How Engineer775 Powered This BIG BOY Bunker

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[Music] i got a frog in my throat [Applause] okay all right you ready you ready all right guys i hope you're enjoying today's video hey listen the usa could be in a world of hurt really soon if that happens don't plan on going to the grocery store and buying any food you better stock up on your survival food i don't care who you get it from but if you want to get the brand that i use and the brand that i like and i'm going to trust my life too go to this drop page that i've had designed for you shelter with discounts are already built in they also have the mountain house brand and all the survival supplies you'll need also god forbid we get hit with an emp one day if you're interested in something like that get you an emp shield this thing will protect your motor your house your car your generator your rv your motorcycle everything in case god forbid we ever hit with an emp because that would be it guys we wouldn't make it as a country so go to use the code atlas 50 and you'll get 50 off every emp field you buy guys enjoy the video i'll see you at the end guys seriously welcome back to another episode of atlas survival shelters now recently i've had a few of the big boys installed y'all know what the big boys that's that big 12 foot by 48 foot round culvert shelter well one of my favorite youtubes is scott over to engineer 775. now he actually will install a bunker and then come in and do the generator and the power source and the soul arc and all these different things and he does everything electrical waters coms radios and everything that you need after we install the bunker so he recently did this video and i'm gonna repost it on my channel to show you what he did because i can't do it any better so guys sit back and enjoy watching scott at engineer 775 put in the generator hook up the electrical and explain it to you and how it all works hey folks engineer 775 doing a bunker big boy bunker wrap up a lot of details oh i caught abraham on camera there he is there he goes oh maybe that was scratch um anyway we're uh we are doing the security side of things right now making sure we have internet with internet router video cameras real link is the system we're using very it's worked this is the second time we've used it it's doing really well and um so we're just getting that hooked up making sure that the soul arc and battery are also hooked up to the internet so you can monitor the system now remotely really cool i can make updates i can check on it and then the ham station is next we got some plumbing to do with the dehumidifier fix some plumbing leaks in here that is priority and then the generator fuel system this is the ham radio kit uhf and vh uh high frequency and uhf we it's pretty cool box that it's in this gator and we're going to set this up as the ham ham shack radio station here over here we've run the coax underneath the floor system and pulled it through to the gen pod up and out to be able to hook to antennas and so we're going to transition from all that wiring that abraham's done here to a little cleanup and then we're going to get the fuel tank in and wire the generator up we still got to do that and fire this baby up got to bring some diesel fuel down here now that we have power and a battery maintainer fuel system we got lots of it's lots of little tasks to get this last ten percent of this thing last five percent done but it's doing good and we gotta clean but we got plum electrical anyway i just wanted to show you some of the details that have to be done um and again you're not seeing all that needs to be done but showing you a lot okay last day here on the big boy the atlas big boy we have again learned a lot this has been a very challenging job but a good job and uh we are just doing some final clean up last minute touches and testing to come into the generator pod we got some some wet paint here can you smell it the sweet little eps is running good we finally got everything worked out in terms of the return and supply line on the fuel we just have a 36 gallon fuel tank which on this baby will run over 100 hours which when charging a lithium battery is a lot of life so we just went small allowed us to work on some things we got ham radio cables coming in here uh ethernet cables for cameras again that's the air intake air exhaust we have one simple receptacle light switch combination and a battery maintainer i gotta bring the cord back in so you got a little battery maintainer here we put a thermometer in here just to we just ran it just to keep uh [Music] just to make sure i think it's good um a lot of people ask why do you put the inverter and battery in here um i kind of like it in the living quarters it's with the lithium there's no off gassing it's a lot cleaner and just leave the generator the diesel generator in the generator pod a lot more room to work maintain and bring in fuel it's just not the best environment for an inverter so but they communicate well we've got the power running over to the inverter underneath the shelter over to it and we've been charging running loads and all of that so this is how we left it we couldn't find a fuel tank i know it's kind of a goofy size but it actually makes it easy it's sticking out it's easy to fill basically a manual operation even though we have two wire start capability i told the customer i am not a fan of the two wire star unless you know that you have enough air coming in here temperatures are good i just just key started it's gonna it's not gonna be used much so there's no sense in taking a risk of overheating it because somebody didn't lock one of these doors you have to have the doors closed in order to get air in here and a lot of people typically don't understand that so i don't want to mess with it but that door right there needs to be closed or else you can't get the over blast valve the air to come into the gen pod to keep this thing running and to keep it cool so i don't want to overheat it's such a sweet machine so anyway just a last minute clean out again i'm in the mud room can't see much you'll hear the air change drastically when i open that up so the blast valve here opens when this is pressurized when that door is closed then i get air from my generator but it takes a while so if the blower's off for any reason it's gonna get super hot in there and i don't want it to be super hot in there so anyway we added a few things added a shut-off valve made it easy to shut off the the water got a master shut off here two places outside the shelter and inside and the grinder pump we've tested several times good everything's good even added up a day let's take that toilet paper we add a bidet to your toilet and we're it's a lux the day so take that hope he's done making noise in here um well he's got this hatch open i will show you i don't know if you can see it or not i've already shown you this but that ao smith real sweet little on demand little two and a half gallon water heaters doing fantastic on the sole ark got the ham radio station turned on here he's gonna probably he's gonna i just put things in here the way i thought he'd like him but he's probably gonna move it around um left him a little surprise got to start the shelter library with a practical preppers book of course and i got amazed the survival medicine handbook by dr bones and nurse amy great book starting his shelter library manuals for everything we've got this plumbed in it's doing well cameras are good and uh a few things man he's noisy and we just put two 55-gallon drums they fit completely in the floor section of the big boy and some pumps again this is back up that will be back up water and we have the aquamaris solution two part to treat those and they'll they'll be good and potable for five plus years and have a manual way to get the water out of there you could there's a booster pump in the system we could plumb something in if we want to get creative but for today that's it this is a manual operation all right we've got to get out of here i think we're done we're tested retested protested and we're doing great with that fortress we tested the generator a little while ago doing awesome and we used about 10 kilowatts today so that's pretty cool i got these babies on timers i'm going to go back to the timer [Music] because it's past when i want it again timers are great to to put in your systems if you're on solar so that you just run some of the loads heavy loads those that don't need to run all day long it can be available to run during solar hours and that is what that load is going to be so i think we're done i think we're done we might be back for some fine tuning but other than that i think we're in good shape and we also put the dehumidifier on a timer just going to run it 10 to 2 during the day let that come on but ham radio stations ready to go just needs a few more connectors for his antennas and he'll be high frequency and uhf capable it's a pretty cool box i don't remember exactly where he got it if i could get him to send me a link i will share this box with you but uh i think believe a family built this and they were selling them but it's a uhf and vhf's got quality equipment in it look at the you got a yay zoo radio you got a yt auto tuners you've got a pretty much everything you need and so um the coax cable we would have finished this but we were missing some connectors all right goodbye big boy we've spent a lot of time in this thing abraham and i we're ready to we're ready to skedaddle we cleaned it plumbed it prepped it oh we got to start turning the lights off on the way out and i'll be able to monitor it via the interwebs here and so i'll be able to check on it every day we start shutting her down turn the water off just in case i'm just a little nervous even though we've checked everything it's just nice to uh know that no water is working it's easy to turn the water on we have two master shutoffs two shutoffs so now they can start living in it i'm just gonna get our stuff get out out of here we turn that monitor off oh now you're thinking no what if somebody sees it looks really cool all right i guess i gotta turn the monitor off all right that's probably enough from bunker land hope you enjoyed it got any questions about one if you get one put in the ground and you need it powered please contact me before you put one in the ground we've learned a lot love to share with you how to install the backup power system security systems camera systems and it's like you always just cannot have enough ethernet cable pulled coax cable pulled power cable pulled so we took every bulkhead to the surface so we'd have backups to backups but we ended up still we used every bit of it so um before you install one of these if you're going to take it off grid and a lot of people just run an extension cord over and plug in the panel and that's whatever that's not the way we uh we install them so if you uh plan on going down this road just give me a call and we'll make sure you get heading in the right direction we've this is the second one we've done we've learned a lot on the first one second one was just kind of fine tuning and learning a lot too so so guys i hope you enjoy watching scott at engineer 775 put in that generator those radios the electrical the soul arc and all that stuff so guys hey if you enjoyed today's video give me a big thumbs up make sure you like and subscribe share my video and hit that little ding ding bell unless you know when more of my videos come out because i've been hearing that a lot of you guys have not been getting notified when my next video comes out so i don't know what's going on with uh with youtube but you know what who knows but anyway guys as always i love you i'll see you on the next video you
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 27,552
Rating: 4.9305959 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, bomb shelter, underground shelter, civil war, fallout shelter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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