Facebook Ads Power 5: How To Execute & Profitably Scale Your Facebook Ads in 2020

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so I was recently asked the question what's your favorite Facebook ad tack and to be honest I was a little dumbfounded because the strategies I use on Facebook take hours of planning testing and collaborating with clients and my teammates when you're growing a business there's no real hack for that however in the age of growth hacking where every popular guru has a YouTube channel I didn't want to seem like an amateur without any hacks so my response was well I guess I'm a pretty big fan of the power 5 because you see the power 5 is so incredibly effective at scaling up Facebook ad campaigns profitably one might consider it a growth hack so what is the Facebook power 5 power 5 is a playbook for structuring ad campaigns that allows advertisers to leverage the algorithm it's used by professional media buyers and is considered to be a de-facto set of best practices simply stated it's how you run highly profitable campaigns that scale so here's how you use the power 5 number one you turn on Auto advanced matching number two you always use automatic placements number three you maintain a simplified account structure number four you use campaign budget optimization and number five you use dynamic creative and the benefits are really simple my harnessing Facebook's machine learning you're actually going to be able to concentrate more on creative strategy as opposed to tinkering with your ad campaigns every single day so there's gonna be less day-to-day tweaking and a whole lot more time to strategize your core audiences your messaging and your customer lifecycle honestly you'll have more time to work on things that actually make a difference as opposed to tinkering with dozens of ad sets by using the power 5 you become the CMO of your ad account and not the intern so the first tactic is Auto advanced matching what is Facebook Auto advanced matching this is a feature that tells your pixel to search for information about your website visitors it also helps to more accurately determine which people took an action in response to your ad to enable automatic advanced matching all that you have to do is flip on the switch in your advanced manager this little tool is like adding steroids to your pixel and I think Facebook describes it best advanced Auto matching will tell your pic so to look for recognizable form fields and other sources on your website that contain information such as first name last name and email address the Facebook pixel receives that information along with the event or action that took place this information gets hashed in the visitors browser and we can use that hash information to more accurately determine which people took action and respond to your ad so how do you find this button implement all you need to do is toggle it on in your events manager so number one go to your advanced manager to select your pixel 3 click settings in 4 under details toggle on auto advanced matching number 5 you'll also be able to ask what data you'd like to collect just select them all but what are the benefits of Auto advanced matching essentially this house Facebook track your customers over multiple devices and emails because we all have a separate email for junk subscriptions right this means better attribution for your ads and ultimately better information for knowing which one of your campaigns is actually affecting your bottom line so the key takeaways for Auto advanced matching are this and we're one always turn on Auto advanced matching when working with an ad account number two this feature helps track users across multiple devices as well as emails number three you can turn on Auto advanced matching in your events manager now the second power five tactic is automatic placements and what our Facebook automatic placements this feature is essentially allows Facebook to determine the best placement for your ads I thank God the days of manually selecting your place it's time to let Facebook do the heavy lifting but what are the benefits of automatic placements you know what I'm gonna be a little bit selfish here because the best thing about using automatic placements is it just takes so much less time to create ad campaigns no longer need to worry about segmenting between Facebook versus Instagram mobile versus desktop thanks for pulling us a solid Zuckerberg for once and the other much more important benefit is that honestly automatic placements just tend to work a lot better and as a rule I almost always use automatic placements unless I'm segmenting out for Instagram stories or I'm under strict client guidelines and like I said it almost always outperforms so this isn't something that I think about too much key takeaways for advanced placements number one when creating a new ad set turn on automatic placements to allow Facebook to determine the best place to show your ad number two automatic placements are a best practice used by nearly all professional media buyers the only real exception is Mineo segmentation for stories placements number three automatic placements out perform manual placements just try it and see it for yourself in the third power of five is simplified account structure so when I first started in managing Facebook ad accounts it was customary to segment out all variables on your ad sets this includes age location gender demographic placement and device and then I'd have to layer in interest targeting and look-alikes it was a mess I was trying to manage like 50 ad sets in each campaign and this old-school strategy forced campaign managers to slowly increase budgets when things were looking good or cut them off or reduced budgets when things weren't looking so good so a Facebook simplified account structure is exactly how it sounds it's just a much simpler way of doing things so this is how I primarily structure my account you have one campaign for tofu this is top of funnel targeting cold traffic you have a second campaign move Umatilla funnel this is targeting engages on social media and your website and campaign number three Bo foo or bottom of funnel this is normally a dynamic product ad so that you can retarget people with products they've already viewed or added to cart the major benefit here is that Facebook ad campaigns are just so much easier to run it's much easier to diagnose and fix problems and you're gonna be able to spend more time on things that are actually going to make an impact like your creative so the key takeaways here are simplify your account structure at fetch and funnel we do that by separating out the top middle and bottom funnel into their own campaigns number two no more segmenting ad sets by geolocation demographics and placements keep it simple number three with this added simplicity take time to test more creative and customer avatars in the fourth power five tactic is campaign budget optimization or CBO so what is campaign budget optimization essentially campaign budget optimization or CBO allows you to set the budget at the campaign level as opposed to the ad set level CBO uses the Facebook algorithm to automatically distribute the budget and the places where thinks it's going to get the best results and yes contrary to the old method that we just talked about you definitely do want Facebook to manage your budget in most cases because frankly it's really powerful and it's a lot smarter than you are I so the benefits of Facebook campaign budget optimization or CBO is that number one they just tend to work a lot better and this is even more so when you're trying to scale up as frankly the algorithm is much more capable than any advertiser and that's gonna allocate your budget where it knows it can get the best results again this translates to much less tinkering on your behalf another massive benefit that CBO gives you is that it helps guard against audience overlap because sometimes the same people are included within two or more ad sets in any given campaign Facebook knows this and will regulate itself in order to prevent users from seeing the same ads which provides for a better overall user experience so this means that your cost to acquire a customer will decrease your frequency will decrease and your audience isn't going to get annoyed with your ads so the key takeaways for CBO are this number one CBO is going to automatically shift your budget to the ad sets where it knows it can get you the best results for the best price and this can change from day to day number two use CBO for your prospecting campaigns your scaling campaigns as well as your retargeting campaigns the only place I probably wouldn't use it is in your testing campaigns where you're trying to prove out a new audience or avatar and you want to make sure that the right budget gets to those people CBO prevents audience overlap in saturation if someone happens to fall within multiple ad sets in a CBO campaign Facebook isn't going to overload them with your ads and the fifth power five tactic is dynamic creative ads so what are a Facebook dynamic creative ads well there are actually three kinds of dynamic ads that I want to talk about so that we can be sure we're focusing on the right one number one there's dynamic creative this can be turned on on the ad set level and it uses up to ten images five pieces of copy five headlines five CTA site descriptions to automatically find the best combinations for your audience the second one is dynamic formats and add creative this is turned on at the ad level and this uses a catalog of creative and ad formats to show to people based on what they're most likely to respond to and then number three is dynamic product ads oftenly referred to as DPA you can set this up at the campaign level as catalog sales this setting dynamically shows people the products that they've viewed on your website or that they've previously indicated having an interest in and while I do tend to use all three of these strategies and mic ad campaigns the one that we're really going to focus on for the power five is dynamic creative so what are the real benefits of Facebook dynamic creative so dynamic creative allows you to add ten pieces of creative content five copy text five headlines five descriptions in the CTA's a Facebook algorithm then dynamically combines these variables and shows the users the kind of content Facebook believes they'll most likely act on so Facebook dynamic creative is super powerful if you're just getting started and you don't quite know what your audience is going to react to but that's not all dynamic creative doesn't just record Li test your creator to find the best combinations it actually creates the best combination for each user and because of this this is why it's also a super powerful way to scale up at your top of funnel cold traffic campaigns so my key takeaways for dynamic creative or this number one dynamic creative allows you to select 10 images or videos 5 copy text 5 headlines by descriptions and CTAs let the algorithm find your highest performing combinations number two dynamic creative also works to find the best combinations for each individual person number 3 use dynamic creative when you don't know what your audience will respond to number 4 use dynamic creative to scale up your top of funnel prospecting campaigns so the power 5 is a super powerful playbook for those who want to scale up their Facebook ad campaigns profitably however the whole is a lot stronger than just its parts so if you really want to maximize performance and see the greatest benefits and you have to use them all together so here's my advice for how you can implement the power if I've reduced your workload and start making profits more quickly number 1 just make sure that Advance Auto matching is turned on in your advance manager this is a very easy one just always keep it on number 2 then compile your creative if you've advertised in the past go ahead and select your best copy and your best content and then put it in dynamic creative but if you haven't advertised yet just use your best performing organic content number 3 you're gonna map out your Facebook ad strategy and begin building out your campaigns determine your overall budget and how it's going to be split between tofu tofu and BOSU and number 4 go ahead and select CBO for both of your retargeting campaigns that's gonna be moving both ooh and generally I use ad set budgeting for my top of funnel prospecting campaigns where I'm testing out new audiences but for my scaling campaigns I always use CBO so I would go ahead and start with that - number 4 during build-out select automatic places at ad set level and number 5 you're also going to be selecting dynamic creative at the ad set level be sure to test as much copy and creative as you can one of the things you're going to want to look out for is what your top of funnel is best reacting to and also what your retargeting audiences are best reacting to I'm pretty sure they're gonna be different ok guys and that's it if you guys have any questions about the power please be sure to leave me a comment below I'm also always so surprised at how many advertisers have never heard of the power 5 but I do tend to find that people like borrow and use a few of the elements but not all of them together which is really the thing that matters the most about this strategy so if you have use it let me know if you haven't let me know how you're going to use it on your next accounts ok thanks guys bye
Channel: Dara Denney
Views: 6,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Facebook Ads Power 5, facebook ads power 5, power5 facebook, power 5, facebook ads power5, how to scale facebook ads, how to scale facebook ads 2020, how to scale facebook ads cbo, how to scale facebook campaigns, campaign budget optimization, auto advanced matching, automatic advanced matching, dara denney, fetch funnel, dynamic creative, automatic placements facebook ads, facebook ads dynamic, facebook ads dynamic creative, facebook dynamic ads, facebook dynamic ads 2020
Id: WYk_d5l01KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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