How Gandalf Would BREAK FRODO'S MIND If He Took The One Ring! 🤯 | Lord of the Rings Lore

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today's video is in partnership with better help the One Ring within the Lord of the Rings saga the moment we are looking at today arises when Gandalf suggests the Frodo that forcibly taking the one ring from him would break his mind this is a really intriguing concept from the book so please sit back relax and enjoy the video build me a worthy of more remember everyone if you find this video helpful informative or entertaining today please remember to hit that subscribe button below by subscribing you'll never miss out on any of our latest videos and you'll be supporting us to continue creating great content like this I am not trying to rob you I'm trying to help you this all starts in the shadow of the past chapter Gandalf talks to Frodo about how Bill will first claimed the one ring and the power it quickly had over him Gandalf explains how I could not take it from him without doing greater harm and I had no right to do so anyway and then 12 Pages later in the same chapter Gandalf tells Frodo after seeing how it was already claing its influence onto him and I could not make you except by force which would break your mind before delving into the potential repercussions of gandal forcibly taking the one ring from Frodo it is imperative to understand the complexities surrounding the ring this is not a mere trinket it is a device steeped in dark magic gandal possessing more of a deep understanding than most of such artifacts perceives aspects of the Ring's influence that might elude the comprehension of the likes of Hobbits or men this is evident when he arrives at rendal and probes Frodo's thoughts during the latter Slumber together insights about the events leading up to that moment although we must admit goov does apologize for this intrusion as it is seen as quite improper wrestling it away could be devastating though considering the immense psychological attachment one could form with the ring recall Gandalf's painstaking efforts with Bilbo employing logic and enchantment to persuade him to part with the ring throughout their conversation Gandalf's eyes occasionally gleam a detail that talking really does draw our attention to this phenomenon Bears similarities to when gandal has his actions at medus the golden call in edas when he liberates Theoden King from saran's influence in both scenarios even when dealing with Resolute individuals Gandalf masterfully combines empathy and the mystical properties of his voice to attain his objective but back to Bilbo recalling the intense confrontation with him and Gandalf highlights the profound influence of the ring in that heated moment Bilbo seemingly consumed by the Ring's power very nearly draws his sword against Gandalf one of his oldest and most loyal friends the incident paints a vivid image of belbo a man teetering on the edge of emotional collapse Gandalf aware of the delicate state bbo is in approaches this situation then with caution as he later confides in Frodo forcibly taken the ring might have left Bilbo so devastated that he couldn't have even been able to journey to rendal on his own before we carry on with today's video there is something that I want to talk about and that is mental health you know I and I know others who have faced challenges in their lives that sometimes they just find them all a little bit overwhelming but reaching out and speaking to a professional therapist makes a world of difference and that's why today I'm in a paid partnership with better help and I want to share this message with you better help is an incredible platform that connects you with a qualified therapist who's trained to listen and offer valuable advice I know how tough it can be to find the right therapist near you or how some of you might feel uncomfortable with those face Toof face interactions and that is where better help shines you can have therapy sessions via phone calls video chats or even just messaging it's about what makes you feel comfortable to get started all 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would encourage so please do consider it but now let's carry on with today's video Jr talking's Works often revolve around the moral choices of characters when confronted with great power the One Ring itself a symbol of unbridled power and seduction serves as a touchstone for these ethical dilemas to forcibly take the ring from someone is not merely a physical act but also a deeply moral violation it would strip the bearer of their agency disregarding the complex Bond and internal struggles they experience with the Ring's pull Gandalf's decision to refrain from taking the ring from Frodo by force can be viewed as an embodiment of one of toi's recurring themes the respect for individual Free Will and the Peril of Domination by recognizing the sanctity of Frodo's relationship with the ring regardless of how destructive it might be gandal is is adhering to a higher moral standing this theme is also evident in other aspects of the narrative such as the reluctance of the wise to use the ring for their purposes fearing its corrupting influence in the letters of JRR talking the author touches upon the theme of domination and moral choice he writes the story is cast in terms of a good side and a bad side Beauty against ruthless ugliness tyranny against kingship moderated Freedom with consent against compulsion that has long lost any object save me power this quote shows tolk's aversion to unbridled power and domination Gandalf's refusal to employ Force mirrors his way of thinking emphasizing the significance of moral agency even in the face of world altering power a valuable resource in understanding the intricacies of such interactions are again the letters of Jr toi those ones that were curated and published in 1981 by his son Christopher one particular letter that we will look at quite deeply today was pen in September of 1963 and addressed to a Mrs eileene alga here toing responds to a comment about Frodo's failure to relinquish the ring at the cracks of Doom this topic is also one that really could be dived into far more deeper in a future video and it is one I'd love to do so just drop me a like on the video and a comment of Frodo's failure down below if you would like to see that mate but anyway within this letter Li a trove of insights regarding the one ring and its influence on the members of the fellowship particularly striking is commentary on Frodo's inability to part with it Frodo undertook his quest out of love to save the world he knew from disaster at his own expense if he could and also in complete humility acknowledging that he was wholly inadequate to the task his real contract was only to do what he could to try to find a way and to go as far on the road as his strength of Mind and Body allowed he did that I do not myself see that the breaking of his mind and will and demonic pressure after a torment was any more a moral failure than the breaking of his body would have been Say by being strangled by Gollum or crushed by a fallen rock that appears to have been the Judgment of Gandalf and Aragon and of all who learned the full story of his journey certainly nothing would be concealed by Frodo but what Frodo himself felt about the events is quite another matter it's been four years to the day since we the tops s it's never really healed it is interesting to see how talk himself does not see it as a moral failure and then if we carry on in the next passage we understand how much damage Frodo took in his role as ringbearer and how he feels about his failings and the effects which Linger on disappointment despite ultimate success those invisible scars which war inflict on the soul of a person who does go to war he appears at first to have no sense of guilt he was restored to sanity and peace but then he thought that he had given his life in sacrifice he expected to die very soon but he did not and one could observe the disqui growing in him Arwin was first to observe the signs and gave him her jawel for comfort and thought of a way of healing him slowly he Fades out of the picture saying and doing less and less I think it is clear on reflection to an attentive reader that when his Dark Times Came Upon him and he was conscious of being wounded by knife sting and tooth and a long burden it was not only nightmare memory of past Horrors that Afflicted him but also unreasoning self-reproach he saw himself and all that he' done as a broken failure Tolen goes on to clarify what Frodo means what such thoughts were and where they may have came from he explains how there were two primary Temptations to internal conflicts froo grappled with one a lingering sense of Pride which manifested as a desire for recognition and to return as a hero rather than simply serving as an instrument of good and two a more profound struggle where despite the Ring's destruction Frodo still felt attached to it he hadn't voluntarily cast it away the part of him regretted its loss and continued to yearn for it in essence he emphasizes how different the complex nature of Frodo's internal battle and the Nuance relationship he had with the ring really were when it comes down to it in the moment of realization that it is over that the Dominion of mind body and spirit which the ring held over him had passed and he Mourns its passing he says it is gone forever and now all is dark and empty again from that same letter we learn how talking understands the ring and the way it acts on people it intends to ens snare and enslave as he says it was part of the essential deceit of the Ring to fill Minds with imaginations of supreme power but this the great had well considered and had rejected as is seen in alivan's words at the council gad's rejection of the Temptation was founded upon previous thought and result olve in any case Alon or galadrial would have proceeded in the policy now adopted by Sauron they would have built an Empire with great and absolutely subservient generals and armies and engines of War until they could challenge Sauron and destroy him by force confrontation of Sauron alone and a it self to self was not contemplated one can imagine the scene in which Gandalf say was placed in such a position it would be a delicate balance on one side the true allegiance of the Ring to Sauron on the other Superior strength because Sauron was not actually in possession and perhaps also because he was weakened by long corruption and expenditure of well in dominating inferiors if Gandalf proved the Victor the result would have been for Sauron the same as the destruction of the ring for him it would have been destroyed taken from him forever but the ring and all its Works would have endured it would have been the master in the end the one Rings hold is akin to a potent addiction it seduces its bearers with Promises of GR aner only to plunge them into profound despair as photo laments all is dark and empty suggesting we might need to reevaluate the depths of the Ring's grip on him by the time he must relinquish it Tolen underscores the lingin wounds left by the ring quoting gandaf alas there are some wounds that cannot be wholly cured it is evident that the ringing snares Frodo in a mental rather than physical prison this different kind of entrapment may explain why Gandalf couldn't exert the same subtle influence on Frodo as he did on Bilbo recall again the 10th standoff when Bilbo under the Ring's magic goes to draw his sword against Gandalf his closest Ally that confrontation offers a glimpse into the subtle almost Invisible Magic Gandalf uses attempting to gently unravel the Ring's deep-seated hold on Bilbo's Soul using Force might inflict irrevocable mental trauma which Gandalf is obviously Keen to avoid if we take this time now though to look at at that final Moment of Truth when the ring finally conquers the will of Frodo Baggins once and for all a wild light came into Frodo's eyes stand away don't touch me he cried it is mine I say be off his hand strayed to his sword hilt but then quickly his voice changed no no Sam he said sadly but you must understand it is my burden and no one else can bear it it is too late now Sam dear you can't help me in that way again I am almost in its power now I could not give it up and if you tried to take it I should go mad Professor tol's narrative exhibits meticulous care revisiting a poignant concern from chapter 2 the shadow of the past when Frodo first receives the ring the story culminates in Frodo's eventual breaking or be it not at Gandalf's hands the ring with its Insidious influence weaves intricate webs within the psyche of its Bearer initiating a process of mental subjugation from the moment it starts interacting with Frodo to the ring Frodo becomes an involuntary accomplice in its designs it successfully dominates Frodo at a crucial juncture and had it not been for Gollum who retained his obsession and emotional chains even after years without the ring events might have unfolded differently Frodo Baggins gave his all journeying to the furthest reaches that his Hobbit heart and feet could endure when we quickly reflect on Gollum with this all too we see in him a chilling mirror image of Frodo's potential fate a star reminder of the internal battles waged and the dire outcomes if one were to yield to the Ring's Temptations once golum had not been all that different from Frodo however his extended possession of the Ring altered him to such an extent that he grew to despise the Sun's light and his Relentless yearning drove him to dwell in the shadows and later to stalk the fellowship his obsession reached at Zenith at Mount Doom where he consumed by his desires met his Doom along with the very object of his infatuation it paints a heart Frenching picture of the overpowering nature of addiction which leaves marks not just on the body but also gnaws away at the soul in the face of gollum's end Frodo's ability to ward off the Ring's seductive pole stands out even more distinctly with each step on his hazardous Voyage the Ring's enticements intensified and the looming threat of Golem's eventual fate shadowed him yet Frodo an unassuming Hobbit by all accounts bore its burden longer than most could have anticipated this speaks volumes of the might of his spirit and his unwavering resolve when juer poost with other iconic figures from Middle Earth his commendable resilience is further magnified Frodo susceptibilities in no way lessen our admiration for him talking's musing on how even gandal arguably the most wise and formidable being of his era might have wavered under the Ring's burden too makes it all the more clearer casting blame upon our fearless Hobbit seems almost Unthinkable token's profound message underscores the dire consequences of unchecked ambition and greed Beyond its superficial Allure the ring of power is a malevolent shackle insidiously embedding itself within its Bearer psyche separating the ring from its possessor becomes as intricate as extracting gum from hair if gandal were to employ Brute Force the repercussions could be disastrous The Narrative repeatedly illustrates that war power is distinct from True strength just as cleverness differs from wisdom a central theme woven through the Ring's Journey shows that the Journey's means are as vital as its end Tolen concludes his letter emphasizing this very sentiment if Gandalf proved the Victor the result would have been for Sauron the same as the destruction of the ring for him it would have been destroyed taken from him forever but the ring and all its Works would have endured it would have been the master in the end Gandalf as ring Lord would have been far worse than sa he would have remained righteous but self-righteous he would have continued to rule and order things for good and the benefit of this subject according to his wisdom which was and would have remained great Gandalf's caution to Frodo about the dire consequence of forcibly taking the ring sheds light on the Ring's formidable power and how it insidiously ens snares its Bearer it's an allegory of the profound harm that can ensue from abrupt intervention akin to hastily removing an arrow and worsening the wound crucially the letter emphasizes that vanquishing Sauron requires more than just adopting his methods true Conquest over malice fear and hatred comes through love courage and hope this profound wisdom is one of the Myriad of insights talking bequeaths to us enhancing our understanding and enriching our lives the ring is yours now put it somewhere out of sight so there we have it token's Narrative of Gandalf and Frodo's relationship in the context of the one Ring's immense power is a study in Restraint understanding and the profound complexities of the human Spirit Gandalf's wisdom prevented him from forcibly taking the ring recognizing that such an act could shatter Frodo's mind instead the hobbit's internal resilience and quiet courage carried the weight of middle Earth's fate with golum as a constant Grim reflection of the potential corruption the story underscores the danger of unchecked ambition in Gandalf's prudence and Frodo sacrifice talking illustrates that true Victory lies not in Domination but in compassion understanding and the strength of spirit with that now though it is time for my question of the day which is how do you think things would have gone if gandal had taken the One Ring how would have this affected everything that happened afterwards how would this have turned Gandalf let me know all of your thoughts and theories on this in the comment section down below and now to shout out our patrons you guys are continuing to support our short film the guard we are making good progress and I cannot thank you all enough we of course have the fire demon tier member of nashe and the WID staff tier members of Andrew and Hunter so finally if you've managed to reach the end of this video today and you've really enjoyed what you've seen then please do consider 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Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 25,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, Tolkien Lore, Lotr lore, what if gandalf took the ring, what if frodo turned into gollum, what if gandalf stole the ring, what if gandalf claimed the ring, the one ring, sauron the one ring, what if frodo failed, frodo the one ring, gandalf the one ring, bilbo the one ring, the shadows of the past, why did gandalf not know the one ring
Id: 4ILyYeDO3Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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