Emma Chamberlain Guesses How 2,117 Fans Responded to a Survey About Her | Teen Vogue

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what does that miss guilty pleasure 400 oh no no hi I'm Emma Chamberlain why scream so loud again [Music] I'm scared I mean animals like broke a light how old do you think the oldest person was I took the survey 72 it's my grandma she definitely took this what do you think the youngest ages let's say 12 average age maybe 16 what do you think the most common age was 16 let's check out the results okay number one I don't like good at this except for what forty two-year-old that might have been my mom y'all guys were ugly why is a nine year old on a computer I feel like when I was nine I was like a computer I don't know but average age and most common age I was pretty close as any of the surprising I'm surprised about the oldest person in the youngest person because I feel like nine is really young and if you like 42 is like a really like ripe parent age but also thank you inside Emma's mind who do you think you look like Timothy shouting okay I'm embarrassed cuz everybody always like no you don't but there was like a whole month where everybody was just like Emma you look like Timothy sha'lame and I can't unsee it is that what you think the fans are gonna say yes cuz I saw it so much on Twitter and cuz I want it to be true so I hope that they like read my mind oh god okay I don't think we look alike ah no no definitely not she's way too clean for me I knew it oh my god am I not allowed to cuss dang it can you believe it for me I am so happy do you think they just said there's no because they felt bad for me the results are in on the real though I'm so happy that that happened is Emma a dog or a cat person doc oh I actually have stumps because I actually have a really great cat at home and I used to post lots of photos of that cat all right let's check out the results neither what does neither mean that I just like don't like animals 1531 people say that I'm a dog person you guys weren't onto something 428 people said I was a cat person also kinda on to something because I love my cat but whatever 158 of you said neither and that's just false I love every animal except for caterpillars and that's not even an animal where is Emma from I think they'll say either California or San Francisco even though I didn't grow up in San Francisco I grew up next to it but whatever tap what 96.4% of you were correct San Francisco I don't know why a few of you thought I was from Tallahassee I've never even been there New York I guess that's a default guess in Cleveland never even been to Cleveland I bet the 42 year old was like in Tallahassee what do you think Emma's hype song is hype song oh my god wait how oh oh I I actually didn't even know the answer myself and I think I know what it is they could think the song ocean man that's probably that's totally it oh yes wait they nailed it 315 people said anything by Kacey Musgraves that is so true literally was listening to that on the way here screaming next anything by Taemin Paula also true but that's more of like my like chill song but I'm still gonna give it to you because it can tie me up and then they said ocean man 53 of you said ocean man those 53 of you are coming to my wedding although I'm probably never gonna get married and then 23m use that baby shark I don't that's on pisses me off what is Emma's favorite social media app I really go through phases with social media apps a long period of time there was Twitter and then it was snapchat Instagram stresses me out cuz you always have to be like you know I think they're gonna say snapchat 43% of you said Twitter that's true but recently I've been doing less good on Twitter sometimes I just don't have any good tweets 31% said Instagram no but you would think I liked it because of the amount that I post but in reality no 19.2 percent of you said snapchat and yes I think snapchat might be my favorite it's so light hearted it's so fun the filters are just never fail to get a laugh out of me 4.2 percent of you said venmo honestly yeah I use venmo every day and then 2.5 of you said tik-tok and I hate to talk so sorry if you like tick-tock I don't use it but I do sometimes I do sometimes watching them though what is Emma's favorite way to drink coffee iced duh I literally like preach that Li there's no tomorrow do you have like a specific order Oh iced almond milk latte oh my god ease move the table leave that in almond milk latte good sixteen hundred of you said that next is cold brew with oat milk I don't normally drink this but when I was at Coachella why does Coachella like oh I don't have to talk about it all the time but anyway I drank that when I was at Coachella so I do like it but it's not like my go-to 326 you said that so I'll give it to you and last one was Emma hates coffee I was also the 42 year old like you shouldn't taking this quiz if you don't watch okay what color looks best on Emma what color do you think this is on you this is really nice I've been told that blue looks good on me aka one person and it was my dad one time which I feel like parents just compliment you cuz they feel bad I'm gonna assume blue oh my god would you look at that 484 of you said blue 381 of you said red I need to go shopping buy more red apparently 329 of you said yellow okay I do like yellow although I don't think I look that good in it so I'm glad that you guys said that that's really nice 202 of you said pink and 194 of you said black I think black makes me look bad and pale but thank you so I guess the moral the story is we're going shopping and we're buying all these colors and burning everything that's not these colors okay transmutations what does that mean oh we're gonna find out okay what fun would Emma be I love this question oh my god I love this question why do I love this question because I don't even have an answer for wait wait let me think okay see the problem is I'm gonna try to choose a generic font because I am literally I'm obsessed with fonts fun fact about me oh my god is it like a melty cup for whatever have a like a America Helvetica italicized is this the right thing I know I can see it in my head - I'm just gonna say like Arial come on Ariel Comic Sans wait honestly like yeah that kind of like looks like me right okay bold yeah times new roman' that is so offensive times new roman' oh my god there she is it's Ariel I think the this is me I like cough and now it's Comic Sans guys I'm serious comment down below who I look more like what plan would Emma be what plant would be you know I think I would be like a Venus flytrap because I have a really big mouth service a sunflower that is precious I'm really I'm that's a compliment cactus I was thinking that people would think this because I look good to stand next to in Instagram photos but I'm also sometimes sharp like cactus Venus you wow you guys really wait is this rigged like did you guys say like that I would be a Venus flytrap we live in lady too huh oh my god is this seaweed okay this is just because I like the song ocean man I swear to God if Emma was a condiment what would she be mustard right now mustard right now mustard I love mustard and a story if they say Mayo I'm freaking out I'm literally like leaving I will literally walk out mustard three hundred fifty four of you said mustard thank you in my opinion mustard is the best condiment and I'm correct that's not even an opinion so juice is the best 249 a you said Mayo I'm serious oh my god and I'm already looking at the next answer to you guys are wack Wayne huh I who like I hate mail it literally makes me so upset even if it's just thinly spread on a sandwich I hate it a hundred and sixty one have you said ranch I loathe ranch but you know what honestly you guys might be onto something here because you know you're saying like what condiment would be me and some people like really love me almost like how I love mayo and ranch so like maybe it's like but then some people really love mayo and ranch maybe that's what you guys are going for here I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt because I hate both of those 145 of you said hot sauce I love hot sauce that's why my second favorite condiment so and three of you said syrup and one of them was the nine-year-old I'm so sure Emma was a cartoon what would she be this is important to me Oh ooh ooh ooh DW from Arthur yes oh my god she was so much work she was so high-maintenance and that is what I've grown up to be okay yeah you're right I don't think they said that I think they probably said spongebob because II feel like I am kind of like spongebob where I'm just kind of like really loud and like cries a lot oh my god I'm so glad that I rerouted my answer because look at us go 444 of you said spongebob and that's a good point I would say yeah oh my god Rick and Morty yes 174 of you said Rick and Morty and that is your convoy to me because I love Rick and Morty wait what herself you would be a cartoon version of yourself is what the fan said I mean yeah but like wouldn't everybody a whole hundred and fifty-five of you so that I would just be myself I will give it to you that's nice Oh Powder Puff Girls powder puff is that oh my god this is not working powder puff oh I'm not letting myself like that down okay 90 of you guys said I was a powder puff girl powerpuff girl honestly this is me and my two best friends so like the 90 of you that said that we're honestly onto something okay lasted chicken one person said a rooster run persons that are rooster the nine-year-old needs to get off the computer mom literally needs to say after 9 o'clock no more computer hopes dreams and fears am I gonna start crying from this not from this one it sounds a little deep wait I'm gonna cry from something maybe does Emma believe in ghosts yes I think they're gonna say yes I always think that I'm being haunted or being followed or being like watched yes okay so fifty percent of you said yes eight percent of you said no and I'm the reason why I just pause right there is because I thought that the last answer was she is a ghost and 42 percent of you said that you might be on to something like the way that I live my life like I'm surprised I'm kind of like not dead yet whoever said no that was a nine year old because they are scared of ghosts and they like do not like that's off limits like moms that ghosts exist so I'm like making fun of this nine year old and I'm so sorry like if you're watching this I actually love you and I'm just picking on you like I'm your big civilan I never had younger siblings so like can we have this what kind of TV show should Emma have like if I were to have a TV show I'd want to be a voice actor in an show like Rick and Morty cuz that just seems so fun and also like you don't have to look good when you're filming it or recording it so that's like but I feel like they might have said a reality show maybe Oh a talk-show okay so 48.5% he's at a talk show I'm into that 14% of use in a sitcom I actually don't what is the sitcom why do I not know what that is is that because I'm like born in 2001 or something yeah it's like Big Bang Theory that sort of thing oh okay I stay calm that would actually be fun ah 32.8% of you said a reality show okay honestly I think if I had a reality show would be so scripted that it would be hilarious cuz you would even supposed to be around on email last but not least prestigious drama yes I am very dramatic everybody in my life who says I'm a drama queen all the time just like sick of that label on me whatever would you host a talk show I don't know I feel like I like when someone else is hosting a talk show and I'm either watching it like that just oh no I don't think I would I don't know why I just don't feel like I'd be good at it but you never know till you try what scares Emma the most caterpillars you think John I'm done caterpillars I know that they said it I've talked about it sorry just burp um yes why do I have indigestion oh yeah you Tom's never that was a picture of a caterpillar or 247 you said that and because of you I just had to have a fat photo of a caterpillar in front of me this definitely I just saw the photo loneliness yep okay what do you guys trying to say to me I mean it's not like Falls okay so 100 60 70 is that being alone and no coffee yes mostly because at this point I have such a like unhealthy caffeine like addiction that like now if I don't drink coffee I get migraines should I say that ghosts I'm not that scared he goes ghosts can't hurt me they're literally air in like even if they like throw Miley face across the room like cool have fun having good aim with your ghost arm when you can't even do anything so like I'm not scared of that groups of eighth graders one person said that this is like life is the truest one why is is the truest one oh my god that is so true I do not like mmm groups of kids my age or a little younger than me absolutely not who ever said that you are coming to my wedding also what does anything to you this is where I gonna start crying oh what is the one word you would use to describe Emma what do you think the fans said you know I really have no idea I guess I'm just gonna have to see 263 of you said fun why was that the word I was literally thinking in my head cuz I just used the word fun as an adjective every 20 minutes so that's really sweet thank you guys 137 have you said funny also very sweet of you guys I don't think I'm funny I don't laugh at anything I do actually that's false but I don't think other people think I'm funny I just think I'm funny to myself 136 you said quirky I really hate that word but I'm going to assume that you guys had really good intentions with the word and therefore thank you well this is weird 78 of you said coffee as it but that's not an adjective that is actually noun but thanks and then three of you said bean what does that mean what does Emma mean to you oh do you have any idea what the pans will say I really don't know I'm nervous okay let's see gonna read it out loud oh no I actually don't think I can read this like I'm literally feel choked up I don't think I can read it do I have to yeah oh no okay I'm not gonna cry like as I seriously can't joy she's the light of my life whenever I'm feeling down I read her tweets or watch her videos and just relax and she makes me feel instantly better she taught me how to not give a damn about what anybody thinks about you and just live your life like you want to live it stop stop that's so sweet I literally had to crumble it not out of disrespect to you but out of the fact if I looked at it again I'd probably start crying that is so cool to me that wasn't always my goal that like that resonates with you guys what surprised you the most about the survey I was actually surprised with how OnPoint they really were most of the answers spot-on and like detailed to anything you want to say to the people who took the quiz every last one of you that took this quiz including the nine-year-old I know I've been giving you a hard time but I'm serious I love you a lot thank you for taking time out of your day to do this and also just thank you for your support and everything that you do for me I know I already said this but I love you a lot and that's about it [Music]
Channel: Teen Vogue
Views: 4,187,862
Rating: 4.8773832 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chamberlain funny, emma chamberlain youtube, emma chamberlain fan survey, emma chamberlain guesses, emma chamberlain fans, emma chamberlain reacts, emma chamberlain guess, emma chamberlain fan, emma chamberlain funny interview, emma chamberlain teen vogue, emma chamberlain fan survey teen vogue, fan survey, fan survey teen vogue, celeb fan survey, celeb survey, emma, chamberlain, emma chamberlain fan questions, fan questions, teen vogue
Id: 8HsdD-iRfiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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