How GREAT was Scizor ACTUALLY? - History of Scizor in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 2-7)

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what's up everyone its remake time once again and today we're revisiting pokemons very own Iron Man scizor scizor intimidated us with his villainous role in the fourth Pokemon movie under the ownership of the iron masked Marauder viciously hunting Celebi and yeah I don't want this intro to be that long I'm sure you've already seen the length of this video so let's get right into it today we'll be examining how well this menacing metal insect fared in the competitive scene so how great was scizor actually and in this video we'll be going over these competitive formats Scizor started his competitive career in the second generation as a baton passer that powered up its teammates by sending them Sora's dances and Agility's when passed to threats like marowak and machamp games could potentially end really fast unlike other popular baton passes like smeargle and Jolteon it scared out exeggutor with the threat of a clean one-hit ko from his quadruple effective stab hidden power bug it's normal resistance was also key as it could set up safely against the king of GSC Snorlax Sizzlers main issue though was that of getting fazed by the two most common phasers whirlwind Skarmory on defensive teams and roar steelix on offensive teams so how did it function if those two were likely to make an appearance in any given games well luckily sizzler wasn't the only Pokemon that those two got used to counter they were also used to check the snow Lex's on sissors team Snorlax could force Skarmory to rest and could steelix with lovely kiss body slam paralysis or heavy damage from earthquake or fire blast and from their scissor could pass in peace plus against offensive teams that relied on Tyranitar as their phaser scissor was immediately threatening as Tyranitar wanted nothing to do with it unfortunately sizzler was purely relegated to baton past teams as the presence of pokémon like Zapdos Gengar and even sleeping Skarmory made it too difficult for it to sweep on its own however without scissors but on past teams don't work at all and as such it has a legitimate important role even though it's small in the GSC meta game Scizor was once again relegated to full boat on past teams in advance although this time it wasn't as much of a staple as it was before it was mostly outclassed by Mawile of all things who resisted rock and flying had intimidate to soften blows and even pact taught to prevent Skarmory from phasing it Sizzlers earthquake neutrality and access to agility were useful but mall was more consistent given how terrifying choice band rocks lies and hidden power flying's from Tyranitar and Salamence were outside baton pass chains scissor wasn't anything too special as it was mostly outclassed by hair across the one advantage scissor head was it immunity to sandstorm this allowed it to potentially run an end or plus reversal allowing it to soar stance safely then survive any attack in order to gain a speed boost from CELAC berry and jackets reversals power up to its max of two hundred and one fell swoop with its swarm ability adding fuel to the fire by boosting its stab hidden power bug scissor was potentially scary but had several severe issues scissor lacks coverage against flying types and couldn't even out speed Aerodactyl after eating its select berry while scissor was sadly not good enough to be oh you it was definitely far too powerful for you you and thus at languishes in Gen threes borderline in Gen 4 Scizor still wasn't anything special in diamond and pearl but once platinum came around Scizor instantly skyrocket to being easily the most used pokemon in oh you the question why the answer bullet punch with this new technician ability this new stabbed priority attack jumped to an effective 90 base power which was stronger than the previous standard in extreme speed and was incredibly good for revenge killing purposes with choice ban scissor also has stab on another incredible choice band friendly move u-turn suddenly the entire meta game seemed to be bandits Azure firing off u-turns all game long until it was time to revenge kill the incredibly dangerous elements with bullet punch and as if it didn't have enough going for it already it also had access to a technician boosted pursuit allowing it to use its steel typing to resist the öyou newcomer Latios and its draco meteor and KO latias as it attempted to switch out any given oh you game had ridiculously high chance of at least one player using banded scissors and it wasn't exactly a surprise for both players to be using it either sizzler shaped the metagame around it sets like protect and hidden power fire Gengar popping up which was used to scout whether it was going to be bullet punch or pursuit or baiting cesare into bullet punch so Magnezone could pick it off and then something like Salomon's could abuse its absence and look it's simply impossible to overstate how common and important scizor was Sizzlers u-turn was such an automatic move that it wasn't even uncommon for Blissey to stay in and soft boil the damage off even when cesare threatened to one-hit ko it with super power and speaking of which super power was another one of Platinum's gifts as now sizzler had a terrific fighting move that utterly destroyed cocky heatran and could even smash Skarmory attempting to roost as Skarmory would lose its flying-type becoming pure steel and thus weak to fighting scissor was absolutely everywhere and while it just about always used banned it eventually took a leaf out of the new popular choice scarfed Tyranitar book and began running scarf itself this allowed it to more safely check latias even when it was at low health and it completely dominated Gengar and starved me to sizzler also checked all variants of swords dance Lucario unlike scarf Tyranitar who felt a bullet punch scarf Cesare even was a fairly decent lead as it completely shredded the new azo variants which were choice ban and kool Burberry that issued focus ash in favor of beating Machamp and then latias was banned and one of Sizzlers main targets disappeared now I was still needed for the ever dangerous elements but then a few months later salamence itself was banned the meta game shifted and suddenly it wasn't in Caesars favor not only were the top Pokemon in the meta game it was so good at dealing with were gone but it's nemesis heatran was now the new number one in town plus other threats like Infernape Breloom Zapdos and Kingdra were rising and scissor wasn't as reliable at revenge killing the Salamence replacing Dragonite thanks to dragon eyes higher physical boat Scizor didn't exactly disappear but it became noticeably less common scarf sets were still quite solid especially as sub split Gengar was considered Naya uncountable and scarf pursuit without being weak to focus blast like Tyranitar meant scissor was one of the best checks to Gengar but eventually scissor came roaring back with a new set bulky swords dance with roost with the excellent HeartGold and SoulSilver edition of bug bite as its bug step which also got a technician boost turns out a lot of scissors checks like Vaporeon wish combined Jirachi and heatwave less Zapdos that is to say a lot of them considering how popular substitute toxic variants were relied on choice band sets getting worn down on their own since Cesare willingly switched a lot as its main attack was u-turn and thus couldn't heal off stealth rock but with leftovers and Bruce scissor had incredible longevity that allowed it to stick around throughout a game waiting for checks like Infernape to get worn down and eventually cornering the opponent for a sweep it was incredibly hard to maneuver if one's team was unprepared and many teams were plus even prepared teams could have their checks bypass as she trained could easily be lured in and worn down by Pokemon such as Zapdos and Jirachi this scissor set was even good at 1v1 ting usually reliable checks in Gyarados and suicune and it's heavy special defense investment even allowed it to survive almost all the hidden power fires and oh you Plus Sizzlers newfound resilience allowed it to reliably use its bulk to check dangerous threats to most offense teams such as scar Flygon agility Metagross trip from bronzong dragon dance kingdra and even sub split Gengar bulky Sora's dances or became one of late DPP's most dangerous sweepers and forces or as a whole it was a great finish for its breakout generation and as if it wasn't enough Scizor was even great in the tier above oh you turns out Ebers has a lot of dragon types spamming their dragon-type moves with the only resist being skill types and the only Ober steel type is Dialga who is also half dragon and thus doesn't pack a resist so uber's tends to dip into ou4 it's steel types and sizzler is one of them it of course packed its ever useful bullet punch for revenge killing many Pokemon most notably deoxys attack we can require Darkrai Mewtwo and laddie hoods but also potentially shaming sky Giratina origin and even rock polish grout on its tab you turned threaten the many Pokemon week to it at full health while allowing one of its scary teammates to switch in safely scissors pursuit was also useful for catching the tears many psychic types attempting to flee from you turn it made for a nasty pairing with Wobbuffet whose encore and tickle allows to soar to successfully pursuit trap even the incredibly bulky lugia scissor was even quite a good lead as it limited the metagame defining deoxys speed leads to 1/2 bringing them down to the sash and then finishing them off with bullet punch while also matching up well against deoxys attack frost last and even dark ride thanks to Lum berry the main difference between Oberst Cesare and it's oh you counterpart was that it required a lot more special defense investment in ubers even on choice band sets although I was also excellent with leftovers and ruse overall Cesare was an incredibly important defining member of the ubers meta game as well Scissors title as pokemons premiere gunslinger translated fairly well to doubles where it was able to put its technician bullet punches to good use picking off low HP enemies and enabling functional 1v1 however unlike in singles scissor was able to make good use of its more neglected type in doubles while bug still isn't going to topple the strongest types anytime soon scissors access to a technician boosted bug bite is incredible when facing off against the berries that litter doubles and perhaps more importantly it absolutely annihilate s' the queen of VGC Cresselia scissor also gets to use aqua berry to shore up its own proclivity to getting torched and it brings an interesting move in feint to the table letting his teammates forget their worries about protect and enjoy the bliss of attacking without regrets as such scissor saw BGC play from the very early days of standardized doubles tournaments where it thrived on rain teams alongside Ludicolo to patch up its one crippling weakness scissor etch this names in the ancient tables of VGC in 2009 we're steven washer loosed known as neil cyrix on smokin used it on a rain team to place third at worlds however without much opportunity to set up Sizzlers offensive power is only notable if it can hit something that doesn't resist it and while bullet punch and bug bite are incredible moves in their own right the offensive typing isn't exactly top of the litter scissor sadly wasn't able to break through 2010 legendary defenses especially with enemies such as Groudon and ho-ho being as common as they are and let's not forget Kyogre scissor struggles in general against bulky water types and the lord of the ocean certainly wasn't an exception scissor started generation 5 right where it left off in the fourth a top-tier oh you early in black and white especially defensive source dance set holding Lum berry emerged to handle dark rye which had been let loose and oh you eventually darker I was banned scissors are exchanged Lum berry for leftovers and boom it was already defining the tear with this set it made for an excellent iconic pairing with source dense Gliscor who had similar defensive utility turned sweet potential and even helps his route by baiting in and shutting down Skarmory with time scissor was of course as important offensively as ever keeping in check old threats like the laddie twins while also combating new terrors such as the incredibly scary Taraki on andrey eunuch list eventually it's old choice band set returned and did the exact same things as it did before including becoming the most used pokemon in the meta game the newest thing about it wasn't sparing with Rotom wash who in addition to shedding its partial ghost type for water had also gained the u-turn clone move votes which in the fifth generation the two were able to force out each other switch ins with ease chaining volt switch and u-turn together constantly forcing the opponent out chipping them and keeping offensive momentum in a fierce combination known as fault turn that had the best players in the metagame scratching their heads as to how to beat it it was so ridiculously obnoxious that a few even wanted it banned or limited in some way the two were everywhere and so it remained until black-and-white - when guard shot was re-released into oh you in the wake of the San Vil ban and Garchomp having gained its dreamworld ability rough skin with the rocky helmet attached Garchomp made contact moves such as Sizzlers u-turn seriously sting with recoil and it could even block Rodin's volt switch without being weak to a potential hydro pump so the combination took a severe hit however scissor had more tricks up its sleeve with its swords dance flying gem acrobatics set in lured in its common counters most notably Jellison on sand and tena crow on rain and obliterated them this was incredible support for the dangerous new Keldeo who found itself stuffed by both a crows or as it was referred to came to be one of the defining faces of offense for quite a while as it was difficult to counter safely and fulfilled its intended purpose reliably however sizzler eventually hit a wall almost literally dedicated spikes teams with magic guard psychic types became incredibly popular and scissor was unable to deal with them getting almost permanently walled by Skarmory and worn down with ease by all the residual damage from hazards and rocky helmet in addition to chip damage even with this made it unable to pose a successful offensive threat and unreliable and fulfilling a defensive role and as such scissor lost its high-ranking place in the metagame to succeed with Cesare after the proliferation of those teams took over the tier took a lot of maintenance and skill that said it still had some moments especially with joy scarf who unlike scarf Tyranitar outran the dangerous Alakazam and wasn't weak to its focus blast it also threatens several teams with source dance when Ferrothorn became more popular than Skarmory due to being better against rain and Sizzlers pursuit was invaluable on rain teams that wanted to be more secure against the incredibly dangerous Latios it was just no longer the incredibly splasher ball dominant Pokemon it had previously been however Sizzlers worst was still a whole lot better than most other pokemons best and as such it remained a legitimate owe you Pokemon once Gen 5 rolled around sizzurp was able to more firmly establish itself as a top VGC threat 2012's meta game included both scissor and the biggest reason to use Azure Cresselia of course if you were looking for a one-stop shop on how to eliminate Cresselia scizor was certainly the premier option since bug bite would chunk Cresselia and give scissors or a tasty berry snack if the Cresselia had something tucked away for later early scissor sets were basically what you'd expect focusing on bulk and power to better boost bullet punch and bug bite Gen 5 also introduced the gem items which could give Cesare a one-time extremely powerful attack via flying gem acrobatics which did neutral damage to most of scissors checks one notable user of flying gem SACEUR was Manoj Mangal Sol sunny who took fourth at Madison regionals and third at nationals with the acrobatic bug and if you didn't run that early scissor sets focused on a cue berry for obvious reasons one other interesting sizzler strategy involved a different berry Lum berry while prankster thunderous was most notice for disrupting the enemy team with its mix of paralysis and confusion swagger could be applied just as destructively to alum buried teammate giving cesare the effective source dance it wanted without wasting a turn however some players thought that with intelligent play source dance might not be so improbable after all and they ended up breaking the metagame wide open and you might know their names wolf Glick and Erin Zhang as the story goes Aaron had been using a modified version of rien national champion once Suk Jiang's team which he loved safe for one Pokemon Ferrothorn what she thought was too defensive in the midst of their practice wolf suggested to Aaron that he replaced Ferrothorn with an unusual scissor variant Swords dances are a complete novelty to the metagame however that novelty ended up being monstrously powerful Aaron's strategy was to bring in scissor against some of the many Pokemon that can't check scizor easily and Swords Dance of course that strategy might seem too simple and it is but if you bring in a scissor or counter who can handle a +2 bullet punch no big deal right that's where this sets hit and X Factor comes into play it's another gem but not the common flying gym instead Aaron and Wolff went all-in once's are still typing giving it a steal gem to upgrade bullet punch from a rifle to a bonafide bazooka with steel gem backing it a +2 scissor was capable of one-hit killing some of the meta game's most common Pokemon such as Garchomp and latias once those threats are removed scissor takes a chomp out of every other Pokemon with its stab bug bite frequently healing itself in the process Aaron also devised an HP spread that let his sizzler function well next to his Garchomp with the bulky invested scissor always lived two earthquakes from its teammates letting him launch an all-out assault without worrying about collateral damage both Aaron and Wolff ended up winning US Nationals with their sneak attacks azure with Aaron being and seniors and wolf in masters and they changed the shape of the 2012 meta game in the process Aaron's team of Garchomp hitmontop Tyranitar thunderous Azure and Cresselia ended up being quite ubiquitous with Aaron's brother Brendan Babbitt ron zhang using a variant to place third in the juniors division of worlds and cameron jihadi finishing fifth in seniors while both Aaron and Wolf opted for a different team for their worlds campaigners the puke-green scizor that took nationals by storm became Aaron's calling card a signature master stroke of one of seniors most lauded players on his way to becoming one of the faces of the masters division Aaron even said he regretted not using his scissor team at Worlds although looking back that may have been a wise choice after wolf and Aaron showed just what scissor could do many players opted to prepare for scissor and this most frequently took the form of turning Cresselia into a pseudo fire type by swapping one of its other moves such as icy wind for power to ensure they could remove its biggest threat from the field with minimum distress nevertheless several versions of scissors showed up at Worlds and performed well those source dance was nowhere to be seen Mangal Sol used the same team he had relied on all season to turn in a respectable 11th place finish Scott glossa of nugget bridge also used acrobatics to place 10 though he made an interesting swap to Lum berry to tank status moves Huy ha went back to the standard acaba races are with feint which enabled his team's Blizzard spam nicely and guided him to ninth place in top cut Spaniard Guillermo Castilla Diez took seventh place while Matt Coyle took 6 Guillermo ran his Cesare alongside and unexpected Swampert while Matt had it on a rein team and used it to bait fire moves into Chandelure notably becoming the only top a player in 2012 to forgo Cresselia incidentally enough legendary trainer Rey Rizal completed his three-peat in 2012 but said afterwards that the Pokemon he was most scared of was Scizor luckily for Rey he didn't face a single scissor in the entire tournament maybe because of the unexpected amount of hidden power fire Rotom heat and Zapdos that existed almost purely to cook the bugs in its shell while scissor didn't have an especially auspicious and to 2012 it was still one of the medes most defining Pokemon that prevalent only escalated in 2013 with the knowledge of cybertron SACEUR became widespread in fact some of Sizzlers most devoted users couldn't let go of it in the early days of 2013 Cybertron scissor team re-emerged to wreak havoc again with its old acolytes piloting it to success once again Brendan Zhuang won the Philadelphia regionals in juniors and both Aaron and Cameron used it for their masters debut with Cameron winning San Jose regionals masters and Aaron finishing second at the Philadelphia regional where Edward fan also used the team to finish top 4 in fact scissor also ended up winning Philadelphia regions although I wasn't swords dance instead longtime Pokemon and melee player Matt Bears fan 0 92 Cybil Dhin decided to throw it back to the past and run acrobatics flying Genesis or to effectively remove the fighting types that threatened his substitute centric team while scissors first big win in 2013 was without source dance the Cybertron scissor was by far the most dominant version throughout the season and although Landorus is intimidate and thunderous is typing Gates's or problems Cesare showed up frequently throughout the 2013 season as a powerful still type and Cresselia answer some of its best placements include Leonard the Wobbuffet crafts 9th place at the st. Louis regionals with tailwind Acosta's or plus Hugh Ron's Indies second place and Rob white hills 8 at the Australian Nationals alongside a mysterious 7th placer whose name is lost to history over in Europe brothers Matteo and Alberto Jeanne developed a reign Centrex Azure team including politoed thunderous hydreigon Kingdra and Breloom along with their cybertron source dan scissors to establish dominance Matteo Wan in Milan while Alberto placed top 16 then Alberto got his win in Bolton while Mateo placed top 8 quite a few other Europeans also used to soar to great effect at the Birmingham regionals Rachel and man made top 8 while Huy buoys and Thomas are and Christopher Arthur made top 16 Christopher also placed top 16 in Milan and Italian Luigi lo Giudice made top three and balloon meanwhile over in the United States Aaron brought his trusty source dances or to Nationals once again I'll bait this time with its normal red coat of paint while Aaron wasn't able to repeat his prior success it was still the best placing scissor player at the event placing thirteenth ahead of 16th placer Kevin Fischer who also used source dances are along with Chandelure Zach Jen's who finished 18th and 30th place finisher John Olaf Magnussen as such scissor once again had quite a few players touting it going into world season and many of these players managed to use it to successfully make day to Hue ronzonni finished 46 Christopher Arthur made 42nd Rachel anon ended at 36 the genie brothers finished in the top 35 with Alberta 34th and Matteo at 31st and Luigi took Cesare all the way to Tokyo where he finished seventh using a modified version of the cybertron team that swapped hitmontop for a super Intimidator and Landorus therian two new players also took Cesare to good results at Worlds Ben ratham finished 17th and Barry Baz Anderson modified his nefarious liepard Breloom team which tripled top cut european regionals by dropping Volcarona for what else soars dance steel Jem says or finishing ninth that world while the Masters weren't able to bring scissor to quite the same level of success at world that is sought throughout the year senior world champion hating McTavish used source dance ah kisses or in his winning run capping off a banner year for the bug generation six came around many Pokemon got mega evolutions and not only did scizor get one it's got one of the best ones its previous highest stats attack and defense were jacked up its defense set was equal to even scar Marie's now and since it had more HP it was in fact physically bulkier than Skarmory it also got a significant boost for its previously unimpressive special defense and speed stats as a result it was now an incredibly well-rounded pokemon that was able to effortlessly pose an offensive and defensive threat making it more than worthy of a team's mega slot as if it weren't enough it could now use a significantly buff knockoff that provided coverage and removed leftovers in one fell swoop it's old nemesis heat ran in particular got worn down ridiculously quickly in conjunction with stealth rock while sizzler stayed healthy with ruse long enough to be able to sweep late-game knock was useful for removing Cal deals choice specs as well mega scissor could also go pure utility making use of the buff to fog to support its team with hazard removal however it was able to punish teams that relied on it being slow it could go pure offense just as easily with a fast three attacks or stand set that plowed through would be checked in Rotom wash and especially defensive heat rent it made for a fierce combination with Bisharp as one of them would wear down cow do with a source dance boosted attack so that the other could finish it off this set also had a significant metagame impact and that it was so dangerous that it inspired even bulky heat ranch sets to run max speed just so they could check it when all res came around scissors defensive use was more important than ever it was arguably the only true counter to mega Metagross who was once considered for ubers as well as the terrifying weave aisle as Sizzlers mega stone meant it wasn't affected by knockoff this trick was similarly useful against Bashar it was also a good check to cure in black the increasingly popular mega Alakazam which was otherwise nearly impossible to safely handle without a chancy and unlike chancy it couldn't be tricked by choice latias sets some players even ran dedicated pursuit sizzler variants recognizing how difficult was to safely suite with or stance and instead preferring the extra defensive utility getting rid of laddie was especially useful for a teammate like Kelly oh and sizzler could even super effectively pursuit mega Metagross sizzler stabbed bullet punch was also key in staving off the meta games defining threat combine clefable funnily enough Sizzlers newfound special bulk it received from its mega forum was so impressive that it could even survive a calm mind boosted flamethrower from cliff which is somewhat mind-boggling given that neither its HP or special defense are that high even when the sixth generation had nerf to move space power 290 by extension sizzler could survive Magda's owns an empire fire with ease even with stealth rock and play it could even do the same against the immensely powerful mega diancie whom it then threatened to shatter with bullet punch eventually sticky web teams became powerful metagame forces and Scizor anchored them it didn't have to worry about here and running enough speed V's to outrun it when the web would slow it down anyway and sizzler could finally comfortably run a fully offensive set with an adamant nature which would outrun a slowdown scarf Magnezone as well offensive sizzle with sticky web effortlessly cut through many a team and added another set to the extensive list of things sizzler could viably run it was always present throughout the 6th generation never at the absolute forefront of the meta game but always an important part of it being able to run a plethora of sets and being able to use them well finally mega Cesare had an important niche in uber checking the unequivocally most dangerous Pokemon in the tier xerneas it resists that as moon blast wasn't weak to its common coverage and thunder and hit a power ground stayed healthy with roost and most importantly smacked it with a super effective stat priority meaning that it didn't necessarily have to be in perfect condition to deal with it scissors pursuit was also excellent and opening up primal Kyogre since it trapped the sole dual @e twins and its ability to trap mega Gengar was nothing to sneeze at either putting primal Groudon mega salamence and most Arceus forms on a timer via toxic extended its general usefulness significantly as well it wasn't a glamorous role and the mega competition in ubers was stiff but the role was an important one so sizzler always had a place in the meta game the switch to X&Y came with many complicated repercussions for sizzler on the positive side the introduction of the new fairy-type gave Cesare a new lots of targets the bullet punch and it was one of the lucky few Pokemon to be gifted with a mega evolution with its particular mega giving a huge boost to attack and defense and a nice pump up to everything else except HP hitting power was also nerfed to 60 based power from a potential 70 giving Cesare a bit of breathing room when it came to tech carried specifically to beat it on the flip mega scissors boost weren't game-breaking enough to justify using it most of the time and sizzler paid the price for his new toys by losing old ones Gen 6 removed gems entirely neutering Sizzlers offensive power and to add insult to injury the lack of a bug bite move tutor Nets is or had to use the far inferior x-scissor as its stab of choice it doesn't end there either 2014 had even more intimidate in the meta than 2013 as even though Landorus was gone for the moment Megamall wilds near total dominance meant intimidate was on every team and if you didn't have them all while then Salamence mega manectric or Gyarados would fill that role and still type no longer resistant dark scissor both had to contend with opposing sucker punches and face competition as a priority user from Bisharp and mega Mawile and finally the addition of fairy typing while a good sign on the surface was actually a big problem for scizor while it's true that steel is super effective against fairy if you actually look at the fairy types that were common in 2014 such as azumarill and mega Mawile yeah they don't care about still typing at all in fact what fairy functionally did was bring a one-time nearly useless typing into prevalence and it wasn't one scissors or wanted to see that's right fire types were here to stay especially the demonic talonflame and the absurdly powerful mega Charizard white scissors worst nightmares and what fire types comes burns which is scissors other downfall all that put together made for a much more unwelcoming meta game for scissor and it's bullet punches it's one saving grace was those punches which still did fairly well in well punching holes through a fairly frail meta game if scissor wasn't intimidated especially the odd Gardevoir if running a sword and set lumber II was nearly mandatory sizzler still saw some scattered success in the early days of the format though it was a far cry from its past power Matt Coyle brought it back from 2012 to finish 14th at the Virginia regionals at winter regionals it actually had quite a few good placements and say Alex Evan Falco gauslaa finished second and Tony Chinese dude Chia and finished third with choice ban sizzler Jonathan Mendoza placed 11th at long beach regionals while Andy Garcia claimed 21st and Michael Shaw ended at 10th in Orlando branded a king Tokyo also won the Nintendo UK winner event what sourced a slum sizzler but he didn't use it once sort of sums up forces or the season huh nevertheless some players still stuck by it into spring Seattle became sizzler Central Sean Webb finished eighth and Tony Sheung and a Randy are inanimate quoi made it in all Canada and all choice bounces our finals with Randy zones' were having been inspired by Tony's in the first place with an eclectic move set of bullet punch feint u-turn and protect the spread which Randy copied from Tony was designed to live talonflame brave bird and then just click bullet punch and do big damage especially to something like Gardevoir well thief hitch aegislash one of Sizzlers biggest problems other than that it was all power and speed which is what you would expect from a choice band set in the end it was Tony who took it home winning his second unofficial Canadian Championships that was a scissors only spring victory though then irons finished first at the Overland Park Kansas regionals where Aaron Grubbs also took fit in Athens Georgia isaac van name took sizzler 215 sizzler also had a few international results with luke and finishing 14th in Brisbane and Carlos Rendon adapting Randy and Tony's choice benches or to a life war version to claim third out of 300 players at Mexico City's premier challenge life form freed Cesare up to use its other moves to good use with u-turn Kon high dragon thief preventing aegislash substitute and feint able to pick off weakened talent flames as well as breaking protect in fact life orb scissors versatility was so valuable that Randy switched to it for US Nationals while he placed 16th only adjusting his spread slightly to outspeed Ludicolo out of rain and hit it hard with u-turn come world's most players had given up on scissor has only had two day two appearances with Tiffany Stanley finishing 37 and Kelly Mercier white ending at 50 second a far cry from its past two years of top aides Patrick Donegan used it to place eleventh at Philly regionals closing out the season with scissors 2014 was dramatically less successful than it was used to luckily for scissors 2015 switched to Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire at least gave it one tool back in the form of bug bite although of course the gems were still gone forever in fact Cesare made a big splash early on in 2015 at the hands of none other than that Anderson who used his same liepard Breloom team from 2013 worlds to win the Arnhem regionals but with an upgraded source des megasis were adding knockoff / bug bite to hit Asia / however sizzle remained the niche if somewhat effective picked as the problems that Gen 6 had introduced remain and it was really only safe from the very prevalent burns with Lum berry as its item Andrew Hovis placed 12th at the Missouri winter regionals while william Bielski Hall took 2nd at the California regionals ahead of other scissor users in tenth place ur Eric Holmstrom and gain Simon in Florida William Collins finished 3rd and in the northwest Josh Krieger and Gary Quian took home a pair of 10th places at Oregon and Washington respectively both using Lum berry just berry also finished 7th at the Utah regionals cesare also popped up in Europe with Simon parallely placing 5th at the Italian regionals while Alberto genie revisited says or to take 6 when Nationals rolled around Adrien Baumann made top eight in Germany while terse abuta Fuko finished 13th in the United Kingdom Rachel and then also reunited with Cesare to place 18 while James Tarbuck finished 19th and as delivered a less stellar performance by finishing 34th and the US Nationals Zach Dalton finished 19th in the masters division while Ben pearcy want seniors and by world Cesare repeated his old disappearing act with Dez Anderson being its sole representative and finishing at 37 sizzurp rounded out its Gen 6 career with a pitiful few appearances in 2016 just like in 2010 and matched up very poorly against both Kyogre and Groudon severely limiting its use however those two weren't the only big dogs in the format anymore scissors are had its uses as a very niche counter of 2016 undisputed ruler in xerneas who didn't appreciate bullet punches even after setting up Gio Mincey however says her star was still fading as 2016 also had plenty of hitmontop and mega salamence making its life incredibly hard as such this was still a very niche strategy and only had a few high-level placings with ricardo apamea finishing 7th at the you Nationals by pairing sizzler with mega Gengar Lal Dinesh selvakumar used it on a very unorthodox team in Sydney featuring mega Mewtwo y swellow and crawdaunt to finish six other sizzler placements included Alexander Kunz 11th at German nationals Estefan val de Benito's fifth at the chile regionals and Blake Bopper hoppers top sixteenth finish at Worlds the seventh generation came around and mega scissor was an excellent Pokemon once again early on it was notable as the one reliable check to mega Metagross will remain terrific even after Metagross was bent and absolutely loved top of ULA's grassy terrain providing it the passive recovery a usually missed as a mega its defensive abilities were incredibly key as it managed to stand up to even Z users notably it was one of the few Pokemon that could reliably check Carcano it was the only Pokemon in the game besides a vlog that safely prevented Kirin black from getting an automatic ko it was able to stand up to top a Beulah's obscenely powerful choice ban would hammer and it was excellent at warding zygarde while it was in the tier thanks to its newly gained the curse it also checked mega Alakazam once again handled the dangerous mega lanterns and walled mega Mawile who was generally considered unwalled bull so long as a packed fire Fang which most my wild did his defensive utility was so key that sweeping with it was generally an afterthought especially given how utterly helpless it was against toxa pecs besides knocking off its black sludge but it could defensively pick off offensive teams who relied on Z move Heatran lacking recovery and the frail greninja to withstand its powerful bullet punch however many teams wanted the turn Sizzlers bulk afforded it to result in more than just getting walled and the sizzler provided key defensive utility for many teams in the fog sizzler was pretty much the same Pokemon as it was an RS bulk source dense roost and u-turn except this time it didn't go on the pure offensive because its defenses were just too important it was an absolutely crucial Pokemon in the oh you meta game once again holding many teams together against the slew of us early strong threats regular scissor was now teared separately from its mega form and it dropped to you you there it was absurdly good blowing past many top threats such as Tarak yun and mega Altaria with its powerful bullet punch while checking the always dangerous latias many top players felt sizzler should have been banned as its u-turn especially in conjunction with South Rock was such a powerful weapon that it was basically required to have a strong punish to it so it didn't just almost instantly destroy the other team and the options to do this were not only severely limited they all had serious potential flaws the most common was rocky helmet amoonguss who could shrug off the hit thanks to regenerator and Tripps Azure in the process the problem was that scissor could easily source that's on the switch and with bug neum z blow pass amoonguss with a brutally powerful savage spin-out that bypass u-turns forced switch fire types with rocky helmet and in Moltres case flame body were more reliable against Azure itself but they had the huge issue of being crippled by stealth rock and rocky helmet khalbali on had no way to heal itself there were some creative ways used to be scissor such as eject button preventing it from switching with u-turn allowing Magneton to switch in and trap it for free but overall it was an incredibly oppressive pokemon even if one didn't consider it ban worthy and was absolutely one of if not the biggest threats in the chair sizzler had quite a rude awakening to 2017 while it certainly had more fairy types around with the tapas it actually had matched up very poorly against most of them both top Afeni and topical didn't mind bullet punch and could hit back with their own special move but just as in singles Sizzlers true worst enemy was taboo laila who would completely nullified bullet punch against any grounded opponents with its psychic terrain severing cesare from the tool that had to find it for three generations and top abbulu nobody ran bad and in the prevalence of celestina and arcanine and odd jeez Rick it's hard to go on oh man and its other good tool bug bite it lost that again too because there were no move tutors at Sun and Moon sizzler just can't catch a break huh sizzler only saw one quite gimmicky notable placement throughout the season as a throwback to its old lung berries swagger strategy with thunderous this time however it didn't need a Lum berry with swagger tapu fede as a teammate sizzler could once more bypassed the need to set up swords dance hey at least it benefits a tiny bit from the top hooves this strategy was used by Matt Carter to place six at the Birmingham regionals by intelligently managing terrain with his type of Phoenix well honestly the amount of investment put in just to get a month at still couldn't do anything to arcanine or sell a Stila just wasn't worth it and this is our fell into irrelevant for most of 2017 however for what seems like the first time ages Scizor actually managed to raise this usage in 2018 while it did get bug bite back it was also due to the newly boosted power of rain teams in 2018 which is of course a huge boon for sizzler well raid had his place in 2017 in the form of the Ducks team featuring gold duck and pelipper 2018 reintroduced politoed as a significantly more powerful rain center allowing sizzurp to flex its offensive muscle once again of course 2018 also gave in center or the full toolkit that turned it into the Beast it is today and in sinner or absolutely demolishes azure as such running sizzler outside of rain was tantamount to throwing the game early in the season Felipe Mendez of Chile won the chill a special event and placed second at the hapa Mex special event with his mega Swampert and sizzler team and Jay s Dale placed 6th at Malaysia special event with mega scissors Sizzlers big breakout however came at the latin-american international championships while rising star Carson confer used Swords Dance mega saucer with eject button politoed sash bisharp life orb tapa cocoa watery of z Ludicolo an assault vest special Landorus therian to win the entire tournament Carson inspired a few other trainers to use double priority rain teams that would pick off the enemies that lived through Ludicolo initial assault including jin-woo Lee's 17th place and Jairo Contreras 7th place Dragon Knight variant at the Toronto regionals Carson also used the same team in his campaign at Madison regionals later in the year where he placed six Malcolm mckellar used a version with surge surfer a lowland Raichu in center R and pelipper to finish 8th at the Melbourne regionals non rain sesor had a few appearances as well with Giovanni Costa using it alongside mega Gengar and star Raptors to finish 5th at the Salt Lake City regionals well Cesare once again had sparse results at World Carson Champion it's a better results than it has seen in years he replaced his Bisharp with stack attacker and placed top 16 at world as the only sizzler player with a top cut performance 29 teams returned to the restricted format met lesses or usage once again although it still had a very small bit of experimental usage as a xerneas counter players had a plethora of other options to choose from such as dustman across ma stack attack Hart Anna Lou Nala or not illegal Luzerne is not quite as dominant and more answers to it sizzler had no place in a restrictive metagame it might as well have not existed at all actually and now of course and no longer does exist in VGC and even if it were to come back it's hard to imagine it having much success in doubles as long as in sin aurora's around scissor we'll have a hard time ever establishing itself in the metagame and even without that there are now better steel types and actually good fire types who will keep it out of the meta for the time being and that's it so how great was scizor actually well it took it a while to hit its stride as its limited move pole held it back in the first two generations but once it received the bullet punch and platinum everything changed it was suddenly the face of oh you and that repeated itself in the next generation while it's mega form was a top-tier pokemon in the two generations after that regular sizzler found itself in you you in jet 7 but it absolutely dominated there its had viable sense in ubers as well sometimes in singles it feels like there's nothing says or can't do and even in VGC sizzler had been excellent thanks to his well-rounded blend of defensive utility and offensive power at least in earlier generations Scizor has been one of the best oh you Pokemon for most of its career and as such we can say it is truly great and despite losing its mega it will likely return to some form of greatness in generation 8 as it's one of the coolest Pokemon ever thanks for watching everyone and as always if you liked the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to false web gaming for weekly Pokemon content and in the comments I want to know what do you think about competitors's or how would you change it to make it more VGC viable also thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and of course thank you to everyone else watching as well and follow my crew on these social media platforms and that's all I got see you next time everyone
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 2,061,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Scizor, Scyther, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Bullet Punch, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming, How GOOD was Scizor ACTUALLY? - History of Scizor in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 2-6)
Id: AQUfmtXWeao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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