How Good is the Quasar Cannon? Full Tutorial and Breakdown with Loadout/Build Helldivers 2

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welcome back lady and gentlemen today we have hell divers to hottest new weapon the quazar cannon oh my God to cultured individuals this will be renowned as the queso Cannon and after four stacking it against both factions on stream and completing a solo no death versus the Aton and terminas with it alongside a bunch of different testing I have a pretty good grasp on it so we'll be breaking down the entire thing with some fun thematic builds to excuse me super mega meta builds to go with it like call my builds and guides are always posted in my Discord first and it's where I announce everything so make sure you join or I'll steal your sunglasses so all that stuff is linked down below for you already and for now we're lighting this off with the queso Canon breakdown it's the new support weapon that cost 7500 requisition and does not take up a backpack slot it has infinite ammo and is essentially a rechargeable energy rocket that has so much peen even head shots turn into back shots the total charge time is 3 seconds before you can shoot and resets if you let go the total cool off time and end up being 10 seconds for a total of a 13-second refire time this didn't change on a hot planet at all because it seems to be a cool down time rather than a true cool off time like all the other energy weapons so I'm assuming this doesn't change on cold planets either and you also can't break this heat sink like a normal energy weapon because of this there also isn't any heat sink degradation after I did my fives 10 and 20 tests but if you're curious about how the other energy weapons work and their heat sink degradation or how they work in different climates this chart is still accurate this patch and the entire video breakdown is the first link in the description h honly I spent close to 30ish hours testing energy weapons last week and I almost threw up when I saw a new one but thankfully the queso Cannon doesn't have the same inconsistent issues that the other energy weapons do the thing it did get from most of the energy weapons is that it's very quiet when it's crouched and it seems to have weird threat thresholds the explosion does let you bait enemies over to where you want them but can also aggro things to you because of the increased threat radiuses on the enemies and the explosion itself so like a 50/50 on a stealth weapon but I don't think this was meant to be as stealthy as it even is right now and of course it can blow up container doors now its main weakness is getting overwhelmed by chaff and taking any kind of hit while you're charging or about to shoot will make it blast off into the stratosphere the most important tip I have for this weapon and probably the most important thing in general for it is that you need really good movement spacing and positioning to make the most out of it I always recommend light armor but after using this with medium and heavy I felt like I needed the light armor so that I could always be in the best position to shoot it otherwise I would just get overwhelmed or not be able to make the space I needed to be able to charge it in time and remove what I needed to this is also purely from a tier N Hell dive perspective that's all I play either Solo or in groups so my best solo tips are that you always need to have stun grenades on hand even in a group the stun grenades are huge so that way you can stop the Chargers Hulks and bow Titans from coming in on you and then you can set up the perfect shot on them and in a group you always want to play out in front to remove the heavy armor to patrol first then fall back and clean the rest up with your team stunning packs and Solo or group let you keep situations under control but when things do fall apart as long as you keep the enemy armor in check it'll give your team a lot of breathing room to remove everything else without panicking and when people do start panicking it causes death Spirals and that's when game starts s Bing out of control now something that doesn't get talked about a lot is how effective a weapon is at removing your fellow hell divers three you don't have to tell me twice two one go oh he started charging early I missed I don't know if I my head spun off of my body he died so it's a one shot as you can see It'll take your head clean off if you're not wearing your Shades it also has a small blast an AOE damage if you're too close to the Target and can rag doll you so you just need to be careful for that it also penetrates to a certain level letting you blow off multiple pieces of chargers in some cases but I haven't been able to blow off two pieces of a b Titan yet but on the charger topic it's a good time to break down how it plays against the Terminus the quazar cannon is easily an S tier weapon against them the spam armor that gets thrown at you gets qu outed so fast you'd think the biggest streamer was just Banning them off your screen the Chargers only take one shot to the head to remove and this can be done from quite a few different angles but since they love running at you in a straight line if you just stand your ground 50% of the time 100% of the time you'll blow his head and his back out before he can blow yours out it also takes one shot to rip the leg armor off so if you miss you can just blast it with your primary and in some cases you can just instantly kill it by shooting it in the leg but this was fairly inconsistent and I also don't really see a point in shooting it in the butt at all just because you would cause a death rattle on it and there's no real point in that way you can just kill it in one shot now as for B Titans they take two direct headshots to remove but like each or recoil say they have to be well placed otherwise it takes three to four but if you miss one shot will rip the armor off its back back opening it up to be killed by The Scorch or impact grenades and as for the legs I tried bossing it quite a few times it didn't really get anywhere so I'll assume this just isn't happening the best part about the entire thing is when you get that lucky impact ragd doll and it just sends whatever enemy you hit flying that's probably my favorite part about the entire thing now as for shrier nness they only take two shots irrelevant of distance to remove I took this one out at 460 M and this is the farthest I could really get away from one so I'm assuming that anywhere from 0 to 450 M will always take two shots and it also on shots the regular Spore Towers you can also remove bug holes with this thing which means it opens your grenade slot up for that stun and ends up running out your kit perfectly to cover all this weapons weaknesses now if you blast anything below a charger you'll just oneshot it and evaporate it especially if you're feeling disrespectful these scavengers have been asking for it for a while now in general I think the quazar Canon is probably my new favorite armor removal tool for the terminat and when we played the quo quartet on stream it was a ridiculous amount of fun to be able to blow out the map like that and it really reminded me of every time we bring for eats but moving on to the automatons one of my favorite parts of the queso Cannon was the ability to blow out drop ships I was doing this with eats pretty regularly but being able to remove some of the Bots that are on drop ships feels really good but with the hover movement combined with smoke and Laser fire it makes them really hard to hit in a lot of cases I'm just really happy they gave this the option to do that because when you kill a drop ship out of the sky it's one of the most cinematic moments you can get in the entire game and it just feels really good to do you can also blow Hulk face plates out in one shot this can be extremely dangerous though and in the build section I recommend stun grenades to help out with this it also takes three shots for the armor if you miss the head and surprisingly two to the heat sink as for regular tanks it takes two to the side or heat sing to blow them out but three to the front mantle and the big laser machine gun tanks take two shots to the side or if you shoot them directly in the guns like you would with a normal rocket it'll still take them out in those two shots turrets also work the same as normal tanks with two shots from the back or side or three right through the front mantle again and you can also blow up the bot Fabricators with it too you just can't destroy the eyes of Sauron or the Jammers as for Rocket Devastators you can one shot them but peing them with this thing can be very scary and the shield guys are pretty much your hard counter you can't really kill them effectively because the shield can eat two shots so you're forc to headshot them and there's a good chance they'll Flinch or kill you by the time you get the shot off so it's just better to use your primary for them now the builds I have for the automatons and terminat are just based off the laser cannon wave motion build that we just made but it's a lot more well-rounded now and feels a lot more balanced than it did before and even though the laser guard dog likes to ruin every solo no death run I take it to the right of Victory is The Blood of Heroes it still covers your weaknesses ands the build that every time I watch that clip it makes me so mad but I also think you always want to take the cluster or eag strike so you don't get overran if I didn't have cluster in the solo runs I did it would have just been infinitely harder and thematically you can take the orbital Laser cannon for big energy it's just not great versus the bugs but since you can remove all the armor so well it ends up being pretty good against the small targets it's just the three use limit feels bad when you're only kill killing like sub brw commanders with it so I think just replacing this with 500 kg because it's cool or napom her area denial would be just fine but I think bringing a Sentry turret to taunt things off of you for better positioning would probably be even better and you guys probably know how much I love my Sentry so I'm hoping they add a laser one to make my energy builds even more thematic now the sickle and Redeemer round out a lot of trash removal that strats can't cover and the stun grenade combined with the plus two perk on the engineering light armor really made this build Shine for me it's a key part of being able to get the spacing you need to make the most out of the queso Cannon's armor but that light armor is a super credit rotation so if you don't have it any light armor works you just really need for the movement stamina regeneration the same idea goes for the automaton build but positioning vers them is even more important when we look at the basic gear it ends up being exactly the same but here we always need to take things that remove a rocket and shield boys because they will overwhelm you so the scorcher ends up being really solid for this but I still really like the signle against the Bots and usually the orbital laser is the goat for resetting the screen but whenever you have four strategems against the Bots the cool down is too long to make it worth it again these are tier 9 hell dive build so if you have four strategems you have 50% cool down and 100% call in time but on Lower difficulties it probably ends up being fine I just really lik replacing this with orbital Precision strike because it feels really good at removing all those targets versus the Bots I also take the cluster all the time versus the automatons because of its massive area removal and the ability to break the pieces off of all the different Devastators so whenever the minus one modifi in effect I think my build will end up as cluster queso and shield but in the future whenever the Bots stop shooting through walls I'll probably stop using the shield again just because I wasn't really relying on it in the first place until uh they completely broke the bots so for now overall I think the queso can is one of the most fun thematic and cool weapons in the entire game and reminds me of how well the auto Cannon is made but I know a lot of people are saying it's the Omega broken super meta oh my God it changed everything in Soo mode and I think when you look at things from a tier five perspective everything is overpowered in Soo mode but I exclusively focus on how things feel in tier 9 hell Dives and I don't think it's as Omega broken as most people are making it out to be don't get me wrong it's really good mainly because of the free backpack slot and infinite ammo but I still think it's worth taking eats in a lot of cases it's just when I compare it to the other Rockets it makes the recoil and spear feel mediocre because of their terrible ammo economy and it just shows that they should buff that portion of them on ammo pickups I think the theory is that at the cost of ammo or being consumable they get to shoot instantly but in the Spear's case it just gets none of that The devb Bu version of this that they show in the preview when you hover over it is not the same as the live version when you do pick up ammo you only ever get one rocket back and it takes anywhere from two to four to consistently kill a bile Titan only one if you ever get lucky and that ends up feeling even more terrible because the lock on is still extremely inconsistent so if any kind of balance does need to happen it's to fix the normal rocket launcher issues which is the ammo economy and to just overall fix the spear so that it works the way that they advertise it the big drawback for the queso Cannon is the charge up time when you play on the hardest difficulty the raw amount of enemies tier 9 throws at you doesn't just let you stand around and pop shots off the Bots end up gun punching you into outer space every single time you take a hit from a laser and that's if you don't get instantly killed by one of the 10,000 things flying at you and it forces you to invest a ton of stun grenades killing that entire resource from you just to be able to shoot back at them and the main thing versus the bugs that I've been reading everywhere is that people are struggling with Hunters so the quazar cannon doesn't help with that at all but it is easily the best armor removal tool for the terminats right now if you build your entire kit around it and without stun grenades you really start feeling its weakness on the hardest difficulties and it really does just struggle against a boss without it so I don't think it's egregiously broken when you have to build everything around it especially when I think about the kind of bosses will have to fight in the future now I do have a feeling they will nerf it after seeing how they handled the rail gun being overhyped but it's not like patch one where there was a bunch of stuff that just wasn't working correctly or was just flat out bad that's why I do want to give my opinion about balance on the quazar cannon if they Nerf the damage or charge time it just becomes annoying to use versus the termined and becomes essentially worthless versus the Bots I know they said they wanted some weapons to be for certain things but I just don't see the point in making something irrelevant versus faction for no reason it just removes player agency so if anything was to be nerfed with the queso Cannon which I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be the case in the first place it should just be the heat scene cooldown time being changed into a cool off time it's the only thing that wouldn't make the weapon feel like trash to use and it would make it more thematic in different climates like the other energy weapons meaning hot versus cold would have a drastic difference like it already does with the laser cannon and it would give a chance to blow the heat sink out if you were just playing bad I put a lot of work into trying to understand all of the weapons Tred in the game so we'll be updating our balance feedback form on stream again for the current patch uh probably fairly soon but most importantly I do want to know your guys favorite Parts about the quazar cannon mine is the audio on it because it just makes it feel like I'm shooting Like a Star Wars cannon but that's going to be all for now and I wish you guys the best of luck out there
Channel: Claysthetics
Views: 20,924
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Keywords: Helldivers 2, From Claysthetics, Related, Live, For you, Watched, Recently uploaded
Id: WYr2E-usdi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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