How Billionaires Always Get What They Want

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[Applause] is surfacing you can see cardi we're going to talk about nine billionaires who couldn't bear being told no so they did some extremely outrageous things just to get what they wanted starting with Larry Ellison who spent $40 million to buy the house next door simply because his neighbor didn't want to cut down a tree in their front yard the trouble started when Larry Ellison who's worth over $1 100 billion bought a five-bedroom mega mansion in Pacific Heights Larry's main reason for buying the property was because he could see the picturesque San Francisco Bay from his balcony but it wasn't long before Larry's dream home was transformed into a nightmare one morning Larry Ellison woke up to a nasty surprise the couple next door had planted two red wood trees that were growing big and fast very soon those trees had grown so tall that Larry couldn't enjoy the panoramic view of the San Francisco Bay without those two trees blocking his view but the problem only got worse no matter how many times Larry asked his neighbors to cut down the trees they said no Larry was outraged remember Larry is a billionaire therefore he had enough money to buy another house anywhere in the city and move if he wanted a house with a view of the ocean there were hundreds of homes in other parts of America Larry could instantly pay for but after being told no Larry wasn't concerned about the view anymore he wanted to win this war he wanted to prove a point and that's why no one was surprised by what he did next Larry pulled out his multi-billion dollar checkbook and gave his stubborn neighbors an offer they couldn't refuse he offered them $40 million to buy their house and kicked them out as soon as they took the money and then he celebrated his victory in a cheeky way instead of cutting down the redwood trees Larry moved into the house next door Larry now had a clear view of the bay the stubborn neighbors were gone and he didn't even cut the trees with that move Larry showed the world that billionaires always get what they want however Larry Ellison isn't the only billionaire who's taken something that belonged to someone else Jeff Bezos the former richest man in the world did the same thing however what Jeff Bezos took wasn't an object it was an actual human being at a party Patrick whitel introduced his wife Lauren Sanchez to to Mega billionaire Jeff Bezos Patrick is a well-known agent in Hollywood and a longtime friend of Jeff Bezos but that introduction was the beginning of the end for Patrick and Lauren's marriage a few years later Patrick was a sad divorced Man and Jeff Bezos was chilling with Lauren Sanchez on a $500 million yacht here's how a billionaire stole another man's wife after that introduction Jeff Bezos reportedly hired Lauren Sanchez to help with aerial photography for his space flight company blue origin so Jeff and Lauren started spending more time together without her husband but it turns out Jeff Bezos wanted more from his friend's wife in 2018 the national Inquirer shocked the world with claims that Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez were secretly having an affair the newspaper even included Le text messages between Bezos and Lauren to support their claims but how did they find out is Jeff's rumored affair with former Fox and extra host Lauren Sanchez according to page six the affair was brought to light after Sanchez reportedly bragged about the affair to her girlfriends showing them sex and dirty pictures from Bezos those girlfriends then allegedly sold those sex and pictures to the National Inquirer Jeff Bezos had always maintained a nerdy good boy image but suddenly the world began to see him as he truly was a billionaire who wouldn't hesitate to steal someone's wife after the news went viral Jeff Bezos admitted to the affair and then he and Lauren both divorced their Partners to be together in 2019 the two went public with their Romance the same day Jeff and his wife of 25 years Mackenzie Scott announced they were getting divorced never introduce your wife to a billionaire unfortunately Patrick Whit cell learned this lesson the hard way if a billionaire wants a woman they'll move Heaven and Earth to get her and the next person on this list is a better example of that when he was 89 years old and could barely stand up to go to the toilet billionaire oil tycoon Jay Howard Marshall got married but even though marrying at 89 was incredible what was even more unbelievable was how gorgeous his new wife was her name was Anna Nicole Smith she was only 26 years old and she was one of the prettiest women on the planet but wait how did an 89-year-old Grandpa convince a sexy 26-year-old model to marry him it all started in 1991 when Nico Cole Smith was working as a dancer in a strip club one night Jay Howard Marshall visited the club to Feast his eyes on young flesh the billionaire was mesmerized as he watched Nicole Smith dance seductively but there was more to come after her main performance she walked up to Marshall although an Nicole already had a lot of men clamoring for her love Marshall used his billions to stand out from the pack he he lavished her with money gifts and jewelry he even bought her a rollsroyce from then on he was obsessed with her and uh Mr Marshall decided she was going to be his wife people watched speechless as Marshall and Anna Nicole got married on June 27th 1994 but their Joy wasn't destined to last just 14 months after their wedding Marshall died but his marriage to Anna Nicole Smith was proof that when you have billions in the bank you can find love at any age but at least Marshall's marriage to his 26-year-old wife wasn't dangerous because what the next billionaire wanted was something so dangerous it could have burned the world Elon Musk is a man famous for his eratic personality and strange ideas so it was no surprise when he announced that he was was going to start selling flamethrowers to ordinary Americans there was just one problem flamethrowers are extremely dangerous selling flamethrowers was such a terrible idea that a lawmaker said firemen also chimed in emphasizing how dangerous a flamethrower could be a company spokesman is quoted as saying much like a roller coaster this is designed to be thrilling without danger but local fire experts who remind us that fire season year round in California disagree when people have a product like this I'm sure that they don't intend on burning anyone or anything or uh or destroying any property with it but unfortunately accidents do happen and with a product like this that's so easily transportable so easily you know and and creates a twoot length flame uh it's only a matter of time before we really have a tragedy uh unfortunately that's going to unfold it was a terrible idea but musk still wanted to do it and eventually did despite warnings from the home office and US politicians Elon Musk sold 20,000 flamethrowers earning a whopping $10 million in the process of course Elon didn't need the money he did it just because he wanted to speaking of people who do things just because they want to Kanye West is top of that list because in an attempt to get what he wanted Kanye did something so insane it sent someone to trauma therapy as soon as Kanye West was officially declared a billionaire by Forbes he seemed determined to break every rule he could possibly break from making insulting statements like slavery was a choice to praising Adolf Hitler kanyer was constantly in the news for bad reasons however the biggest example of kanyer moving Heaven and Earth to get what he wanted happened when his ex-wife started dating Pete Davidson it all began when Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from Kanye West kanyer however refused to Grant her a divorce leading to a prolonged legal battle it was during this time that Kim met Pete Davidson a popular comedian they started dating and spending time together but kanyer saw Pete as the man preventing him from getting Kim back when I was trying to get that heroin addict away from my kids that was tattooing my kids' names on them ski Pete Davidson they popping up Kanye's new aim was to break up Kim and Pete and he would do that by making Pete Davidson's life as miserable as possible what Kanye ended up doing was so bad it forced Pete to sign up for trauma therapy kanyer recorded a music video in which he depicted Pete Davidson being kidnapped buried and killed but if the video wasn't bad enough Kanye's attitude After People criticized him was worse he said he' done nothing wrong and was simply fighting for his family then Kanye doubled down and released a second video at this point Pete's family began to worry about his safety they were scared he might be physically attacked by Kanye or one of his fans Kanye's online bullying and harassment took such a toll on Pete and Kim's relationship that they eventually split when kanyer heard of the breakup he posted a mock New York Times front page which said ski Davidson died at 28 once again a billionaire had gotten what he wanted even if it meant bending the rules however some billionaires get what they want without hurting anyone a perfect example is Richard brand son who wanted something that was literally out of this world line three hello hi um have you ever thought about going to into space Richard um the moon landing was a catalystic moment for me I remember my dad taking me outside onto the Village Green and we just looked up at the Moon I really did think that myself and many other young people would one day be able to go into space Richard Branson always dreamed of going to space and one day he decided to make his dream a reality Branson dropped hundreds of millions of dollars to start Virgin Galactic his own space flight company he lured some of the best engineers and scientists in the world to come work for him after years of work Virgin Galactic announced that they had built a rock it capable of sending people to space they called it space tourism of course people were skeptical but when Branson volunteered to be the first one to go it became a global news sensation in July 2021 Richard Branson climbed aboard a rocket ship and went to space welcome to space so all you kids down there I was once a child with a dream looking up to the stars now I'm an adult in a spaceship with lots of other wonderful adults looking down to our beautiful beautiful Earth to the next generation of dreamers if we can do this just imagine what you can do yet another example of a billionaire proving that with money all things are possible but back on Earth another billionaire just wanted privacy and he was willing to do anything to get it it won't be a stretch to call Mark Zuckerberg the most hated CEO in America after growing Facebook into a multi-billion dollar company Zuckerberg was blamed for using his social media platform to spread fake news promote hate speech and cause social media addiction all this negative publicity made Zuckerberg go to extreme lengths to ensure his safety the most important thing he did was buy a home with aroundthe clock security therefore Zuck was understandably upset when he discovered what was going on in the house next door Zuckerberg heard that a developer planned to buy the property right beside his and Market it as an opportunity to live next door to Mark Zuckerberg considering how much Zuckerberg wanted privacy that was the worst news ever and so Zuckerberg did what do he solved the problem with his money well Facebook is all about sharing but CEO Mark Zuckerberg is worried about his own privacy he bought up a bunch of houses around his home in paloalto and now Betty youu shows us he's doing something drastic Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg snapped up four homes around the one he lives in on Edgewood Drive and he plans to tear them down and rebuild them to his liking anyone else would have complained grumbled or prayed for goodness neighbors to move in but Zuckerberg was willing to spend 30 million just so he wouldn't have to deal with nosy neighbors if that isn't impressive I don't know what is but speaking of houses the next billionaire on our list wanted to built the most luxurious house in the world and your jaw will drop when you see what he built Muk shambani is an Indian billionaire although everyone knew how rich and successful he was mukash wanted to do something so spectacular it would be an irrefutable reminder of his success and so mukash decided to build a house but not just any house this house was going to be a symbol of his Limitless wealth after more than 6 years of non-stop construction this is the house mukash Ambani built nicknamed antilia this building can withstand up to magnitude 8 earthquake it has 27 floors with the top six floors serving as a private residential area it has nine high-speed elevators a 50- seat theater Terrace Gardens Swimming Pool Spa a ballroom and a private Temple for Mukesh and his family and to top it all off it has a snow room that spits out snowflakes from the walls mukes shani's house is considered the world's most expensive private residence costing an estimated $2 billion to build Adam Newman didn't like what his kids were being taught in school so together with his wife they started a school of their own called we gr starting a school is a very expensive project requiring a building teachers and other logistics but the billionaire paid for it all and in 201 18 we gr started with around 100 children aged 2 to 11 but we gr was very different from the typical schools some might even call it weird the school organized daily Beetle singalongs for parents and children Hebrew and Mandarin language courses and Robotics and engineering classes they also run daily meditation sessions for students and weekly trips to a farm in West when billionaires don't like what their kids are learning at school they don't complain they just create their own school to ensure they get what they want the billionaires we've covered each wanted different things but something almost all billionaires want are luxury cars click here to check the most expensive cars in the [Music] world
Channel: Luxury Zone
Views: 65,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fine living, billionaire, billionaire lifestyle, billionaire influence, wealth power, elite strategies, rich people tactics, billionaire mindset, economic influence, power of wealth, financial strategies, wealth accumulation, influence tactics, billionaire success, wealth management, strategic philanthropy, lobbying and power, financial lobbying, corporate influence, political donations, networking for wealth, investment strategies, market manipulation, wealth and policy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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