*EASY* Facebook Ad Designs That Convert

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what's up marketers and entrepreneurs today i'm going to be showing you the easiest facebook ad designs that convert so that you can increase your roads reduce your cpa and ultimately drive more revenue for your business now the coolest thing about all these ad designs is you're going to be able to create these for yourself for free so this is great for entrepreneurs who are on a budget with that said i actually use these same strategies for brands that are spending a million dollars per month on ads so the ad designs i'm going to show you in this video are going to help you out regardless of how much money you're spending per month on your facebook ads also be sure to stay to the end of this video where i show you all the tools that i use to develop this ad creative it's going to include the exact same software that i use which are perfect for absolute beginners so let's dive in now the first ad that i want to talk about is called a benefits overlay now this is the easiest type of ad to design but i often find that it is so overlooked because it really is that simple so all we're going to do here is take your best performing image it can be either from your organic social or from your previously tested ads and you're simply going to add a text overlay onto that image now ideally this text is going to be calling out a benefit that you want your customer to experience from your product something like this monday swimwear ad which i noticed that they use this strategy quite a bit now one big reason you need to try out this ad creative is i've actually noticed better returns coming from images that have a text overlay as opposed to trying out multiple different types of creative in the primary text i actually believe that less and less people are actually reading the copy on our ads so by using this strategy you're gonna be able to actually communicate more about your product now you can also use this strategy as a video and again you don't have to over complicate this simply take a video from your mobile device of someone using your product and put that same text overlay over it now i find that the thing that actually trips up some media buyers on this specific strategy is what a benefit actually is most of them tend to confuse it with a feature and something that a colleague actually said to me recently provided a lot of clarity on this subject so i'm gonna share it with you right now and what they told me is a feature is what your product has but a benefit is how that feature or features has benefited their lives now i think this loony ad did a great job of calling out number one the feature which is their microbial fabric and how it actually benefited their lives which is by doing less laundry now the next ad that i'm going to talk about is what i call a features point out and this ad is almost going to be as easy as a benefits overlay with just a little bit more design flair here we're going to take an image of your product preferably on a plain background and simply call out the most important features around the product now this is actually one of those ads that does really well in both prospecting and retargeting so if you're a little bit unsure about how to diversify your creative funnel simply put this ad type into both tofu and mofu i think this ad does so well because it goes a long way in helping to stop the scroll and even as a user i find that when i read one of those bullet points or features i end up reading the rest of them additionally i think that this is another type of ad that could easily translate to video just include a close-up on your product of a plain background maybe even shooting it from point of view so that you can see your hand or something and then simply add the features around the product you don't have to worry about like doing the point out i find that that just like adds a little bit more mess and noise so definitely just keep it simple here now the next ad type i want to talk about is instagram stories style creative now this is not just creative for the instagram stories placement but also for the feed in a nutshell these type of ads are made to look like organic instagram stories style content so they're going to be using the san francisco font they're going to be shot like it's a form of instagram stories and they're also going to maybe include gifs or stickers right on the ad content and this is another type of ad creative again that you can use in the form of images or in videos dognandover is a brand that excels in this strategy and they've been able to create instagram story style content that's in image and video form for the feed but they've also doubled down on this strategy to create instagram stories style creative for that specific placement which is really cool ultimately if you can create instagram stories for your brand then you can create this type of ad creative now the fourth strategy i want to talk about are tick tocks now this is super similar to instagram stories but taking organic content from your brand's tick tock or from an influencer collab is another fire strategy that's really easy to produce but has really great benefits and i do want to clarify this the best results i've actually seen from using this strategy do include that little tick tock logo and the actual piece of content now if you're creating this type of content yourself for your business or for another brand that you work with you're going to need to study what is popular and working right now on tick tock so be sure to follow your competitor brands and see what they're doing now don't worry about reinventing the wheel here you actually do want to completely steal the strategies that are working on tick tock it's the whole point of this ad strategy now i think that this specific strategy is a must try for consumer product goods and any kind of lifestyle fashion brands do not sleep on tick tock just because you have preconceived notions of the platform and you don't understand it you're a marketer or entrepreneur it's your job to know these kind of things now the fifth ad type i want to talk about is unboxing videos so if you are nervous about creating video content for your brand and unboxing video is the perfect place to experiment this kind of creative is going to feel like user generated content which is a great way to stop the scroll especially in retargeting where people already have some knowledge of your product or brand and what's so cool about this strategy too is you can combine it with two other strategies we've already talked about in this video which are instagram stories and tick tock so if you're unsure about what you'd actually film for those two strategies try filming and unboxing so here's an unboxing that i actually did for one of my clients and i actually have a video that shows the several different types of creative i developed for them so if you are personally creating this creative for your brand be sure to check that video out now the last ad type i want to talk about is called the testimonial cut and paste so something that's actually a very popular strategy on facebook ads is to use a customer testimonial directly in the ad but i've actually found that this specific strategy wasn't super effective for the brands that i was working with with the exception of this slight tweak so many brands are simply going to take the testimonials and curate it themselves to look something like this but i've actually found more success lately by taking a screenshot of the actual testimonial and pasting it directly on the ad creative now i think the best type of things that you could screenshot are instagram dms facebook dms or even facebook comments and instagram comments something that looks like you're viewing it from a mobile device because likely people are going to be discovering your brand on their mobile device now i think the reason why this ad type works so well is because these kind of testimonials are a little bit harder to fake and therefore potential customers are going to be more trusting of it because it seems like a more organic and authentic review now it's kind of interesting i personally don't automatically assume that all the testimonials that i see on ads or websites are faked however i have heard from a lot of my non-marketer friends that they automatically assume that these testimonials are faked so i want you to tell me in the comments below if you believe that customer testimonials that brands use on their ads or their websites are faked because i think it could lead to a very interesting discussion either way this type of ad is super easy to create and i like using it in gif or image form the last thing i want to talk about are the free tools that i use to develop all this ad creative and the first one is canva now this is going to make any of your image based content creation super easy so your benefits overlay your features point out or even your testimonial cut and paste these are all things that i make in the free version of canva and honestly i've tried other platforms and software but they just don't work as well and for light video editing i use the mobile app called capcod now i know i've mentioned this in another video but this app makes video editing super easy it's kind of feels like you're creating an instagram story additionally for video if you want to create tick tock or instagram story style creative then just use those specific platforms there's no reason that you have to add another layer of complication you can totally just create that content and then save or download it to your mobile device and then use that on your ads and that's it leave me a comment with the ad creative that you're going to try first from this video and if you enjoyed this video and got value from it please give it a like so that youtube will show it to more people okay guys thanks bye
Channel: Dara Denney
Views: 5,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy facebook ads designs, easy facebook ads design, facebook ads creative ideas, facebook ads creative images, easy facebook ad designs, easy facebook ad design, facebook video ads that convert, facebook ads that convert 2020, instagram ads that convert, how to create ads that convert, how to make ads that convert, instagram story ads that convert, creating instagram ads that convert, dara denney, facebook ads design, facebook ad design tips, facebook ad design canva
Id: wykKIQUP2Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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