What is the Best Feng Shui Facing Direction For Your House? | How to Feng Shui | Feng Shui Tips 2020

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Hi everyone welcome to Feng Shui Cafe. In this video I am going to talk about how to determine whether your house has good feng shui. Well... one of the most important factors is the direction that your house is facing and sitting. With a compass we can simply find out which of the 8 directions your house is facing That is North, South, West, East Northwest, Northeast, Southwest or Southeast. But if we use a traditional Chinese feng shui compass it would be more accurate because the Chinese compass splits the 8 directions into 24 sub-directions According to ancient Chinese mythology and astrology, there are 4 celestial animals representing the 4 different directions around your house, that is the green dragon, the white tiger, the red phoenix, and the black turtle. So looking out from your front door, the left-hand side of your house is symbolized by the green dragon, the right hand side is symbolized by the white tiger, the front yard is the red phoenix while the backyard is represented by the black turtle. With this in mind, a house with good feng shui should have the following characteristics. First, the land at the back of your house should be higher than the land at the front - that is the turtle side should be higher than the phoenix side. Second, the land on the left should be a bit higher than the land on the right, that is the dragon side should be higher than the tiger side. If the house does not follow these rules then is against the energy and therefore is not considered good feng shui. According to the angle of the sunshine on earth, An ideal feng shui house should be one that is sitting North and facing South. But that's only if you are living in the northern hemisphere. If you are based in the southern hemisphere a good feng shui house should be sitting South and facing North. An example of a house that is not quite favorable is if it is sitting Northeast and facing Southeest or vice versa, that is sitting Southwest and facing Northeast that is because this type of houses get less sunshine, the Ying and Yang of the houses are therefore not balanced. The shape of the house is also very important. According to the Book of Changes, the floor plan of a good feng shui house is either rectangular or square shaped because in such houses the Yin and Yang are balanced from all directions The Forbidden City in China for example were built based on these principles. If you liked my video and would like to know more about feng shui, please
Channel: Clara Z
Views: 19,089
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: feng shui 2020, feng shui, feng shui home, feng shui lucky, best feng shui directions 2020, how to feng shui, feng shui for beginners, good feng shui house, health and wellness feng shui, feng shui tips
Id: kv3B0y-ciCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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