How GOOD was Chandelure ACTUALLY? - History of Chandelure in Competitive Pokemon

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and now by popular demand we have chandelure this ghostly chandelier first scared trainers in the fifth generation as they attempted to make their way through Unova elite for as chandelure was the strongest member of shunt halls team in classic ghost type fashion Chandelure manages to conjure up some morbid imagery it's flames don't physically burn its opponents but rather their spirit which it then absorbs for itself because of course what's pokemon without a little dose of the macabre on a brighter note Chandelure also had a starring role on the popular sitcom friends as the sarcastic member of the group from 1994 to 2004 today we'll examine how chandelure fared in the competitive scene with its occult blazes and wisecracks alike so how good was Chandelure actually and in this video we'll be going over these competitive formats on day 1 of its debut generation Chandelure was instantly the most feared pokemon around because it's hidden ability from the dream world was none other than the ridiculously fearsome shadow tag an ability so potent that it put why not in uber now just imagine what it could do on a pokemon with a special Attack stat rivaling Kyogre most players demanded shadow tag chandelure ban as soon as it was released scarf set strapped and revenge killed just about everything and it wasn't reasonable to force everything to run shed shell or to force every defensive Pokemon to run an anti chandelure move just so Chandelure couldn't get a substitute and six combines on them this level of trapping was seen as uncompetitive at the time the dreamworld meta game wasn't official but had a decent amount of players on its ladder and Chandelure was at the top of it it was so good that it even dominated dreamworld Uber's the mighty lugia being forced to run shut shell was a testament to its impact on the meta game however throughout the entire generation shadow tag Chandelure was never actually released without it Chandelure was not a bad pokemon but it certainly had a tough time in oh you what with being slower than just about every offensive Pokemon and being weak to all the earthquakes on San teams and Mouzon ranking resistance wise its fire immunity it had from flash fire didn't do much against sun teams because those packed Dugtrio and it's fighting immunity meant zilch because all the fighting types destroyed it anyway some players saw success with a set of substitute shadow ball fire blast and hidden power fighting which scared out Ferrothorn and skarmory and safely smacked Tyranitar but overall Chandelure just couldn't keep up with the meta game it was too slow and got hit hard from every angle sold to you you it went as odd as it may have seemed to have a pokemon with such a high Special Attack stat in the tier chandelure fit in just fine at least at first it's fighting immunity was incredibly useful given how dominant fighting types such as me and shower and it resisted heracross his secondary stab in megahorn to boot its fire immunity was also amazing and warding the otherwise nuclear victini's decreed these useful resistances and immunities in conjunction with its solid speed tier getting the jump on offensive staples like needle Queen meant chandelure got plenty of opportunity to fire off its attacks pun intended having a secondary stab meant that even the waters that resists that fire blast weren't safe as chandelure could spam Shadow Ball to hit them as well as rhyperior incredibly hard and in a one-on-one it could even up the ante with an energy ball that completely blew rhyperior and Swampert away and even with the exception of Empoleon and poli on may have resisted Shadow Ball but since it was half steel it meant it didn't resist fire blast to begin with and even Sharpedo who technically resisted both move was so frail that it didn't actually count Chandelure was impossible to safely wall outside of Snorlax and porygon - luckily Snorlax was one of the best pokemon in the tier so this wasn't much of a problem that is until Chandelure began using a bulkier set with will-o'-wisp ton and sometimes even paints quit or substitute which absolutely ruined both lakhs and porygon - and was essentially impossible to answer safely with other pokémon like rhyperior or bulky water this put chandelure over the line in many players eyes it was already immensely difficult to answer even in spite of itself Rock weakness and this was just too much so at the very end of the generation chandelure was banned from you you considered too good for it but not yet quite oh you status resulting in its placement to BL chandeliers typing is a double-edged sword MVCC I see what I did there on the one hand it's week two almost every relevant spread move including earthquake rock slide answer but on the other hand Chandelure has functional triple immunities to fire normal and fighting letting it sometimes get free switches in although 2011 was so lacking in fire types other than chandelure that it would sometimes run flame body another great ability that could swing entire games with a bit of luck chandeliers typing also brought powerful boons in their own rights on the fire side Chandelure brings the strongest heat waves in the game to the field threatening massive damage to the enemy side if they can't handle it despite its mediocre bulk Chandeleur was able to find switches somewhat easily due to its functional three immunities and just like in singles choice scarf could patch up Chandelure spread issues making it an offensive powerhouse capable of creating inescapable pins however its chandeliers ghost typing that really defines it Chandelure was an especially awkward speed tier of base 80 but expect to be minimum speed it is both an excellent user and abuser of trick room and doubles as it's able to face through opposing fake outs to twist the dimensions and then fire off the most powerful heat waves known to man in these cases Chandelure would often be paired with hitmontop and carry a focus sash relying on fake-out support and its one-time survival item to ensure trick room would go off him on top or other fighting types such as Hariyama also dealt with the dark and rock type Chandelure hated especially the dreaded Tyranitar this set our variant like to support other middle or low-speed Pokemon with good offensive presence such as conch elder and especially crafty of course Chandelure also appreciated support of its own because it was so susceptible to being shattered amoonguss was a great redirector with rage powder that could ward off wayward samraat aqua jets and also attracted the rare fire move that Chandelure could take advantage of however chandeliers ghosts typing isn't just useful when setting up trick room it's also paramount when attempting to stop the speeds from getting swapped chandeliers ability to dodge fake out goes both ways letting it ignore the hitmontop or other fake out users on the other side of the field and that awkward base 80 speed meant that against hard trick room Chandelure could still out speed the opposing sweepers so who's awkward now huh since trick room satyrs commonly our ghost types just like Shan it's able to abuse ghost self weakness and the highest special attack in the format to evaporate whatever spirit might be trying to set up trick room on the other side be it dust clots opposing Chandelure or jealousy even if the opponent wasn't using a ghost type other trick from setters like ryu niquist were usually still weak to ghosts since those mods would be trying to set up trick room you could pretty much count on them being slower than Chandelure itself if it had any speed investment leaving them facing down a hugely powerful shadow ball however not even Chandelure could break through the Menace that is evil light dusclops or a bulky Jellison without a little help as such many chandelure would run ghost gem giving their shadow ball a little bit of extra oomph to eliminate whatever setter was on the other side even then it wasn't always possible to dispose of dusclops reliably but Chandelure had one more trick up its sleeve in prison imprison ghost gem chandelure may be focused on one thing but boy doesn't do it well with both offensive and supportive threats to stop trick room chandelure was easily the best anti trick ramen in the game while there were plenty of choice scarf chandeliers in 2011 looking to mostly utilize its firepower it was actually in its capacity as trick rooms biggest foe that it prospered most Jonathan Hillier used focus sash imprison chandelure to win the newark regionals in the senior division also opting to swap out heat wave for overheat to ensure it could do as much damage as possible Aaron's Cybertron's Zhang also used a focus sash built to win the US Nationals in the seniors division pairing it with Jellison as another trick Ramon turned anti trick room Chandelure even had success on the world stage where Matt and Fuego coil used it alongside his rogue samurai pick to place third place Matt opted to run the ghost gem variant to blow away opposing trick room effect Wolf's clicker counts as having sent his coffin rigas back to the underworld Chandler's popularity as a trick room counter continued in 2012 with several players using it when they needed to defeat slower team including Tony Chinese dude too young it also was a strong counter to the rash of son teams that became available with the shift to national decks and the emergence of ninetails although it was nearly useless against trained teams aside from possibly blowing back enemy scissors however Chandeleur ended up prospering most in a whether you normally associate with it hail 2012 saw the emergence of the hail room archetype which used Blizzard spam from the likes of Obama snow and gastro Don to overwhelm the opponent once trick room was set up chandelure despite its lack of synergy with hail itself was a powerful pick in these teams for its ability to bait out and punish opposing fire and fighting side Pokemon who would prey on the ice types an immune gases redirection that formed the backbone of the hail archetype in addition gasser Don's storm drain ket's chandelure safe from getting its flame snuffed out this team was popular among Japanese players online as well as in several other tournaments in the west where it was popularized by players such as Cassy Huey ha and Mathias Drake Hofbauer Cassy managed to make top 64 at nationals while Drake off placed first in Europe in the online VGC s winter battle Drake off in particular fell in love with Chandelure and while he more frequently used yellow said for slow matchups Chandler's ability to completely nullify and use opponent's attacks against them could make for some especially quick victories Chandeleur on this bill typically carried a focus sash to ensure its survival which might seem at odds with hail but mostly required intelligent play and could be managed by running Chandelure in the front and Abomasnow in the back the yarn eigen Hall Visser's also ran an entrepreneur ian of Abomasnow Chandelure to make top 16 at the world's last chance qualifier with his Chandelure carrying a fire gem for maximum power 2012 also saw rushan firestorm Khan debut his Slowking based Chandelure trick room team which used a focus sash to guarantee trick room setup and acted as a check to grass types that threatened slowking and gastro Don rushan also made top 16 at the worlds LCQ and he'd used this same build in future years so stay tuned however Chandeleur is greatest successes in 2012 were actually flipped as opposed to 2011 it was with choice scarf that it had its best results adam dodge dorka who you might know these days as a commentator made a tour of European Nationals and even top cut u.s. nationals with a choice scarf Chandelure packing overheat heat wave shadow ball and energy ball alongside Swampert Taraki on Virizion Cresselia and Sableye but it was wolf Glick who put up the chandelier poke and was best result at Nationals where he defended his title with a scarf Chandelure with his innovative sword stance steel gem scissor which both he and Aaron Cybertron Zang used to shake up the metagame Wolff wasn't the only one who saw chandelure synergy with scissor and Fuego used chandelure to repeat his top a performance at Worlds from 2011 making the inspired choice to bring chandelure on a rein team I know I said chandelure was useless against rain but on rain it can remove many of rains best answers such as Ferrothorn animal unga's with both scissor and Chandelure and Fuego had two of the best Cresselia counters in the game and as the only team without Cresselia on his own and top eight that was quite valuable especially since many players made the call to bring hidden power fire Cresselia two worlds as a Tech's a handle scissor Chandelure put up good spread of results in 2013 as well with many different players showcasing the variety and sets that it could bring to the table I got ho and Drake off continue to use their Hale room team to good success with I got ho adapting his team to utilize jerk room for the March international and Drake off making top eight in the nugget bridge circuit before actually falling to Baz Anderson's opposing ghost gem Chandelure our world also saw a new convert in the form of a Rallo and seven who used the build to achieve top eight at the athens regionals meanwhile Ben gold used chandelure and Abomasnow as well instead of setting up trick room he was devoted to stopping it as he used trick room in prison Chandler along with a scarf Abomasnow to flip the script and not flip the speed this setup paid off netting top eight at the Birmingham Nationals alongside his unexpected Blizzard Needle queen chandelure saw plenty of good placements and other nationals around the world as Rina Purdy and Jen's Dee put together a pair of top 16 finishes and boat room with jens using hale room and rena using a team that baited fire-type attacks with this sharp and Virizion using fire weak Pokemon to support Chandelure continued to bring success Marcus Raj and Hugh ronzonni use chandelure to place tenth and second respectively at the Australia Nationals with mark is using Ferrothorn and Hugh using scissors Kevin Fischer also paired Chandelure with scissor at US Nationals using a choice scarf version carrying the unexpected hidden power rock to eliminate enemy Volcarona that might wallet and punching walls open for sourced and steal Jim stirs or to do its thing however 2013 Chandelure couldn't keep up its strings of reliable world's top eight appearances although Rena and Hugh both brought the same teams that they had top cut their nationals with neither was able to make it to top eight as they placed 35th and 46 even with that slightly disappointing end to the season however chandelure and his trainers could stand proud for giving it a good showing throughout the season and honestly throughout all of Gen 5 Chandelure was completely passed over for oh you in generation 6 and it's settled into you you again this time around it wasn't as dominant hi dragon was the best pokemon in the tier and it had the resistances bulk and longevity with roost to give Chandelure a seriously hard time mega Aerodactyl was another thorn in its side as an outspread even choice scarfed Chandelure and trapped it with a tough clause boosted pursue in addition to not being able to hit the hydra on nearly every offensive team and getting picked off by the mega Aerodactyl backing it up Chandelure also had a tougher time getting used out of its resistances and being able to switch in to begin with that said it was still a fine pokemon with some seriously good traits while it wasn't great against offense it hard wolde the most common variants of Infernape one of the chairs most dangerous pokemon chandeliers main use was absolutely throttling stall teams with its seismic toss immunity it could easily get a substitute up on Blissey and combine proceeding to absolutely crush just about everything else the mighty Aloma mola was set up fodder as well stall was so helpless that they often relied on mega steelix being at full health so it could live a hit with sturdy and roar Chandeleur out since the sub protected it from earthquake however this wouldn't be enough as Chandler would just come in again and repeat the process substitute also had used against offense as a force scarf variance of high dragon to reveal what move they would lock themselves into which chandeliers teammates could then take advantage of however chandelure was mostly known in the uu meta game as the stall killer it could even run a choice spec set to great effect while and no longer had the potential to completely sweep stall it would still ruin Blissey woods trick the main reason to use it was because it went from being annoyed by the occasional Umbreon to blowing it up as it switched in or if there wasn't something else Chandler wouldn't need to trick expects to just tricking it plus it was still useful against offense as hi dragon didn't want to take too many attacks from an overall Chandelure role in Gen 6 you you wasn't quite what it had been in the generation prior but it still had an incredibly important niche in the meta game given how powerful Stahl was now for Gen 6 VGC the introduction of fairy types in Gen 6 finally provided room for fire types who have their moment in the Sun even when it wasn't literally in the Sun while steel might be the first type you think of when you think of how to beat fairies the most common fairy types like Mawile and azumarill are neutral the steel-type moves and while azumarill still threatens fire types Mawile doesn't like seeing them and so fire types entered the meta in spades Chandelure is a pokemon that both functions well as a fire type and loves going up against other fire types due to flash fire flash fire was so valuable that it mostly overshadows chandeliers nevertheless excellent new ability infiltrator widget could still potentially run to straight-up beat the substitute aegislash Chandelure did have new things to fear though most prominently the prevalence of Sucker Punch due to mega Kangaskhan and mega Mawile however it was also frequently used alongside mega Mawile remember anytime Chandelure might be good because of its fire type coverage it's also good because of how it can date and punish that coverage the loss of Ghost gem also hurt in its pure anti trick from matchup right off the bat Chandelure started putting up good results derek gaza and nicolas peckmon both made top 8 at the virginia regionals with derek running aspects variant of Chandeleur that was able to dispose of Megas more easily over in st. Louis Matt Carter gave focus a schandle or a regional win by pairing it with an old pal in choice scarf Abomasnow chandler popped up all over winter regionals including Mike on mega doughnuts'll s Keys eighth place finish at Long Beach and his 3rd place in Orlando where Chandelure also placed second at the hands of Steven Scruggs and 11th with Allison fishy MacDonald who also used Abomasnow before spring regionals evil wolf demonstrated a unique anti-metal Chandelure to win the Singapore Asia Cup qualifiers focus - wasn't a reliable safety net for trick room anymore for a few reasons kangaskhan could his Chandeleur with fake outdo - scrappy and it's double hit meant it could break through Chandelure if it hit in addition sucker punch could ruin Chandler's day once trick room went up both from Kangaskhan and hua hua evil wolf opted for coal burberry on Chandelure to protect it from sucker punch which also led it kale mega Mawile in return in addition evil wolf was to forgo shadow ball for energy ball which allowed him to to hit kale grown a wash in exchange for losing coverage on Gardevoir and Gengar to pokemon he didn't care much about once spring regionals rolled around Chandelure was a common sight once again in Seattle Ben Demyan placed top eight using a hail room team while Emilio Orozco made top 16 and Matt Cruz placed 13th using a sash variant with no trick room specifically packing overheats a handle aegislash rounding out chandeliers appearances were Kyle Smith's fifth place in Athens Georgia Ben hickeys second in Salt Lake City with choice specs Chandelure and a pair of great performances from Colin the battle room hare who placed third in Overland Park and won Madison with his substitute chandelure Chandelure additionally enjoyed quite a bit of international success as Steven Apple feller placed 7 at the German national championships and ash Makar managed to win the Brisbane regionals with a hail room variant that put all the focus on Obama soul by mega evolving it Ashe later changed the team to focus on mega kangaskhan and placed fifth at Australian Nationals and in other oceanic performances a player known as Alexander made bronze on the podium with Shrek room chandelure in Mexico Hector lands on O made top eight at the Monterrey premier challenge using the same call burberry energy ball trick room variant evil wolf had developed Chandler also enjoyed usage in Japan and Mexico and as you can tell that widespread usage actually meant it was one of the most used pokemon in the format hovering right around top 10 for most of the year Chandler sought 13% usage at US Nationals including some interesting sets from Nicolas Salman who slapped the safety goggles on to handle the ever annoying amoonguss and eventually third place ur Logan Castro who gave Chandelure safeguards to protect his mega Kangaskhan and bisharp senior division player tyler christian who had placed fit in athens also brought back his Chandeleur team to place 19th at nationals using an infiltrator variant of Chandelure that he paired with the unique choice of lantern however chandeliers usage fell steeply before worlds as usage of Garchomp Rotom he Tyranitar and Aerodactyl rose it still had a few scattered results including johannes bot m'as sec place at South Africa Nationals but the only uses of Chandelure at Worlds was by John who who placed 50th at least fifth place senior player Gilbert made good use of Chandelure pairing it with none other than mega Abomasnow and using a unique defensive safety goggles very that emphasized Chandeleur is good immunities and resistances especially when paired was crafty after world Chandelure also had two good showings at the san jose regionals where Daniel Cardenas took it to fifth and in Philadelphia where Jeremy Rodriguez placed 16 using a unique pledge based team that would set up the speed lowering swamp in Jeremy's own words he picked Chandelure because he searched which Pokemon had the highest Special Attack stat to exploit the lower speed and what do you know Chandelure popped up in keeping with that mandate of firepower overall Jeremy used a specs infiltrator Chandelure with hidden power ice for maximum coverage 2015's expansion to the national dex was not kind to Chandelure as its old enemy he Trant came back to the fore as did the ever-present problem of Landorus therian whose rockslides were guaranteed trouble one of its only silver linings was a new fire weak Pokemon it could use to switch in in the form of mega venusaur nevertheless it still saw some use Andrew Havas paired it with old reliable SACEUR to place 12th at the Missouri Winter regionals and car concepción used the double fire weak mega core of Malwa and venusaur to win Virginia meanwhile firestorm revived his slow King trip room team from 2012 his original team had featured Kangaskhan anyway so why not toss on mega kangaskhan in Florida Matt vilbert used the slow sibling of mega Slowbro to place 10 also using whimsicott and jumpluff other results included nicolas Velas 5th at melbourne regionals and car concepcion ons 8th place in Georgia where Jerry woods the third joined him as the only other player in 2015 to win original with chandelure by also pairing it with the same Malwa venusaur Court finally Xavier Valdez took 2nd at the Chile Nationals using a politoed reign team with Gotha tel trapping but other than that Chandelure fizzled out as the metagame slowly moved towards the dominance of chalk and Chandelure found itself unable to compete with all of the heat rands around and it's only placement at Worlds was outside of day to the unrestrictive meta of 2016 is not a hospitable environment for Chandelure by any means nevertheless one fearless player Samuel harsman managed to give Chandelure a top eight at Fort Wayne regionals alongside a truly innovative team of mewtwo Groudon Breloom and walrein Samuel used an entirely original Chandelure with the goal of setting trick room and beating common centers such as Cresselia and bronzong keeping the turn order how he wanted it what made it original well first of all it was sugar berry to handle opposing Groudon while Samuels own Groudon would neutralize opposing Kyogre secondly it was flame body samuel knew most players would assume Chandelure was flash fire and not use fire moves against it and flame body could turn the game if it got hit by Kangaskhan scrappy fake out or Sucker Punch you you kept getting faster in generation 7 with latias Gengar Taraki on and Nigel ego upping the ante and this meant Chandelure struggled more than ever against offense given that high dragon and mega Aerodactyl were still around however the addition of scissor who is incredibly good miss Chandelure at least had newfound defensive use especially if they use flame body as its ability in order to punish scissors eater an incredibly hard flame body also brought with it the benefit of brutally punishing pursued attempts from krookodile and mega Aerodactyl 30 percent of the time well this was a nice tool to have Chandler's main use was once again using its sub combine set to destroy stall which was stronger than ever it was even more difficult to deal with this time around because wallet liked having leftovers to create more substitutes it will dominate Blissey and lulu mamola either way and as such and sometimes made use of the new Z move specifically ghosty MZ shadow balls initial power generally got the job done given chandeliers astronomical special tax stat but it was on another level when Zita making it truly terrifying and giving it the one-hit ko potential it sometimes lacks a calm mind boosted never-ending nightmare could be the difference against a Pokemon that could otherwise take a hit most notably Tentacruel and suicune on the defensive teams chandeliers purpose was to be as well as the boost it wouldn't be obtaining from combine against unaware quakes are the extra power was also highly useful against offensive teams as it absolutely crushed key targets that otherwise be able to switch in and eat a shadow ball such as Taraki on and mega Aerodactyl the extra wallop against pre marina was also incredibly useful overall Chandelure in Gen 7 knew you wasn't improved Redux of its role in the previous generation a bit of an itch pic since it was just about entirely aimed at crushing stall but that it did immensely well and it even had a few nice tricks against offense namely flame body the addition of Z moves were a huge improvement as the boost to Shadow Ball made it even more threatening against both stall and offense chandeliers only notable placement in all of gem 7 was once again via Samuel Hosmer who used it in 2018 on a hard rain team to dispose of the usual threats to the archetype such as Ferrothorn Sela Sela Anna mungus Samuel also Rango CMZ almost as a new pseudo version of the ghost gem that Chandeleur used to use in Gen 5 but other than that Chandeleur suffered in Gen 7 sure there were more fairies around but chandelure couldn't really go ahead to head with most of them and with the advent of intimidate Arcanine and in sinner ORS arrival it was clear who the premier fire types work meanwhile mimic you was able to both be a fairy type and a much more reliable trip from center with its disguise Chandler's day has come and gone and while it saw some usage in 2020 it's by and large far inferior to mimic you and dusk lots as a ghost type and to in sinner are arcanite and torkoal as a fire-type Chandelure survived exit and established a niche for itself in oh you in generation 8 it absolutely loved pursuits removal from the game as now it could happily spam its tabs without fear of being trapped by Tyranitar however this was already being abused by OU's three primary ghosts dragged appalled aegislash and Gengar so what seperated chandelure well those three other ghosts were walled pretty hard by manda buzz who made use of the new heavy-duty boots to not be crippled by stealth rock however Chandelure secondary fire stabbed mold right through it it also had the strongest shadow ball given its 145 special attack seeing as Asia slices special text that had been knocked down to base 140 in the generational shift given the presence of clefable sylveon and korver night in the tier chandelure had plenty of opportunity to come in and start smacking things around it even packs psychic for como o who resisted fire and was Yuda Shadow Ball thinks the bulletproof and although high dragon was running around and oh you now chandelure still hit it really really hard on the swish with specs moves so finely chandelure had legitimate oh you use however it wasn't quite a no you staple and as such found itself in you you wear its specs set was even more menacing the tier was ill-equipped to handle its stab combination in the few pokemon that it managed to stave off such as Umbreon at Vaporeon and its inner arc would be utterly ruined by trick tricking in sinner art was especially nice because it would transfer it's heavy duty boots to Chandelure this was also useful on SOI scarf sets which Chandelure could use to blow by offensive teams so overall at the time of this video gen 8uu is still pretty new but Chandelure looks to be establishing itself as a top-tier pokemon in it as well as being a legitimate tourney worthy choice in oh you for the first time in its career and that's it so how good was chandelure actually well it's perhaps the biggest tease in Pokemon history with the unfulfilled promise of a shadow tiger that would completely destroy the game instead it became a uu lifer it spent the entirety of black and white in the tier only being banned at the very end then act out a role as one of the chairs most dangerous tall breakers in the following two generation generation 8 saw it return to you you again although this time it was more of a well rounded Pokemon as opposed to the niche stall killer it had previously been and even more impressively it finally made a name for itself in oh you envy GC it was frequently used in Gen 5 & 6 being an amazing anti trick from Pokemon but unfortunately fell off once more counters - it showed up in addition to more useful fire types so chandeliers had an interesting ride well overall it's been quite a good Pokemon thanks for watching everyone and as always if you liked the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to fall swipe gaming for more weekly Pokemon content and in the comments I want to know what do you think about competitors Chandelure how would you feel if they actually finally got Shadle tag how would you change it whatever it is let me know in the comments also thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well [Applause] and follow my crew on these social media platforms and that's all I got see you next time everyone
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 868,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Chandelure, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield
Id: MZbYkEvml2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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