instead of having its rocks sent back at it overall Escadrille was a top Pokemon even in the topmost here it should come as no surprise that excadrill experienced its fair share of success and doubles as well Xcode rose amazing typing translated well to doubles as did its choice of go-to attacking moves in earthquake and rockslide Esther drill steel typing meant it could serve as a sub time switch into the Horde of dragons that dominated the meta game and with Tyranitar already being a premier pokemon in doubles it wasn't a huge leap for some players to just slap an extra drill on their team and go to town however it does bear mentioning that there were costs to running escapar namely a horrible shared set of weakness in fighting water and ground this is arguably more impactful in doubles than in singles where water and ground have powerful spread moves and removing the opposing pokemon isn't as straightforward as in singles we're simply knocking out the opposing threat was good enough to handle it and you know what they say about offense being the best defense and of course extra Joe's biggest nemesis was maybe the most ubiquitous pokemon in v GC history Landorus therian who was both competition and cow two extra drill as such excadrill wasn't quite the one-size-fits-all sweeper it could have been even though it's setup was simple it still needed significant support to perform against problem match ups in 2011 extra drill actually had a hard time staying extremely relevant as the limited format encouraged the use of many of its worst enemies although Landorus therian didn't exist yet the other genie still gave extra drill a hard time as did Kong kelder scrappy and amoonguss who are all staples of VGC 2011 nevertheless extra drill saw a good play as soon as the decks expanded in 2012 even nabbing a world's top floor finish at the hands of joe local ski who built his entire team around facilitating a sweep from his life orb extra drill which ran protect earthquake rocks light and x's or to hit opposing crecelius joel made use of extra Joe's disgusting speed tear when boosted to invest almost fully into bulk creating a surprisingly bulky sweeper he rounded out his team with support months and ground immunities to help XR Joe quake with impunity including Cresselia salamence Rotom he gassed rode on and the requisite Tyranitar XQ Joe only carved out more of a place for itself in 2013 stringing together a list of impressive tournament placements as it used its speed to outrun the competition with players using a variety of small item and move changes to tailor the mold to its specific conditions Oliver Smith Valenti gave extra drill and expert belt on his run to second place at the Houston regionals additionally swapping out earthquake for drill run so he could use extra Joe stabbed with more impunity in Virginia Patrick were Ford Roderick was one of the few players to use extra drill without teeth are opting for a bulky leftovers and substitute variant to take advantage of other players sand rather than setting his own while Warford placed eighth Simon yet managed a top floor finish opting for a life were very similar to Joe Klecko skis mole from worlds al-bait with a bit more speed to out beat any boosted base 70 speed Pokemon as the meta developed some players started to give their extra drill a ground gem to good success Zach brave Yarra stroke comp finished first in North America in the online March international challenge and James Bunkley followed that up with an eighth in the April international challenge the rise of Breloom and its mock punches post some threat to extra drill plus an rush drill continued this success with Palma carry Hornak placing top four at the you regionals and Blake hoppers win at the nugget bridge invitational Escadrille saw significant success in other regions as well with seven top sixteen finishes across Europe's three national champions in Milan Beaulieu and Birmingham however it was only in Birmingham that excadrill cracked the top eight with Leo Cyrus proverbs finishing top four and Daniel Nolan finishing top eight finally particular mention has to go to Ben Nightblade 7,000 Rothman's win at the grassroots Apex 2013 tournament just for innovation as he utilized magnet rise extra drill which if you know anything about apex 2013 seems like a fitting bit of chaos for that particular tournament however a magnet rise extra drill wasn't the biggest out layer of the 2013 season as that honor goes to Randy are inanimate claw as Randy opted for a strategy uniquely distinct from what most VGC players usually do instead of pivoting between different teams throughout the season he used basically the same team almost all year long and at its center was an extra drill distinctly unlike the other ones being used a mold breaker extra drill sand Russia's popularity had a tendency to overshadow the fact that extra drills other ability mold breaker is also incredible in its own right Randy first hit on mold breaker extra joy at the nugget bridge major where he used a choice ban extra drill sporting earthquake drill run x-scissor and rockslide well this was different than the team that would come to define Randy's 2013 season the most important components were there a Tyranitar that would bait opponents into expecting sand follow-me Togekiss who had incredible synergy with extra drill and could provide it with speed control via tailwind or thunder wave so it felt like it was in sand anyways and finally mold breaker to obliterate opponents expecting their levitates to keep them safe with choice bands additional power extra drill could tear through Pokemon that might usually expect to be safe like Metagross or Tyranitar and mold breaker made deadweight out of quote-unquote counters like bronzong or Rotom wash Randy ended up winning the nugget bridge major overworld runner-up at the time wolf Glick by Salem regionals Randy had hit on the sixth pokemon he'd carry for the rest of the season Escadrille Togekiss Tyranitar Larios Breloom and Bisharp for astra drilled the most notable change came in two parts Randy removed its choice ban for focus ash and to make up for the lost power added in Swords Dance instead along with protect while losing drill run and X's are made extra drill somewhat less flexible in one way the fact that it could switch moves and bait out double targeting would protect more than made up for it sure enough Randy's team was incredibly successful garnering him a win at Salem regionals of first place in the January international challenge and a top four finish at the US Nationals the highest placing extra drill at the tournament and the only one in top 16 of course Randy brought the same team to Worlds but unfortunately he fell somewhat short of his other results finishing 18th due to an unfortunate rockslide missed that put him just shy of toffee a sad end to an incredible season however that wasn't the end of the road for extra drill while his usage wasn't extremely high at Worlds it still had a few other good placements such as these players on-screen in the end it was a notion shakaar who would take extra drill the distance finishing 6th place with a unique excadrill team that also didn't feature Tyranitar in an osha skate he ran a max speed extra drill with life orb and the expected attacks rockslide earthquake and X's or in OSHA's extra drill respect to be faster than his latias specifically the punish opposing Cresselia with a combo of extra drill and Draco meteor and additionally gave him a huge advantage against any opposing Tyranitar teams his fast extra drill could out speed other adamant extra drills to gain the leg up and if they were running a slow sand team than in OSHA's combo of amoonguss Jellison and hitmontop was extremely effective in dispatching them Escadrille was a supremely versatile pokemon on Anoush esteem able to form pins with his pokemon pressure opposing psychic types deal with sand and make use of his own team's various utility options and tailwind trick roam and redirection via amoonguss excadrill returned to o you in the 6th generation having taken a huge blow with the removal of permanent weather now it only had a limited amount of turns where it was faster than everything however that didn't stop it from unleashing terror on the opponent who often had to make risky predictions just to outlast the sin not only could excadrill simply come back later and make them repeat the process this time with a weakened team it was also much more difficult to outmaneuver safely at extra Joe's partner Tyranitar was holding smooth rock to extend its and duration xeo drill threatened a large portion of the metagame particularly enjoying the addition of the new ferry types the clefable that was everywhere was just waiting to get crushed by its iron head extra drill also remained the last vestige of rapid spin in a know you metagame dominated by the newly buffed de Foix being able to maintain one's own stealth rock while getting rid of the opponent's was quite the advantage especially since most players were used to having to concede their own extra drill had the ability to clear stealth rock without inviting the common stealth rock user heat rent to come back in and set the rocks up again this made it particularly excellent at supporting self rock weak Pokemon such as talonflame and both mega Charizard extra drill wasn't just a sand abuser though as it branched out to include a couple different sets in its repertoire the first was a choice scarfed variant with a mold breaker this made it a solid general revenge killer that could also provide utility with Rapids been its newfound speed made it a threat against many offense teams as it now instantly outpaced Pokemon like Cal do mega Metagross and mega lopunny without needing Tyranitar to set up stand for it squads that relied on Rotom wash and latias as their ground immunities as many did were in major trouble thanks to mold breaker nullifying to levitate ii said that extra row began using was a pure utility variant that aimed to stick around and thus held leftovers most of the time I ran Mull breaker but it could run sand rush if used alongside Tyranitar letting it become more of a threat however its goal wasn't to sweep it didn't even carry swords dance as always a used rapid spin to clear hazards and it had plenty of opportunity to do that given how easily it switched into the incredibly common clefable iron head was important so it could actually threaten clefable whose combine sets were one of the most dangerous pokemon in the meta game after its obligatory stab earthquake and rounded out his moveset with more support either setting up stealth rock for his team or using toxic to nail Slowbro making it more difficult for it to wall extra drills teammates spin utility was important as the metagame moved in a more spiked centric direction most the foggers lacked the tools to reliably keep up against those kinds of teams so extra drills place in the meta game was both highly unique and important overall excadrill was a top Pokemon in Gen 6 oh you extra drill also had a niche in Gen 6 Oh burrs in sand and out sped xerneas after a geomancy and slammed with a super effective iron head unfortunately this niche was lost once Sarnia started running timid but extra gel found more use in auras as a suicide stealth truck lead on hyper offense teams unlike deoxys speed extra joe's mold breaker allowed it to set up rocks even in the face of the magic bouncers mega Sableye and mega diancie while against opposing deoxys speed then extra Joe ensured deoxys speed never got hazards thanks to rapid spin with toxic it would any support Arceus attempting to defog on getting up rocks while denying the opponent's but not only huge for early game offensive momentum but allowed sets like Sascha rayquaza to flourish as well as keeping mega salamence at full health esker Joe's speed also let it get the jump on most primal Groudon and it completely blanked klefki so he could even potentially put in work later in the match extra drill found itself a new kind of niche in this generation of lubbers and though it was overall smaller than the previous generation it was still highly effective extra drill was absent from the VGC 2014 meta game as it wasn't included in the Kalos decks but it returned with a vengeance for 2015 extra Joe could finally make use of its other stab type in steel now that fairies gave us something relevant to hit what's more it's steel typing was only more valuable as a resistance while the lack of a ground gem gave it slightly fewer options in terms of what items to used life orb or focus sash we're both still great options for most scenarios SK Joe especially appreciated being paired with mega salamence as extra Joe could spam earthquake with impunity to remove the steel types that stim eats elements while mega salamence is aerial a boosted hyper voices and double edges created powerful pins that would overwhelm opponents extra Joe immediately started to pop up in regionals and other tournaments with a good degree of success following Matthew Greaves was an early adopter of extra Joe as he followed up on a top 16 finish at California regionals by placing top 4 in Utah by using extra Joe with an upgraded version of its most reliable partner in mega Tyranitar in Wisconsin Wesley Morioka use extra Joe with mega salamence and no Tyranitar at all to finish fourth as the meta game progressed a particular archetype of sand I used both of these pokemons started to take shape as it was popularized by Japanese players the team of extra drill mega mint tea thar amoonguss aegislash and a water type such as Ronan wash or azumarill he came known as too and Sam and saw a good deal of success including Aaron Rikers top eight finish at Georgia regionals Matthew Rose win at the Australian Nationals and a rash ahmadies second place at the UK Nets extra churl also saw some use outside of the Japan sent archetype although it was still always paired with mega salamence and Tito as Dylan Bowie finished fourth at the Brisbane regionals using it with Sylvia and talonflame Brendon Webb used a Volcarona and Ferrothorn to finish six at the Australian nationals and Miguel Marty dela Torre brought Blaziken and milotic with his extra zero to his sixth place at the UK nationals and Alex Underhill opted for gastro Don Rotem he and Cresselia alongside his life form extra draw on his own and what do you know it sixth place finish at the US Nationals so who knows what it is with extra dose obsession with sixth place however world's showed that extra Joe snitch was still a small one as the meta shifted towards a different Japanese archetype in chalk extra Joe found itself hard-pressed to contend with Landorus therian sneer Universal presence which both countered it and took up this slot as a ground-type alex polka alex gomez was the only trainer to even bring extra drill to world's finishing 33rd and giving extra dough and unceremonious and to an otherwise alright season of course 2016 work harsh conditions for extra Joe and while anomaly could appreciate the high popularity of xerneas as an opportunity for it to use it still typing it was hard for a Pokemon that was weak to water ground and fire and that relied on whether other than rain or Sun to thrive with Kyogre and Groudon around esker joe retreated to its subterranean lair once more unable to make as great an impact in Gen 6 VGC as it would have hoped gen 7 Z moves were a terrific boost to extra drill the extra power outbursts made it even more difficult to check sets both with and without a sort yet traditional answers like Landers T and gliscor got utterly crushed by iron head powered up by steely MZ into a vicious corkscrew crash while Rotom wash Zapdos pelipper Gyarados and mega Charizard wife were throttled by giga impact powered up by normal emc into a brutal breakneck blitz the ever-present tangrowth who's normally a fine natural excadrill check couldn't handle either of disease extra Joe could afford to run giga impact and give a rapid spin because there were now more viable defogger namely topo fini which took pressure off of extra gel to act as both an offensive threat and team utility come ultra sun and moon even more de foggers arrived most notably tornadoes T however excadrill could and often did spin so that it's team could maintain stealth rock while removing the opponent's because just like in the previous generation this was a notable advantage against most teams in a de fog Laden metagame old faces like Heatran and clefable were as vulnerable as ever and extra Dro also absolutely destroyed many of the new pokemon it hit three or four top was super effectively while also thrashing mogera and tox effects it also had excellent defensive utility as its immunities to electric and resistances to faerie psychic and steel meant several things if wall just about every type of Coco could swish in against the vast majority of mcgahren assets even blocking its momentum grabbing ball swish and it could even stave off attempted sweeps from nearly everyone of scarf tapa Lily's moves or smart strike locked cartina this was just extra Joe naturally - in sand it was able to retaliate offensively against just about every fast powerful and generally dangerous threat in the meta which was incredibly useful given how many of them were running around the Pokemon it checked range from dragon des mega Charizard X - protein greninja to Z Kirin black - specialist F Elan and everything in between once again extra drill also proved itself to be more than just a sand threat the suicide lead with mold breaker and focus - from or as ubers worked just as well to set up its hard-hitting teammates on hyper offense teams stealth rocking in the face of mega diancie and mega stabilizing magic bounce was incredibly valuable as it prevented common stealth rockers like heat rent and mega Tyranitar from setting up at all and with rock tomb it could even keep faster Landers fear and stealth rock away reliably allowing one of his teammates to come in afterwards with a rocks advantage and thus the ideal opportunity to get the snowball rolling rock tomb also mess with any defog attempts from tornado Styrian s turtles ability to prevent or get rid of opposing stealth rock was generally useful as the lack of chip damage on neutral or even resistant Pokemon made them more difficult to revenge kill which is always useful in a game of inches like Pokemon especially on high-octane teams like the ones extra Joe found itself on but it was especially useful for enabling some of the most dangerous Pokemon in the game most notably the stealth rock week Z Gyarados overall gen7 extra drill was once again an incredibly key metagame force that successfully fulfilled a multitude of offense and utility rules while extra drill had to spend yet another year on the bench due to its absence from a regional decks in 2017 it was able to mount a miniature comeback in 2018 once it had completed its tunnel system all the way over to ole Ola the introduction of Z moves was actually huge for extra drill it was no longer forced to choose between earthquake and drill run as the earthquake gave it the one-time single target move it still desired what's more extra drill steel type was fairly useful against the top boost even though two of them were neutral to steal the fact that it could tank top of Coco's Moos was still invaluable as well as the status as a check to topple a Lee excadrill could additionally appreciate topple a Lee's presence as a boon for its own defensive prowess the fact that priority fighting moves were discouraged was a huge benefit to x4o either way mold breaker was mostly a thing of the past by now as extra drill needed the speed from sand to differentiate itself from Landers T in any meaningful way and the only levitating Pokemon that it cared about were the rare Cresselia or ladee twin stage and Park gave extra drill a warm welcome to 2018 by winning the Korean winter league with it giving it its usual partners of gee-tar mega mint and a zoom arrow as well as Clefairy and thunder Asteria this team would prove popular enough that a few other players used it for their own tournament runs including nicolas bing hem at the Oceania internationals and Augusta Chico second place at the Argentina special event as scheduled continued to assert a small but significant presence throughout the year with other placements including Ryan tans 8th place at the Dallas regionals Julian Martinez's forth at the Uruguay special event Lynn Kuhn was 5th at the Taiwan regionals Adia Subramanian safe place at the Madison regionals and Ian Lim 7 at the Singapore special event and David Cote is second at the Dreamhack Valencia special event while every single one of these teams included Tyranitar not all of them included salamence in these cases it would actually be the tea tart that would mega evolve the most successful example of such a team was in Melbourne where Gunther proper Oh managed to give extra Joe a win with his squad of amoonguss mega TT our top alele Milotic and Zapdos finally XK Joe had one other notable accomplishment above the regional level as Len we'll brought it to sixth place in the north american international championships with a team of amoonguss Tyranitar Salamence Cresselia and Gyarados but still extra drill was once more plagued by the presence of Landorus who is simply the better pick in most situations and whose overwhelming usage at the World Championships was a stark contrast to extra Joe's own total absence however extra Joe was able to find some use in the restricted format of 2019 mostly due to two things in the Sun and Moon series extra Joe didn't have to contend with the primals ruining its date and yveltal new popularity allowed extra drill to use both its steel and ground typing's to full effect while most of its limited placements were outside top eight one player was able to give it a top cut finish or rather two of them as Jamie Boyd finished 3rd and 8th at the Cannes and Ville Sano special events Jamie used the same core 5 of Escudero superior via vel tells Ernie's Ansel özil at both events with the last slot going to Como o at Cannes and ditto in bowls ah no but his extra drill was just as oddball it was actually a throwback all the way to Randy Klaus original extra drill from 2013 a choice ban mold breaker extra drill sporting a huge amount of bulk along with earthquakes topping tantrum rockslide and iron head Jamie's bill let his extra drill one hit kale standards earnest in cinah roar and stack attack ax while also giving it a good chance to live in sin or flare blitz always living low investment attack grounds precipice blades and avoiding the to hit kale from a booster xerneas as dazzling gleam thus even though it carried a choice ban this drill was useful in a huge amount of situations especially removing the pesky xerneas and can pair up extremely well alongside yveltal well some players experimented with extra drill alongside mega Rayquaza or even with the old pallet Tyranitar in the ultra series it was only Jamie who gave it a top eight finish and once again X cos o close out a year of BGC without a huge impact excadrill survived generates decks it as did its lifelong partner Tyranitar and thus an teams live to see another generation of oh you dominance right from the onset of sword and shield it may have losses emus but its rapid spin was buffed not only was it now 50 base power it even gave extra drill +1 boost to its speed making it both hazard removal and an offensive tool in one fell swoop it was one of the most fearsome Dynomax abusers at the beginning of the generation 2 before or the mechanical is Bandhan oh you eventually extra drill shifted to using mold breaker more even on its standard source dance set rapid spin's somewhat removed the need for sand rush and thus removed the need for Tyranitar to partner with it allowing extra dough to fit on a wider variety of teams more importantly Rotom heat adorned with heavy-duty boots to not get lured down by stealth rock was absolutely everywhere and it was a massive pain without mold breaker it was a perfect extra drill counter but with mold breaker and wouldn't dream of switching it it also prevented the incredibly popular high dragon from switching in safely of course sand rush was still a top tier sweeper especially when opting for life form over the usual leftovers the extra power kick helped break through defensive stalwarts like mandalas and speaking of top tier Pokemon extra drill preyed on clefable and tox effects were as dominant common and prone to getting cleaved open by extra dose tabs as ever Esther drill also made a fine self rock user as its mold breaker prevented its settles from being blocked by Hatter eanes magic bounce it could run it over source dance on its standard offensive leftover set or it could run it suicide lead set over hyper offensive teams once more this time the suicide lead concept was taken more literally with the addition of steel beam a move that took 50% of extra drills max HP meaning that if it used it at 50% or lower it was kod the purpose of this was to block to fog extra drill had previously lacked the tools other suicide leads had to do so namely taunt or explosion but now it could get the rocks up and take itself out before the opposing the fogger could get rid of the rocks allowing his fast-paced team to start hitting hard with rocks up rocks being as crucial as ever to help break through walls steel beam was a special move so it wouldn't do any relevant damage to much of anything but that was unimportant it was all about letting extra drill block the fog overall gen 8 extra drill has been one of the meta games top Pokemon since day one and it doesn't look to slow down anytime soon while VGC 2020s meta is still ongoing so far it's shaping up to be extra Jos best year of VGC ever finally extra drill emerges from the depths to showcase the potential it's never been able to quite reach before seriously this thing is incredibly popular in the three top 16 of Bolton regionals Dallas regionals and the Oceania internationals estriol drill was on 13 different teams that's over a quarter of the teams that all featured extra drill at the Oceana internationals 15 of the top 32 teams used extra Joe and Togekiss so just under half so why is extra drill so popular let us count the ways first its access to high horsepower is a great substitute for the loss of z crystals and gives it the strong single target ground move it's always wanted second if you've watched any VGC 2020 you know it's dominated by Togekiss and if randy claw taught us anything is that Togekiss an extra drill were meant for each other thirdly Dynomax is actually a great mechanic for extra drill it's already naturally good bulk and typing give an ample opportunity to proc a weakness policy while max rockfall steel spike and quake are all some of the best max moves around as extra joe can boost its defenses or even set up its own weather if not running weakness policy good old focus sash is still very reliable but the biggest reason extra drill has finally burrowed its way to the top more than anything else is the adjustments to how speed is calculated sword and shield introduced mid turn speed calculation which is absolutely huge for extra drill now when Tyranitar switches in and starts a sandstorm it immediately doubles extra drill speed rather than taking effect on the next turn this increases extra Joe's flexibility exponentially forcing players to consider when it might take into first gear at all times as we said before extra drill has a huge amount of placing so far and as such we're still only going to talk about top eight appearances at the Bohan regionals Jonathan Marston finished 6 using the unconventional choice of hip out on as a sand settler and indeedy as a redirector and in Dallas Ryan chambers finished seven with the more traditional Tyranitar Oceania internationals saw three drill teams in the top eight all using Tyranitar and Togekiss james Casals finished six you matata finished fifth and Raghav malavita took home the bronze medal Alexandra Lizardi gave extra drill a second place at the Malmo regionals and it had two top eight finishes at the Perth regionals with Mark Murray's fifth and Sam limbs third while extra drill is still a potent force in 2020 several factors had leaded to a bit of a downtick in his usage first of all the suspension of all regionals obviously changes the shape of pokemon in general at the moment however the metagame has also shifted slightly as scheduled Togekiss GTR was an extraordinarily good combo but it was also easy to use and slightly predictable as it's no surprise it had such incredible usage early on when people were still figuring out the format as time has gone by adaptation towards teams such as trick room Sun or trick room with Conkeldurr have started to exploit extra more what's more the DLC has made things slightly hard for Astra drill as well jag Animax Lapras can be a very tough matchup as can some of the starters that made their way over through Pokemon home such as pre Marina and Venus or and Sonora and Kokoda are also perennial thorns in extra drill site with more DLC on the way and Landorus therian looming on the horizon it's likely as scheduled usage could drop even more but it still had an explosion of popularity that's likely to send aftershocks throughout all of 2020 extra drill may have hit a snag in the road but don't expect him to disappear anytime soon the mechanics changes his synergy with Togekiss and the overwhelming speed and power he brings to the table guarantee that he's here to stay and that's it so how good was extra Joe actually well it has played a huge part of oh you ever since it was introduced in the fifth generation it was pokemons first true offensive sand abuser defining much of early black and white with the sand rush antics and being so devastating that it was bent it was then brought back after four years only to be restricted even further but significantly impacted the metagame once more an important offensive utility rolls the following generation saw sandstorms permanents come to an end but that didn't stop extra drill from abusing it heavily in the limited windows it had while also taking on more and more of utility roles thanks to the auspicious typing and the importance of rapid spin has also been a pretty good pokémon in VGC despite its off seasons as out speeding everything in sand and hitting with such a powerful stab spread earthquake is a devastating combination overall extra draw has been an incredible pokemon thanks for watching everyone and as always if you liked the video and you wanna see more be sure to subscribe to a false white gaming for more weekly Pokemon content and in the comments I want to know what do you think about competitive extra drill would you change it at all I mean it's already kind of powerful but whatever it is let me know in the comments also thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well and follow my carrandi social media platforms and that's all I got see you next time everyone [Applause]
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 924,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Excadrill, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming
Id: _0MxoboyZV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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