Do Facebook Ads Work? (110% Yes & Here’s How)

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at one point or another every business owner has tried Facebook ads and many of us have failed miserably so we've tried with pictures with videos we even hired an agency's and we boosted everything and for some reason nothing seems to make the phone ring so stay tuned in this video I want to tell you why the vast majority of business owners like you and me felt miserably with Facebook ads and I'm going to give you a page of my playbook to make it work for you let's go hey everybody this is ain't when DuPont and welcome to another video if you are new here and you're looking for practical and tactical tips to grow your business with marketing then please subscribe and click the map so you don't miss a thing so here is in my humble opinion the reason why most business owners fail miserably with Facebook ads the issue is we don't understand the context of Facebook most of us are going to Facebook and we're putting ads there ultimately because well we want more sales we want the phone to ring and so we're putting ads and for some reason it doesn't do anything and here is why people like you and me do not go to Facebook to buy anything in other words we have no intent to buy I mean look at your own behavior have you ever gone on Facebook specifically to buy your product or service the answer is now when I ask that question at conferences but maybe one hand goes up for the vast majority of us when we're looking for a product or service we're going on Google not on facebook when we go on Facebook what we want to do is well we want to chill we want to see funny videos we want to see inspiring videos and occasionally an educational video but we certainly don't want you to pitch your service to us we're not here for that but then we you may have a very legitimate concern that then why would I bother why would I put anything on Facebook I just want to grow my business I want more sales well let me just put it that way because that's where our attention is see we spend an enormous amount of time on Facebook probably a lot more than we are on television or looking at billboards or looking at anything this is where you and I spend an enormous amount of time so let's take a look at what you and I like to consume when we're on Facebook and the first type of content that we can get enough of is awe-inspiring cons hello yeah 37% of all shares on Facebook are all inspiring content you know the content that you look and you go ah it's so cute or you know the type of stuff that you know makes you cry [Music] now the second type of content that we love is entertaining content that is roughly about 20 to 25% of all the content we consume music or funny stuff like anything to make us laugh or entertain us we love that and then the third type of content that we love is educational content teach me something show me something I didn't know we loved that roughly about 20% of all content consumed on Facebook is educational content so now let's look at these three types of content let's start with the inspirational content or our inspiring the issue for most businesses is that it's really difficult to pull off now if you have a inspiring story within your business you could leverage it and that would be an amazing idea but it's kind of like difficult to scale what are you going to do next week or next month like you may run out of inspiring ideas now the second type of content that we love is entertaining content or lol or funny stuff well that's great but there is a huge difference between having people laughing with you and people laughing at you and for the vast majority of us were just you know funny looking but we're not that funny so it's kind of like very difficult to pull off unless you're a professional comedian but most business owners are just you know they they are to make money so my recommendation for most business owners is like well try to stay away from funny because it's very difficult being funny is an art it's a very difficult skill and unless you're trained in being funny I would stay away from it and the third type of content that I believe that you and I can play in is educational content teaching people how to do stuff how is stuff done that is a great space where business owners like you and I can play now let me give you a case study to illustrate that point meet Chris and Claire the owners of frameworks in Miami now frameworks does framing by the thousand if you stayed in a hotel in Miami or in a cruise ship chances are that the frame in your hotel room was spring by them they have 30 employees and they frame like a lot you go in their shop and they have tons of frames and they had done few videos to try to drive attention or traffic to their website with producing video content now what we advise them to do is to create a video how to face mount to acrylic step by step now chances are that if you want to reproduce that it's literally impossible because it requires a couple of very expensive machines so it's not really for you to do it on your own but there's just basically showing you how it's done now take a look at about 10 15 seconds of the video so you can see what I'm talking about Chris we need four frameworks here today I'm gonna walk you through step by step how to face mount to acrylic let's go so the first step is in our creative department our creative director here is taking the image the digital image and processing it making sure it's high enough resolution now this video wasn't produced by a huge video production company it was actually shot on a mobile phone now how did that video do well it reached almost 6,000 people and was viewed by over 2,500 people and get this they only had a hundred and seventy people following their Facebook page at the time that is absolutely staggering and in addition it had a 176 engagement which is likes comments and shares if that video is not proof that you and I want to consume how-to content I don't know what is know that kind of reach and attention that this video got really shot on a mobile phone is absolutely staggering I don't know anything else out there that could actually give you that kind of reach now let me give you a tactic that would highly recommend that you do once you have produced a how-to video and you upload it on your Facebook page with Facebook Ads you should expect to get about a thousand people reach for about eight to nine bucks now that may be slightly different in your market obviously if you're in New York City is going to be different than if you're in Atlanta or in Miami but you're going to get a general rule of thumb and right now in the market we're seeing about a thousand people reach for eight or nine bucks now let's just say you are creating a how-to video and you upload it on your Facebook page and you boost it for eight bucks now there is no guarantee that your video is going to reach a thousand people for eight bucks if the Facebook algorithm figures out that your video is very popular it's gonna keep on serving it to more and more and more people and the opposite is true if your video doesn't perform well like people don't really like it well it may be only reached 500 people so the Facebook algorithm is giving you the answer is my video good or is it bad if it reached a thousand people it's a good video if it reached 500 people it's not a good video if it reached 300 people ditch it now as a business owner what's really important is that you do not pay attention to the total number of views which is different than the people reached but you look at the true plays see the issue with the number of views is when you're on your phone and you're looking at you know you're scrolling past your feet and everything if you happen to stop for one two or three second on a video it's gonna count as a view now in between you and me you didn't view that video you just scroll past it the through plays is a minimum of fifteen second so you did stop and engage with the content now it counts 15 second all the way to the end it doesn't make the difference between 16 seconds and then the two-minute video but the true place is really an indication that people liked the video and then what you need to do is simply divide the $1 that you are spent by the total number through play so if you Spain 8 bucks and you got 350 through plays then it's an average of two cents but through plays and that is awesome now for most marketers out there any video that is getting 5 cents and below is a good video and between 5 to 10 cents it's like it's not really good and above 10 cents that videos got to go so now here's the game plan for you as a business owner first of all creative series of how-to videos how do you do this how do you do that yeah tons of stuff that you know in your business would be interesting to people create simple videos and upload them to Facebook now the second thing you want to do and to make it simpler for you is invest seven dollars for seven days at the end of the week go and take a look at your stats did it reach a thousand people then awesome are you paying less than five cents per through plays awesome if not if you only getting 750 people reach and you're paying eight cents per through plays that video is not performing very well which means that you would have to pay a lot more money to make that video perform so get rid of it and now what you can do is you can start to invest more money maybe put thirty dollars for 30 days or hundred dollars for 30 days it doesn't matter because now you know that video performs and is giving you all the attention from your target audience out there and these people will eventually come to your business and do business with you now I'd love to hear from you because there's a lot of people that have a lot of great tactics there so if you have a great tactics you have done for your business or video that is doing very well tell us why put it in the comments below okay so this does it for today thank you very much for watching but before you leave please subscribe and click the bell so you don't miss a thing ciao
Channel: Antoine Dupont
Views: 7,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook advertising, facebook ads, social media marketing, facebook marketing, how to advertise on facebook, facebook ads 2019, facebook ads for local business, facebook ads for beginners, how to create a facebook ad, facebook business, facebook advertising tips and strategies, facebook advertising tips, facebook advertising for small business, facebook advertising for real estate agents, facebook ads strategy 2019, fb ads
Id: 96W1LJD9D3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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