The Man Who Owned Africa's Entire Gold Supply

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do you really think that Elon Musk Jeff Bezos or Bernard Aro are just Rich they have long ago transcended being rich today they are legendary equal only to the wealthiest individuals in the entire history of humanity let's see how they mingle with such a crowd Jeff Bezos in the grand scheme of wealth throughout history Jeff Bezos ranks among the top tier of Rich individuals Landing as the 13th richest person in the world not too inspiring I agree but having merely $139 billion can only get you so far to put this in perspective bezos's wealth eclipses that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett two legendary figures in their own right what does one do with a Fortune of this magnitude well it seems Jeff Bezos has taken a liking to the Finer Things in life first there's the Glamorous engagement to emmy-winning journalist Lauren Sanchez adding a touch of Hollywood Sparkle to his life of course this came after his high-profile divorce from McKenzie Scott which saw her walk away with a cool $36 billion I can only guess the alimony checks are made out of solid Platinum but Bezos doesn't stop but personal relationships he has a ponant for luxury real estate with multi-million dollar properties in Beverly Hills Manhattan and Washington State his 165,000 acre corn Ranch in Texas even serves as the base for his Aerospace company blue origin talk about a fancy Launchpad and speaking of blue origin Bezos isn't content with just Earthly luxuries he's got his sight set on the Stars he's invested a billion dollars annually in his space exploration company and even fulfilled his child a dream of becoming a space entrepreneur remember that time he his brother and a few others took a little joy ride to the edge of space in the new Shepherd spacecraft not your everyday vacation destination that's for sure but wait there's more Bezos has a finger in many pies including ownership of the Washington Post and investments in various Tech startups he's even dabbled in philanthropy donating substantial sums to causes close to his heart that's one thing that separates Jeff from most of our entries today but before we get to the stupidly rich people of the past let's have a look at another modern billionaire who will certainly have a place in history as one of the wealthiest individuals of all time Elon Musk if there's one person who proves that the sky is not the limit and neither are the stars that's Elon Musk the South African boy who grew up to be among history's wealthiest people is now the great Overlord of X the former Twitter SpaceX Tesla and a bunch of other companies that make our lives much easier musk is more than an ultra billionaire with $191 billion in his account he's a Visionary and a dreamer and quite honestly a bit annoying oh come on you have $191 billion but you still live like a Hermit in a $50,000 Matchbox well musk does have a thing for technology so it seems he's spending where it counts for example not many of us can brag about sending their sports car into space yep you heard that right musk's cherry red Tesla Roadster now orbits the earth a Celestial joy ride for all eternity a space enthusiast's dream come true so I wonder when he's going to send his dollhous which he calls home to Mars still for a man working up to 84 hours a week it seems luxuries are not among his top priorities that's quite rare for a guy who makes roughly 45 million an hour uh still Elon enjoys the simple things in life reading a book watching his favorite show or playing a video game with his children and can you really blame him who wouldn't want to lead such a simplistic life well anyone else on our list for one take for example Alan the red Alan Rufus AKA Alan the red if you have to remember one thing from history it should be that conquests were highly profitable back in the day not just for the leaders of the Conquering Army but also for their faithful compan companions take Alan Rufus nicknamed the red Allen's wealth was derived from an auspicious Source he was a loyal companion of William the Conqueror during the Norman conquest of England as a reward for his unwavering loyalty he was granted vast lands and titles his riches were rooted in these fertile English lands and he quickly became one of the wealthiest Barons of his time his wealth was equal to 7% of the English national income at his death roughly translating to about 194 billion dollar in today's money now when it came to living the High Life Alan the red spared no expenses he was renowned for his lavish feasts exotic pets and an extensive wardrobe that would make today's fashion Easter Green With Envy his luxurious lifestyle was the stuff of Legend setting a precedent for extravagance that few could match but as the sands of time inevitably passed so did Allan's Fortune after his death much of his wealth was divided among his descendants and eventually dispersed through generations while he may not be as well remembered today as some of his contemporaries like William the Conqueror or Henry I Allan the Red's name still resonates as a symbol of historic wealth and lavish living yet in the grand tapestry of time Alan the red is just a moderately wealthy fellow even by today's standards he can't title himself as the richest man on the planet this prestigious label goes to Bernard Arno Bernard Arno move over Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos there's a new expender in town and his name is Bernard Arno with a staggering Network of over $22 billion Arno has found a place in history as one of the top 10 wealthiest people of all time it's not something just anyone can brag about but what sets our no apart from the other billionaires is his extravagant lifestyle and a pant for Indulgence that would make even the most flamboyant Spen thrifts blush Arno is a master of the Fashion World with a portfolio of 70 fashion brands that range from the utmost in luxury to catering to the common folk and Thrift Shop enthusiasts his Empire includes everything from clothing and accessories to wines pastries cosmetics and perfumes in essence Arno is the fashionista's ultimate dream and his influence extends far beyond the runway when he's not busy running his fashion Empire Arno enjoys the the Finer Things in life he famously shelled out a mindboggling $150 million for a lavish yacht where he could retreat with his family away from the dazzling world of fashion this Ultra luxurious yacht is the epitome of extravagance where every day feels like a journey into the lap of opulence real estate is another playground where Arno likes to flex his financial muscles he owns a 150-year-old castle near M do dripping with opulent details like precious metals and Priceless artworks in Paris he resides in an 18th century Palace on the banks of the Cen River complete with a private Park Tennis Court swimming pool wine Celler and a private Lake he's not just acquiring real estate he's collecting architectural masterpieces not content with just owning a piece of land are no possesses a private island named Indigo island in the Bahamas spanning 133 Acres of paradise he even Rents It Out for a mere $300,000 a week a steal for those looking for a taste of the billionaire lifestyle despite his lavish lifestyle Arno is not one to shy away from charity he donated $234 million towards the restoration of nraam after the devastating fire and contributed around $1 million to support Wildfire prevention in the Amazon jungle so even in the lap of luxury Arno recognizes the importance of giving back to society well though Arno is definitely a man to admire our next entry has earned the title of the most productive man in history John D Rockefeller when we talk about the richest people in history we're bound to stumble on at least a few faces that are the wet dreams of tinfoil headed gentlemen around the world John D Rockefeller is precisely such a man with $341 billion of Fortune he was the richest man during his time rockefeller's immense wealth was rooted in the Black Gold oil he established Standard Oil a colossal Monopoly that dominated the oil industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries his fortune was built on a sea of crude and it flowed like a river into his coffers when it came to enjoying the fruits of his labor Rockefeller didn't shy away his opulent lifestyle featured Grand Mansions lavish parties and upon shot for philanthropy that saw him endow institutions such as the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller foundation in terms of possession rockefeller's real estate portfolio was the stuff of Dreams he owned sprawling Estates and palacial homes across the country each a testament to his immense wealth and exquisite taste his philanthropic Endeavors continue to bear fruit today with the Rockefeller foundation's impact being felt in various Fields worldwide comparing Rockefeller to his contemporaries like Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan he stood out as a Titan of Industry his wealth and influence were unrivaled and his name became synonymous with American capitalism rockefeller's lifestyle wasn't just about accumulating wealth it was a display of opulence and Grandeur his extravagant expenditures philanthropic Legacy and unmatched influence in his era make him a shining star still he hasn't yet inspired an exclusive Club of the ultra rich in his name something our next entry did Andrew Carnegie if you haven't heard of the Carnegie Club you're probably not rich enough this is one of the most exclusive Rich only clubs in the world and is named after the one and only Andrew Carnegie now you may be wondering why on Earth a bunch of snobs would call their Club this way well when your Patron is one of the greatest industrialists and among the wealthiest people in history the name becomes a statement car's wealth had its roots in the burgeoning steel industry of the late 19th century his company Carnegie Steel Corporation was a behemoth dominating the steel production landscape his fortune was forged in the fiery furnaces of industry and it grew as robustly as the steel beams his Mills produced when it came to living the High Life Carnegie was not one to shy away he was known for his extravagant parties luxurious mansions and a ponant for philanthropy that was as vast as his wealth he famously declared that the man who dies Rich dies disgraced and dedicated much of his fortune to building libraries universities and cultural institutions that continue to benefit Society to this day in terms of possessions Carnegie owned Grand Estates and Splendid art Collections and was an avid supporter of literature and education his philanthropic Endeavors left an indelible mark on American society ensuring that his wealth would continue to enrich lives even after his passing perhaps the most famous of Carnegie's Estates was skbo castle in Scotland Carnegie spared no expense in purchasing a a lavish historically significant genuine Castle he paid the Colossal sum of £3 million which in today's money is roughly half a billion P or $600 million for this cultural landmark and the surrounding area this however is only the beginning According to some records he spent roughly another 1 billion in today's money on Renovations in addition he added some un scene features at the time like a private indoor swimming Pavilion and a private golf course you might think this is not a big deal but at the turn of the 20th century it was like having a private International Airport on your property Andrew Carnegie's riches were not just Monumental they were a testament to the American dream and the power of industry but enough with those pesky billionaires let's talk trillionaires Catherine the Great it's time to give some attention to the ladies and who better to Grace our list than the Magnificent Catherine the Great with an all inspiring net worth of $1.5 trillion in today's money this Russian Empress makes Vladimir Putin look like a common surf Catherine's wealth emanated from her ruling decisions and prowess they didn't call her the great for nothing though of German descent Catherine quickly became beloved in Russia after being crowned Empress in the late 18th century under her rule the Russian Empire expanded and its wealth and influence grew exponentially the vast lands resources and Treasures of Russia flowed into her coffers making her one of the wealthiest monarchs in history Catherine ruled from an array of magnificent palaces the most famous of which was the Catherine Palace in sasco SEO renowned for its stunning Amber Room The Winter Palace in St Petersburg now part of the Hermitage Museum was another Jewel in her collection these palaces were adorned with intricate decorations Fine Art and luxurious Furnishings Catherine was an avid art collector amassing an impressive collection of European and Russian Art her Acquisitions included works by renowned painters like Rembrant and Ruben the Hermitage Museum founded during her Reign is a testament to her passion for art and now houses one of the world's most extensive art collections moreover Katherine's wardrobe was the epitome of luxury she adorned herself in Exquisite gowns often studded with precious gemstones and Earls her jewelry collection was legendary featuring stunning Tiaras necklaces and bres that were as much a part of her Regal identity as her crown in her private quarters Catherine enjoyed an array of personal luxuries she had a passion for reading and amassed an extensive Library filled with rare books and manuscripts she also kept a menagerie of exotic pets including dogs horses and even a tiger though that last one may be a myth Catherine's extravagant lifestyle was not just a display of her personal preferences but also a political tool it aimed to rival the opulence of European courts emphasizing Russia's position as a major European power her Reign was marked by a cultural Renaissance driven by her love for the Arts and her desire to elevate Russia to to a prominent place on the world stage still she wasn't the richest Russian in history by a long shot one of her successors as a ruler of Russia was a bit less artistic and a bit more murderous yet it seems that worked well for him as he amassed one truly inspiring wealth Joseph Stalin do we even have to introduce the second worst man with a mustache of all time Joseph Stalin was the usan bolt of killing people he was simply unmatched he was ruthless paranoid and cruel in retrospect it seems like one of the best tactics if you want to amass a $7.5 trillion wealth in a communist state where everyone should be equal Stalin's vast wealth at first glance appears baffling given his role as the leader of the Soviet Union however Legends and rumors have long long swirled about secret treasures amassed during his rule while the exact origins of his fortune remain shrouded in Myster It is believed to have come from various sources including confiscated assets State coffers and potentially hidden cashes of wealth not to mention the Lion Share of the spoils after World War II as for Stalin's purported luxurious lifestyle it stands in stark contrast to the image of a modest Soviet leader rumors persist of extravagant palaces rare art Collections and Aon Shon for the finest of everything some Tales even suggest that he had a fleet of luxury cars and a taste for the most Exquisite Cuisines somehow that reminds me of another short-tempered dictator ruling over a small country just southeast of Russia however separating fact from fiction in Stalin's life and wealth is a challenge his regime was marked by secrecy and repression making it difficult to verify the extent of his riches or how he spent them after Stalin's death in 1953 his wealth became the subject of intrigue and speculation some claim that the Soviet state absorbed It While others believe that secret caches remain hidden to this day waiting to be discovered like buried treasure well being an autocratic leader definitely gives a push to your own over all funds and while this mad dictator's treasury is under question the one that's coming up next is a historical fact Augustus Caesar Augustus Caesar the guy who appointed himself the ultimate emperor of the known world really knew how to flaunt his wealth like a boss people tend to do so when they Infuse their country's economy with their own budget and get around 5.8 $8 trillion as a result so how did Augustus accumulate all that dough well he didn't just find it lying around in some ancient piggy bank he inherited Julia Caesar's treasury stuffed with gold and silver shiny coins and sparkly gems but wait there's more Augustus was the proud owner of sprawling Imperial Estates encompassing Farms forests and even m mindes he collected tribute from conquered lands like a giant piggy bank with interest plus he had his hands in all the pies granting himself monopolies left and right that's right he was the original I own everything guy now let's talk about how he spent his colossal Fortune ever seen someone build a pyramid or Sip Coffee on the Sphinx's head Augustus could have done that if he fancied thanks to personally owning Egypt picture him there sipping espresso at top history's most famous cat statue Jokes Aside Augustus embarked on ambitious projects constructing temples roads aqueducts and other public buildings throughout the vast Roman Empire his investments in agriculture trade and infrastructure development helped boost the Roman economy he funded a formidable military force and expanded the Empire through conquests his influence extended across the known world where he was often likened to the gods symbolized by his portrayal as Jupiter what a modest guy Augustus lived a life of luxury with palaces and Villas scattered across the Empire he was known for his love of art music and literature leaving a cultural Legacy that endures to this day his lav expenditures include Grand public entertainment like chariot races and Gladiator fights as well as support for the military and infrastructure development impressive isn't he well he pales in comparison to the truly rich people in history Empress woo being the richest woman in history should really speak volumes Empress woo the only Chinese Empress in history should be a poster girl for feminists everywhere this lady knew how to live and patriarchy didn't stop her from amassing a $16.7 trillion Fortune amounting to about 22% of the global GDP at the time first things first Empress woo didn't amass her colossal wealth by picking flowers in the garden Legend has it that she climbed the power ladder leaving a trail of Ruthless moves that would make even a Game of Thrones character raise an eyebrow there were Tales of child murder and dethroned Emperors though In fairness verifying ancient rumors is about as reliable as predicting the weather by gazing at chicken entrails but enough about her rise to power what about the Moola woo was The Mastermind behind China's economy head aay controlling an Empire that was responsible for AJ dropping 22% of the world's GDP if you want to see that in perspective that's like owning the first seven most powerful economies in the world today she dabbled in international trade dealing in tea and silk along the famous Silk Road turning her empire into an economic Powerhouse as for her spending habits imagine a shopping spree to end all shopping spree Woo's Reign was marked by impressive projects grander than a Vegas casino roads temples monuments she built them all like a giant sandbox for a ruler with unlimited funds but what made woo truly unique was her transition from being a concubine to an all powerful ruler she kicked her own Sons off the throne like a mother who had grown tired of sharing the Xbox she made emperor gawong of Tang her husband literally hand her the Reigns of power this audacious move earned her the title of empress and she even went a step further establishing her own Dynasty the jeu dynasty no less so what happened to all that wealth after her death well life after woo wasn't the same the zuu dynasty didn't last long and Woo's successors had their own ideas about ruling while her rule was prosperous her Legacy was a complicated one sparking debates among historians and since we're measuring wealth in the percentage of the global GDP now let's move forward to one of the most inspiring rulers that ever graced our planet abbar I first when it comes to living the High Life few in history could match the opulence of Akbar I first the legendary mugal Emperor who ranks third among the world's richest people of all time controlling a jaw dropping 25% of the global GDP during his Reign abbar was the poster child for living large with a fortune estimated at an astonishing 21 trillion dollar by today's standards akbar's lifestyle was the stuff of Legends even in the 21st century he didn't just build palaces he crafted monuments of magnificence that would make versailes look like a quaint Cottage his palaces in Delhi Agra and fat pikri were not just lavishly decorated they were dripping with gold enough to make even a certain former US president's eye spring out of their sockets but Akbar wasn't content with adorning his palaces with gold alone he had an insatiable appetite for the Finer Things in life he was a great patron of the Arts spending millions in paintings books music and other forms of artistic expression his court became a Melting Pot of cultures and ideas attracting poets Scholars and Artisans from far and wide what set Akbar apart from many rulers of his time was his Forward Thinking policies he abolished the sectarian tax on Hindus appointing them to high positions in his government and celebrated religious diversity he even tried to create a new religion blending elements of Hinduism Islam Zoroastrianism and Christianity a testament to his commitment to fostering unity and tolerance unfortunately after his death the traces of his wealth end considering the vastness of his Empire and the intricacies of its economy it's hard to pin down exactly where it all went some say it trickled down to Future generations of rulers While others believe it was dispersed among the masses in any case akbar's Legacy as one of the wealthiest and most enlightened rulers in history lives on still Akbar was just the third wealthiest person in history so who comes next emperor shenzong ruling during the prosperous years of 1067 to 1085 in China's Song Dynasty Shen zong's influence knew no bounds with estimates suggesting he controlled a staggering 30% of the world's GDP to put it in modern terms this wealth could make even the wealthiest billionaires of today blush With Envy with a net worth that would make Jeff Bezos look like Penny Pincher now you might be thinking with such immense riches shenzong must have lived a life of decadence that would have put Modern Luxury to shame and you'd be right while details of his personal lifestyle are somewhat scarce we can only imagine that the emperor enjoyed a level of opulence that would make the Kardashians look positively Thrifty palaces adorned with precious jewels Chambers filled with silks and rare artifacts and banquet tables groaning under the weight of sumptuous feasts shenzong didn't just live like a king he lived like the King of Kings and the best part much of his extravagant spending went toward improving the lives of his subjects his new policies were revolutionary aiming to alleviate the plight of the impoverished and unemployment setting the stage for what we'd Now call a welfare state but Shen zong's Legacy wasn't just about conspicuous consumption and benevolent policies he was a forward thinker even by today's standards his Innovative tax collection system was centuries ahead of its time making modern governments look like amateurs centralized governance gave him unprecedented control over the economy and his Reign saw technological innovations that contributed significantly to the Empire's wealth The Riches of the Song Dynasty flowed not just from its abundant resources but from its astute governance and shenzong was at the helm of this economic Powerhouse his legacy lives on not only as one of the wealthiest individuals in history but also as a Visionary leader who understood the importance of prosperity for all and while we Marvel at Shen zong's massive wealth when it comes to the richest man in all of history the wealthiest Chinese emperor looks like a penniless Drifter Mansa Musa not many people are known to be the richest in all of history come to think about it there's only one the king's wealth is simply incomprehensible but where did this immense wealth come from the Marley Empire's riches primarily stemmed from controlling and taxing the trade in gold and salt with Marley owning some of the world's most productive gold mines gold was without a doubt the Cornerstone of musa's opulence his Empire also engaged in trading other Goods like Ivory slaves spices silks and Ceramics when Musa ascended the throne in 1312 the Marley Empire was already flourishing mus embarked on a mission to expand the Empire conquering 24 cities and their surrounding territories among these conquests timbuk too stood out not just for its economic significance but also for its transformation into a cultural Hub under musa's rule musa's most famous Journey was his Harge to Mecca in 1324 to 1325 this pilgrimage was the Pinnacle of extravagance Musa embarked on this religious Journey with a caravan that seemed endless comprising thousands of men and animals the Entourage carried vast amounts of gold and musa's generosity knew no bounds he built mosques along his route Distributing gold and gifts to the poor his lavish spending had such a profound impact on the economies of the places he visited that they experienced rapid inflation and economic collapse now that's how you ruin a country you make the local so rich that the market can't support them any longer brilliant moreover Musa didn't just spend his wealth on his har he invested heavily in his Empire he constructed mosques palaces and universities with timbuk 2 becoming a center of Islamic learning the Jinga mosque and the University of San cor are just two examples of his architectural Endeavors during musa's Reign Marley was home to around 400 cities and his subjects enjoyed a high standard of living there were no Beggars on the streets and there was food for everyone while estimating musa's true wealth remains challenging his legacy as the extravagant benevolent and Larger than Life ruler of the Mali Empire lives on care to learn more about musa's life just click on the video to your left
Channel: Luxury Zone
Views: 420,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: richest people in history, richest people of all time, richest person of all time, richest person ever, richest person ever lived, richest person ever in the world, who is the richest person in the world
Id: IgxR_fMOrgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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