How FAST will a COP CAR actually go?!

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i've always wondered how fast  does a police car actually go good morning and welcome to coffee  walk this was an unusual week   we were chasing an unusual car it took several  steps so we're gonna segment three different   things together to show you how we found  this car how we got this car and what it is but most importantly for those of  you that are subscribed to youtube   greatly appreciated 200 000 subscribers we did  it so excited so humble thank you guys so watch   this journey right it's 3 30 in the afternoon on  saturday we just closed the shop after a long week   alex is still here and zach is here and again this  is when we have to go do some of our special buys   we're going to go chase one of the rarest gmc  c10 trucks i have ever heard of in my life   i've never even seen one so come on  with us and hopefully we'll get a bot   how much gas do we have 130 miles you have  no idea how far we're going do you no okay   well this isn't going to be some mega 800 mile  run today or 1600 mile round trip it is only   27.1 miles from our shop there you go so i like  that this and this truck was actually ordered and   sold new in dallas that's pretty rare so here we  go at dallas north tollway north frisco el dorado   parkway little elm this is the fastest route  with toll toll free route is 11 minutes slower   well let's pay toll then we can save 11 minutes so we didn't get the truck bought we're working  on it so i asked the guy what else he had   so i've got something else really interesting but  it's in storage i hadn't run in a bunch of years   so we're following him to a storage unit and  i think you guys can be surprised what you see   had about five miles we're down  the lake lewisville toll bridge you'll never guess what's in here i'll buy  anything one alex all right show us okay 2001   quran victoria p 71 police interceptor okay john  q public could not buy these directly from ford i   hunted the country to find this and i bought it in  about 2002 it had 900 miles on it that is awesome   and the guy i bought it from lived was his mother  who's about 50 years old lived with his mother   we go into his mother's garage he uncovers  the car and dusts it off very carefully with a   feather duster and when i saw that car i'm like  that is the car for me so you ready to see it   absolutely all right so a never in service police  intersection impossible to find rare for sure all right let's just roll this back black grill this means one  because the 2000's were chrome   i really like that and you can also get the  street appearance package on here which put   a little bit more chrome but they didn't  order it on this one dual spotlights factory   then if you look at the doors there's no trim on  the sides right that's right you know why so you   can put your decal the police decal there okay  but you go to the back door scout trim so so far   it looks real i'm sure it is and they shipped it  with the front door trim in the trunk and i still   have that front door trim all right well we won't  let this hit the ground with this back on the roof   as nice as this car is wow how many miles  on this one let me look okay it's in the 50s 56 202 okay so 56 000 you guys are used to be  chasing super ultra low mileage stuff 56 000   miles not low miles but for a police interceptor  right it is right i'd be willing to bet that the   average police center sector has what 170 maybe  even 200 000 yeah they'll go to 200 easy and then   quite often taxi companies at least used to buy  these after the police departments were done right   so run them as taxis so in this one i think  you said it's got a power seat right his power   driver's seat has crucial in it very unusual yeah  his cruise control yeah but unusual alex open hood you can tell it's a squad car in there  the rubber mat smells like it doesn't it   rubber mat it has the trunk release as a button  right on the center of the dash okay okay   and this car you said was a radio delete  car but you went ahead and put a radio   yeah radio delete but i saved the metal radio  delete plate with the factory ford numbers on   now these all had the options for radio equipment  wasn't that special stuff for them to put the   police radios in right this actually has the  option of the grounding package on it where is   that stuff it's all like from fender to frame from  engine to frame it has extra bonding wires okay   we'll go get the window sticker and  you'll see it on okay this 0-1 too   i'd correct me if i'm wrong because you know  more about these than i do i believe in o-1   they upgraded the air intake system on these they  got more horsepower out of them as opposed to over   the 2000 but if you see this hose it's they're  always blue ish in color that's a silicone hose   much stronger than the head aircraft the same  with the heater noses those are all silicone   wow so and this is uh the four six right four  six and i think it's about what 270 horsepower   i don't think it's that high it's not it's all i  hate to you know share this secret it's only about   10 horse higher than the standard crown vic really  okay but the joke is this is a joke now but it has   the cop chip in it it has the comp chip okay yeah  and the speedo's different right yeah i believe   it's 140 mile an hour certified speedometer this  set of tires on it near the goodyear speed rated   r tires that sounds right this truck really is  crazy is this so they could get in the trunk quick   and get their weapons out get their shotgun quite  often the truck release button's right in the   middle of the dash and check out the ticket line  up above there guys see that big ticket oh wow so they can sit there do their paperwork and he's  got the window sticker for this i don't know how   many police interceptor cars have a window  sticker but i'd be willing to admit very few   here's the actual four window sticker wow  police this is police at the top right right   they now they charged an extra uh 20  dollars for the heavy duty rubber floor mat   okay uh th this came with inoperative rear inside  door handles door openers oh wow cool so i put the   the rods in there to make them oh you made it you  made them work because when you think if you have   a prisoner in the back you don't want them open on  the door well i'm in i'm going to pay you now but   unfortunately we forgot the keys right that's  on me that is my fault no problem alex can you   drop the pin and come back later absolutely it's  getting dark it's been a long week and it's uh   absolutely a little bit late on saturday i love  it we got a deal i'm in thank you and thanks for   being such a good caretaker yeah you're welcome  i mean this has got to be one of the best ones   in existence now i don't want to see it on some  youtube channel doing donuts and frying the rear   tires okay you know we don't want that we're not  going to part it out we're not going to crash it   but we will test her okay all right all right but  actually we'll step it up we'll do a major major   detail even though it's beautiful yeah let's make  it as nice as it can be yep that's good it's going   to a good home that's really cool let's cover  back up now i'll tell you one downside of this car   if you're driving down the interstate or  the tollway everyone in front of you will   drive exactly the speed limit they look in their  mirror and they see that see the spotlight see the   spotlight see the crown vic grill i kid you not  they will slow down right to the speed limit so   here's what it is i think we're gonna have fun  with this what do you think yeah that's cool   all right well let me get you paid and  alex will uh drop the pen where we're   at we'll come pick it up this week so this is  round two going after the police interceptor   two probably one of the nicest one in the world  we had to leave in the storage facility because   there were no keys and we needed a battery so we  actually got a motorcraft battery because that's   what the owner specified that we needed to do and  he's such a great caretaker of this car we figured   we'd listen to him it's hopefully the car will  start so we have to push it get it on the trailer   get it back to the shop check the fluids and then  we'll go do something special stay and tuned back   how are you sir sad day for me you ready let  it go yeah have you ever cast your check yet i   wanted to make sure you didn't back out really you  know wow well i haven't checked i figured you did   it's good i know what it is  all right we listened to you   excellent we got the big one we got the  big motorcraft perfect you guys are okay you know i was thinking people say oh  these crown vics are dime a dozen right   well the beat ones are a dime a dozen yeah yes  ones like this you're going to have to hunt   a thrill with it like i was saying  there's a vic in every flick   that's pretty good if you count them in the  movies yep that's true it's unbelievable   so it's not just a vic and every [ __ ] flick  it's a vic in every flick you start looking   for crown vics for their taxis or police so  alex black is negative and red is positive i never went longer than three thousand miles  between all three awesome so so is it clean now   you think yeah just pull the stick i uh it may  be on the windshield with my last challenger fail how many guys does it take to put a battery  in you guys aren't three you're working on ford   so that's all right new forces yeah yeah this is  relatively new for us you're gonna like it it's   a neat car and i was thinking you mentioned uh  the 2000s with the grill yeah but what that was   that's an option it's called the street appearance  package you get a p71 you put that package on it   puts a chrome grill and the back fascia and  i don't like that i like it right right too   yeah and i put like chrome door handles on it  just to make it for detectives so they wouldn't   kind of blend in okay that's called the street  appearance package well this is the package i like   yep yep me too now the question is do we put  the graphics on it or leave it like it is now   i'm sure the door strips are in  the trunk we'll open all that up   there's now i happen to have a  really killer in-house graphic artist   but we looked up the you know since it would make  sense it's just delivered in arizona right that   you would go with a press or whatever scottsdale  police department yeah that's a boring stripe kit   it's not good hey i'm an asu graduate  which is tempe arizona right next   but when you bought this is in california  right for you i remember what city was it   it should be in the folder the galaxy  figured out it was northern california   and i flew out and i trailered it back myself  maybe the california city is it was better well   it was never it was never assigned to us no i know  it was never a sign i'm just saying you know if   we're going to pick a city yeah but scottsdale  you want to throw one of the auctions out there   when you get done with it you know yeah that would  be cool you want to spray a little bit of that yep   i actually put them on first but i'm not  going to tell you here no we'll put them up   we'll follow your lead guy yep yeah it's  ready for three years at least at least   well steve you want to start  or you want me to do it hey   okay that sure i turned the key on just  let that fuel pump run okay is key in it oh 56 202 miles look at that fire right out got good oil pressure   trunk works actually having just fold this  and tap we'll just put it in the trunk so these are what we were talking about  that's left off of the car on the front doors   so they can put the police department insignias  on the doors original spare never underground oh here's that extra wiring there  and uh up here for the lights for   the place yeah like california  highway patrol put lights here   at the end oh with it okay the trunk  is open and there's a traffic stop or whatever uh it literally looks and smells like new inside   yes i believe this is the first time  i've driven a police car i think this is really cool yeah this notch in the door  and this trim piece for the police light that's a   super unique part this has the optional well both  of them are optional the optional passenger side it looks brand new it does not  look like it's got 56 000 miles   which again that's incredibly  low miles for a police car they average what 150 to 170 range probably  yeah it seems like uh police departments are   getting rid of them 150-ish you know out west  a little bit longer and then they get bought up   by taxi companies as taxes that's because they got  heavy-duty suspension right it's just a better car   aluminum drive shaft on these that's really  cool factory good exhaust yeah we're gonna   put up on the lift and check it out when we get  back and point all that stuff out yeah the dual   exhaust is really neat it sounds good see that's  pretty nice wheels for a police car on this one wow that's a wheel cover yeah plastic a plastic  hubcap it almost looks like an alloy you saw the   picture with the little uh you know dog dish caps  on it right i bought it from put these caps on   those are the correct caps for 2001 police  interceptors so i can't wait to get it back to   shop we'll check all the fluids and then we'll  take you guys for a test run should be awesome something you don't see too often yeah those  are the days i remember using those yeah me too   this is cool a little dare program the  police department's use license plate frame now that's outside y'all can see it a  lot better this trim piece isn't here   and this spotlight is an option too they all  came with on the driver's side police cars but   this is an option on the  passenger side to get the extra we'll get this on the lift guys it showed you  this really cool aluminum driveshaft and factory   dual exhaust these cars didn't come with the  radios and steve ordered a radio and put it in   there but that's the actual radio delete plate  poured part number on it it's heavy it is heavy   the top two things people leave in their cars  when i buy them or and garage door openers yep so you got it no i don't have it it's in there  see not only did i leave one i left two i mean i   can't probably half of the late model cars that  we get we end up ups and our fedex or whatever   the owners are full tags and the garage door  openers you know what's cool is if you run a a try   to run a value on this card or blackbook or kelly  or whatever yeah it'll come back not applicable   no kidding because it's a police car yeah so the  police bin comes back and they won't value it   kind of cool all right sir again thank you for  being such a great caretaker absolutely it's   awesome to see that somebody took this good care  of a police car if i see it you know on youtube   or something frying the rear tires off i'm just  going to cry i told you i wouldn't do that but   you will test drive it i'm going to test driving  yes but i won't do i told you i wouldn't do 180s   i wouldn't do donuts i wasn't going to burn the  tires off 360s that's a donut right yeah 720. yeah   there you go two of them no i won't do that  i'll respect the car yep i know you will but   i am going to keep calling you on the other  stuff okay okay i actually have an old-school   uh performance boat here that is one thing i  don't buy boats that's a four-four watercraft 455   i actually uh had a w3455 and a tahiti jet though  yep yep this is a sea ray they only made 300 of   these wow sitting right here it's going the  problem is whenever you're trying to sell a   boat people want to go out of it yeah and that's  a whole all-day deal yep yep it's a rare boat   but if somebody hears that and wants it i'll  send them your way 1970 sea ray pachanga okay   455 with a berkeley jet i have seen a change with  a berkeley jet at cedar creek lake yeah actually   know what that is yeah they're pretty cool like  the old dawn seas yeah yeah the danzi uh i used to   throw dancing marines newspaper oh and okay yeah  they don't look out richardson how about that yeah   small world yeah yep all right so dennis thank  you very much pleasure appreciate it all right   take care of it alex guess what time it  is road trip snack time cool ranch doritos an absolute must and blue mania sugar-free you know they're uh based outside  of dallas right blue media yeah   that's why we're drinking it local  dallas drink it's outstanding since this is just a short road  trip i just got my doritos and my   blue mania sugar free if it was a long road  trip i'd have my chicken salad sandwich and nuts maybe some turkey turkey get my energy up for this test drive so i've always wondered how fast a police  car will go have you ever wondered that but i know where a closed down road is i actually  want to know how fast a police car will go so   let's get this thing back check all the fluids  air in the tires we're gonna take it out and see the gate we roll out of uh cbg a little late  night test drive and we pulled right behind the   wiley pd what are the chances of that i don't  know if that's a good omen or a bad omen we're   full of fuel we got good oil pressure put some  avgas in it which i think is nice and something   that's been sitting for a while look at this  floor mat and stuff in this car it is literally   brand new i don't think anybody sat  in this car sad other than the driver how fast is a police car accident and the answer is 129 miles an hour i think we  got a really good speedometer shot for you hey   thank you guys on youtube 200 000 subscribers  incredible thanks for watching please like   tag share and follow we're going to  keep bringing you some killer stuff you
Channel: Dennis Collins
Views: 532,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police car, cop car, test drive, coffee walk, dennis collins, car world, car buy
Id: Q29T_ybRZVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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