How Dubai Billionaires Spend Their Billions

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[Applause] are you ready to pay 15 million for a license plate how about 1.3 million for a toilet if you are then you will feel right at home welcome to Dubai indeed the people here know how to live large well at least the wealthy but with a royal family like the alac tombs to set the standard what do you expect and believe me they are a tough act to follow I'm not even talking about their gorgeous $500 million ion or their $2 billion yacht collection even when looking at their pets you can see why Dubai's richest are so crazy about animals and I'm not talking about camels and horses though the family does have inspiring herds of both actually shik Muhammad fell in love with horses ever since he was a young boy he'd spend most of his time on Horseback and became a well-rounded equestrian his offspring took that to another level as Crown Prince hamen better known as fazza won several International Equestrian Games needless to say the family spends a fortune on their horses some statistics suggest that they pay more than $5 million monthly to satisfy their horses I mean look at these Stables most people don't live in such luxury but the domestic horse Market is not enough for such vast love the Dubai royal family invested more than $45 million in acquiring the biggest horse breeding operation in the United Kingdom dalum Hall stud since they bought it the entire area of New Market became synonymous with horseback riding and earned the name home of horse racing still horses are not the only animals put on a pedestal by the royal family camels are also looked at as a prized possession especially those worth more than $2.7 million that's right Prince hamen one sport a camel worth $2.7 million and gave another 2.8 million to 15 others now you might be wondering whether Haman is ready for the Looney Bin but no actually camels are a symbol of nobility around these parts so owning the best camel is a statement of your wealth and royalty thus the Dubai Royal family organized a wait for it camel beauty pageant a splendid idea indeed in camel terms this one's quite the looker and that's why it's here taking part in Saudi Arabia's camel beauty contest where the pageant queens of the desert are judged on the size of their lips cheeks heads and knees rumors say the pageant alone cost around $5 million and the winner received a hefty price not the camel the owner after the pageant fazza approached the owner of the most beautiful camel and offered 2.7 million to own it and can you blame him just look at this smile so captivating so beautiful so camish Kylie Kylie Kylie Kylie Kylie while the family truly loves ulet of all kinds and the prince shares an occasional kiss with some of them those are not the only animals in their life fazza spends Millions obtaining and caring for rare and astonishing animals his personal zoo is a place of Wonders with exotic mammals rare birds and more among his many many animal friends three in particular have a special place in his heart his albino lion Frosty his white tiger Elsa and a pony named Joy it's nice to see the king of the jungle like Frosty actually live as lavishly as a king still no zoo is completed without an elephant so fazza took care of it by buying six baby elephants and one adult female the price of the purchase from Zimbabwe is not disclosed but based on black market prices some estimates suggest fazza paid nearly 12 million for the purchase of course all ultra wealthy Arabs in the country followed suit thus seeing a shake cruising around with a leopard or someone walking their pet tiger on the beach wasn't rare unfortunately for those fat cats since 2017 owning exotic animals and walking them around is strictly regulated you need a permit and a sanctuary where the animals can live and the population of Dubai can be secured thus the Exotic Animal craze is a bit less trendy these days however none of these animals can even come close to his fascination with Falcons after all the Falcon is Dubai's national animal and unsurprisingly the Majestic birds have a tight hold on the prince's heart and he spends Millions to take care of and train them fazza was prepared to pay the mind altering 15 million to buy a falcon training facility in England the owner however turned out to be even crazier about the birds and turned down the offer a compromise was reached in which the owner would retain the position of his facility but hamdan would be the sole client now that's what I call a great deal well fazza may be mad about animals but even he can't beat the enthusiasm of an unnamed Saudi prince who went Far and Beyond to accommodate his beloved Falcons yes Dubai offers luxuries to all rich people not only the royal family this unnamed Saudi Prince was traveling for a vacation in Dubai and he decided to take his Falcon collection with him probably for emotional support so he bought all of his 80 Falcons first class tickets for an Emirates flight needless to say this came to a hefty six figure price as a first class seat on an emirat flight is in the thousands this turns out to be not that unusual well not the number but transporting falcons as a whole Dubai has the only high-end Falcon Hospital in the Middle East and I'd also guess the world thus most of the high-end airlines in the region offer Falcon Transportation Qatar airlines offers up to six passenger sets for Falcons but as uae's national bird is the Falcon Emirates Airlines has no such limits so if you have about a 100 Falcons and want them to visit the vet why not just book an Emirates flight to Dubai it will only cost you several $100,000 I mean have you heard about a hospital dedicated to the care of Falcons elsewhere it's almost like having a solid gold diamond encrusted toilet it's there but who the hell needs one when a regular toilet will do the job oh wait in Dubai you can actually buy one for $1.3 million in 2019 this solid gold toilet received a Guinness World Record certificate for having the most diamonds on a toilet to be precise 4,815 diamonds make the seat a sparkling Wonderland that's how you crap in style this Aaron show from jewelry is precisely what you need for your children's upbringing after all you don't want to make them functioning members of society now do you they should remain as spoiled as you wish you were back in the day yes Dubai has a true epidemic of spoiled children these days actually many tourists are outraged by just how entitled these little brats are worst of all their parents do nothing to to control them this problem is relatively new as not many people were so well off a generation ago so today children just assume that everything is Theirs to have fat al sa who as you can guess is not precisely from Dubai is the perfect example of this trend he spent $17 million on his graduation in Disneyland now you may think he spent weeks there but no the prince was visiting Paris for 2 days so he booked entire park areas just for himself and his 60 guests I'm not quite sure how this celebrates your maturity but hey I'm not the one who grew up without any rules indeed there are no rules for the snotty little brats and no one to enforce them they become arrogant and entitled which is often trans transferred Beyond borders for example Manchester the industrial Heartland of the British Empire the home of the Industrial Revolution is now the playground of the richest Arab shakes especially those from Dubai they go there during the summer to escape the heat in their home country and while there they splurge on luxury shopping an entire industry is dedicated to accommodating their needs and its Market cap is well above $1 billion moreover due to the high demand for luxurious rooms in Manchester hotels during the summer months prices can go up to several tens of thousands of dollar but that's not all as all these purchases have to be stored somewhere many Arab shakes rent a second and even a third room just to store their new belongings a Manchester Hotel owner even told the BBC that one shake rented three additional rooms on top of the entire storage area of the hotel though the price was not revealed with regular prices being £180 or £230 USD per night you can imagine how much he spent on top of his stay well at least he went for regular rooms of storage he might have wanted the presidential apartment to store his jewelry do you think that's obscene well wait until you see what these people do when it's time for a wedding even when outside the UAE they spare no expense to show how much they love their children so when two ultr Rich Clan heirs get engaged the wedding is bound to be a spectacle I guess the trend started back in the late '70s when shikh Muhammad bin Rashid al- makum decided to tie the knot For the First Time The Venue cost more than $100 million as it took place in Dubai World Trade Center which was specially modified for the event the bride came in a golden carriage and was clothed in a dress made of pure gold and embroidered with diamonds and other precious stones the dress's exact cost is unknown but it is rumored to have cost several million dollar more over the bride and groom exchanged gifts of precious jewelry as part of the wedding ceremony the total value of these gifts was close to $10 million as was the entertainment food and drinks cost so today Rich Dubai shakes are trying to recapture this glamour not that they will but they can always try still a wedding is only as glamorous as the presents and gold is the traditional gift there so can you imagine forgetting to get the bride and groom a wedding present only to see the last jewelry store closed right in front of your eyes thankfully Dubai is ready for that eventuality after all there's always a birthday and anniversary or something that slips your mind so of course having an alternative is a good thing a gold vending machine seems like a good solution this fancy gold dispenser is actually positioned in one of the most expensive hotels in the world the Abu Dhabi Emirates Palace Hotel the rooms are predominantly gold decorated still if you need a bit of extra gold to put on your table you can just go to the vending machine and purchase as much gold as you want along with the gold bars there are also golden coins and other gold jewelry so if you have forgotten your child's birthday you can always get them a surprise golden coin still it's much better if you think ahead of their birthday and actually get them some entertainment for example their favorite star every one of us has a celebrity crush the difference between us and the wealthiest people in Dubai is that they can actually afford to hire their Crush to perform at their parties yes I also don't know what they find in her but hey as long as that would make her happy why not pay $10 million and ask Taylor to sing your daughter happy birthday on her special day or just hire Tom Holland to come swinging in as Spider-Man on your son's birthday this is actually a pretty common practice among Dubai billionaires as they often find using spotify much more complicated than just hiring the star to come and play for them live there is no better example of this trend than Rashid belhasa better known as monkey kicks as the son of the richest UAE businessman he started inviting celebrities to his home from an early age when he was just 10 he hung out with Cristiano Ronaldo and Khloe Kardashian later he started inviting all kinds of stars like Rihanna Jackie Chan Muhammad Salah Messi Pogba Rita Aura and even Floyd Money May wear weather as you can imagine flying all these celebrities to the UAE and back in utmost luxury is not the cheapest thing with this kind of money imagine what cars he owns moreover imagine how he maintains them I mean he probably just throws them away when the oil is due for a change this might be an exaggeration but duai truly has a problem with abandoned ultr luxurious cars when did you last drive to the airport and forget your car on the way back for the ultra rich in Dubai this is a common occurrence in fact I'd bet they're treating their cars like burner phones who needs to remember when they parked when you can get a brand new Ultra luxurious car around the corner Jokes Aside Dubai is running out of space to store all these abandon luxurious cars and they are not Soviet relics there are luxurious Merced Mercedes amgs BMWs Lamborghini Bugatti Porsches and even rollsroyce in those Parks as many as 3,000 luxury cars are abandoned annually in Dubai with all these cars lying around one would wonder why doesn't the local police just use it well compared to what local police officers Cruise in these abandoned cars are just junk I mean here in America it's a pretty rare sight to see a cop in a sports car or any other car outside the standard patrol car well Dubai is not much different the coppers there also predominantly use the standard issue patrol car only theirs is a Bugatti Veyron there's a reason behind this and Corruption is not it a few years ago the shake and his advisers came to the conclusion that police can't Inspire respect and obedience in the younger spoiled generation if they drive old Clunkers they need to be on par with whom they are going to stop and check so a fleet of Bugatti Veyrons was ordered for the Dubai Police this came with a few side effects firstly Guinness awarded the Dubai Police as the fastest one in the world secondly the application to the Dubai Police Force quadrupled once the Bugattis were introduced used now that's how to inspire trust and create law abiding citizens well yes most of the applicants weren't precisely from the wealthiest families I mean when you have a diamond encrusted and goldplated car at your disposal why would you switch that for the dull white and green colored Bugatti Dubai's Ultra Rich truly have one inspiring car park filled with golden silver and Diamond cars first and foremost of course of course is the royal family the Royal garage is full of Automotive masterpieces but naturally at the Forefront lies the golden collection among them are the $2.2 million devil 16 designed especially for shik Muhammad his $4 million Bugatti Veyron and Prince haman's 8.2 million golden Rolls-Royce Phantom a $7.5 million golden Lamborghini Aventador a $5.8 million golden Porsche 9918 spider and a $3.2 million golden Range Rover Vogue but of course that's not all on the streets you can see a plethora of Dashing sports cars among them is the solid gold Lamborghini Aventador worth $7.5 million this is not even a full car but a 1/8 scale model created by German engineer Robert gulpen 1,100 lb of gold were used for this beauty still if you want to ride your Lamborghini solid gold is not the best metal for the job so turkey bin Abdullah a Saudi prince who spends most of his time in Dubai opted for the next best thing a goldplated Lamborghini Aventador worth just under $4 million and of course the white gold Mercedes SLR worth approximately $2.5 million this car is often seen dashing on Dubai's Main Boulevard it actually has become an attraction for tourists of course having such an extraordinary car demands having an extraordinary license plate and as those are just a few Dubai's wealthiest often pay three to four times more than their cars for rare numbers or combinations for example Arif Ahmad Al Zeroni one of the most prominent business people in the UAE bought his license plate for $5 million well having a license plate with just a single one is definitely a worthy price now many would think that Arif simply took the number as an investment but no Arif always dreamed of being on the top and since the aleron family will like never taste the Royal life having the one license plate number seems like a good consolation prize still that's not even the most expensive license plate ever bought in Dubai in a dazzling display of extravagance a license plate in Dubai just clinched the title of the world's most expensive fetching a jawdropping $5 million at auction bearing the elite combo p7 this allwhite vanity plate is not your ordinary car accessory while the identity of the lucky winner remains a mystery the Hefty sum is channeled toward a noble cause the 1 billion meals endowment fighting Global Food insecurity in Dubai's gold clad city where the ultr rich flaunt status with Flare dropping fortunes on license plates is not just a road trip accessory but a bold statement of wealth I guess when you own a $15 million plate you have a mini heart attack each time you go through a puddle for this money it would be a sacrilege to scratch it or even spray it with water that's probably why the newer generation that prefers amphibious cars is not too keen on joining those auctions yes amphibious cars are the new craze among those spoiled rich kids I've already mentioned ever since Prince Haman bought his first six ultr luxurious amphibian cars for about $1 million in total the wealthy offspring of Dubai's richest instantly followed suit now the beaches are filled with all sorts of James Bond looking cars that turn into motorboats as soon as they've hit the sea yes the sons of the wealthiest live their lives to the fullest both on the road and and at sea but what about their daughters let's not forget the UAE and Dubai are conservative Muslim country and city and that's not the best place to be a woman you can't drive you can't go out alone and while your father is trying to spoil you rotten he still can't buy you that convertible Porsche covered in pink diamonds on the other hand you can always call a flying taxi nope you're not watching a sci-fi movie and this is definitely not one of those technology prediction videos Dubai is actually home to the first flying cars in the world this autonomous Air Taxi is perfect for the Shakers and the princesses in the country as it's entirely self-driven and can get from the palace to the shopping center without the need for the princess to set foot outside their father's home still if that's too modernistic for them or if they suffer from sickness there is another solution the Super Bus indeed Dubai has taken transportation to new heights now the ultra Rich can tag along without even compromising their comfort well when you have three wives and 12 children you're bound to get something that can take you all to your Ultra luxurious yacht the $18 million Super Bus constructed by Dutch astronaut wubo OS is the best solution this 23 seater ultr luxurious limo is not only a sevenstar hotel on Wheels it can also outrun anyone on the highway with a maximum speed of 155 mph it can give even the Dubai Police a run for their money now do you understand why the Bugatti Veyrons are a necessity still luxurious cars are nothing if you don't have a place to go don't worry though the ultra rich in Dubai have plenty of sports to show off their immense wealth they are not that different from the ultra Rich here they enjoy the Finer Things in life drive fast cars and play tennis not only that but they play it to the extreme the world's highest tennis court is actually in Dubai the symbol of the city the Burge Al Arab Hotel hosts this Marvelous Designer solution and has even hosted some friendly games between some of the best players in the world the tennis court itself is actually a helipad but when it's not in use guests of the hotel can enjoy a nice game of tennis at 650 ft above the ground still it is a good thing that the court is above water otherwise the golden and diamond cars down on the ground would have felt the gravity of having such an outlandish display of wealth hopefully the ball boys and girls are well paid as they have to run and retrieve the balls from the Gulf dry them up and get them back up still tennis is not the best sport when it's about 110° fah outside skiing seems like a much more pleasurable experience at these temperatures no I didn't have a stroke Dubai actually offers an indoor ski resort for its Rich citizens ski du by may sound like a cruel joke to the locals who fry in the summer heat since their country is in the middle of a desert but actually it's a 22,500 m indoor ski resort filled with artificial snow the entire place has to maintain a constant temperature of -30° f so take that Mother Earth the resort itself is a true Marvel of modern technology it offers a 300t tall Snowy Mountain with five runs the place actually has the first ever indoor Black Diamond run the only thing I'm wondering is how you don't get a heart attack when you get from 110° outside to -30° inside but hey when life gives you Sandy Dunes you can always make a temperature controlled indoor City oh wait that's not how the thinging goes is it regardless Dubai has followed this ancient old saying to the letter and since there are a lot of Dunes here they built one truly magnificent temperature controlled indoor City so the ultr rich can stay refreshed during the hot summer months I mean why spend millions in Manchester when you can spend them in Dubai right it's a brilliant economic decision when you look at it this refreshing escape from the harsh realities of the outside world will offer everything a rich person could desire short of a breath of fresh air of course still when the breath of fresh air is actually coming from Satan's pit you might do without it Marvel at the abundance of shopping opportunities where you can indulge in the latest in consumerist Delights without ever having to Brave the elements and when hunger pangs strike Feast on a variety of culinary creations each as Bland and uninspired as the last as you can imagine this Behemoth will consume as much electricity as the entire UAE but hey when we're talking about the comfort of the ultra Rich burning three times more fossil fuel every day is well worth it who cares if the weather outside reaches 150° F inside this Mega doome the temperature and and humidity are always perfect and since this is not enough of a middle finger to Mother Earth the ultr rich and Dubai actually created their own man-made islands where some of the best and most expensive hotels are situated the Palm jamyra is not only the most luxurious place on Earth but also the biggest artificial island ever created this 48 million square m project is bigger than Paris and accommodates over 1 million people in ultr luxurious settings no wonder the Dubai royal family paid more than $112 billion to construct it the Palm shape of the island is not a fancy designer solution but rather as a way to make as many beachfront ultral luxurious Villas as possible on top of it is the largest hotel in Dubai Atlantis the Palm now you might think that the Dubai ultr rich don't care at all about the environment but may I remind you of their love for Animals a falcon only Hospital remember but that's not all there is also a turtle hospital that's actually very sweet and thankfully it's not a joke the turtle hospital is located in one of the most luxurious hotels in the city it's a refreshing site seeing the ultr rich using their money for something other than dipping everything they own in Gold speaking of Dipping everything in Gold several thousand miles to the east there is another king whose luxurious lifestyle knows no bounds the Sultan of brunai is among Dubai's most loyal visitors and seeing his taste that's hardly a surprise care to learn about his extravagant lifestyle just check out this video [Music] next
Channel: Luxury Zone
Views: 130,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rich people of dubai, dubai luxury lifestyle, wealth in dubai, billionaire lifestyle dubai, how the rich spend, dubai spending habits, luxury cars dubai, high-end real estate dubai, dubai luxury shopping, wealthy lifestyle, exclusive dubai clubs, private jets dubai, yachts in dubai, dubai extravagance, opulent lifestyle, dubai elite, expensive hobbies dubai, luxury brands dubai, investment habits dubai, rich and famous dubai, financial elite dubai, dubai camels, money
Id: QJ1x-VQZffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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