Selling a $130M Superyacht - Mega Yachts - 0 EP0 - Reality Documentary

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[Music] Monaco playground of the global Elite and  a favorite of British billionaires where to belong   you must have the Mansions the jewelry and the  cars but there's a secret world which only the   wealthiest of the one percent inhabit the world of  the mega yacht today's Yachts are the manor houses   of Europe measuring up to 200 meters in length  and with more horsepower than 10 Formula One cars   ultimate Billionaire's toys everything  you see is Bulletproof on this boat   but who are the owners you have to ask what  it costs you probably can't afford it why do   they buy these boats it's all about six or seven  stars first class or no class who looks after them   boy he's just been sacked hopefully everything  has absolute protection and to what lens will   owners go to outshine each other nobody really  needs a submarine honey yacht this is James   bronstad here who have to get one immediately  with super Yachts at the heart of a growing   industry worth 24 billion pounds a year the  showing off culminates at the Monaco yacht   show these boats are getting bigger and bigger  and bigger the ultimate competition where size will bigger really be better  suppose the question is why   I suppose the flipping answer  is because I can [Music] Monaco boasts more billionaires per  square meter than anywhere on the planet   and many of them are British excitement is  growing as 120 of the world's most expensive   Yachts are beginning to Cruise in [Music] all of  them for sale at the upcoming yacht show it's a   chance for boating royalty to parade their prized  possessions Mega Yachts ranging in length from 40.   55 meters one of the tycoons will be going to the  show is Doug Barrowman [Music] he mainly lives on   the Isle of Man I've got five forms around  the world and this is settler the biggest from Glasgow really you know there  you go [Music] Doug was a chartered   accountant but he's built an Empire after  setting up his own private Equity company   and with millions in the bank Doug who separated  has created the ultimate in Bachelor pads in his   main home I think all guys are children  at heart really uh we still like to enjoy   life and do the things we did as younger men  you know whether it's play pool whether it's   hang out with your friends playing cards or  just have a good night out really um I think   it's all part of the package isn't it Doug Loves  Fine Art fast cars and the better things in life   but his greatest love is his 55 meter  yacht which cost him over 20 million pounds   that boat is turquoise complete replica  of what the what the real the real yacht   looks like I always like to smile when I go on  board and stop smiling only when I leave [Music]   Doug holidays on his yacht turquoise  nine weeks of the year with his family   yes yes looking good isn't it like most of the  Yachts turquoise's Hull is made of steel with an   aluminum superstructure it can reach a top speed  of 17 miles per hour you've actually got to just   sometimes pinch yourself to see uh do I really  honestly he employs 13 full-time crew 52 weeks   a year to provide him and his guests Around  the Clock Seven Star service I never say no   to that turquoise glasses as well all the best  you have to spend on something there's a limit   to how many houses you can have any private air  travel so therefore a lot of people come to the   conclusion I'm going to have one of these  he bought turquoise second hand and spent   over 3 million pounds completely refurbishing  the four decks and 10 rooms to his own design   I think I'd have to say that everything  you look at is expensive on the job Doug's also added powerful jet skis underwater  scooters accessories can cost up to a million   pounds extra but he's still not satisfied [Music]  now he's thinking about building a bigger boat   British designer Johnny horsefield is experienced  in helping multi-millionaires like Doug spend   their money wisely there's not much missing off  this boat really I mean okay a dedicated gym   and a beach club I think is probably and I know  Johnny and I have got to know what each other like   uh what I like through uh endless hours together  really talking about this boat designing this boat   I think we've got another boat in us  really it could cost Doug 50 million pounds   back in London Johnny's working on several  projects where his clients want bigger boats   talking about adding another meter into the thing  it started out at something like 85 feet it's   now 105 feet so um it's easy to say let's just  increase it but actually it's a heck of a lot   of work for us if they know they're gonna have  to pay for it that kind of focuses their minds   a bit and the other thing is of course they keep  seeing new ideas you've done all this work and you   know they come back oh actually I quite like this  now and listen so that's cool staying in the best   all the time her friends Yachts all the  time so it's kind of quite competitive I   think as well most owners trade in their super  Yachts for something new after just three years   one person who's also looking for something  bigger and better is London property magnate   Howard Raymond Soho is coming to  Monaco I am it's not quite Soho to me   Howard inherited an 80 million pound property  Empire from his entrepreneur Father Paul Raymond   and now he's worth substantially more he runs  several large companies from his London base   he's in Monaco because his ambition is  to take a year out from business and say   I'm kind of in the market for a slightly  bigger boat this one's uh 30 meters and   it's great for the med but it's not much  good to go transatlantic or into the   Indian Ocean where you need a different  type of boat for that go hit that boat   but this Londoner could be a fish out of water  at the Monaco yacht show I kind of like Russell   radio you know it's like Marseille and Soho  and things like that so this is quite refined   here extremely ostentatious very over the top but  it's very much like going to Vegas you have to go   to Vegas to see it to believe it and you have to  go to the Monaco yacht show to for a very similar   reason you have to be a little bit loopy to buy  a boat but we make our choice in life some people   buy wine some people buy good food some people  buy cars um I quite like both so I buy boats   to pursue his dreams Howard will have a  choice of plenty of boats at the Yacht show   where there'll be over 120 yachts and  state-of-the-art accessories on sale Reuben   Nelson is an ex-british naval officer turned sales  broker fairy Barn is now arriving into Monaco   he just has to persuade wealthy people like Howard  to spend their Millions on buying a yacht spending   power is huge obviously there's no sort of Holds  Barred they're not going to go down to the littles   or the waitrosees of this world they're going to  go to the nice suppliers it's all about six seven   stars first class or no class everyone gets  a piece of that by yeah I mean that's that's   our pie that's what we eat as a broker Rupert can  make up to five percent commission on sales over   100 million pounds there is a misconception that  selling big luxury toys has got to be a breeze you   go to parties you chat up all the models the fact  is owners are difficult they are rich they expect   to get their own way and they want to win so when  the owner gets upset or the buyer starts saying   you're taking the Michael here you are a shock  absorber where the two of them would swing at each   other you there take the swinging you get the hit  and at the very very end when the money's about to   change hand the emotion levels are very high it's  not a safe place to be sometimes so you've got to   be very careful Rupert spends the year traveling  the globe to seal his deals The Monaco show brings   the market to him this is the biggest boat show  probably ever staged in terms of the combined   value of the assets I suspect you're probably  Way Way north of a couple of billion euros   and out of all the Yachts for sale this year  thanks TiVo thank you Rupert has the biggest   that's the money shot I showed you the size   measuring 85 meters with a cruising range of 6  000 miles and costing 130 million pounds Solange   is the most expensive boat at the upcoming show  ideally the best client is a billionaire obviously   because it's 175 million euros because he was  an older guy that could be a plus because he's   ready to retire Chuck it all in tell the company  buy the op and youth might be good too because it   means he's got somebody who's impatient a little  bit spontaneous you might say yeah I'll have it   back on super yacht turquoise Scottish  multi-millionaire Doug Barrowman is contemplating   costs in particular the cost of running a yacht  on the high seas a fifteen thousand pound work of   art has hit the deck there's an example of some  damage that we've had today that's probably a 20   000 Euro sculpture it's really disappointing that  but it happens you know we'll deal with it we'll   replace it and there's a bigger expense on the  horizon he's planning on selling turquoise in   order to spend 50 million pounds on a massive  67 meter mega yacht the advice we're taking   is that it's a good time to seller so that we  can invest the money in perhaps a larger vessel   perhaps we will sell her perhaps we won't we  just need to see to realize his dream Doug is   taking turquoise to the Monaco yacho to try and  sell her in competition in hundreds other owners it's the countdown to Monaco's annual yacho the  world's wealthiest people many Brits among them   will be amassing to buy sell and show off their  multi-million pound Mega yachts they'll expect   their prize toys to look as good as new cleaning  up after billionaires can have its Rewards   crew can earn over 40 000 pounds tax-free a year  as much as nine thousand pounds in a single tip   just outside of Monaco is a boot camp for wannabe  yacht crew lean in played in line with the table   hair trainees have to impress their tutor Terry  Gilmore right who teaches me to do Silver Service   we teach them how to do Russian service Butler  Service we teach them to do bedrooms bathrooms   back of house which includes even holding a tea  towel Terry started out as a laborer in Dorset but   gave it up for a more lucrative career he's spent  30 years on super Yachts serving the world's most   demanding clients I'd like you to serve please  and this is somebody coming in to do the course   for the first time they've never done silver  surface and he wants to work online for the   ultimate is that you have to be able to do Silver  Service as you can see he's just got his board on   average we have 30 40 applicants a day looking for  work and out of those 30 to 40 applicants we may   have two or three that we think are suitable for  Yachts it is an attractive industry which attracts   Attractive people it's as simple as that and  that's what's required the extra is that they're   pretty good instead of pretty awful he doesn't  know what he's doing and boy he's just been sacked   as well as training them Terry also provides clues  for super yacht owners let's say you had six Miss   worlds on your boat and the owner's wife wasn't as  attractive as the others of course she's going to   get upset it's Human Nature is it all so you just  make sure that you've got one Miss World and five   others not so attractive now the wife is opposite  and so if he's got two hands she's got two hands   under the table and her husband's got a smile  that does not work so basically it really is a   turn in down and across there's a lot of clearing  the table there is an art of speaking at the table   to the guests there's certain words you don't say  the worst one is awesome what I mean who says what   you say pardon I did have the sex on them  once for saying potatoes at the table it   was to do with raw circles and you do not speak  at the table and this girl said potato sir quite   simply if you're not what the only requires or  the capturing Crush you're off on super yacht   seaflower the crew are all well aware of the  rules of the job they are busy preparing for   the arrival of their thrill-seeking Scottish owner  Lord Irvin Laidlaw he made Millions from creating   one of the world's largest conference organizing  businesses his company set up the Monaco yacht   72 he spends over nine weeks of the year on his  boat with room for 10 guests first of all you've   got to know that I'm officially retired so life  is meant to be holiday all the time is its primary   purpose is to be a boat that is enjoyable to be  on board a boat that is beautiful to look at both   inside and out see flowers should be Immaculate if  it doesn't fulfill that then the crew get changed   Lindsay from Glasgow is one of Lord laidlaw's  eight full-time crew earning nearly 30 000 a   year is a stewardess it's an all-consuming  job making beds daily chore we always want   it to look like it's never been slept in before  it's what people come to expect on a super yacht   head Stuart s Kaylee who comes from Bournemouth  earns nearly 40 000 a year she's responsible for   the upkeep of every little item you have to have  an overwhelming attention to detail and basically   everything has to be absolute perfection our role  is to worry about it and then worry about it some   more in overall command of Lord laidlaw's boat  is Captain Matt [Music] don't really appear to be   moving forward at the moment when you're trying to  manage a floating stately home any small accident   can AST these particular owners have three  dogs Standard Poodles so rather large dogs   which are delightful but dogs bring the whole  range of extra issues that one has to deal with   if you need to what was that that was a dog  accident which we're not going to be able   to remove so we're going to probably  have to put a cut in the carpet here extravagant thanks to her and you can't justify  them in any way whatsoever so you have to love   them because if you don't love them you're  certainly going to resent the expense [Music]   for the man who has everything a  super yacht can become an obsession   back in the Isle of Man multi-millionaire Doug  Barrowman is pushing ahead with his dream to   build a 67 meter mega yacht to replace  his 55-meter one I just basically have   a passion to build something bigger really  as a as an achievement for me me personally   Johnny horsefield has drawn up some plans for  a project that could cost 50 million pounds   with so much at stake expectations are high oh I  just lifted the uh the feet off the shoe of the   it was back on Johnny otherwise all of the  carpet Lots on my handmade silk carpets   this is actually 67 meters and that was the  profile that you you were pretty keen on and   the beach club works because that's where  people are going to spend most of the day   chilled out down there I think the larger pool is  important because these days quasi swimming pools   are uninvoked but if you're going to build a board  of this size it has to have all these ingredients   dog expects all the mod cons on his new  boat and we talked about the design stage   you were going to build a touch and go helipad  have you Incorporated uh I haven't actually   um he's found something I haven't done you could  see it's more of a gimmick than a practical uh   usable thing but it's one of those boxes that are  you're of this size could could have yeah I mean   it's possible we can put it on whether whether  it really get used that's a nice problem to have   it was good to see you thank you very  much for your time oh it was nice   of you to sell cocktails and dreams  all the best for now Johnny yes bye   it's back to the drawing board for Johnny he's  designed over 20 Mega yachts and is well aware   that despite the owner's aspirations bigger isn't  always better you get limited on where you can go   you know you can't get into every Marina in a 80  meter if you like the limit in Santa pares from   like 50 meters so um you think oh guys only got a  50 meter but he's the one sat in Santa Fe having a   party whereas you're out bobbing around you know  in your 80 meter um you know with no friends but   for some owners bigger is better Kismet 2 was  one of the biggest boats exhibited at the Monaco   yacht showed last year and is owned by American  billionaire Shard Khan if you have to ask what it   costs you probably can't afford it so he arrived  in Chicago from Pakistan in 1967 as a penniless   16 year old took an engineering degree and started  up a company making car bumpers Khan's bumpers are   now attached to two-thirds of All American cars  in a very small way this is a microcosm of the   American dream his net worth is estimated  at almost three and a half billion pounds   he owns Fulham Football Club and the Jacksonville  Jaguars American football team but his biggest   challenge was building the 95 meter Kismet  II with a gross tonnage weighing the same as   66 blue whales a lot of times size becomes  a factor Shard had a vision for five decks   eight State rooms a personal Wellness Center and  a helipad and he also had a clear idea of the   color scheme for lack of a better word I would say  champagne and caviar that it's light and dark you   know it took really not only a village took a city  to build it and I'm very proud to be part of it   Pascal Raymond and Brit Jason mcary  were responsible for the Interiors   they haven't seen Kismet too  since it was fully completed   now is this really good that you have in  when you used to cross the Atlantic so   it's a touch of Glam and elegance if you look at  the staircase every lady was a beautiful evening   dress would like to go down the staircase  switch you on the group and have a drink   we bring a dream they're here to inspect an  elaborate chandelier fitted after the yacht   was launched we had a space between the glass lift  there's a nice way to bring some color some light   the chandelier contains hundreds of individually  hand-blown glass pieces this is extremely   intricate but is extremely heavy so I think it's  around 270 kilos on a boat you have to take out   all the vibration so it's well supported  because it's obviously extremely dangerous that's followed even even more list of rooms  I love it because we're talking about dark   and light is what you're having and it's a dark  room with a sort of slight sauce in the center   the walls are curved and it's really influenced  by pushing out with Interiors like this costing   over 20 million pounds everything has to have  a wow factor when you design something you have   to have a cast in mind but at the same time you  can't just think of money because if you see the   money we stop thinking of ideas I can't remember  how many TVs we have in this shop yeah foreign [Music] of the world's Mega Yachts are built in Europe  where the Brits are a vital part of the industry   Tim Hayward and Andrew winch are the Godfathers  of yacht design here we go wow they've created   floating Empires to suit the demands of Roman  Abramovich and the Saudi royal family today's   Yachts are the the manor houses and great houses  of of Europe they're in a gigantic Dutch Shipyard   the birthplace of many of the boats at the Monaco  yacho to check on their latest 85 meter creation   the shipyards themselves are Cathedral  spaces they're huge and but they're   working machines to build these  Yachts the whole boat is a mass   of millions of details you think of the  engineering thought that went into that   they're now using Technologies developed in  other Industries these days you get BMWs and   other cars with parking facilities where you get  to the space you press the button and it Parts   itself there are Yachts that do the same thing  super yacht owners constantly need designers to   provide something out of the ordinary to impress  their guests we're lying in bed and we have a   panel interview 180 degrees what's unique to this  boat is we have a full beam Spa on the lower level   with its own water beach the left hand side is a  big door that Tim has built into the side in his   design and we have we we go up some steps so you  can walk out you can have a swim in the sea and   so we are all in the business of entertaining  as well as pampering the owners they have to   protect them Mega Yachts these days are often  equipped with panic rooms and one or two even   have a missile defense system first project  I did with bulletproof glass was last century   and the irony there was that the glass was  Bulletproof but the superstructure was aluminum so   if the client felt threatened he had to jump up on  the windowsill and press himself against the glass   there is no such thing as a normal  Yacht for me glass bottom viewing   rooms full operating theaters hospitals  all of these things are outrageous for a   few moments and then they become an obvious  sensible requirement from the client [Music] sensible is not on the agenda 55 meter Mega Yachts  alarmed is arriving a day ahead of the yacho   she's the showpiece of the event and  the pressures on broker Rupert Nelson   to sell her for 130 million pounds  they could by 760 Ferraris instead the Beast look at that   largest shot in the show largest yacht ever for  sale in this show four days I've got to try and   Vlog it yeah that's my job obviously we're not  lining up millions of appointments because the   type of caliber of plant we're looking for  is is one in a hundred even though there's 37   000 people on the dock we have to filter the week  from the chaff keep the Riff Raff away Rupert's   chances of selling Solange will be limited to  the very highest echelons of super yacht Society Monaco yacho is about to open for business   one time of the year that over 2 billion  pounds worth of super Yachts will be on   show for prospective buyers to inspect a  mooring alone costs fifty thousand pounds   his Royal Highness of Monaco Prince Albert II's  arrival signals the start of the four-day event hundreds of British businesses are also here   hoping to persuade billionaires to buy into  the yachting dream this is our very latest   creation that is made in in England it's  English fine bone china Cobra skin and it's   not only available in white gold we've got the  very latest rose gold a dinner service such as   that you know for you know for a 14 16 seater  dining table would be in excess of six figures this year there are 120 yards up for  sale with their own unique features   but all competing for that elusive fire   multi-millionaire Doug Barrowman is looking to  find someone who'll love his yacht turquoise   as much as him selling it for 20 million  pounds will allow him to build a bigger boat   it's one of those things we ask the people to  to judge the yacht on our merits and somebody   wants to buy and pay the right money  then I'm a reluctant but willing seller   broken Rupert is hoping to make the biggest  sale of all measuring 85 meters and costing   130 million pounds Solange is the biggest  and most expensive yacht at the show [Music]   a former Navy Lieutenant Rupert's now spent 25  years as a broker finessing the etiquette required   to sell to the world's wealthiest they have an  expectation when they walk into a hotel room it   is it is they want that service everyone click  their fingers hopefully but the smarts so we say   provider not servant the provider of that service  bitter yachty broker myself Captain Crew knows and   expects what they want and therefore anticipates  and that's why they never have to click their   fingers foreign British entrepreneur Howard  Raymond is also in the market for a deal [Music]   looking for adventure and he's willing to spend  up to 15 million pounds of his substantial Fortune what you never play your hat so you know  so oh I must have it immediately but it   seems that every time I see a boat I quite  like everybody his mother wants it so it's   been on the market for four years and  now everybody everybody wants a boat   he could be in luck today as rookie broker  Henry Smith is looking to make a quick sale   on an 8 million pound yacht [Music] but is this  the boat of Howard's dreams hey Henry morning it represents a very very good deal and  as we know everyone's loves a good deal   so we'll see what we can do at eight  million pounds It's relatively cheap   certainly one of the best but Howard still  expects the best in design and accessories   there's a full rubber shower which goes rigid  when you put water through it all right okay I must buy it immediately and then  there's the question of the previous   owner's taste this is the master coming  forward and then here is the bathroom   yeah typical Italians having a really funky  bathroom you can almost certainly tell when you   walk into an Italian bathroom always because they  always have annoyingly shaped sink I it doesn't   it's not round I mean it's very very difficult  to clean and not your friend if you're trying   to use a cloth that's for sure but at the end  of the day how it's not cleaning the bathroom whilst that is very true   um how is a person who's cleaning the bathroom  might also be wanting to be serving how to drink   I mean a lot of the new bows now after designers  have never been to Sea who designing what they   think a boat should be with lots of sharp edges  so that when you bang your head or your legs   when you're at Sea it really hurts a lot of our  statements and I'm not looking for a statement I'm   looking for a boat that is comfortable it's  homeless and takes all of my boxes [Music] the search continues yeah getting  the yacht you really want means   paying tens of millions of pounds  and building from scratch [Music]   Pascal Raymond and her design partner Andrew  Langton are at their Riviera Beach House cross   between James Bond and 15 guns they have a crucial  meeting at the boat show with American billionaire   Herb Chambers he left the Navy to work as a  photocopier repairman and the Cadillac dealership   after being disappointed with the service the  72 year old car dealer is now believed to be   worth 1.2 billion pounds he's had seven yachts and  wants to see designs for an eight he wants it to   look elegant for the fast we're on to something  which is getting him excited and wetting his   appetite herb spent over 300 million dollars  on yachts and expects the best for his buck   her clients who can remember every word every  conversation you've ever had with them they   are incredibly intelligent people so they  keep you on your toes you know so you yeah   yeah you can't [ __ ] anybody hey Andrew  Pascal each year that goes by the boats   become much more custom you want to stay on  the Leading Edge of design I think that's an   incentive in wanting to get a new one I've come  up with three sketches of a 60 meter version   even more racy even more sporty this one's got a  sun deck and then like a big big roof I think we   could make something really really special looking  well yeah I'm trying to think of something where   I can still get it to sink parts but you have  something different you know before herb spends   any of his millions he'll have to be convinced his  new yacht is unlike any other and I can put the   rescue boat down here under the deck owners don't  care about what other people have it's not true no everybody everybody wants to have a nicer boat  there's one thing's for sure you'll never ever   ever have the biggest problem he may not want  the biggest but he wants to see all the extras   then this is like a hot tub so if you did want to  have a helipad we could fill that in and just have   the sun deck so you've got three cabins a cluster  Jam yeah we can do big glass panels here as well a difference this is only the beginning it could  be years before herbs satisfied with the design   they don't try to push their ideas on me they  try to give me ideas that I think are mine and   then they develop them to something that  really turns out to be beautiful bye-bye like many billionaire owners her brings his  boat out to other wealthy holiday makers   it's called chartering a week's break on the  largest Mega Yachts for 12 people can cost   up to one million pounds Howard Raymond also  Charters his yacht and is always on the lookout   for accessories to outdo the competition  why not a state-of-the-art mini submarine for um they always want to be ahead of the  game so we have to be ahead of the game   16 hours underwater in air-conditioned luxury can  drive the submarine with distance that was the big   question is no so it goes well what happens next  and we never hear anything in that day yeah yeah   the land of safety features um for example  the the dead man trigger yeah if something   were to happen with me it will bring you up  to the surface I've got to tell you this is   great it's very good man what's delivery on this  one uh delivery on this unit is about a year the   last year has been extremely good for us so the  recession's over there well in this case yeah that's great so I suppose it's a numbers  game there this model is about 2.3 million   euros yes yeah and then you can add some  options lights manipulator arms cameras   so but it includes training and everything  you need to operate it right okay   yeah so the smaller one as well yeah  that one starts at 1.5 million with   100 meter versions multi-millionaire Howard  buying a submarine is a drop in the ocean that's really interesting it's really interesting  it would be the only boat in the mail that's doing   that it is actually completely insane yeah this  isn't everyday life and look at that man [Music]   this is James brother's stuff here  we have to get one immediately two days into the show and broker Rupert is still  on a mission to sell Solange 130 million pounds   the most expensive yacht in town [Music] potential  buyers have loved the jacuzzi and cinematic so   keen on the first room they see launches elaborate  main Lounge a lot of clients are sensitive to   choose the word very carefully bright or strong  features or colors or bold statements that could   turn them off on a boat like this you're looking  at 175 million euros you know to make sure that   you impress from the moment they get on the boat  ever the salesman Rupert has devised a tour that   leaves the colorful Decor of the lounge  until last so something that's not quite   um accommodating you leave it till you've  managed to educate a little bit persuade   cajole impress so by the time you come here  it's not a punch in the face it's not a shock   and I think you're you're you're better equipped  to deal with it Rupert's luck could be about to   change his best chance of making a sale has  just appeared on the horizon foreign [Music] over 30 000 people many of them  British are attending [Music]   they're all Keen to take a peek inside the 120  floating homes of the Hooper Ridge up for sale Brokers like Rupert Nelson have to  be able to spot the serious buyers   the one percent of the one percent the watch  might give it away jewelry might give it away   I mean there's no way he's bought his wife a  five thousand dollar engagement ring she'll   have something with several carrots it sounds  a bit sort of voyeurism you've got to look at   them and Ogle a bit but you're looking at  the cut of the hair the way the face is is   it so does it show it's been lived in or has it  actually been looked after you know so far only   30 exclusive visitors have been allowed to come  aboard the 130 million pound boat Solange even   Lord sugar with his estimated 1.4 billion pounds  doesn't seem to have been tempted to buy the boat but all is not lost a serious buyer  has just sailed onto the horizon   a secret American billionaire has sent his  British representative to buy him a yacht [Music]   but Rupert's worried Solange's overly purple  main Lounge could be a turn off time for Rupert   to put his cunning tour plan into operation  what we're going to do we start at the top so   it's a bit of a hike and then we spiral down  it's much easier Rupert's starting his tour   upstairs leaving the yacht's main Lounge until  last let's start with the sun deck come evening   time if you put up an awning or not we have a  TV a cinema screen and then when the films ended   you've got your disco dance floor and  that white box there is a mixing desk   you could have a pole there's a fitting you  could have a pole billionaires care about   the finer detail so Rupert has had to memorize  everything about the 85 meter boat see obviously   did you've got your gymnasium you've got a fully  fully functioning massage closing off this is a   steam room it's a shower behind me you can come  in behind me there's a door there again go back   to the barn with your beers I look forward to it  it's a healthy lifestyle it's all about getting   the alcohol out of the body so you can carry on  doing it again 12 guests Max 12 guest commercial   there are seven stroke eight bits time to test  the water with the feature Chandelier the biggest   ever made for a mega yacht [Music] meters long  stretching through all six decks this is called   the tree of life there are over 800 Morena Venice  venison glass handmade Jack and the Beanstalk   I say do it slowly because if you see guys walking  around the show like this you know they've been on   Solange well that's what you think of the Earth  very intricate beautifully made uh probably the   super yard on the market at the moment every time  you say 175 million and you're walking around this   boat you're actually getting a feel for what  you get you go actually it's quite justifiable   if you're going some of the other yachts in the  show you know the volume is one-third potential   owners also have to consider the 10 million pound  yearly running expenses free generators he has 220   000 liters of fuel just turning on the engine  without moving can cost two thousand pounds   90 meals a day in its current operations 29  crew on board so here we are the beach platform   and see Bob's around only the purple Salon remains   Rupert's ready to soften the Balloon by the  time you get here you realize you know what   I I can change this purple's not a bad color you  never live inside of you live outside everything   about this boat is a labor of love all these  units you see like them or don't like them they're   handmade for this boat they weren't picked off  on an antique store patter seems to be paying off   most owners are very detail-orientated the glass  here on this table the Craftsman that made that   is truly an artist on his own people ask you why  it's 175 million well you've got to pay six guys   for three years to do some glass and tables once  you start thinking of it in those terms suddenly   it starts to make sense if 175 million never makes  sense his apartment in New York is very similar in   style and detail he's had five Yachts so far and  now he wants to go World cruising but they want   to do it at the level that they now live at and  this is exactly where they're at Rupert can offer   a small discount she's not going to sell for  under 150 right she'll certainly sell for 160. despite Rupert's efforts there's no  immediate sale the agent wants to have   a think and talk to his boss we have had  offers they haven't been accepted but uh   offer offers by Yachts so you've got to start  somewhere Rupert's big payday may have to wait and when the sun sets over the Monaco yacht  show exclusive bow parties begin and business   continues [Music] Howard's using it as an  opportunity to view another boat to fulfill   his dreams I'm actually socializing um but like  any boat here is it's actually for sale so perhaps   a bit of both wandering around the boat having  a little eyeball and I get too pissed because I   stand up for getting my checkbook out so I have  to be a bit careful with that one Howard wants   to take time out from his multi-million pound  Empire and buy a yacht in which he can try [Music]   only sort of Civic Lounge area and going into a  formal dining wow Howard may be looking to buy   another party Doug Barrowman in the market to  sell there's lots of flashing lights there's   lots of people on the top deck and we'll  give it a try and see how we get on you   is rubbing shoulders with guests worth 100  billion pounds which gives him the chance to   promote turquoise the yacht he wants to  sell what a beautiful book we like it I   do actually got turquoise over there which uh  oh okay Britt Nicholas Frankel specializes in   organizing super yacht parties where the wealthy  can gather and talk business gorgeous you know   Vera there are no sacred places where these uber  wealthy people hang out and that's where super   Yachts become even more valuable because they  are still sort of bastions of what they would   describe as sort of uh civilization yacho gives  Doug the opportunity to mingle not just with   the uber wealthy but also the Uber powerful the  Mongolians have arrived good evening lovely to   see you even the Mongolian foreign minister  has been invited to sample the lifestyle of   the Rich and Famous wow you've come a very long  way haven't you yeah yeah unfortunately for Doug   the Mongolian minister is somewhat restricted  from buying a super yacht have you got a vote is the landlocked country where I  use the boat it's better I buy horses the yacht show is nearly at  an end and some millionaires   who already have it all will be  leaving Monaco owning even more   Howard Raymond's lifelong ambition is to buy a  boat to travel the world having come to the Monaco   yacht show he's now one step closer to buying the  boat he needs we've identified two potential boats   the sort of semi-fit the criteria even if he gets  one like any self-respecting multi-millionaire he   will still have to refurbish it to his own  specific tastes it's not like it pop down to   the garage and get a car and I thought I love  that one and you get it tomorrow morning it's   these are complicated beasts extremely complicated  beasts um so it's it's if it was all okay today   Sign Sealed Delivered and I know I wouldn't  expect to see it for at least two years [Music]   AG Barrowman is going to have even longer  to wait for his new bigger dream boat   over the four days he's had over 30 prospective  buyers tour turquoise it's quite often really   because you're trying to live on the  yacht and they're trying to see every   nook and cranny in a shot of looking in your  underwear drawer really he's had significant   interest but it could take at least six  months to seal a deal actually coming   to the end of the show I uh it's hard work  I'm quite happy to be winding down [Music]   Sirens signal the end of the Monaco  yacht show for another year [Music]   debotes that are now leaving  a small fraction of the 6   000 super Yachts that have been  built over the last 25 years   and as the rich get richer the demand looks set  to increase with another 700 boats in construction   around the world this is not something that's  going to go away and these boats are getting   bigger and bigger and bigger and in an industry  that employs thousands of Brits there'll always be   a chance for a bumper payday that's the number  of wealthy people in the world increases and   magnifiers as it does year on year there probably  will be a time where there'll be so many very   rich people in the world that actually these boat  shows would be rather like a market store [Music]   Yachts mean billionaires like Doug Barrowman  continue to pay to have the best where did   it all go wrong well I think it actually went  right when I bought it and I can still see that [Music]
Channel: Banijay Science
Views: 26,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billionaires at sea, documentary, mega yachts, million pound mega yacht, reality, reality documentary, selling yachts, superyacht lifestyle, yacht selling, yachting secrets, yachts
Id: NFOwL2Czu0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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