How Does A Good Feng Shui House Look Like? Easy Feng Shui Tips To Implement Now

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now I know many of you are skeptical about buying items to boost your own luck well I've got news for you there's absolutely no need to buy any objects or trinkets to boost your energy or boost your Feng Shui because Feng Shui starts with what you already have around you your natural environment it's about harmonizing yourself with the surrounding environment it's about finding the Qi and connecting to this Qi flow to benefit you or to serve your goals I want to take you around your home and show you which areas that you can enhance or could adjust to change your life all you have to do is get up and do it still worried well keep this in mind you never know if you never try I can't wait to get started but first things first if you're not yet a subscriber you know what to do hit on the subscribe button and click on the bell icon otherwise I'll use my sharingan, and put you under a spell it might sound like a silly question but most people don't really understand what Qi is well it's the backbone of Feng Shui. Qi is the life force that shapes and nurtures and governs all living things. I'm sure you are somewhat aware that Qi can be skewed positively or negatively. The polarities are known as Sheng Qi auspicious chi or Sha Qi or negative Chi, and it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Meaning, it cannot be manufactured. No lights, colors lucky charms will be able to produce or generate Chi to enhance your life or luck now you might just be wondering where and how you can find and use Qi well Qi is the universal life force energy that circulates and permeate the world that we live in. So look around you now experience this. It is everywhere. I'll start you right here in the living room. The internal bright hall is the term we use to describe the space that is immediately after your main door or main entrance. Now this is an important area for Qi to be collected or Qi flow to be residing in inside of your house it comes from the external to the internal so this is the first checkpoint on your Feng Shui. I'll advise you to keep this area clutter free spacious and clear so that you can assure more Sheng Qi or prosperous energy into your home from the external environment. Now you might want to try opening the windows to brighten up this area as well just in case it is important that your bright Hall the technical term for the space interior of your main door to be brightly littered especially with natural lighting. Now I'm not talking about using artificial lights here okay. Now some people may say I want to put some lamps here and put some crystals here. Natural sunlight is all we need Sunlight itself is a natural lifeforce energy and should be allowed in and not overshadowed by thick greenery. Now I don't know about you but I think large plants should stay outside of the house because they could easily block sunlight from entering this very important space of your home if you get this place covered in the dark it looks like a cave or if you walk into the main door and you smell a musky smell. Qi flow is impeded and it's not good. This is something that you don't want happen in your home. Remember there's no harm trying this you got nothing to lose and a lot to gain. All you need to do is to make sure that your bright home the space that is immediately after your main door is spacious and the Qi flow is smooth. Now for the kitchen, obviously food is prepared in the kitchen which will eventually affect your health in the long run Now kitchen Feng Shui is only important if you cook and eat at home. Families who don't cook and eat at home then kitchen Feng Shui is no longer important. Now we want to make sure that Qi flow is harmonious in our kitchen it should we're using our kitchen for the entire family it is very popular now that you know we find modern kitchens with islands in them. I'm talking about you know that counter in the center of your room. Now I couldn't stress this enough that you should keep your stove off this area, having your stove on the kitchen island would expose it to negative forms of Qi flow. Now this is of course okay if you're just using that hot plate to boil some water or cook some instant noodles but for you know serious cooking day in day out this should be avoided and if you're already experiencing health issues your health is not doing too well in the long run then this could be one of the cause of it your food will be negatively affected if your kitchen the stove is negatively position. I would suggest that your stove be positioned against a wall for stability sake. A Feng Shui principle that has developed a life and a legend of its own is not to have fire and water clashing in the kitchen I'm here to tell you now if there's at least three to four feet in between your stove and sink and there's no need to worry about a fire and water clashing now you should be more concerned if the stove and the washing basin is directly opposite one another. Now if that's the case this is called a fire and water clash a fire water clash in the kitchen usually signifying an imbalance of Chi flow usually affecting the health of the individuals in the house you'll find that people in house are often bad tempered leading to you know blood pressure problems or heart problems or even too many mental stress that creates other forms of illnesses for example tumor or other malignant disease. Don't underestimate this simple Feng Shui flaw. Now this is a simple solution all you need to do is put console on an island in between the two and then there's no clash or if you would remember water and fire clash is mitigated by wood element so we'll find some small little potted plants to be positioned in between your stove and your water basin if these two features are very close to one another. Some people say this is where the magic happens whether it's for sleeping or resting this area affects our health vitality and our mood we know that sleep is a Yin activity since it's about stillness and quietness and rejuvenation so position your headboard against a Yin feature like a wall. This is so important and so simple this would be able to support you for restful and peaceful sleep now if you position your bit against a yang feature such as a window for example or against a wall with a door then the Yang energy would result in a disrupted sleep in long run this could negatively impact your work performance and your overall health. Everyone has a bed so what's stopping you from making such simple changes you might as well make sure it is in a good position. Now do you feel uneasy having your bed position in front of the bedroom door I have an explanation for that, the old wives tale is that this mimics sleeping coffin of course this is totally untrue. And it's merely there that the Feng Shui explanation for this is that the Chi entering your room is somewhat clashing directly onto your bed and therefore it disrupts your sleep and therefore you don't sleep well solving this is easy just move your bed so that it's not in direct conflict with the door and as I said before function is all about making the most of what is around you. I bet some of you are still skeptical about this at this point so ask yourself this are you really missing out on anything if you move your bed a few meters. Come on right and most you are expanding a bit of your energy and using a few minutes of your time. Try it and you might see some difference in your sleep quality for the night now most people look for results whether for work or studies we want the best results that we can produce give yourself a boost have your study that's position with your back towards the wall this puts a stable Yin form behind you which represents the support that you need to advance your career and your studies. Now you can maximize the benefits of this by aligning your desk to your personal best or good directions I bet some of you are complaining right now having the need to move your desks and all that but let me ask you this question is this few minutes or hours you put into reorganizing your home worth giving up for a lifetime of success your answer is no my response is get moving. Consider where your study room doors located make sure that you aren't facing it head-on when you're sitting down. This puts you directly on the path of rushing Qi. Now if this is unavoidable simply positioning some furniture or plant it will help slow down the crashing Qi towards you. One more thing to do is to open up your room windows from time to time. Remember natural sunlight helps you mitigate negative Qi flow and helps to circulate the Qi again. Airless rooms means that stagnant Qi and stagnation of ideas and your personal growth. Feng Shui is not about ornaments and decorations that boost your luck. So remember that you don't need to buy items or objects you can't buy good Feng Shui, good Feng Shui comes from your natural environment. The focus is creating a harmonious home for you with what is readily available in your environment. Now I hope that you find this point is easy to use and that Feng Shui becomes part of your daily lifestyle, give it a go and see how changes take place in your life why wait? It starts at your home. All it takes is making the most out of what's around you right now, there you go I hope you enjoyed today's episode let me know in the comments what other topics you'd like me to film as always a "share" and a "like" will feed my entire team for one more video and if you subscribe my team and I are all going out for pizza tonight you really want to deprive my team of a pizza face to the next time ciao
Channel: Joey Yap
Views: 895,771
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Keywords: joey yap, good feng shui house, what makes good feng shui, what is good feng shui, feng shui home, feng shui home tips, home feng shui, home feng shui tips, feng shui, feng shui tips, chinese metaphysics, feng shui tips for bedroom, feng shui tips for home, bedroom feng shui, feng shui rules for bedroom, bedroom feng shui tips, Feng shui home, 2020 feng shui tips and cures for your home, feng shui tips for home 2020, feng shui for bedroom, real feng shui, Authentic Feng Shui
Id: 0iwsKDxIqdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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