How GOOD was Arceus ACTUALLY? - History of Arceus in Competitive Pokemon

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ave for your creator the original one has deigned to descend from heaven just to bless you with his presence bow before him and he may just spare you insignificant though you are just supposed against his almighty presence we're on a ladder to arceus who was discovered by lowly mortals in generation four but he has been around as long as time and space whose existence he pulled into his creation and continues to allow for the longest time arceus's divinity was merely a rumor whispered among diamond and pro players beyond the reach of all but those whose action replays allowed them to scale the ladder suddenly appearing at spear pillar and accessing the hall of origin and then in heart gold and soul silver he appeared in the shenzhou ruins warping players minds and destroying the arrogance of all they thought they knew as they struggled and fair to comprehend arceus's blessed eternity additionally knowing that in the near future we shall be blessed by legends of arceus is enough to bring a smile to our faces today we're going higher than we ever have before as we attempt to understand the ineffable arceus's impact and the competitive scene we'll be asking and answering two questions one could arcus create a pokemon that even he could not defeat and two as we embark on what may only be called judgment day how good was arceus actually and in this video we'll be going over these competitive formats though he knew lowly trainers to be aware of his existence arceus did not dare make himself available for their uses in battle throughout much of generation 4. though they knew him to technically exist the illicit methods required to obtain him prescribed them from doing so in serious play more casual players often broke this holy covenant but fittingly they were incapable of wielding arceus sensibly let alone effectively leaving them unable to completely break the game to the fullest of arceus's nearly limitless potential that said these lowliest of heretics were still able to occasionally catch a glimpse of arceus's divine power the combination of swords dance and stab extreme speed in conjunction with archaea's enormous stats across the board was a lethal combination even in inexperienced hands still most of these casual players did not bother with the strategy with the power to destroy all the other ubers arcus had created they usually settled for judgments of various types which were still a mighty weapon but not as cataclysmic as extreme killer as the normal arceus swordstein set came to be known a fittingly lethal name for something with such unmatched brutal efficiency and termination though arceus possessed a universe long array of weapons with which to wreck opponents it was primarily this set that struck fear and competitive trainers when arcus allowed itself to be accessed through an event in heart gold and soul silver however it still didn't become part of the metagame for many different reasons since it was released at level 100 arceus could only be evied with the vitamin items meaning that it maxed out at 100 eevees per stat across five of its six stats so it effectively had base 101 stats across the board instead of 120. the official battle simulator of the time shoddy battle was unable to implement this restriction as such due to this technical limitation no doubt a result of arceus's empirian power overwhelming the feeble-minded and causing them to become apostates prevented arcus from joining and completely dominating the metagame it wasn't until months later around the release of black and white that a new simulator was made available it was named pokelab and it was able to implement arceus correctly however seeing as the fourth generation was ending and had one remaining official tournament featuring ubers a tournament that was already well underway by the time poke lab was made available the decision was made to not allow arceus so as to not completely upend the metagame on the playerbase at the very last second and the last opportunity they would have to play in the tier for a trophy however outside this tournament those who loved gen 4 ubers and played the tier for its own sake decided to hold their own unofficial tournament with arceus allowed since arceus had an eevee restriction placed upon it it was referred to as a quote unquote farce and the arceus uber's metagame became known as farsius as for arceus's effect on the metagame even in this limited guys well it was absolutely dominant even with its limited speed it still had an incredible speed stat for the meta game outrunning the base 100 speed pokia that was already considered fast and by extension breezing past the base 90s the tier was filled with being faster than arcus didn't necessarily help either as his bulk was utterly immense and it had reliable healing not to mention sets with extreme killer limited faster pokemon's ability to answer it even further extreme killer would have been terrifying enough in and of itself after all that one set already had near endless permutations between its tertiary and coronary moveset options in earthquake shadow cloth overheat and recover as well as its item choices of silk scarf lifeform bloomberry leftovers however thanks to its famed ability multi-type and generation force type plates arceus could become any type it desired and would pack a stab plate boosted judgment in conjunction with its mu-esque move pool of course the idea that our kids could juggle between 17 forms with endless moves that one couldn't possibly predict was hyperbolic many forms such as bug were clearly not very good and it was usually going to favor a certain set of moves judgment ice being willowist recover combine and more along those lines choosing whichever setup support or coverage moved it liked it could even set up stealth rock however even hyperbole often has a basis in truth arceus did in fact have many many forms which were not just viable but dominant to the point of being metagame defining and those forms often had significant versatility in their move sets plus even those that did it were still excellent by virtue of their utterly massive stats for example arceus dark never diverted from its calm mindset and almost always ran refreshed but that didn't stop it from being nigh peerless and terrorizing stall teams many forms of arcus were in fact kept in check by other forms of arceus arceus fighting was particularly excellent because it was one of the best answers to extreme killer arcus as well as being one of the few pokemon that could truly scare the astonishing resilient arcus steel and it was near required on stall teams so as to not get destroyed by the aforementioned arcus dark its access to paris sun was also immensely helpful for these teams against last pokemon setup sweepers that could no longer be phased out such as columbine kyogre arceus fighting wasn't just a destroyer of other arceus though it was one of the very best answers to one of the scariest pokemon of the tier darkrai and having an arcus form whose judgment hit diogo super effectively was invaluable as well arceus dragon somewhat subverted the concept of arceus checking arceus as it was an arceus for him who stabbed no other arcus besides steel could switch into allowing it to run a terrifying mono-attacking substitute combine recover set of course it also possessed that terrifying versatility arcade steel would get absolutely destroyed if the arceus dragon it switched into was source dance instead of the expected combine in addition to normal and fighting the most prominent arcus form was ghost which was both a monstrously resilient rapid spin blocker and a terrifying combine sweeper whose stab judgment ripped through the tears plethora of psychic types its immunity to extreme speed and fighting moves alike was also massively helpful in dealing with extreme killer arceus fighting and even source dance lucario which had been one of the most terrifying sweepers in the non-arceus metagame arceus ghost provided an excellent alternative to the tier's previous de facto spin blocker giratina origin though of course using geratina o to spin block would allow one to use another arcus form whether it was the unmatched draco meteor absorber arca steel the sturdy and powerful arceus ground or the ludicrously dangerous offensive terror arceus electric our case could really do anything it wanted and the only limit was its user's imagination in terms of typing set and how to fit it onto a team whether it was the toxic spikes absorbing support arceus poison or the vicious stab of combine arceus ice just about anything was possible since the playerbase now knew what arceus was capable of they elected to continue playing dpp ubers without it allowed they believed arceus threw the tier out of balance and they far preferred the arceus less metagame the generation had ended with an arceus tournament was held every once in a while and the same conclusion was drawn repeatedly until after several years with dpp ubers having continuously increased in popularity even while being a non-ou tier from a past generation the player base held a vote to district grant of many old players it wasn't even arkis's unpredictability or the fact that it was so good that it was effectively required to use an arcus form lest you use an objectively worse team those factors certainly didn't help but the greatest transgression was that it was too good even for ubers it was just too powerful and bulky and fast all at the same time extreme killer was the worst offender by far the oxford speed hyper offense teams were scarier than ever with e killer waiting in the wings and was almost impossible to handle even when you knew it was coming the metagame was warped around arkis's effects and considered by many to be worse than the metagame without arceus as such when the second vote on arcus was held one year later it was sent back to anything ghost such was the power of arceus even with his stats diluted to the point where he was effectively a multi-typed mew he still made his debut generation of ubers his own when mega rayquaza was banned from ubers in generation 6 it was following the precedent set by the old testament arceus arceus decided to unleash the full extent of his godly capabilities in generation 5. there would be no more eevee restrictions effectively slashing his base stats down by 19. zygarde transitioning to zygarde complete in generation seven was just another case of some so-called dominant uber just copying what arceus had done two generations prior nothing could compare to the terror the uber player base felt when realizing they had to deal with what was basically arceus complete it completely changed the metagame not only was it among the strongest offensive options possible in many different guises an assaultive nightmare that made darkrise bad dreams look like peaceful slumber but his defensive capabilities were simply stunning in generation 4 draco meteor spam often equated to an automatic ko arceus was so bulky that it could switch into these dracos even those boosted by choice specs and even though it often didn't even resist the move and shrugged them off since it was faster than every single non-scarf draco meteor user it would then recover the damage off and then the threat would be neutralized while scar draco would just bounce right off obviously arceus couldn't do this infinitely especially not with multiple hazards down but to be able to do it at all to be able to so easily neuter dialga or rayquaza once or even twice was an absolute game changer helping preserve the health of its bulky teammates like ferrothorn for being overwhelmed by repeated hits or fire coverage especially as the dragons it would check and chase out would also be getting worn down by hazards arcus so reliably holding teams together against these defensive monsters helped make balanced spike teams among the most reliable team styles in the metagame plus arcus could make itself even more draco proof if it wanted arceus steele was the most obvious candidate but arceus rock and sand sported a special defense boost and thus was similarly immovable while also not fearing fire coverage at all for its ability to excel with any set in a variety of forms some type of arceus was a mandatory addition to teams once again so how was it that arceus complete which was so ridiculous that it shrugged off unresisted draco meters managed to avoid the anything ghost bandhammer some players complained about its presence right from day one surely there could be no form of offensive power creep that could keep it in check and well there wasn't it was the defensive power creep that prevented arcus from completely shredding everything in sight if arceus had one drawback it was the inability to hold leftovers which meant passive damage affected it more than many other pokemon and passive damage was at an all-time high in generation five kyogre and tenor curl spammed scald ferrothorn spammed leech seed groudon started spamming lava plume and the increased presence of tyranitar and its permanent sand meant many forms of arceus often lost health without even being hit by an attack many teams limited our kiss by forcing passive damage on it at every corner because they would also never be able to break through the sheer power most notably palkia and giratina origin ran dragon tail which prevented call mine arceus from setting up on them and provided critical chip damage in conjunction with the hazards that would leave arcus forced to recover upon its next entry while the lady twins and especially defensive kyogre's roar was similarly irritating arceus's lack of leftovers was noticeable when taking offensive attacks too it would often be forced to recover giving the opponent a free switch finally the addition of team preview helped quite a bit though it wasn't an exact science players were often able to make reasonable estimates of what arceus form and possibly set they'd be facing before turn one make no mistake though even though there were ways to keep our case in check there was still nothing more formidable its bulk and power and speed meant it matched up so well against so many offensive pokemon that forcing it to recover wasn't necessarily going to get you too far attempts to it with passive damage could be stifled with utility moves like substitute or newly buffed magical or the pokemon attempting to it could simply be destroyed by a surprise covers move in arkis's endless move pool nothing like ferrothorn thinking it was free against grass arctis only to get fire blasted to high heaven plus what was usually one of the main pokemon keeping arceus in check the arceus on the other team of course once again extreme killer was the tier's most defining sweeper forever dangerous when you knew what was coming and made even more terrifying by small moveset item and ev adaptation that ruined its few potential checks however it was arceus ghost that was widely considered the best form and often even the single best pokemon in the tier for its incredible blend of defensive utility and offensive capability its standard calm mindset threatened anything and everything while it's bulky willow's variant was a pillar of support but it could even surprise the opponent with a set of judgment stealth rock flamethrower and extreme speed the surprise e-speed allowed it to limit deoxy speed leads to one layer of hazards flamethrower punished ferrothorn fortress or skarmy for trying to get up hazards on it and it fulfilled the unique quality of being a stealth rock setter that blocked rapid spin for itself once again arceus fighting was outstanding for its ability to deal with e-killer dark right and dialga while its ability to crush ferrothorn was always appreciated it threatened to dismantle many common sand teams as tyranitar esquijo glicekar at ferrothorn were all completely obliterated as were many common arceus forms on those teams usually rock or ground even sand teams with arceus ghost latias or ho-oh weren't necessarily safe as archie's fighting began running an excellent utility set with toxic and stone age that utterly ruined those speaking of arceus rock and ho'o we've already mentioned arceus rock's ability to devour draco meters and sand as one of its best most unique attributes it was in fact one of the best pokemon at standing up to the mighty cure in white however we also must mention its status as perhaps the purest ho'o counter in the tier which was similarly valuable arceus rock was one of the main reasons to run sand arceus ground was also an excellent choice on sand both its combine and sourced sets were among the most dangerous sweepers in the tier earth plate boosted ground stab was powerful enough already and made for an amazing combination with sans underground type threat extra drill however in addition to arceus ground's power in bulk what made its sweeping sets so dangerous was that they had such vastly different checks ho-oh and specially defensive kyogre were great against the calm mind variant but got absolutely destroyed by the sword dancer which ever said it used arceus ground was always useful from a defensive standpoint between its bulk recovery and the excellent defensive typing that is pure ground its ability to completely stuff scarf zekrom and its attempts to gain momentum through volt switch was particularly valuable while also making arceus more resistant to passive damage with a stealth rack resistance to go with the sandstorm immunity arcus steel was the bulkiest specially defensive steel in the tier the one with the most reliable recovery and the arcus form most resistant to passive damage with a stealth rock resistance and immunity to sand and toxic it wasn't nearly as offensively apt as other arceus forms given the limited usefulness of steel stab but it was an incredible defensive stop gap against a huge portion of the tier taking everything from genesect's iron head to specs boosted draco meters to powerful neutral hits like zekrom's bolt strike which gave it plenty of opportunity to utilize its incredible support move pool arcade steel was an essential bulwark for bulky teams arceus electric was one of the most brutal sweepers in the tier it was notable not just for being possibly arceus's most outright aggressive variant but also for being a con minder who stabbed crushed common special walls kyogre and hoho with ice beam and focus blast ripping through the tears resist it didn't offer nearly as much in the way of defensive utility but hey neither did extreme killer and like extreme killer sometimes it was just one turn one turn that was not difficult to get that let arceus electric zap teams into oblivion arceus dragon was similarly ferocious offensively it was the fastest dragon type in the tier letting it get the jump on all the other unboosted dragons even the speedy lady twins and tear through teams with its vicious draco plate and set up move boosted stab what made arcus dragon stand out was that it was surprisingly defensively potent for such an offensively minded pokemon its resistances to water and fire were quite valuable and let it find many turns with which to terrorize the opponent arceus dark's famed stall-breaking combine refreshed set still existed but was far less common given that stall had become rare by virtue of how difficult it was to pull off however an excellent new arcus dark set emerged from the tears tenebris depths a set that was actually an excellent addition to stall teams as it was one of the best mewtwo counters around in addition to completely blanking mewtwo's vicious side strikes arceus dark to tank even boosted aura spheres and one hit ko back with payback thus answering one of the most dangerous threats to stall arceus grass was mostly used in support roles but even when it used combined its primary utility was defensive as it had that all-important water resistance in conjunction with great bulk that allowed it to switch into kyogre and his terrifying waterspout kyogre couldn't stay in and try to bombard it with ice beams either as it had to run from arceus grass's super effective stab judgment or grass knot arceus grass also boasted the distinction of being the only pokemon besides chansey that could switch into lustrous or palkia in reign and even chansey was too hit killed by hydropoint with rocks and spikes while the same could be said for arceus grash and spatial ren arcus grass had the benefit of outrunning pokia allowing it to recover stall it easily arceus grass was also excellent for its ability to effortlessly stave off zekrom's bolt strikes arceus water was used in a similar vein to arcus grass but with some key differences though it feared electric moves from kyogre palkia and zekram and it didn't have anti-kyogre stabbed it was still effective at warding off choice waterspouts and brought some other major benefits to the table the biggest of which was its ability to check ho-oh having a stab boosted by rain was also valuable both in general use and in giving it more potential to sweep it could run both source dance and combine effectively though it was a great utility pokemon as well and resisting strong moves like genesect's iron head and kirin bites ice beam was of great general value as well these were the primary arches forms used in the tier but nearly anything could be made to work effectively arceus ice was arguably even more all out offensively dangerous than arceus electric in sun arceus fire was one of the most nuclear pokemon around and had its power accentuated by all the covers needed to dispatch the tears fire resist arceus flying ran one of the most threatening mono-attacking con mine sets in the tier as in addition to the great covers of its judgment it could run substitute over refresh since it was unaffected by toxic spikes even arca's poison and psychic could viably be used in support roles sure the metagame had plenty of other key pokemon like kyogre and genesect and such but arceus was itself several of the most important pokemon around one of its forms was the best sweeper in the tier another form was considered by many to be the most important pokemon around and so on and so forth and so generation 5 ubers was all about arceus generation 6 brought two new changes for arceus one pixie plate brought arceus fairy into existence and two the buff to the fog completely changed how support arcus was used it was now tasked with providing hazard control for its team this is a crucial piece of utility and it seemed that there was no better pokemon to use it than the best pokemon in the game especially since arceus's excellent defensive profile would be valuable in taking on new monsters like yveltal and various magus however the fog arceus quickly revealed a glaring weakness its passivity and thus its proclivity for giving the opponent free turns to be exploited which was dangerous given the immense threat level of the tear especially xerneas it had already been fairly easy to exploit many forms of support arcus in generation 5 but with it losing a crucial move slot it became downright trivial especially with how it was often forced into using the fog to get rid of hazards the port archus was so offensively inept that it regularly found itself being trapped by shadow tigers mega gengar was one thing but it also provided a completely free kale for gothitel of all things many top players thus decided to fog arches as a waste of the best pokemon in the game it often failed to remove hazards against fast-paced taunt spammy deoxy speed or sticky web hyper offense teams balance teams didn't have much trouble trapping it and it was just generally passive and unable to accomplish anything of note the resist that forms like water and poison brought in addition to their bulk often made them unnecessary evil for balance teams but they were just dead weight so often fortunately this was easily remedied by simply using offensive arcus forms instead extreme killer was once again one of the most brutal threats in the tier and provided valuable priority against faster pokemon like both mega mewtwos and boosted xerneas arcus ghost became even scarier because its stab was no longer resisted by steels arceus electric ripped everything up once again fitting these forms of arceus on offense was a much more reliable recipe for success in xy ubers than trying to get anything out of the passive defense the other forms would attempt on balance then oraz came around and our kids request primal groudon and mega salamance onto the metagame this was a ploy by extreme killer to make hyper offense even more stupefyingly overwhelming and these two were the best partners they could have asked for it was the best cleanup artist in the game alongside another hyper offense teammate xerneas and they were now paired with two of the most unstoppable wall breakers in existence arceus ground also rose to become the clear second best form in the tier no matter what said it ran it was the best answer to primal groudon it could run an excellent support set whose combination of typing bulk stealth rock resistance and ice beam allowed it to counter mega salamance as well support arceus ground also had the important distinction of packing a stab judgment that would absolutely destroy mega gengar however what really made arcus ground stand out was that it could not only answer primal groudon but it could do it while running a monstrously dangerous swords dance set its speed bulk recovery power and coverage coalescing to create one of the scariest sweepers in the tier in its own right effortlessly ripping through many a standard team there was a significant difference in overall viability between arcus normal and ground and the rest no other form packed the sheer menace of those two however this was more a testament to the utterly incredible power of those two which was largely a product of their effectiveness against the other top pokemon in the metagame the other arceus forms were still quite valuable support arcus water was quite good once it stopped wasting a move slot on the fog with toxic it was a good answer to most primal groudon while ice beam dispatch mega salamance why not just use arceus ground you ask well a few reasons one some primal ground on ran overheat or even eruption which arceus ground struggled to handle arcus water didn't fear those at all two arceus water was an excellent answer to ho-oh three arceus helped stave off primal kyogre and four arceus water checked yet another one of the tier's most powerful pokemon arceus grounds the prominence of both yveltal and darkrai held arcus ghost back further than in previous generations especially as yveltal could actually switch into arceus plus with the prominence of the fog arceus ghost's ability to block rapidspin was almost infinitely less useful now however the tremendous neutral coverage ghost stat provided ensured arcus ghost was always a threat as did its ability to threaten giratina origin and the lady twins super effectively arceus ghost now preferred to boost with source dance rather than calm mine as this let it fire off absurdly powerful shadow forces notably crushing the ho-oh that would check the calm mindset the two-turn effect was difficult to exploit when there were so few pokemon that wanted to take it in the first place and it even broke through protect to boot plus using source dance allowed arcus ghost to make use of extreme speed limiting the window in which viavelta and dark ride could check it indeed yeveltal was often just a double switch with stealth arc up away from being able to switch into arcgis go safely e-speed was even useful for ensuring dioxis attack couldn't finish arka's ghost off from low health arceus ghost also had the highly coveted trait of being an arcus form able to switch out against mega gengar despite shadow tag thanks to generation 6 making ghost types immune to ability trapping arceus fairy was a unique support pokemon it was unique in that it checked several high-level threats including but not limited to mega salamence yaveltol dark right and rayquaza in addition it was a highly adept stealth rocker as a result of its excellent match-ups against the tears hazard control option it switched into and threatened out popular defoggers such as giratina origen and the lady twins allowing it to consistently maintain the hazard throughout the course of a game and absolutely destroyed mega stability ensuring that it wasn't going to get blocked by magic bounce of course archie's fairy was massively vulnerable to mega gengar's super effective stab sludge wave but it was not an insurmountable weakness it could enlist the help of a pursuit trapping teammate since mega gengar would have had to spend a turn mega evolving before it had shadow tag or it could slot earth power into its move set which would also hit primal groudon super effectively it was well worth the effort to bypass mega gengar as the various utility arcus ferry offered was as excellent as it was hard to come by arcus dragon provided another such unique valuable support role it was the arceus water in that it both resisted fire and checked mega salamance making it a sturdy answer to even overheat variants of primal groudon arcus dragon's primary advantage lie in its judgment which was the move it used to ko mints meaning it didn't need to waste another move slot on ice beam and could thus fit the fog instead as a bonus its judgment also threatened the lady twins and hit both primals for solid damage continuing in the vein of support arceus forms was arceus rock now it didn't love being an arcus form that had to run in fear of primal groudon's precipice blades but it did love being the single sturdiest arcus form against ho-oh rayquaza and mega salomon because it actually resisted their flying stabs and threatened to kill them in return with judgment it was also excellent against javelta and rayquaza and though it had to run from both primals it could also chunk them for respectable irrecoverable damage on the switch with judgment especially with stealth rock up generation 6 really shook things up for the arcus form rendering previously excellent types downright unusable xerneas completely knocked arceus fighting out of the metagame while primal groudon's arrival signaled the end of arcus electric's time in the limelight however gen 6 also provided a great new arcus form in fairy and several of its other forms continued to excel including the better than ever extreme killer now xerneas primal groudon and mega salamis did become the new faces of ubers with primal groudon occupying a mandatory slot on every serious team but you know what else occupied a mandatory slot on every serious team that's right some form of arceus it did it all there was still nothing like it arceus still commanded a mandatory space on all competitive teams in generation 7. it was even more monstrous now because it no longer needed to hold a plate multi-type was also activated by the newly added z crystals sure arcades wouldn't have its stat boosted every time it was used throughout a game anymore but there was nothing more game breaking than arkis using a z move arceus was also better than ever defensively as it now had an easier time tanking mega salamench's flying stab thanks to gen 7's aerial late nerf that said the nerf to burn damage made the willow whiff's chip of support arcus worms less effective though this was also helpful for making special arcus forms much better at eating burns the premiere form was now ground not only was handling primal groudon as important as ever it was also key for dealing with necrosma dust ming upon ultra sun and moon's release combine was its primary set as it was a brutal special sweeper that didn't care for special balls like mcgiron and dust main while ice beam allowed it to handle zygarde complete rayquaza and mega salamance effectively however that was far from all it could do support arceus ground was an excellent defensive pillar on many teams checking a variety of threats and either the foggy stuff rock away or setting rocks up itself and of course the sword's dead set was always a massive threat turning the tables on the ho-oh and primal kyogre that would check the car minder it often didn't even need a boost to be threatening tectonic rage ripped the likes of xerneas ferrothorn and primo kyogre apart what about arceus normal you ask well speaking of ultra sun and moon the addition of marsh shadow finally provided the world's best extreme killer check it was faster immune to extreme speed and destroyed arceus with a vicious close combat it was also more difficult for extreme killers to pack all the moves that wanted to get past all its checks many of them new additions including but not limited to zygarde complete cela stila necrosma dust main and haze toxipex the increased popularity of ferrothorn and physically defensive foul play of veltal was severely detrimental as well however never count e killer out not only was its immunity to moon guys being crucial for its team's capacity to handle scarf lunala it was still one of the most dangerous pokemon around in spite of the new thorns in its side mars shadow was its biggest obstacle so what did arceus do it slapped on chapel berry and completely turned the tables on marsh shadow destroying it with shadow claw it could similarly wreck its other checks depending on what his team needed it to do despite all these new answers and the weakening of its partner mega solomon's aerolate e-killer was still a staple on hyper offense teams and was a major reason why the style continued to be one of the most dangerous in the tier arceus ferry became even more prominent and valuable in generation 7. its role from oraz was even more valuable now as in addition to so reliably getting up stealth rock and countering its previous targets of javelt rayquaza and mega salamance it was also an excellent answer to the new additions of zygarde complete and marsh shadow even the ubiquity of the crosma dust main could be spun in arceus fairy's favor dustman didn't exactly want to switch into it if it was carrying willows arceus water also reprised its role from oras answering arcus ground was even more important now handling eruption primal groudon remained imperative and just like archie's fairy it handled mega salamance rayquaza and zeiger complete while also crucially countering hoho and dust man it even acted as a solid check to mega lucario pivoting into its iron tails and resisting potentially boosted bullet punches arceus dark stepped into a defining role its defensive utility was invaluable in saving off both the crowds with dusting and ultra necrozma as well as completely devouring lunala stifling develop and effectively checking mega mewtwo y while its bulk let it retain the standard support arcgis capability of checking mega salamance zagar complete and rayquaza it was also distinct as a support arcus form unafraid of shadow tech trapping from both gothitel and mega gengar like in the previous generation the highly centralized nature of the immensely power crypt metagame meant that while some variants of arceus remained among the best pokemon in the world its remaining form struggled to make an impact with the surprising exception of arceus flying the great neutral coverage of his judgment allowed it to effectively run a refreshed combine set that easily bypassed the tier's toxic span however though its niece was legitimate it struggled to find usage as regular as that of the more prominent forms and no other forms managed to establish themselves as anything more than a gimmick again overall arcus was still one of the best most important pokemon around and was used in some form on every serious competitive team it was just that it was more limited in terms of which forms were viable than ever before though that is just one way of looking at it another way which would be similarly accurate would be that the traits from a select few arcusworms especially ground were too valuable to pass up in the context of the strongest uber's metagame ever perspective is everything yes arceus is the creator of all but that also means he continues to create stronger and stronger pokemon and he is still one of the best of the best and that's it so how good was arceus actually well if you're familiar with competitive pokemon you know that just because a pokemon is legendary doesn't make it good the sordid histories of articuno and ante are testament enough to that arceus is basically the complete opposite of that its in-game status as the creator of all would lead one to expect the world from it and it somehow managed to provide even more in its debut generation it was agreed to be too much for ubers years before it even brought mega rayquaza into existence and that was when it had an eevee cap limit that effectively brought its stats to barely above those of mew then the playerbase arrogantly believed they would be able to contain its power and chose to retroactively undo the arcus ban the resulting metagame proved to be a farce and arcus returned to its status as the original uber that was too good for ubers thanks to its chameleonic multi-type arceus was simultaneously several of the best pokemon in the four generations of ubers it has existed and thus far persevering through power creep of its own creation it's likely looking that brilliant diamond and shining pro will be a let's go pikachu and eevee type spin-off and i mean that in the sense that it's a side game and not like that it literally has pokemon go mechanics but anyways so it doesn't look like arcus will make an appearance in generation 8 uber's proper but if it did it would once again rank amongst the best of the best instead it will settle for dominating bdsp uber's the only way it can ave archaeous though i guess arcus can't really complain because it's finally a box art legendary because it has its own game now thanks for watching everyone and as always if you like the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to false white gaming for more weekly pokemon content and in the comments i want to know what do you think about competitive arceus which of its forms is your favorite whatever it is let me know in the comments also thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well [Music] [Music] and follow my currently social media platforms and that's all i got see you next time everyone wow [Music]
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 1,007,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming, Arceus, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, Pokemon Shining Pearl
Id: Vx8BFzTOi-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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