How Gabbie Hanna Became A Target (Ft. The Right Opinion)

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today i'm doing a video that i've gone back and forth with myself for months trying to decide if i should do it the only two times i've met this youtuber her name is gabianna and look here's the thing first and foremost yes she's a freaking drama queen i'm a [ __ ] dragon so i'm gonna just put this out there and tell my issues with her because i keep texting her telling me to leave me alone um wow i'm way more nervous than i thought i was going to be for my subscribers who have been here a while who are so beyond patient and understanding with me when i don't post or film videos for this channel i am so sorry that this is my first video back after like four months [Music] so places like youtube twitter and instagram are all places to not just communicate with others and present yourself to a bigger audience but there are also places to document yourself if you so choose to but with doing this you are opening your past thoughts and opinions up to the public eye and in some cases even friendships or other things that you may hold personally this in itself can lead people to either see how your character has changed over time or for another majority lead people to come across something that they might not entirely agree with and see you in a frail light which brings out people to criticize you and hold you accountable for your past actions and in most cases for this most people aren't doing this just to hate on someone though i do admit this is the case for some people but the reason why a lot of these people will bring up a person's past is to simply see if they still hold that same view of things that they had however long ago it was shown now as many youtubers and content creators i too face the same thing kind of i don't entirely agree with some of my opinions in my older videos and nor do i like a lot of my past videos at all and for those wondering i keep them up because i like to look back sometimes and see how much i've personally changed and grown and if people want to criticize me or disagree with what i've had to say in those past videos that's perfectly fine i expect that nonetheless because of how opinionated i can be in some of my videos but that's just the life of being a public figure not everyone is going to like you but what matters with this is how you as a public figure deals with the criticism given to you and any possible slander or random shenanigans people decide to splurge out and this is something that i'll later be going into more depth on because it relates to today's topic of discussion so let's now talk about the person in question gabby hannah now i know there's going to be a few people who don't know who she is but for those who already know about her and her content don't worry there's time steps in the description if you want to skip past this part but for those who don't know gabby hannah was a fairly big vine star and during her time on fine she ran a youtube channel that later would have both audiences from vine and youtube combined her older videos consisted of storytelling makeup tutorials vlogs and relationship advice the content she was making was pretty good material at the time it was being made and this allowed her to gain a bigger audience than what she already had some might even say that she was on the road to success which in hindsight was true because currently she sits at well over 6 million subscribers a pretty good accomplishment i must say and even now she still has quite a bit of relevance on this platform for both good and bad reasons her videos now though are of much higher quality and she tends to stick with making vlogs and on occasion she'll drop a music video though her genre of content hasn't changed too much now from an outside perspective i see her doing pretty good for herself her videos gain a pretty decent amount of views especially for someone who's been on this platform for as long as she has not a lot of people can hold relevance for the amount of time she's been on this platform so big ups for her for that but as nosy as i am i started digging into her channel statistics because i'm always curious to see how my fellow content creators are doing and luckily there's websites like socialblade that let me see stuff like that and when i started looking at her subscribers i noticed something pretty off because through the start and end of 2019 and even now she's been losing subscribers like crazy in an entire month she lost over 160 000 subscribers and the month after that she lost a hundred thousand and after that it's been an ongoing cycle of her losing an average of 30 000 to 60 000 subscribers every month this wasn't just on youtube either she was losing followers on both instagram and twitter just as much and that's not something that just happens so something must have been going on there's also been a multitude of videos being made on her from that same time period and me being the curious person i am i wanted to find out why this was happening why were there so many people gaining such a dislike for her why did gabby hannah become such a big target let's find out [Music] so why do some people have a disliking or possibly a hatred towards gabby in a lot of cases it's due to recent events and in others it's due through a chain of events people eventually just get tired of someone's actions especially if they lack some improvement through their past mistakes so i thought the best way to find out where this disliking began was by simply looking through those past events and how they've all added up through time and see how much gabby really has changed the first thing that struck me wasn't too terrible i mean people do it all the time on twitter but i can understand why some people would be upset because of this due to the fact that people at this time saw gabby to be a comedian of some sort see gabby thought it would be a great idea to steal some jokes some even from fairly established comedians and believe it or not there was quite an uproar because of this which later led from a response from gabby in this video but in this video she mentions how some guy made a video on her where he talks about how she has stolen jokes on twitter from other comedians like bo berman for example now her defense in her video is that she had no intention for copying those jokes and some of the examples were years apart though later on in the video she does admit to stealing a joke from lewis ck but it wasn't intentional either i am finally addressing this whole joke stealing scandal basically i'm talking about this video that came out on december 23rd the reason i remember it is december 23rd is because it was my entire christmas and new years was on my phone when i should have been with my family just like obsessed with comments and followers and subscribers and just kind of my world felt like it was collapsing in and this guy made a video where he basically accused me of stealing jokes and profiting on other people's content and building this whole platform on other people's content and said that i was making money off the work of others et cetera et cetera on bo burnham and the wording was the wording is a little off it was like [ __ ] i forgot the titans or [ __ ] i keep forgetting the titans or i forgot about the titans something like that and then i had a tweet that was very similar and he pulled it up i don't remember if his exact words are very similar but he pulled up the tweets put them side by side and was like look bo burnham tweeted this and then a couple months later she tweeted this and they were actually years apart if you look at the date it was either two or three years apart so basically i i didn't i just didn't steal that i it's like either i creeped back on bo burnham for three years which i'm probably the biggest bo burnham fan on the planet but i didn't do that or i saw the tweet and then was sitting on it which is like waiting two or three years waiting for the perfect moment to tweet it that's not how it happened i was just in a store and i saw remember the titans and i was with my friends and i was like oh [ __ ] i forgot the titans and then i tweeted it feed and laughed stored it somewhere in my brain and then when i saw it i thought it but even if that happened i never intentionally stole that joke this louis ck bit the one that everybody like that's the one that keeps getting recycled over and over and over as like she steals jokes understandably so because i think when you look at the other ones you're sort of like okay that's kind of a stretch to say that she stole these tweets whatever but this louis ck joke the second i saw what he was doing where he put that next to that like mine versus his i was like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i stole that [ __ ] joke right the [ __ ] away like when i saw the bo burnham one i was like okay absolutely not like i did not steal that joke when i saw the louis ck one my heart dropped because i was like holy [ __ ] i've heard this before there's no way [ __ ] around that i heard it and i [ __ ] said it but i will say that it was not intentional i think you all get the premise of the video though she apologizes for having some of her jokes stolen and defends herself by saying that it wasn't her intention to also i'm not sure why she had to make this video over 20 minutes like a lot of it is filled with her rambling on about the situation gabby you didn't need to make it that long of a video but nonetheless i do think it's also important to mention that she does thank the person who made the video on her calling her out for this she seemed to be able to take criticism in this video and somewhat accepted her mistakes and i'm paying for it now and i've paid for it and honestly i'm glad it happened when it did as much as it hurt and as much as it sucked because i just learned earlier in my career that what's right and what's wrong and now i can kind of pass that message along and for everybody who was defending me saying like oh who cares she stole one joke it's not a big deal thank you for doing that but it is a big deal and even though the video that was made about me was really cruel and it seemed to come more of like a hateful place than than like a productive constructive place it happened and it [ __ ] happened and i'm i feel like there's more i want to say and if i think of more after i end this video then i will come back and say it awkwardly at the end but i'm [ __ ] sorry to anybody that i hurt i'm sorry to anybody who felt disrespectful or disrespected and dishonored i'm sorry that it took so long for me to own up to this and talk about it and i've learned to not be that person and i'm very grateful that i got called out i wish that i could have been called out in a more private respectable manner i wish that you know somebody kind of could have taken me under the ring and been like hey like this isn't cool that's my battery hey this isn't cool like you got to be more careful or whatever but now i triple check everything i like google it in 10 different forms like did somebody say this before and i do my very [ __ ] best to make sure that i'm not doing this [ __ ] forgetting that i saw it or you know what i mean i'm trying my [ __ ] best well that's not the case sorta with a quick glance i came across a youtuber called doc reviews and it just so happens he was the one that made the video on gabby now he actually made two videos which are now private but one of them was a follow-up to the last video which again is private so i can't show any of you what they said but luckily there's the wayback machine which archives things exactly like this and to my luck doc wrote everything we needed to know in the description the gabby show falsifies a copyright claim in an attempt to censor me virtually every aspect of the complaints and aroness big channels leveraging the popularity to bully smaller channels is a huge problem on youtube thankfully youtube had the sense to declare my review fair use i highly doubt that gabby will see any repercussions from this unless people start talking so gabby you say you're thankful that he made this video but you also made an attempt to strike it down you have an odd way of showing your love i will say that now i couldn't find any proof leading to the fact that she did actually try to take down his video but this does add some speculation showing that maybe there's more to the story we don't all know mind you though she made her apology video after she got backlash for doing this but what i find weird is that she never mentions the copyright strike in her video at all maybe she forgot to add it in maybe she realized it wasn't the best idea and wanted to move on or maybe she didn't want to give it any more attention than it already had i'm not entirely sure but i will say that it does strike some suspicions moving forward down the line though does anyone remember ricegum i do and the reason for that is because the first time i actually ever heard about the both of them was when all the news broke out that ricegum had allegedly hit gabby and broke her phone but honestly if ricegum ever wants to like live freestyle battle like dropping me right now [ __ ] i'll murder you [Applause] hey i just challenged you to a live battle on snapchat would you do it live why wouldn't you do it no i don't want to do it all right so bryce doesn't have his clothes today it's fine i think we're good [Applause] okay so update sorry if it looks like i'm crying um ricegum didn't think that joke was very funny and he hit me in the middle of a party and shattered my phone i can show you that in a sec i'm standing out on the balcony so that it doesn't like he literally like everybody's like did he hit you and i was like yeah now this entire situation was a bit crazy to say the least i mean most youtubers respond to allegations like these in some serious matter but ricegum decided to do what he does best and that was by making a diss track now before this ricegum did go on some news channels like scarce and told his side we actually have rice gum here yo what up what up yes you think i hit a girl but i did it yeah exactly so he dm me earlier today he's like dude i didn't do any of this this is all fake so i decided why don't we get on him on for an interview um so i'm gonna ask him a few questions here and let's see how he responds so what happened between the snapchats that gabby posted where she approaches you in one and then next she's claiming that you hit her all right so 100 people say there's two sides every story but there's literally only one side though like this is exactly what happened i'm not exaggerating this is exactly what happened right alex wasabi birthday party i literally moved to l.a yesterday i moved all my [ __ ] in i'm tired of [ __ ] it's nine nine pm or like even later i'm like i forgot alex hits me up like yo is my birthday come to this party and you know me and him are good friends so i pull up i'm tired of [ __ ] i'm on the couch doing my own thing i'm like in the snaps you can see me on the couch just relaxing right i'm on the couch chill go watch her snapchat before she came up to me she had two snapchats saying oh my god rice comes at this party i'm gonna go talk to him like she was planning to approach me planning to start stuff like i was literally minding my own business so so if she never like came up to me and and did what she did and i disrespected me i would not have done what i did so i was literally sitting talking to some guy she comes up to me and she's like ricegum let's have a rap battle like on snapchat i'm sitting there posting up she walks up and she's like right stuff and let's have a battle and you guys can see her first snap too i was like trying to play along because once again it was so awkward so that i was like and now so i did that super awkward tried to play along because i mean i didn't know what to do and then she post that snap i didn't really like it and she takes out her phone again and snapped and then and that second step where i was just sitting like speechless because whoa like think about it i was at a party i was not expecting people to record anything i was posted and she comes up to me right so then i asked her guys so while she's posting that second snap of just trashing me like talking [ __ ] in my face on camera and she says it's a joke like how's that joke when she's doing it but anyways after she posted that i was like hey can you not post that can you not do that like i asked her really nicely you can ask anyone at the party i did not hit her and there's actually proof that she has bruises on her knees before i quote unquote hit her whatever so she's just making up just saw that on twitter yeah that's exactly convincing there's literally proof of her bruises that i supposedly did but she had those bruises before then afterwards gabby responded with this video hi guys i just got out from a night out with my friends that's my friend's birthday which was really nice and um i received some texts that ricegum was posting a diss track on me tomorrow um i think it's very interesting that he waited a few days his ghostwriter must have been out of town or busy but he must be back oh burn no but it is interesting to me that he's responding to such a serious situation and such serious accusations with a diss track he basically talked about the misconceptions surrounding the situation this video is because i want to clear up some blatant lies that brian has been spreading the reason i posted this on my vlog channel in the first place which i'll link that initial video below so you can catch the full story in real time and see what i'm talking about as far as like the evidence goes and what i actually said i'll post that below um because i didn't want this to garner a lot of attention i didn't want this to be like a main channel drama video i just wanted to get my side out there because i knew he was going to get his side out there so i got my side out there as well and i did it on my smaller platform because i didn't want it to become this big thing but i don't know how people don't realize that rice gum has zero credibility at this point first and most importantly this is the thing that everybody keeps harping on and he keeps going on all these drama channels and doing these interviews saying that i said i said that he beat my ass or beat the [ __ ] out of me or punched him in the face he's making it seem like i i broke her phone and i beat her ass and the reality is i said the exact opposite publicly right away on multiple platforms i'm not saying that he like beat the [ __ ] out of me i'm not trying to say that like ricegum like bowed me down like punch me in the face he didn't like beat the [ __ ] out of me if that's the impression that you guys are getting he grabbed me like twisted my arm i think i said that and like held me down and i have like those scratches like up here and on my wrists and arm and like i had a big scratch on my leg i don't want it to seem like i'm like blowing this up and like he like punched me in the face and like destroyed my phone beyond repair no it's like cracked screen cracked camera scratches and stuff that night in the moment i made sure that none of my followers thought or were under the impression that i was saying that brian beat the [ __ ] out of me or punch me in the face anything like that and he's going to try to paint it like i backpedaled and i'm trying to take it back because initially i used the word hit which by the way the definition of hit is bring one's hand in contact with quickly and forcefully which he did cause harm or distress to which he did but i did say it in the heat of the moment as soon as it happened i kept saying rice come hit me because yes when a man is on top of you and grabbing at you it feels like yes he hit me and showed how ricegum was treating this with a lack of maturity one point showing that ricegum had made a video mocking her by scratching himself number three he says in an interview with scarce something along the lines of i couldn't even scratch her if i wanted to i don't have nails or i don't have nails i can't scratch bro i don't even have nails and then proceeds to post a degrading and disgusting video no look watch oh my god he hit me oh my god he hit me oh my god he hit me not only insinuating that i inflicted self-harm to frame him but also proving that he does in fact have nails that can leave scratch marks if he wants to now i wasn't there though there were some witnesses and i'm not sure how much accountability they have because one of them well one of their names is romeo and he uh got caught up in some scandals himself anywho this is what he had to say scum i'm cool with gabby so this is completely non-biased um i was sitting right there and i saw the whole thing happen i feel like a lot of misinformation is being thrown around and also the whole thing is being overly exaggerated um so basically you know what happened was me and ricegum were talking you know chit-chatting or whatever catching up and you know gabby sits on the couch and sticks the camera in his face snapping you know and obviously you know she didn't mean any harm by it she was joking around but she just keeps snapping and snapping you know and um you know we're at a birthday party so i feel like maybe it's not the right place and situation to be doing you know that kind of stuff because you know everyone's drinking so it's not like everyone wants to be on camera and things like that um you know she tells her like hey can you can you not post that and i think maybe she didn't realize that he was being serious and thought that maybe he was joking so she just kept snapping and you know doing more snaps talking about the discs and on the video you know or whatever and you know he asked her i think maybe like two or three more times like hey can you not post that and she just kept filming and he just jumped up you know and went to reach for her phone and she's sitting on the couch he's standing up and it was more of like a tug of war you know them pulling the phone back and forth maybe for a few seconds and then he snatched the phone out of her hand and slammed on the ground and broke the phone and then walked out um was he being aggressive yes definitely definitely more aggressive than he should have been for the situation did i see him hit her definitely not did he twist her arm definitely not um he wasn't pinning her down he didn't hit her he didn't twist her arm i i would say honestly this was just you know it was more of like a tug of war between you know grabbing the phone and he slammed the phone down and broke it that's pretty much all that really happened i feel like the whole situation is being completely blown out proportion over exaggerated i understand you know everyone's upset but i mean that's really what happened and that's all there really is to it um he left i talked to him afterwards um he sent two thousand dollars like right away pretty much to pay for the phone obviously the phone doesn't cost two thousand bucks so you know um and yeah that's pretty much all that happened i understand she was really upset uh he's probably really upset too i think the whole thing is just you know i would i would compare it to an aggressive argument you know i think honestly you know people just get an argument and a disagreement and you know it turns a little bit aggressive but no one was hit he basically states that gabby had kept annoying rice gum after him asking multiple times for her to stop recording him ricegum then stood up out of anger and then they had a tug-of-war like match with the phone ricegum then got the phone from gabby and smashed it on the ground now i'm not entirely sure how much credibility romeo has in this situation due to his allegations but i will say that it is still important to take what he says and to know now ricegum doesn't admit to twisting her arm like she states or anything else she said about him but he does admit to breaking her phone [ __ ] but no so i take her phone i grab it throw it on the floor and run away i will say though that rice gum did handle the situation immaturely it's expected because of his past behavior but that still doesn't excuse the way he handled it at all gabby also acted pretty upset that this became an online drama and that this shouldn't have been online in the first place which in her defense maybe she didn't know that this situation would have been as big as she thought it would be but she still must have understood that by putting this online there was going to be a conversation at hand within the community i'm not entirely sure what else she expected i was ready to go ahead and stop talking about this online because i don't think that this is something that should be an online drama thing yes i talked about it online in the heat of the moment and yes a lot of drama channels are covering it but i think that this is much more serious which is why you notice on twitter and everything i've stopped talking about do any of you like makeup i do and i experiment with it from time to time though i'm not that good at it still waiting for the day that i become a beauty guru though but hey what's an important tool to use when doing makeup like what's one of the most common things to be found in a makeup kit i honestly don't know but i assume it's brushes now gabby had decided to promote a brand one day the brand being called kenza cosmetics you see she had went onto her instagram story and posted this fine gem promotions on my instagram story but this company kenza cosmetics is giving away their makeup brushes for free from 2018 while supplies last and i figured it's free stuff why wouldn't i tell you guys all you have to pay is shipping here are some of the 2018 styles that they're trying to get rid of to make room for 2019 i love these ones these marble ones cute with that little fluffy bra shields yes so make sure to swipe up because that is where the link is available you know with all honesty it seems pretty harmless she's promoting 80 brushes that are on sale for free that's pretty good if you ask me but the problem here is that these brushes were cheaply made and some people have even claimed that they didn't receive their brushes at all now imagine what gabby's response to all of this would be would she simply apologize no no she wouldn't in fact she decided to respond by simply saying that people get what they pay for and shouldn't have such high expectations she also stated that the delivery dates were stamped on the site and she had even decided to contact the company about the delivery date for 10 shipping it's a dollar brush so when i got the samples i liked them they're soft i said this is something that i wouldn't mind showing my followers mostly confusing is people were calling it a scam days after they ordered and the website was pretty clear about you know the shipping times are long i believe it said between 10 and 21 business days and then at one point it said that you wouldn't be getting your brushes till after christmas since you know they're free brushes and you're ordering free brushes so there's gonna be a high order volume so i was very confused why everybody was making such a big deal about not getting their brushes yet when the website was pretty clear about not getting your brushes for a while so i emailed kenza cosmetics literally immediately and i sent them the screenshots of the followers that i was talking to and i said are you aware of this and they said we don't know why people are saying that we were very clear on the website about it being a long delivery time and then i pushed further i've been in conversation with them for a couple weeks now ever since this all started happening i've kind of been on their ass saying what's going on and then all these videos start popping up about um me not caring about my fans and just trying to make a quick buck and never having even held the brushes before so now that we've established that it's not a scam because it's not the website offers a product you pay for the product and then you get the product that is not a scam we can talk about the quality of the brushes which i've already covered i think that they're worth about a dollar a brush and that's why i felt okay advertising that to my followers because unlike these and so many others like these are plastic hard shitty brushes these are actually very soft movable fluffy brushes that in my opinion blend very well now are they these amazing high quality can't even believe it great brushes no i also never said they were what i said they were was free brushes and all you had to pay for was shipping so i'm not sure what quality people were expecting when they paid ten dollars for ten brushes and i'm genuinely sorry if anybody got their product and was disappointed in the product but i would also add manage your expectations a little bit people had a problem with this response though as gabby was promoting these brushes and they were marketed at eighty dollars if you ask me gabby you have some blame for giving your fans such high expectations it's like ridiculously nice outside right now so i'm gonna show everyone how to ruin a perfectly good day ah the vlog squad don't any of you just love david dobrik that's a genuine question by the way because i've never watched him before at least before having to make this video my sister likes his content though anywho gabby used to be a part of the vlog squad and for her own personal reasons she eventually left people found this to be odd and thought there was more behind the scenes and we're curious to see if there was any drama behind her leaving gabby eventually did an interview with shane dawson and decided to simply state that she left because she was busy and wasn't completely comfortable with them vlogging every single day it was simply just a lifestyle she didn't want to be a part of gabby also released a video titled leave it in 2018 addressing everything i've avoided all year the video is now unlisted but the premise of it all was to basically talk about all the speculations surrounding her in the past year and to move on from it the first few minutes of the video was just her simply dyeing her hair and doing a little vlog which was not needed for the video at all but besides that this video was not well received a lot of people were pretty upset because she didn't really address much besides the fact that she has a hard time with all the hate she gets and isn't comfortable working in this industry because of self i just i feel like this entire year has been me seeing [ __ ] about myself and not talking about it and then just kind of like pushing it down pushing it down pushing it down and then it piling on top and it kind of fed into itself and i'm a very anxious person and uh it's just been a rough year for a lot of reasons and i don't know where to start i saw this comment on my vlog channel recently that was like listen i don't mean this in any type of way like i'm not trying to hurt your feelings but i feel like you don't belong in this industry like you're too sensitive you're too fragile this isn't the industry for you and i was like damn true because i i am like an incredibly sensitive person to a huge fault it is so easy to break my heart my feelings get hurt really easy it's hard for me to brush stuff off i take stuff really personally something that i work on but obviously i'm not great at yet oh and she mentioned the vlog squad like she did with shane and talked about how nothing happened and all the speculation surrounding her and them is completely wrong she afterwards complains how she can't handle the speculation surrounding the vlog squad and was upset that people kept digging into that by trying to find out if something did happen but i think the reason this year felt so hard to navigate and heal from was because this wasn't people commenting on a situation this time around it wasn't just i think this did happen i think this didn't happen i think she's lying in this situation i think she's telling the truth in the situation it felt like people just hating me as a person all year because like nothing happened and so the hate felt more random and poignant it became just a game of people speculating on like my life and my relationships who i'm hanging out with who i'm not hanging out with and it was either i did something horrible to be removed from this group of people or i removed myself because i'm so selfish that i don't care about them and i don't want to be a part of their life i'm talking about the vlog squad obviously and that's something that i've wanted to like talk about for a long time i've started living my life in a way where i was like i can't do or say anything without immediately a list of things in my brain going but this could go wrong this would go through this and everything could just go wrong and you have these people in the industry to be like just ignore it just ignore it so let's just like get the vlog squad stuff out of the way the truth is between me and them nothing happened but later on in the video i started noticing a pattern with her behavior and her mindset with all of this she seems to really dig into everything and i mean that in a sense she continuously tries to tackle any comment made about her i know that's because in the video she talks about how people were tagging her and posts that included her ex-boyfriend and were saying things like how she's desperate for his love and a variety of other things and then little things that shouldn't matter but like still hurt my feelings because i'm a human being like people tagging me in videos or pictures of my ex-boyfriend and making compilations of us together from my vlogs and people commenting on it being like oh my god she's so desperate and pathetic like you can tell she's so in love with him and he would never want anything to do with her she's flirting with him so hard it's so cringy he would never date her and it's like well we were in a relationship for the better part of a year and that's why he was in a hundred of my vlogs where you just pulled these clips and these screenshots so like do you really think that you would have all of this content of him and i just hanging out together if he was so uncomfortable and i was being so cringy and awkward and making him feel weird and that's something that doesn't even matter it's just like an example of so many people like tens of thousands of comments at a time being like wow look at her i know that all this sounds like so incredibly just first world problem to the one millionth degree but that's why i say like maybe i'm too sensitive for this industry this is something i would consider small because i've gotten some really dumb comments in the past and honestly i'm used to it and that's something you need to be comfortable with if you're going to make yourself public and want to be as big as well you are gabby you have a massive audience and with that you also have a large number of people who will go out of their way to say rude things you're a public figure and if you can't deal with that then you shouldn't be one and i don't mean that in a harsh way either but in a way that if that's how your mentality still is after all these years of being a public figure then that's something to be worried about it's not healthy to try and respond to every single little thing sometimes it's best to ignore stuff and remember that a lot of the people on the internet are crazy though if something big does happen then you should respond you need to simply divide what you should give your attention to and what you shouldn't but all this talk about the vlog squad does remind me a little bit of trisha paytas mainly because she was a member as well and believe it or not she's the next thing to cover so in november of last year trisha paytas decided to upload a video called why i don't trust gabby hannah in this video she basically explains how gabby started to spam her in her dms after one of her friends had told gabby that trisha doesn't trust her she then later goes on to explain how gabby had told jason a person trisha was sleeping with at the time and told him that trisha had herpes without ever even having this conversation with gabby or having asked trisha if she had herpes in the first place i am making this video today for one reason and one reason only is because i want this drama to stop this person keeps thinking i am talking [ __ ] about them i get constant text i've met this person on two occasions on two occasions i met this person one time when she asked to come to my birthday party and i said yes i talked to her for two seconds at my birthday party and actually i think that's the only time i ever met her oh and joey graceffa secret santa party last year those are the only two times i've met this youtuber her name is gabianna and look here's the thing first and foremost yes she's a freaking drama queen i'm a freaking drama queen so i'm gonna just put this out there and tell my issues with her because i keep texting her telling me to leave me alone that i literally never think about her and she literally responded you talk about me all the time i don't think about her ever and i'm so sick of her sending me pages of text being like why do you constantly talk [ __ ] about me keep in mind she texted gaby texted my other friend gabby from pennsylvania and said hey you just hung out with her she tell me the truth that she talks [ __ ] about me to which gabby replied yeah she said you didn't like her and so i was pissed that gab because why would you even like bring something like that up i told you this like whatever this is it this is it for me like i said no personal nothing nothing against her i think we have a lot of similar issues so like that's cool but this is not cool because this is one thing i don't do this is one thing i don't do i don't lie on people's sexual health okay so she told her okay when me and jason started hooking up in 2017 i did a video called like youtubers i've hooked up with she by the clues guess that i was hooking up with jason i was she texts jason and she told jason or i guess i don't know if she texted him or told him in person but basically she told him hey be careful trish has herpes and you're sleeping with her and blah blah blah gabby have we slept together now why did trisha make this video you see gabby had decided to go onto her instagram and explain that an alleged close friend of trisha's had told her that she does have herpes and that's why she told jason because she wanted to be a good friend and in her eyes she thought it was the right move to go with she also decided to run a few polls asking her audience if it was wrong to do i have a genuine question that i want to ask the general public if somebody tells you that somebody has an std an incurable std it comes from a close friend of theirs a source and then you find out that a friend of yours is sleeping with them is it wrong of you to say hey just so you know i've heard this don't know if it's true but this person told me talk to them about it ask about it is that [ __ ] up i'm just genuinely curious this isn't like going around telling everybody hey i heard this person has an icd this is you know somebody you care about is sleeping with them and you say did they talk to you about this don't know if it's true this is what i heard just be careful check it out here's where i'm coming from if i was sleeping with somebody and one of my friends knew from a close source of that person that i had they had an incurable cd and they had that information and weren't like hey just be careful check it out talk to them about it i'd be [ __ ] livid now i just want to say asking your own audience the people who adore you in every way if what you did was wrong is not a good way to find out if what you did was wrong because most of them are going to have a biased opinion and automatically support you now this all went to twitter and messages and dms were leaked all over the place gabby had posted a tweet saying i asked demartino one time because i've been told for years the terrible [ __ ] she said about me i asked once demantina was coerced into making scene the way trisha wanted it to go she's now on facetime right now in pieces apologizing to me i love you demartino we'll love you forever then to this was a text message which basically shows that gabby wanted to know what trisha had to say about her and di martino was acting as the messenger passing along information between the two parties but dimartino didn't want to be involved but gabby had eventually started to text trisha which caused quite an uproar between the two and had the both of them eventually leaked all of this to the public a while afterwards so gabby had gone on to twitter stating over the last day multiple people have reached out to me about being terrified of her this is why she told her if she doesn't make a post she's gonna expose all of her secrets she's living in fear and being blackmailed into defending trisha she does not deserve this she's such a gentle beautiful generous loving soul my beautiful amazing sweet friend demartina just called me sobbing because treasure threatened her to make a post she's terrified and broken this is crossing a line demartino does not deserve this tricia then decided to threaten gabby legally and sent an email saying gabby hannah has been harassing me for the past few years on social media tonight she crossed the line telling the internet i am blackmailing someone please see her attached tweets i have all our prior conversations saved as well where i repeatedly ask her to leave me alone i have made a video about this as i'm genuinely scared for my safety and not only that my reputation please can you communicate with her or her lawyer i can't deal with this i need a restraining order asap or some sort of protection from someone slandering my name in all my 13 years on youtube i've never had such harassment and someone lying and trying to destroy my reputation with blatant lies tricia then made a public statement about all of this stating basically the same thing she did in her email gabby then posted to instagram in an attempt to show that she had left trisha alone after she had asked to be left alone gabby then went on to twitter and said deleting everything and moving on regardless of what other people say or may feel i don't involve myself in internet drama i don't pick fights i don't expose people i make videos where i do my chores and laugh with my best friend i hang out with my boyfriend i write music i don't bring up others for clicks in this case someone made a video about me i stooped to a level i rarely if i ever stooped to responding i found myself in a situation of being someone else's drama of the week and it's exhausting and a waste of time back to hanging with my friends and making music and as much as i want to say this was the end of it it's not because this leads into something much more darker a tweet had arisen from an old fan of gabby's while this was all going on saying i think a lot of people forgot or i don't know that gabby hannity is a rapist a rapist who admitted and wrote signed confession to the cops over her then best friend who was the victim and she didn't just do it privately but publicly that's always bothered me on november 16 2019 a youtuber named jesse smiles had released a video titled gabby hannah needs to be stopped now before i actually get into talking about her video i need to talk about the allegations against curtis lepore so in 2014 a tmz article had come out stating vine megastar curtis lepore was in court tuesday facing charges of raping vine star girlfriend jessie smile while she was sleeping tmz has learned law enforcement sources tell us lapor was arrested in october and released on a hundred thousand dollars bail but it flew under the radar during tuesday's hearing he pleaded not guilty here's the backstory we're told jesse flew to see curtis in l.a last august but things didn't go well and they broke up jesse stayed in la and a few days later got a concussion while shooting a vine video sources close to jesse tell tmz curtis then called her and offered to help her while she was recovering the victim claims curtis came over jesse fell asleep and that's when he allegedly raped her the day after the incident jesse tweeted be careful of who you trust always be cautious for your safety be strong and don't let your guard down it's pretty insane curtis and jesse's relationship was a huge deal in the vine world they initially got in touch via the social media platform last summer and met in person in new york city in front of hundreds of their vine fans curtis's lawyer tells tmz things are not always as they appear and there are always two sides to every story another article then came out by the observer and said that maybe the accusations are legit maybe not what we do know is that he took a plea deal on february 21st pleading guilty to a felony assault and effectively reading himself of the rape charge jesse had even released a tweet herself saying curtis pleaded guilty to a felony assault today in court it is no longer going to trial i am okay with this and thankful for it to be over alright so now that we all know that let's get into jessie's video in this video jesse basically talks about how after that fan posted their tweet gabby had then decided to go into their dms and tell her side gabby basically stated that there isn't any proof that she and curtis have ever collabed and only possibly contacted him one time before ever meeting jesse um this girl her name is deanna she tweeted i think a lot of people forget or don't know that gabby hannah chose a rapist a rapist who admitted and wrote signed a confession to the cops over her best friend who was the victim and she didn't do it privately but publicly that's always bothered me so gabby saw deanna's tweet and she didn't like it she felt strongly enough that she felt she needed to message deanna and that's why i'm here today to share those messages with you the one that started the conversation she says i'm genuinely trying not to engage with this stuff because it's gossip but this is one that truly confuses me because i don't understand why anyone believes it if i collabs with my friend's ex especially publicly where is it where is any photo any video it doesn't exist because it didn't happen that man is not my friend has never been my friend i think i tweeted at him one time before i ever even met jesse and that's it so how this story is a thing i'll never understand but i want to then out of nowhere the conversation kind of flipped into something completely different and rather than continuing on the original conversation or ending it gabby decided to bring up jesse and jen den which is someone i'll be talking about later but she basically mentioned how the both of them started a hate campaign against her and that they said that gabby had decided to collaborate with curtis because he had a larger following which jessie then denies that she's ever said that then it starts gabby says here's a long story short and she starts talking about me now notice how the girl was not talking about me at all yes it has to do with the man who raped me and her supporting him but gabby just jumps like straight into okay it's time to discredit jesse it's time to make jesse look like a bad guy so that i can get this girl to realize that jesse's a liar that jessie's crazy and that i'm right so it starts here jesse and i weren't friends when the allegations went down we became friends after once we were friends i literally never talked to or collabed with curtis for reasons that don't matter in my opinion and to not spread hate or rumors jessie and i had a falling out and i had to make a choice to stop engaging with it since then her and jen started a hate campaign about me saying that i ditched her to collab with her rapist because he had more followers i have never said that in my life gabby i have never in my life said that you left me to collab with curtis because he had more followers basically throughout most of the video jesse talks about how gabby was spreading a false narrative about the entirety of the situation and later on talks about how they both have made story time videos on each other but in gabby's she would frame jessie as a psychotic person i'm just going to bring this up really quick because i feel like it's a relevant thing gabby has and always will paint me as someone who is crazy i am the liar i am the attention wanter some of you know and some of you don't know that me and gabby have done story times on each other we have not said each other's name we've tried to cover it up by being like you'll never guess who this person is the point is we've done stories on each other and i just want to compare to you the beginning of her videos and how she describes me versus the beginning of my videos about her and how i describe her i just wanna i just wanna put those two and two together so you can see what she wants people to feel about me what she's always this is years ago that she posted two years ago she posted the story time she's always wanted people to see me like this and i'll let you i'll let you see i'll let you see how we talk about each other here it is i also want to say that i haven't been friends with this person for years this happened so far in the past and i have no bad blood with this person whatsoever i wish her nothing but the best and from what i see she's having a great life and she's doing her thing and she's very happy and i am very happy for her i don't really know her anymore but i'm sure she's grown up a ton and so have i now i have admitted in the past that i myself have had some crazy [ __ ] moments but there is a huge astronomical difference between having crazy [ __ ] moments and being a crazy [ __ ] honestly looking back at my time with this person i do look at it with fondness because we did have a lot of fun together and she did mean a lot to me at the time but sometimes it's hard to believe now here where i am in my life that i ever put up with this type of behavior the amount of stories that i have but that's kind of my issue that i learned about myself thanks to a year of therapy is i seek out like emotionally unstable neurotic people and i try to fix them even if i'm not trying to fix them it's like i feel like i need to support them and be there for them so like i said i have a lot of stories about this friend in particular but i think that this is the first one where i was like oh you're psychotic and this is how i introduced the situation about her i saw an email that apparently was sent to me while i did not have access and it was from someone that i used to be friends with way back in the day well i mean i guess not way back in the day but pretty back in the day i wasn't friends with them when i was like in [ __ ] kindergarten but you get the picture so i read this email and in this email this person mentioned this thing that i'm about to tell you guys about and they mentioned it in a way that made it seem like they were still like really angry about it and i was just thinking to myself like what the [ __ ] are they talking about i'm gonna tell you how this situation happened obviously through my perspective i can't tell you how they saw it and i want you guys to be honest with me tell me if i'm in the wrong here maybe i just don't understand or don't see why i was wrong in this situation but i want i need you guys to tell me something that really struck me with this video though was how jessie brought up the fact that gabby is always preaching how good of a person she is but yet gabby has also talked about how good people don't need to remind others that they're a good person it's just really contradicting so did this whole act like how she said in those messages i love my life all of that in her instagram stories um i'm gonna put a little clip here because wow no matter what i do i'm always a bad person and this is why this is why i have three amazing friends that i hang out with don't talk about anybody don't do it like i i'm in my [ __ ] house living my life i'm at a place in my life where i'm so [ __ ] happy like i have great people in my life like my friendships my love life like my house my career like everything's great and i'm so secure in myself and who i am at this point that i'm so done with [ __ ] and i'm so sick of like the [ __ ] i hear that i've said or done like coming back to me and just like hearing the things that like people make up i just dude i am somebody who not to toot my own horn but beep the [ __ ] beep i am so kind to people in my life and to me it's just it's so insane because just in october of 2019 she posted this tweet that says people with good intentions don't need to remind you all the time they have good intentions people with good hearts don't need to remind you they have good hearts honest people don't need to convince you they're honest the loudest people usually have the most to hide the worst thing about this situation though is how gabby had sent jessie's and hers personal text messages to the fan and even brought up the fact that jessie is on medication but this was the part where i was like no that's it the girl did not ask for this this was not something that she was like hey so provide me with more information on what jessie's like but gaby started sending my private text messages with her to this fan and she says like the girl had tried to bring me down so many times and in the meantime look and she sends a message which i'm not even gonna read i'm gonna put it on screen but it's still done because it's just me talking to her like it's just me messaging her so i guess her point of trying to show this is being like you see like jessie's mad now and she has no right to be because we spoke months ago and then she says yeah she's so friendly to me pretends to be sorry and smiles in my face then does [ __ ] like this when i'm in trouble you're implying something like when you're saying then does [ __ ] like this what did what did i do i put one cryptic tweet that i deleted hours later that i didn't even mention you or at you or anything what did i do she says she knows she's a liar is the thing she's called me so many times saying she's been on meds and is better now and was sorry for everything then blocks me out of nowhere and it starts all over this is the most disgusting [ __ ] like i swear to you i cannot believe that she said this number one i have never called gabby hannah and said hi i'm on medication i'm so sorry for everything i realized i was wrong you know you're always talking about mental health and therapy and you know how you've gone through your journey with that like it's so weird to me that you bring up someone else's medication that they talk to you about in private which no i'm not ashamed of it i'm not entirely sure as to why she brought up the medication but to me it feels like it was a way to discredit jessie because since she has to take medication it makes her look like that she can't think clearly which again i'm not entirely sure but that's just a little theory so after this video came out two creators had decided to make their own video revolving around this situation one being jen dent and another being alex james alex's video wasn't too long or much of a critical video but it was rather spent of him speaking a little bit about his personal experience with gabby and some of the reasoning as to why jessie made her video in the first place block bye no but you are unblocked now okay i sent you the mess i privately messaged you about your butterfly music video honey i was here for it love it hello butterflies okay but what you're not gonna do is sit back and portray anybody who was in my life before and we're no longer hanging out they're the bad person and even if that person is the bad person you can't just leave it between you and that person you now have to go around and try to pin people against that bad person and honey i have i heard heard the trash you have talked about me over the years i'm talking about oh trash which is fine i know who i am i don't care but gabby did you not think that stuff would get back to me come on anyways let's get into this video in like a 24-hour whim like it was just like what yeah my friend at the time uh he texted me he was like moved to la and i was like yeah like i need to figure out like my car because i had like a really shitty buick sentry i was like i just need to figure out a lot of stuff and he was like oh whatever and then he calls me back 30 minutes later he goes um i just booked a flight to pittsburgh i'm gonna be there in the morning uh pack your car we're driving to l.a you're moving so i literally just like threw as much as i could in my buick the air conditioning didn't work the radio didn't work the windows didn't roll down and drove across the country in my [ __ ] 2000 buick century what and i'm here this is a cool friend and story oh he's actually like a really bad person though [Music] you can't help if your brain doesn't tell you hey remorse remorse but it becomes your fault when you don't seek help you've now plastered everybody against the wall it's everybody else and then you start to deface people and then you start to privately message people to persuade their opinions about these people that you've already plastered to the wall so when jesse titled her video gabby hannah needs to be stopped that is what she is talking about the monster-like thoughts and behaviors and actions not gabby hannah's career needs to be stopped his video basically showed a small glimpse of gabby's true character my problem is that here you are yet again talking about oh i wish well for my friends if we were ever friends in the past but do you hear the things you say about people in your past and speaking of being a bad person when you called me that night and pretended to be my hacker and you made me admit things about myself that voice like how and the things that you were saying and then you realized how effed up it was so you called me back and you were like oh my god i'm so sorry which i let it go i was embarrassed you did that in front of my friends were there uh my ex-boyfriend was there i had it on speakerphone because i literally thought that the person who had hacked me before like you had said was watching me this entire time so you are incredibly rude but i don't think you're you realize how rude you are like when you came into my house my friends you guys know i always had my friends staying with me when you come into my house and you say in front of them to me what are you running an orphanage imagine brittany furlon came over to my house when you were staying on my couch and brittany goes alex what are you running an orphanage how would you have felt okay because that's how they fail now jen dent is well okay she's okay well this intro of hers really says it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she's jen mother [ __ ] dent and quite the character to say the least something that i've noticed with jen though is her almost like obsession with gabby and some contradictions as well if you go onto her twitter the majority of things that you'll see are tweets about gabby it's a little scary not going to lie now our gal jen got into some drama where she posted a clip of one of gabby's vines and to be honest this find seems a little racist i love running through black neighborhoods with my shirt off i'm gonna steal all of your baby daddies but there's more context to it and whether or not if you think it's still racist even after i tell you the context that's still perfectly understandable but i at least think it's only fair for all of you to have a full understanding as to why gabby made this vine in the first place you see gabby's vine was a parody of this vine i like running through white people neighborhoods with my shirt off i'm gonna steal all your stuff now again if you still think her making that vine was wrong that's a totally understandable opinion but what caused an uproar with people is that after jen had posted this fine jen decided to post a few tweets basically stating that gabby was bringing up her old finds that were just as questionable and even stated that type of behavior doesn't really faze her and it doesn't matter but jen you did the same to gabby and now you're saying that type of stuff doesn't matter that's a bit of a contradiction now to be fair jen has deleted the vine of gabby and gave the context of her own vines as well and realized what she did wasn't the best idea now jen had also released a video about gabby after jesse uploaded hers titled tear gabby hannah in it she basically talks about her side of the situation and how poorly gabby had treated her i was a small viner okay i know that everybody thinks i was like this person on vine but i was a small viner i was i didn't have that many followers you know compared to people like gabby jesse alex but i became friends with jesse and alex and for some reason gabby you you just didn't like that and i'm not really sure what your problem was with me i remember um that i used to watch alex on younow and he would like talk to me when he would see me in there and i remember one day you were in his younow and you said something like is that jen dent and i just remember the look on your face and i was like i don't even know who that is i mean i knew your name other than that i didn't know who you were shortly after that um you would start showing up on my vines under a profile called what's eating gabby grape i don't know if you remember that but you used to come on to my vines and just leave shitty comments calling me all sorts of you know you're you're a bully you're this that the other thing but for some reason you just like if you have millions of followers on vine why are you coming to my vine and telling me what a shitty [ __ ] person i am just like all the time it was like non-stop you'll never admit that you'll also never admit that you made troll accounts and came and said things to me during the time that jesse and i were not speaking to each other and then while i was doing my interview with you about vine and how vine had helped you in your life and what opportunities you had gotten from vine you took that as an opportunity while i was on camera to start telling me what a shitty [ __ ] person i am you went on and on and jesse and alex and trish and all these people are right when they say that you talk in circles you go round and round and round and that's why people are now addressing you on the internet because i'm not going to give i'm not going to give you the opportunity to talk me around in circles alex is not going to give you that opportunity you sent me that shitty [ __ ] text on christmas eve morning when mind you i got sick when i was in l.a pretty sure i had pneumonia was never diagnosed with pneumonia but i did go to the doctor while i was there and i was very sick so on christmas eve you send me a shitty [ __ ] text message telling me that i'm nobody i'm never gonna be anybody that i'm not on your level that i'll never be on your level that my life basically doesn't matter because i'm not famous that my dreams have dried up and all died and blah blah [ __ ] block something to take note of though is how she brings up replies that were addressed to gabby on twitter you see not too long after jesse's video a lot of people started to do some digging around and in my opinion jyn had really brought these tweets to light once again it came out in tmz that she was raped by curtis lepore and you tell everybody oh go back and look you'll go back and look search gabby hannah and curtis lapore you won't find anything you're right but surprise [ __ ] when you google the gabby show curtis lepore a whole lot of [ __ ] comes up so yeah you can erase your tweets but the responses are still there there's not too many but they all have one similarity they all add more suspicion into gabby hannah's treatment of jesse when curtis lepore was being accused of right and that is exactly what these replies did they made people both upset and suspicious one person even replying to their old tweet telling us what gabby had said in her now deleted tweet i can't verify that this is true but i can say that these replies are out there and it does add to the speculation as much as i wanted to try as well i couldn't find the original tweet as on every archive site there was nothing at the time and that's simply because gabby had deleted all of her tweets and nobody was there to archive any of them gabby had made a response video to these claims months afterwards in a video she starts the video off by saying that she doesn't want to set a situation like this as a norm where people expose each other over personal and private experiences she also states that she didn't apologize to jesse privately and had only done it publicly so a couple days ago jessie smiles posted a video it was a q a and in the thumbnail she put the question did gabby ever apologize after the video in that video she says that she called me out publicly so she wouldn't expect a conversation privately and this is me paraphrasing so feel free to please go check out the video yourself but basically she says that she put out the video because she wanted to set the example of how she should be treated and to defend herself and while i do believe that it's important to stand up for yourself and defend yourself i don't agree that personal matters and interpersonal conflicts should be made public or dealt with publicly we're reaching a point in our world that frankly scares me it feels like every day somebody new is cancelled and it's becoming the norm to expose each other instead of to try to communicate or understand one another i personally don't feel that making videos about people that you have a problem with is the example that we should be setting as the norm so i want to start this by answering the question that was asked which was did gabby apologize after the video and the answer is outside of the public apology and statement that i put out no i did not reach out to jesse i didn't feel like i was meant to apologize to jesse or that she was looking for an apology because i had already apologized to jesse many times in many different conversations over the years later in the video she also talks about how she has never collabed with curtis and has never defended him and has never been associated with him at least after the allegations or personally about it so not that much later that night is when i started getting a bunch of tweets about how i ditched my best friend to collab with her rapist how i'm a social climber and basically that i chose my best friend's rapist over her this is a rumor that started five years ago that obviously jessie and i had had plenty of conversations since we had squashed a lot of our beef we've discussed it at length and i thought that we were moving on as friends or at least friendly and i need to take a break right here to just say i have never collabed with jesse's rapist and then afterwards she talks about the tweets that were mentioned in jen's video i've never ever publicly defended jesse's rapist i have one tweet to him before the tmz story ever broke that was four months i believe before the tmz story broke nobody outside of their circle knew what was going on especially not me in newcastle pennsylvania completely detached from the vine world i would never in a million years choose him over her and i would never and have never defended him in fact one time i was at an event an influencer event and he happened to be there and he tried to take a snapchat selfie with me and i told him to delete it right now because i did not want to be associated with him i have zero association with curtis lepore really quick last night i got in bed and i really just scoured trying to find any stone that i left unturned that might show something that i would have to further explain i just want to get everything in here and i found a couple tweets that i do want to address so these are the tweets that i've already posted and it says he was arrested in october of 2013. i tweeted this in september of 2013 and december of 2013 but the tmz article was not published until january 16 2014 and nobody in the vine community as alex james actually confirms in his video knew about this it wasn't public knowledge we all found out about it when this article came out this one as well is from december 10th 2013. again this is before the story ever broke so i had no idea at this point this one is saying that i revined a revine with curtis in it for those of you who remember vine you might remember when people would revine for revine i used to piss everybody off but basically we would just text a group of friends and be like hey let's trade i'll refine yours you refine mine and a lot of times we would just send each other links and just revive it you were supposed to revine it as soon as it went up so if you're doing something if you're at work if you're on the phone if something's going on you literally just click revine so in that situation somebody asked me to refine something i revined it it had curtis lapore in it i unrefined it immediately and i flipped out of that person so that's why i revined a vine with curtis in it it wasn't curtis's vine he was in somebody else's who i did revine for revine with this one says so she's just broken-hearted not raped moronic with comments like that this one i actually do remember this was the day the story broke and i hadn't seen the article yet whatever he tweeted i genuinely have no idea what his tweet was but i remember i responded with a current vine meme which was a big sean lil wayne song bewear beware beware of a woman with a broken heart so that was a fine meme for those of you who are on vine at the time you remember it i don't remember what he said obviously it had nothing to do with the rape case so that was that day before i ever saw it the tweet is deleted because i was like oh [ __ ] i didn't understand the context of anything about this and that's why it's gone because i didn't stand by what it said once i understood the context of everything that was happening this wasn't my tweet this actually goes hand in hand with this she then addresses the conversation with the fan and shares her perspective of what went down questioning myself like did i collab with this person and i completely blocked it from my memory that's how much it was affecting me at this point that i started to second guess myself so out of the handful of tweets that i was getting that night i chose somebody who i thought was older obviously i was wrong she had tweeted me something along the lines of i'm really hurt i used to love you and support you and then i found out that you ditched your best friend for her rapist to collab with him basically you're a disgusting human being i don't feel comfortable showing the majority of our dms on screen because i know now that she is a minor and it doesn't feel appropriate but all of the dms are available online if you want to go find them so the conversation started by me asking her i'm genuinely trying not to engage with the stuff because it's gossip but this is one that really confuses me because i don't understand why anyone believes it if i collab with my friend's ex especially publicly where is it where is any photo any video it doesn't exist because it didn't happen that man is not my friend has never been my friend so how this story is a thing i'll never understand but i want to so this is me paraphrasing the conversation as to not involve her any more than she already is but basically she said that there were tweets that i defended him when the allegations dropped i said can you please send me the tweets and she said i can't find them she sent me a video of a girl twerking next to him with long brown hair and she said this is why people believe it because you did this video do you care to explain this and i said that's not me i sent her the link to the actual video where it's clearly not me and she says are you [ __ ] kidding me and at this point she's saying you need to get your story out there like this is crazy because i'm googling it you're right there's no tweets there's no videos there's no pictures and i basically said i can't fight every lie that comes my way and i also don't want to feed it or give it attention because it's just not true and i basically just said i was publicly best friends with her she was in a public lawsuit with him if i publicly defended him don't you think it'd be somewhere a story would have covered it back then there'd be a screenshot there'd be something and she basically said to me i can't believe that i believe this and i have to be honest it just felt good for somebody to to believe me like this is something that i've literally never responded to for five years you can find these tweets for five years i have no excuse for having a conversation with this fan other than i was hurt i was angry i was stressed about everything else going on and i just wanted to let off steam and obviously now i wish i could take it back i've apologized to publicly i've apologized to jessie publicly for these dms and it's humiliating after this she had started to talk about the situation regarding trisha and dimartino as well and even talks about her side of things when telling jason that trisha might have herpes well that i begged her to come to her house and write for her and that she said [ __ ] i don't know you you're a psycho like i'm not giving you my address and this isn't a first time occurrence and again this is just embarrassing and petty and this video came down to just me being angry and hurt and upset because from where i was sitting i've offered her nothing but love and kindness and for years i've just heard these things that she's said about me behind my back and just frankly it hurt so again if i'm being a completely 100 honest here i was looking for a reason to confront trisha usually when somebody comes to me and says hey i just think you should know trisha said this about you i say i mean can i ask her about it and they say no please don't tell her i don't want to be involved so when somebody finally said yeah just don't get me in trouble i was like okay i can finally confront her about this and then that led to her making a video saying that i told everybody that she has herpes and have been telling everybody that she has herpes for years that i'm a mean girl that i spread rumors about her i tried to ruin her relationship whatever else has been said so this is the situation it was with david dobrik and jason nash they were in my apartment and jason told me that he had slept with trisha at this point trisha had long since stopped answering my texts for a reason that i didn't know because we didn't talk about it and i didn't feel like we had a relationship where i should or could text her about the situation and ask her about it didn't seem any type of appropriate to text a girl who doesn't want to talk to you hey just so you know i heard you have herpes and you slept with my friend it just i i just don't know how that conversation would go i guess so when jason told me as a friend sitting on my bed in my apartment i felt the need to say something and i never said that trisha has herpes and now jason nash has herpes what i said was i was told by a close friend of hers and i don't know why he would have a reason to lie to me that she has herpes i don't know if it's true get checked if you're concerned about it but have the conversation with her what i've always told jason and if he wants to he can back this up david was there he can back it up i said have the conversation with trisha if you're concerned i never said that she had herpes or that he had herpes i never tried to get in the way of any type of relationship i told him something that i would want to know myself as a friend if somebody knew something and told him to ask her about it directly she also apologizes and says that her original response to trisha was petty i'm heartbroken that it did make her sad but once again this is a situation that her and i had already hashed out we had had the conversation she showed it in her own video where she told me why she was upset with me i responded and after that we've had pleasant conversations and it just hurt so that's why i responded the way i did is it petty yes is it embarrassing obviously do i wish it went differently and that i handled it differently of course am i sorry that i hurt her definitely she then talks about her side of how things went down with alex james so for the sake of just getting everything out there i want to quickly talk about the alex james situation the situation started when all the other drama was happening and somebody pulled a clip from a podcast where i tell a story about the kid i drove across the country with and the interviewer asked me are you still friends and i said no it turns out he was actually a really bad person when i saw this clip i immediately felt bad about it i should have known that anybody listening could make the connection there's a youtube video on my channel where i tell the story with alex of us driving across the country and that is why i reached out to alex immediately because i wanted to personally apologize to alex for saying that publicly he ignored my call i texted him he said that he didn't want to talk because he was sleeping and i didn't hear from him again couple days later he put out a video in a second video that he put out about me he said that he was just waiting for an apology but the reason i did not apologize to alex is because i let him know that if he wanted to talk about it to reach out and he did not reach out he just wanted to make a video about it the reason i called alex a bad person is ironically for something that he said i did to him he did a video saying that a few years back i did a prank call video with zayn that i never posted because zayn and i did a vlog saying we took it too far we're not gonna post this and i never uploaded the video alex was laughing his ass off he actually got mad at me for not posting the video on a separate and completely unrelated incident alex james got hacked and i pulled every single one of my resources all of my contacts to try to help him get access to his accounts even offering my personal phone number to use as his two-step verification to try to secure his account [Music] so a while back gabby had made a video where she was dressing up as an e-girl in this video she came across an article where in bold letters it had shown that one of the girls she was looking at happened to be murdered gabby didn't see this and had left it in her video if i was this age this would be me 100 for sure this outfit right here you already went straight up what i wore from seventh grade to college people saw this to be disrespectful though and called her out for it with many t channels and drama channels covering it this led gaby to release an apology which i thought was pretty good she gave her side of the story and told everyone that she just simply didn't notice what the article was saying because she was too focused on the image at the time youtube video where i transformed myself into an e-girl in the video i was scrolling through a box article entitled e-girls and e-boys explained for context and inspiration photos i skim the article stopped in a photo of your daughter because she had a shirt on that i own and completely missed the body of text next to it detailing what had happened unfortunately the photo and article were included in the video in a very regrettable oversight i hope you don't feel i intentionally disrespected your daughter or your family's situation in any way if i had seen what the context of the article was i never would have included the image in my video i tried to quietly blur and remove the portion of the video as to not call more attention to it because the last thing i want to do is create a media circus around it in your time of grieving but enough people have seen it that i was worried that i got it back to you and in turn caused you pain she also made it clear in her video that she understands why people are upset by her doing this and that she didn't want to bring too much attention to the situation because she was scared that it would get back to the family which it eventually did she even contacted the mom herself to make sure that she was okay and had even apologized to her directly a lot of people are questioning and rightfully so why i didn't address it sooner why i didn't delete the video sooner and it's not because i'm just some cold heartless person who doesn't care about it it's because i was trying to sorry find a way to do it quietly and discreetly and respectfully as possible so that it didn't get back to her friends and her family i was afraid that if i talked about it or addressed it that it would call more attention to it if i called more attention to it than more people were going to talk about it and then it would create this media frenzy around this tragedy i felt like by addressing it that the likelihood of her family and friends seeing it would be much much higher first i'd like to say i'm so sorry if this message comes unwanted or at a bad time i've contemplated for a couple weeks whether or not it was appropriate to reach out or if it would upset you and have been hesitant for that reason however i do feel inclined to offer an apology a couple of weeks ago i posted a youtube video where i transformed myself into an e-girl in the video i was scrolling through a box article entitled e girls and e-boys explained for context and inspiration photos i skimmed the article stopped in a photo of your daughter because she had a shirt on that i own and completely missed the body of text next to it detailing what had happened unfortunately the photo and article were included in the video in a very regrettable oversight i hope you don't feel i intentionally disrespected your daughter or your family's situation in any way if i had seen what the context of the article was i never would have included the image in my video i tried to quietly blur and remove the portion of the video as to not call more attention to it because the last thing i want to do is create a media circus around it in your time of grieving but enough people have seen it that i was worried that i got it back to you and in turn caused you pain i was unsure of how to handle this without causing you and your family to stress and i'm very sorry if it has i'm also sorry for taking a while to reach out i was hoping it hadn't gotten back to you and didn't want to bring it up in case it had it i can't even begin to imagine what you're going through and i offer my deepest condolences please don't hesitate to reach out with questions or literally anything else i can do to help you in this difficult time if i've learned one thing these past couple weeks it's that a lot of people care very deeply for your daughter she's impacted a lot of people and everyone just wants justice myself included much love gabby she responded hi thank you for reaching out i didn't take as much offense to your videos bianca's friends did oftentimes young kids get offended and make a big deal out of things when it's not necessary i appreciate your apology and the fact that you reached out to me personally the mom of the person involved had also made it clear in gabby's comment section that she didn't take any offense to her video and that the person would have been more than happy to be in one of gabby's videos because of how much of a fan they actually were but people were quick to find a few things off with the video now youtuber known as angelica oates had noticed that gabby put tags in her apology video and called her out for it i've talked about this in the past and i only really hold one view that i had in that video being that i don't think it's necessarily wrong to put the names of the people who made videos talking about the situation in your takes when it comes to an apology because their communities have now seen what gabby did and the point of an apology is to show those people that you are genuinely sorry for what had occurred so of course she was going to put tags in her apology she wanted to make sure the right people were going to see it the entirety of what angelica was trying to say seemed nothing but a far reach in my opinion and an attempt to grasp onto something i will say though there were some flaws of gabby that have both occurred before and after the release of the video that other people have pointed out you see after angelica posted her tweet gabby decided to go onto instagram live and stated that she was upset that tea and drama channels were villainizing her for using these tags in her video to address something right now um i usually don't address stuff i know that i get a lot of criticism for that because people think that i'm trying to hide from something or make something disappear that's not what it is it's because i don't like to engage in drama and i know that a lot of times that's just what people want but i feel like this is a situation where it's gotten completely out of control and i need to not only stand up for myself but stand up for bianca and her family because this is a perfect example of why people are afraid to speak of what some of these channels do and the direction that they go in and what their true intention is and i need to shed some light on this because i feel like people are not letting bianca for real rest in peace like this is i put out that apology video for her and her family and it's now being used against me this is why people are afraid to speak this is why people don't address stuff because it just goes to show that you will be villainized no matter what today's story is i'm getting in trouble for the tags that i used on this video i defended gabby because of her apology while looking for a thumbnail came across the tags she uh put on that apology i regret being nice now but it slowly turned into what some people saw as her blaming drama channels because she had stated that these channels were turning this person's death into a story and that all these channels only wanted to villainize gabby this is somehow being twisted into me being a bad person by trying to reach the people who wanted me to say something and this is just a perfect example of you can't do anything on the internet without people telling you you're a bad person and this is why people don't speak up this is why people don't try this why it took me two weeks to figure out the right way to handle this situation because no matter what people will poke holes and people will find a reason to hate you and i'm being attacked for using tags about the people who are talking about this situation and i can't wrap my this will turn into something else and all the drama channels will talk about it and now bianca's name is going to get plastered into thumbnails and titles and people are going to talk about her more and exploit this [ __ ] situation that i tried to put an end to i don't address stuff a lot online i addressed this one because it was important because people were using bianca's name and story and reducing her to nothing but a victim when she had a life that she lived and she didn't deserve that so i addressed it for her and her family and now because i did that i'm a [ __ ] and a bad person and i'm attention seeking because i use tags that would target the proper people to get that across and try to put an end to this so that bianca can [ __ ] rest in peace i'm exhausted you guys want people to talk all the time you're always demanding an explanation and then when people give it to you it will be delivered a genuine and heartfelt apology and a thought out video that i put a lot of time and emotion into and there was nothing wrong with it so they had to go to the tags and find a reason to pull the tags down and now the whole video is being basically torn down and dismantled because i tagged the channels who i suspected spoke about it this is taking things too far let bianca rest in peace let her family be let the situation rest which i can in a way understand that perspective but the point of these channels though are to report on what's going on in the current time some people were upset at you gabby and some people didn't know why these specific people were upset at you so that's where these tea and drama channels step in because from their perspective they thought you were mocking the involved person practically disrespecting someone who was murdered and in my opinion they have every right to call you out on that now that's not the case anymore because we now understand your perspective of things because you came out with your apology but i bring this up because in your instagram story you were blaming them for bringing this to life this in itself disregards your apology and makes it almost seem like you don't even feel like you're to blame but you rather want to push that blame onto others so people get off your back in reality though gabby whether or not if these channels did call you out for your mistakes the word still would have gone out and people still would have talked about it because you left a damn article in the video showing in big bold letters that the person you were looking at was murdered these people were simply passing on fair criticism now i will say that there's a chance that some of these people in the t and drama community may hold a grudge against you and generally want to see you mess up and might nitpick through some videos or in this case your tags and call you out for things that don't really need to be called out for but this was not the time to mention that if you were to make this instagram story again i would have just left in your response to angelica and would have made it small i wouldn't have called out the entirety of the community and say that it's their fault but this wasn't the only thing people were upset about in gabby's apology some people had even gone back and found a video that was almost identical to this one where gabby had shared the story of how a girl died in her seventh period class that guys as most of you probably know i tend to keep the subject matter on this channel pretty lighthearted and fun i don't really delve into too many dark topics or emotions but for some reason lately the past week or so the same story keeps popping into my head over and over and i can't stop thinking about the situation and this girl and i i tell a lot of fun stories but not all of life is fun and easy and i think that some of the more serious stories deserve a little bit of time as well and i do think that the message of the story and the takeaway from the story is very important and could potentially help somebody i do want to put this out there i don't really know how trigger warnings work but i feel like maybe this is one because i will be talking about drugs and death and suicide i'm not going to be using any names out of respect for the family and the situation and it happened so long ago now i already see a bit of hypocrisy going on and for all of you to know at the time of this recording this video is still up so gabby you call out drama channels for turning a person's death into a story but in this video you're doing exactly that now also do you want to point out that she also made an apology video for this one welcome back everybody if you're watching this video i assume that there's a good chance that you probably saw last week's video in case you didn't in that video i told a story about a girl who overdosed on drugs in class the response overall was overwhelmingly positive and supportive and i was so happy to read in the comments that it had touched so many of you in so many ways some people said that they were going to get help for their drug issues others said that they had gone through a similar experience and that this video helped them cope others said that they knew somebody who was in danger or in a bad situation they were afraid to speak up and now they have the courage to do so overall the general public was very receptive to the video and was happy to see somebody using their platform to spread such an important topic that so many people are afraid to speak about however there was one group of people who i didn't consider when i made the video and it was probably the single most important group of people and that was her family a few days after the video went live i started getting some texts that some facebook posts were going around amongst my hometown and they were saying that the video was disgusting that i was unempathetic that i was narcissistic and that it was unforgivable of me to tell this story that it wasn't my story to tell my initial response was i was shocked and hurt because i didn't make this video with any intention of hurting anybody and it was meant to spread a message and the way i spread messages is through storytelling and in my mind this was my story to tell because i was there i was affected by it and here it is a decade later and i'm still affected by this story and it still nags at my brain but the problem was i never while i was making this video stopped to think what this would look like through the mother's eyes not only did i not consider the fact that this video could get back to the family but i never stopped to think that it may make them relive this experience and how it would make them feel i thought that by not saying her name that it was permissible for me to speak about it but a lot of people were able to google her and found the articles and it did end up getting back to the family and they were hurt by it very deeply hurt by it for a couple of reasons my point here is that gabby hannah is calling out drama channels for turning someone's death into a story but what she did in this video was exactly that so it kind of makes her look like a massive hypocrite now i could probably end this video here this is really everything that in my opinion has led people to grow a disliking towards gabby and has put her into a state in which people are taking a step back from both her and her content but there's some recent events which sparked some interest in me simply because it started quite the conversation surrounding her and this platform [Music] if a lot of you don't know gaby has recently been going on a tangent claiming that her channel is shadow band and youtube is only promoting videos that spread hate about her now for those who don't know what shadow banning is google states it as shadow banning also called as stealth banning ghost banning or comment ghosting is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user of their content from an online community so that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been banned this has left a somewhat raw taste in some people's mouths especially due to a tweet she made regarding another commentator known as pegasus who is a person who simply covers trending topics that are happening in the current time frame the videos are more to the point and in my opinion are fairly well articulated from time to time but you see gabby had labeled one of his videos to be a hate video even though the video itself serves some rather fair criticism in my opinion the main point showing that gabby can be a bit over dramatic and whether or not if you agree or disagree with that statement my point here is to show that what he said was criticism in a more constructive way than hateful now i also want to point out that i don't disregard the fact that shadow banning is a thing or that gabby herself might possibly be shadow band but i'm also going to say that there's a chance that she might not be and a lot of people tend to disagree with the idea that she is the reasoning behind this is simply because of the pursuit she has chosen to go with one being a group of streams where she claims to have a bunch of proof that all of this is real but in the streams all she does is point out a laptop and scream at her friends saying look at that look at that you know what look at that look at that does that make any type of sense by doing this you're simply driving people away from the fact that you are being shadow banned is a possibility because on one hand you claim to have proof but on the other you don't show anything this lowers your credibility and drives people away from your argument what i've also noticed is a trend of you claiming to have known that all this stuff has been going on and you want to do this for the community and that is why you're going down this pursuit of calling out youtube and calling out all these drama channels who are spreading slander which in hindsight is great but what throws me off is if you knew this stuff has been going on then why did it take you until now to address it is it because it just finally happened to you it just makes people look at this entire situation as if you're doing this for your own selfish gain whether it be because you might actually be shadow band and you want it to be stopped which to an extent is fair or if you're doing this for relevance but hey you did say in one of your streams that you would go more in depth in all of this on your podcast on tuesday bend myself forever um but i'm not gonna make this start about that but wait for my podcast on box of thoughts which um i know youtube isn't going to show you but on tuesday this next tuesday i'll be uploading um a podcast about everything going on twitter thoroughly and telling a full story so let's have a little look shall we throughout this podcast she makes literally the same claims she did before nothing more in depth about this at all oh sure you got some of her friends in the background which mind you get sounded out throughout the majority of the podcast you also got her swearing a bit more heck she's even got a sponsorship segment oh yeah this is totally more in depth from what you were going off before making this but if you must know she claims that youtube rather pushes video slandering her than her own content i didn't even start a dram uh a problem or a drama with like all of these channels who are now tweeting at me saying that i'm attacking them i went on a live stream to discuss my real issues with youtube as a platform because youtube as a platform has hidden and suppressed my videos and for all intents and purposes shadow banned my channel because um my search results and my comment section has been inundated with words like rape and murder so because of the slander and the defamation and the lies of these channel channels my channel is now not advertiser friendly she also states that if something is proven to be slender then that video should be taken off youtube me with the lies that is defamation and if i wanted to i could do something about that and i've never [ __ ] even tried all i want not even trying to take up a problem with drama channels is for youtube to stop delivering the hateful content to flag the hateful content when it is proven to be false accusations lies and defamation and while i agree with that if something is entirely proven to be slanderous then yes that video should be taken down but in some cases it would also be hard for youtube to determine if a video is filled with slander or not because the thing with your situation surrounding jesse smiles and trisha paytas is that a lot of the things being said surround their own perspective of things and experience with you which led to an area that youtube couldn't really decide as a company on whether or not if what's being said is completely true or not and with that being said as well you claiming that drama and chi channels are also helping the spread of rumors you need to also realize in most cases they're just simply showing what's there and giving their take on the situation even with that i mean taking it off youtube is one thing but you still have other platforms like twitter and instagram where twitter itself tends to be a bigger place surrounding slander and things tend to spread much faster there my point here is that as a person gabby you will never be able to escape the possibility of falling victim to slanderous rumors because of how well known you are you're a public figure who has recently done some fairly questionable things which leads people to take advantage of situations like that i'm not justifying slander it's wrong and it does ruin people's lives but it's something that you'll have to eventually balance out within your life and determine if some things need to be addressed or if some things being spread are just petty rumors this whole situation could have been handled better if you've watched a drama channel spreading misleading information about you simply make a video showing proof against it rather than screaming on twitter that people are sharing false information on behalf of your name because otherwise what you're doing comes off as attention grabbing the rest of the podcast is honestly just a repeat of everything she's been saying on twitter this entire thing was pointless and a waste of time but hey at least it's now the most viewed episode on her podcast channel let that sink in for a while just just think about it not making any claims though just want you all to think about stuff because thinking is great but throughout her treatment of sharing a lack of information surrounding her shadow band one of her reasonings for this saw was all the hate videos made on her which caused quite the conversation to be at hand in the community and made people question if her response to these videos was the right move and i think i know just the [ __ ] to talk about this thank you zayo so i guess i have to finally talk about gabby hannah someone whose presence has mostly eluded my attention that didn't stop her from tagging me in one of her videos where she makes a heartfelt apology i always found that a bit of a strange gesture but i'm glad she knows i exist at least however the impression that i had received from the few passing glances i'd given her in the past was that she had a tendency to be pretty hot blooded at times and i think that nature was broadcast throughout the situation that we're discussing today now my good friend austin has likely looked at the topics and provided his own insight i trust he has at least if he hasn't tell him off or something however it's one thing to say whether someone's right or wrong and provide justifications it's another to actually delve into a person's actions and ask why they feel that way or they behave that way as afer mentioned gabby hannah is not known for her phlelmatism but at the same time she's not known for losing her patience with the community and has regularly praised many commentators who she enjoys so what motivated this outburst well i think to understand that you need to look at the greater environmental circumstances in particular the notion that she was being shadow band now i'm someone who feels more skeptically inclined towards gabby's claim on this front but even with this in mind the way she communicates her emotion feels quite legitimate this is my career this is my life this is people from my hometown seeing lies and rumors spread about me this is my relationships being ruined this is youtubers and my friends from this space will not answer my [ __ ] text messages because they're being afraid of being swept into the drama this is me being not invited to birthday parties and christmas parties this is my friends unfollowing me on social media because they believe a false narrative this is my [ __ ] life this is personal to me so with this in mind i'd say there are two theories that can explain this fiasco the first one we'll call the frustration theory what does this entail well fired up and developing the theory in her head that she had been shadow banned gary sought to find more evidence to support her case in this instance that evidence was the search results for what you would see when you enter her name in the youtube search bar when doing this gabby was met with a large number of videos but many of them not from her from other creators in fact some presenting her in a rather unfavorable light she clearly saw this as the suppression of her content in the algorithm while simultaneously seeing it as a promotion of content that may be antagonistic towards her gabby is enraged that the first impressions people have of her are not from herself or from her own content but from third parties denying her control of her own image in this rage she sees it reasonable to frame these videos in a harsher light than one might typically do because of the influence they have now as zyo noted gammy provides no actual excerpts or evidence of these videos being slanderous does this mean that all of them are completely inoffensive no but it does provide the impression that she didn't actually watch them as content creators like this typically vary vastly in their tone and throwing an umbrella over them isn't typically the right way to deliver such narratives but gary was just upset that she was having her voice taken away from her right well let's talk about the more cynical theory we'll call this one the manipulation theory many people argued against this idea that gabby was being censored on youtube citing the fact that she had been on trending very shortly before her meltdown and pointing out the absence of motive for youtube to shadowband such an audience-friendly creator particularly given some of the other public figures they platform many felt that gabby must have been aware of how youtube works i must have known that the appearance of other videos in search results is merely an outcome yielded by algorithmic preferences therefore this theory would state that she was failing outrage to force youtube to offer her preferential treatment now typically one would avoid this theory as we like to provide benefits of the doubt to people's intent and when someone appears in a vulnerable state the possible repercussions for a false positive are much worse than those for a false negative however some felt the elements of her story felt too calculated to be spontaneous such as the so called proof that she continuously proclaimed to be in possession of yet never revealed despite reading alleged dms from reputable sources watch this ready do you know what that means don't say it aloud i'm just saying do you know what that means yeah watch i'm gonna show you something else well yeah that's insane it's damning this led some to think that the outrage was a bit more organized than it appeared and directed at channels critical of her with the narrative that she was being shadowband conjured up as a pr stunt to boost publicity and suppress her critics after all it appeared to work plenty of people made more videos and she claims she received direct correspondence from youtube as well which is much more than most people will ever receive with situations like this however it's hard to know exactly what goes on inside a person's head it might be one explanation it might be another it may be a bit of both it may be neither in circumstances like this i can understand why frustration may arise in many ways gabby's reaction felt instinctive regardless of whether it was well-founded or not but on the other hand there are just certain details which feel out of place and make people's skepticism understandable commentators play an important role in providing outsider insight into creators and the influence they hold and although misinformation should be called out when observed turning your wrath on them for the mere virtue of not being on your side is myopic and will typically only lead to more videos maybe that's what gabby wanted maybe it's not austin pay me enough to say anything more so i'll just leave it there see it [ __ ] [Music] alrighty well this has been quite the interesting topic to cover i will not deny that but my biggest criticism for gabby in this video is how she responds whenever criticism is this to her and how she almost responds to everything that is given to her whether it be small or big it is not healthy to respond to every single thing that is said about you and in the grand scheme of things i feel that is why she had caused quite the outburst in the way she did because it all finally got to her and all broke loose i do hold some sympathy for gabby in these remarks because at the end of the day like all of us she is human i feel her emotional responses were genuine to some extent and of course that doesn't diminish the fact that there is a good handful of criticism which is all fair a lot of people being skeptical of her recent actions thinking her intentions are more cynical than good have every right to think that way as i'm a bit skeptical myself as noted much earlier on in the video but i do feel it is also important to point out that a lot of this might have just been an impulse reaction due to a decline in her mental health which a lot of you [ __ ] online claim to care about but will publicly jump on a bandwagon and will meme about her poor emotionality while she's in a vulnerable state i do think that gabby will come back from this so and hopefully she will have a much better mindset from this and the next time anything comes her way she won't let her emotions get the best of her alright well i think that's really just the end of it i'm gonna go sleep for another year or whatever now because life is just insufferable but quickly i'd also like to thank my good friends raspberry sleepios and tro raspberry took the time out of the day to help me out do some research and even helped take some note she's on my discord server she's lovely if you have the chance to talk to her go let her know that she's lovely and you know she's appreciated and sleepios for those who don't know was the drunk person reading the tweets big thanks to them still waiting for them to upload another video if you think my upload schedule is bad then you should honestly take a look at hers and of course you know the biggest person here tro he took the time out of his life to be part of this so please go give him some love and finally last but not least i'd also like to say a big thanks to my patreons this video is probably going to be either copyrighted or demonetized i i don't really care nonetheless i guess but but the people who help me on patreon you know you helped me pay my bills what else could i say you guys make my life much more easier which allows me to spend more time on videos like this so thank you i appreciate it a lot you guys are and are the heart and soul of this channel alrighty now uh bye i i don't know what else to say um subscribe like if you like the video i i don't know just bye
Channel: Sister Zio
Views: 1,994,046
Rating: 4.8971653 out of 5
Keywords: Gabbie Hanna, Jessi Smiles, Alx James, The Right Opinion, Sleepios, Gabbie Hanna drama, Gabbie Hanna Podcast, Box of thoughts, Gabbie Hanna boyfriend, Angelika Oles, Angelika Oles makeup, Gabbie, gabbie hanna storytime, gabbie hanna special, gabbie hanna monster, gabbie show drama, ricegum, gabbie ricegum, gabbie hanna ricegum, gabbie hanna downfall, the downfall of gabbie hanna, gabbie show genius, gabbie hanna poetry, vlog squad, gabbie hanna music video, sister zio
Id: 2I50sOKrtvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 7sec (6187 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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