Use Feng Shui To Become Abundant Today | Marie Diamond

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so first of all I want to thank MindValley and vision - and the amazing team of MindValley give them a round of applause please so today I'm going to share a little bit how I got into Fung Shui and energy work and then I'm going to give you a lot of practical things to do so you can go home and really change your life you're up for that yes great so everything started for me when I was 15 I had a near-death experience I was run over by a truck they declared me dead and they tried to revive me and I actually went to the other side and as I was on the other side I was in the presence of beings of light and they said to me you have to go back you are here to enlighten more than 500 million people so I came back in my body a few days later and I was like what is that enlightening I'm 15 I'm born in Belgium in a beautiful little village called Bruges ever heard of that and I was like what does that mean it means like I'm here to make a difference that's all I really got from it because the word enlightenment was not something that they teach you in a Catholic school and so every morning I would start my day and say universe God show me how show me how I'm here to enlighten more than 500 million people now I was already on a track of spirituality since I'm 7 I was meditating I had a spiritual teacher and it was quite a little bit upset that I had this accident and I said to my teacher but why did that happen I've been a good girl I've been meditating I've been praying and he said to me Marie you have bad Fung Shui and I'm like what is that if it well your environment your bedroom is really telling a different story and I'm like what does that mean he said well do you like your bedroom I said Oh her hate it I would go to bed as late as possible I just didn't feel good right there I was afraid there so every night I would read under my covers because I felt his bad energy so I really definitely got my 30 books a month right but I will felt there was something else that I needed to do so I saw just visualizing and connecting and he said you know it would be better if you change bedrooms if you change the images around you the colors so that's exactly what I did and from being a quite a lonely girl that was very much bullied at school to suddenly becoming very appreciated in school and having a lot of friends and even after changing my feng shui I had my first boyfriend right now he was a hot guy of town now nobody expected me to be with a guy with a red motorcycle and beautiful guy right and it was because I had changed my energy so from that moment on I always looked for what can I change in my environment so I started actually drawing my own images because there were no posters about what I desired so I started drawing everything and every day I would ask what can I do show me how and so from there I actually started that journey and I thought that at moments when I was 18 what if I become a lawyer and I start working for the United Nations or the government I will reach more millions of people so that's what I did I became a lawyer now after working for five years for the European government I kind of figured out that was not my direction to go so at 31 I started teaching about enlightenment and Feng Shui but I start seeing that as I was teaching people meditation and changing their mind that I was eating a ceiling and the ceiling was their environment it's one of the things I've been starting to work in the last 15 years in the self-help and I started attracting a lot of teachers that were the top in their field and so each time I felt I was hitting a ceiling because the mind is not everything the spirit is not everything I'm going to go deeper into that with you later so in 2002 I moved to the USA because I had put on my vision board already was doing vision boards that I was going to move to the USA and on my first vision board in America I put a little yellow post-it note and it said I'm going to be in a movie seen by millions of people that will transform the world because I thought like I was living in San Francisco I like you know Hollywood is close by anything can happen right and then I bought myself a fake Oscar and I put on it Marie diamond until I go 2005 and in a few years and I put it in my success direction in my office now we're going deeper into that what that is but I just didn't put my vision board there I read my vision board every day every day I would look at little Oscars at Oscar I'm going to connect with you within a month the first Oscar winning clients called me now to tell you there Oscar is a little bit heavier than mine so since then I have worked with more than 20 Oscar winning clients and so that was like okay the Oscars are coming great but that movie right and then I was asked by Jack Canfield that I advised on Fung Shui and meditation and he asked me to be part of the transformation Leadership Council had also vision is part of and I came into that beautiful space with all these very famous authors and it was very shy I'm like I'm from Belgium nobody knows me here I didn't want even a best-selling author at that time but the third time we came together just before that I had a dream and the dream was from a woman with half blond hair and she said in my dream I'm from Australia I'm not going to do the accent pay attention when you meet me so I went to this meeting in Aspen Colorado and I was sitting way in the back quite shy because all is very powerful successful teachers and there's one space left next to me this woman comes in and she says hi I'm Rhonda from Australia I'm here for a movie called the secrets and like I pay attention and she's like what you're so enthusiastic I've been asking others to be filmed and they're like not so happy about it because I just saw Australia a little movie called the secret say no I mean I'm in so that was my first TV interview ever [Applause] now that movie so far has reached more than 500 million people worldwide check last year beginning of the year I thought like you know what I think I'm ready to be part of mine value so I put in my success Direction a picture I had with vision and I and I put under it I am ready to be an author for MindValley in 2018 to be speaking in a fest MindValley reunion mine value University and I put it in my success direction with a picture of fishing and every day I would go to my vision board and say I'm ready six weeks later he calls me out of the blue I didn't even know he had my cell phone number and he said Marie I want to tell you we are ready for you to do a course on Feng Shui and I said okay I said we should I have to tell you something it's on my vision board since the beginning of the year and said well we are ready for you so how many of you have done Fung Shui for life or saw the master class all right so one of the things we really did in Fung Shui for life is that we are working with your personal birthday and to find your success direction so we're going to go a little bit deeper into that so this is just a few people that I've worked with from the self-help teachers these are some people that are from Hollywood and I just want to quickly tell you the story of Steven Spielberg so at a certain moment I thought like you know what I only have one ask her out I'm missing out on everyone that has more Oscars so I bought myself two more Oscars and I put them out in my success of action on the Tuesday morning the Thursday I get a phone call from someone said yeah you know a VIP client would like you to come and Fung Shui their home and he didn't want to tell me who it was sort of like you know give me some hints you know so anyhow I went to up the week after and you know I come and do the home and the offices and I come in the private bedroom of Stephen now his wife was with me don't worry yeah and there I see three Oscars and like now understands and it may ask you when did you decide to call me well he said my last Tuesday afternoon we were talking about you with some friends and he said it's time you get married I'm and in and I said do you know about me really oh you know about you for four years but because I only had one Oscar out the universe didn't bring that client to me but the moment I put three Oscars out the phone started ringing yeah okay so let's go deeper in what this is all about I talk about something called the three levels of the law of attraction now how many of you have seen the secret read the secret watch the secrets put your hands up okay most people in the secret talk about something I call human luck is how to change your thoughts feelings and and most people think that 100% of the law of attraction is about how you think about something how you'll feel about it in gratitude and how you take action because the word action is for sure in the word attraction now I have learned from my function on mass so that there's three aspects to the law of attraction the first one is how you connect in with your soul through prayer through meditation whatever your philosophical or religious background is the moment you connect consciously with God and the universe and ask what you desire there's 33 percent of chance that this will happen not 100 percent 33.3% every one of you also got talents when you born which that's part of your heavenly luck so one has a talent for singing other for dancing other for IT so connecting with that talent is part of your heaven Allah your human luck we already discussed but it's only responsible for 33.3% but the last part that's what I want to talk to you about it's about earth luck your environment so so many times I have seen people that have the connection they pray they meditate they have really great discipline and being positive with their thoughts their feelings and actions and they're still hitting a ceiling I remember when I came to the office of Jack Canfield he was like things were not moving forward anymore even if he is perhaps one of the most read and the most amazing teachers the same with Bob Proctor they were hitting a ceiling and I start looking at their environment because your environment is responsible for 33.3% one third of you good luck you know how much gamblers would give for that 33.3% right of course you know I have some professional poker players working with me right because they want to add percentage today good luck so when I started understanding this and start teaching this to people I saw huge shifts happening because your environment is like a three-dimensional vision boards how many of you have a vision board Wow amazing but your home is also a vision boards so everything you see everything that is around you gives you subconsciously messages yes so when you go to sleep and the last image you see above your headboard is an image that doesn't reflect what you desire romantically or in life then literally that is what you're going to get the next day if you come into your home and you open the door and you see shoes on the ground coats hanging boxes you actually create chaos so I know some of you're like oh I need to go home right now right right so whatever is there will actually affect you the moment you walk in if you look at your office and you work on your office I'm going to go a little deeper into that whatever is there is giving you constantly 24 hours a day influence so the three places that influenced you the most are first of all your living room it influences your personal relationships your family your friends your bedroom influences your romantic relationship and your money because interesting enough at night you get ideas to create money the next day your office and workspace influences your money success and professional relationships so I remember almost two years ago I talked to vision about this this is his own story right and then after a while he was like hitting a ceiling and said I'm going to change my office based on what we were sharing and at a time he had seven months in a row that the company lost a substantial amount of money so he changed his office in the eighth month they made enough money for the rest of the seven months to be positive and from that moment on mine fell II never went down with some simple changes you want to know which they are okay first of all space clearing your outer information if you have a desk that looks like the one on the left side how many of you could say yes be honest okay your brain waves will respond to that so when you have chaos around you you will be more likely to be in beta brain waves and beta brain waves make sure your less focused like normally alert that you're not really calm and inspired now if you look at the image to the right side this is like totally organized and then the moment you are in such an environment you get into alpha brain waves right away so this is shift that happens that's why after a while when everything is chaos we can't work anymore we stand up and we start organizing because we feeling we're hitting like a wall we can't move forward so that's the first thing I will ask you to do when you go home to at least let go of 10% of all the stuff that is around you I know you think that's a lot but it goes quick so you can give some things away you can let go of some things you just make sure it is organized and the good thing and a good tip is whatever you count right now put it in a closet because if your conscious mind can't see it it doesn't affect you so that's easy to work with okay the second one is what we call the poverty conscious the poverties position it's when your desk is facing a wall or you're facing the window and so when you are sitting in such a way that your back is to the door you immediately create beta brainwaves so let's say these are the doors right I'm here speaking and I would start speaking like this to you you know this is actually an amazing thing what we're doing right now how do you feel I wouldn't see you when you don't see the incoming flow your brain goes automatically in beta brainwaves so this is a first step and why is that because if you are sitting in front of a wall you're actually hitting the wall with your consciousness so how can people see you how can people connect with you if you're looking into a window you can say it's a beautiful view but you know clients don't come through the window right so somebody here that has exactly the desk like this raise your hand okay come quickly up you come quickly up running come yes right I'm going to do a test to show you how within three seconds your brain changes when you see the door let's welcome her hi Stacy lovely so I'm going to use some muscle testing yeah have you ever done muscle testing okay so so what I do is I ask a question and I push on her arm and when the question is positive she will be able to resist me otherwise she'll become weak okay her first going to check if she's a woman push-up she's definitely a woman by right okay is she a man I push this with one finger and she must normally resist one finger yeah this week she's definitely not a man okay check right so you have your desk like this at home it's facing a window okay I want you to do with us two windows either okay so the door is behind you correct okay can you close your eyes for a moment and you sit on your desk right is it here how do you feel there just push up think about success this is how her brain does that she cannot even open up to success think about money see this is how her energy is so I want you now I know you like that's the problem right I've done all these amazing things and this is the simple stuff thank you right so can you imagine now that you change your desk around and you would see the door and your back is probably to the window but that's fine you can see that think about your success right now okay think about money you feel the difference you feel the difference okay wonderful give a round of applause thank you I was recently speaking in London and I was doing the same presentation and this woman went home she changed her desk this is one little thing and weeks later she was in a workshop of mine and she said Marie I've been wanting and trying to get a new job for two years within three days I had three offers because when you see the door you see the opportunities you see the possibilities coming to you think about the Queen of England or the President of the United States they are sitting in such a way they can see the doors because immediately you are going into a wealth position when you face the door you create alpha brainwaves you'll be calmer more focused and creative but you can do that not just in your office you can do that each time you have a meeting with someone make sure you the first in the restaurant the first in the conference room and make sure you are always seeing the incoming energy and if possible you know have a boot that everybody can see even the best energy because the conversation will be better you will have an easier way to do business so that alone is 10% of your good luck that changes is that simple or not so who is going to go home and do this right away yes wonderful then this is another thing it's called your success direction now I hope you all got your workbook downloaded yes and you got your energy number right and also your success direction now everyone based on your birthday has a direction in the compass that is successful for you so remember when I put my vision board up when I put my Oscar that I actually placed it in my success direction in my office when I put the image up from vision and I and my goals for mine Valley I put it in my success direction so you can focus on your success direction in your office or professional goals in your living space for more family and friends and for your bedroom of course for romance yeah I was a suite in a film producers a female film producer and said everything is going amazing just love so guess what was hanging in her bedroom in her success direction it was an image of a woman sleeping naked so I said to her well dad is not going to create success in romance she said it's really interesting I have wonderful men coming to me when I'm traveling but never when I am at home yeah because she was giving the wrong message and remember your environment gives 24 hours a day a message and you became like a habit you became like in a trance your home can create a trance for you and that's why you need to shift something yeah so you can find your success direction in the workbook yeah it's based on your date and on your gender and so every room is like a universe and you are the center of that room so you need to divide and you stand in the center with a compass and you look where is your success direction so we're going to do that today yeah so everybody has their success direction oh if you haven't you play at home okay so I'm going to bring somebody up so like a strongman would like to come up strongman yeah okay strongman okay we have one we have one yes come on up why do a strongman because the men always think that muscle testing thing is kind of a stupid thing so hello how are you fabulous so what is your energy number do you know that yes well tell me what is your birthday August fifth from which year nineteen seventy three seventy three is nine okay so your Direction is dying okay so the nine and you go to your workbook and download it still write the nine for you means the East is your success direction it said that you're a healer yeah do you do healing work I do I'm not surprised so you're a healer so if we look in this room the East is over there so you see this floor plan is based on here right so we are here north this is south and east is over there sorry I have to turn it around Easter's over there right yes yeah because I have to deliver a sister so I'm going to see how changing his direction changes his brains yeah so I want you to first hold your hand like this and push up as hard as you can okay are you man yes are you a woman si si he's not a woman okay so think about success right now yeah okay so he successfully yeah I'm okay so his brainwave is like I'm strong but it's not strong enough for me so if I would ask you to turn around okay facing is think about your success see I can keep pushing right so what happens is let go let go yeah so when the moment he's in his successor action he brainwave goes from beta to Alpha within three seconds you know people paid thousands of dollars for being an alpha brainwaves and the only thing you need to do is reposition yourself right that's all you need to do right so let's think about money right so I'm going to push you that bring in that direction because that's the West okay think about money there okay this is even weaker right yeah because West for him does not resonate with his vibration it doesn't resonate with his DNA so when I turn around again okay to the east think about money is he is immediately strong so that means that if he faces that direction to make phone calls to work his brain opens up to abundance automatically yeah if he then also plays something in the east of his office resonating with his business your business cards and logo success books or images of people that are very successful with you even if you can by placing I call a success altar you actually are subconsciously connecting with that energy all the time so go home and do that okay so please download the workbook right and make sure that you know your success direction yeah you can also go to the website Marie Demeter calm and there's you can also get there the information so one of the steps you need to do is start realigning your home because I know you have been working so hard to realigning your mind yeah the realigning your connection with your soul but you know what you're manifesting here in your home in your office the first marketplace is where you are the first place of being in your highest self and your full potential is where you live not somewhere out there so many times I see these amazing teachers and workshops and you're so infused and so energized and you go home and you're you committed to change your life and without knowing within a few days you'll slip away in that old situation because you haven't changed your home to adapt to what you are right now learning does that make sense so I know you have had amazing teachers and you have some more amazing teachers happening this afternoon make sure if you can to take pictures with them or take their books the ones that you're very interested in or the ones you've been studying and you were like oh I would like to have more out of it definitely the logo of MindValley right put it in your success direction because whatever you will learn from mine value and their teachers it will go up 33.3% of potential you're up for that okay so let me just as not everybody has their success Direction here well I'm not going to go to test this out but I'm going to go to the next level everyone has an energy number so there's nine energy numbers now based on your year of birth and your gender you will find out your direction but there is something else that is for the rest of your life you have that number but every year there's a change of energy and every energy number has a color or a symbol for 2019 to put in their success direction to activate it extra to have more abundance coming forward yeah now this information is in your workbook but you can take pictures of course yeah so the people that have energy number one they are called to wealth creators yes now it doesn't mean they just easily create wealth it's mostly that you have to learn the most lessons about wealth sorry so your success direction is South East yeah now this year your color because I work with quantum physics and 24 colors that really activate you this year your key word is clarity you need to focus on being clear in your life setting your goals living by your goals and using the color aqua blue so just wearing something in that color once in a while and even putting something in aqua blue or like a symbol of still water in the southeast will bring your energy up for this year create more success and money people have energy number two or also the ones that are number five and our men they're called the teachers they are here to share their wisdom but before they share their wisdom they are like wisdom collectors there are the readers they just want to know everything that is in the world Jack Canfield for example is number two right so he has written you know so many books so it's not just reading it but also sharing it yeah so success direction-- is north east your color is ivory white like a an off-white and you key word is transparency you need to be transparent in your structure and what you want to bring don't be confused be very clear on everything and a little symbol is wind chime energy number three are bringers of Lights there are entertainers they just want to be in the spotlight they sometimes can be quite shy in normal life and when the moment light is on the light out there right they love to bring you know the energy up so their success reaction is sound and their color is ruby red like a warm red and their keyword for this year is about balance don't go too high don't go too low always balance your life enough sleep enough workouts and a simple is a laughing Buddha or anything that makes you laugh the energy number 4 or the managers the managers are the ones that have like an idea and they are so good strategically to fulfill that idea and to manifest it so they love to help others also to really create businesses their color is cobalt blue the word for them is empowerment so by using these words you will actually attract more success and abundance and the symbol for them is a bamboo the energy number 5 from an already shared was a teacher yeah for energy number 5 for the women I come back when we talk about energy number AIDS because it's the same energy number 6 are the creators the creators are the ones that like have ideas outside of the box and others will say this is not possible and they were like yeah I will find a way I think about they're also connecting with technology IT and think about the west coast of America yeah what happens in the west coast of America you have Silicon Valley Silicon Valley could never been on the East Coast it's not possible because the creative forces are stronger on the west coast that's why we weren't in California right so the color is Irish blue and the key word is focus so IT people need to really focus this here and everyone has number six and the activator is a bubbling fountain never put a bubbling fountain in your bedroom yeah it's too active always put it in the west of your office yeah the seven are advisers they are the ones that just people come and want advice from them they know so much and there are they no really a lot of healers have that or a lot of people that are coaches they actually connect with that so the color for that is the Diamonds me their keyword is fate so they need to trust themselves a little bit more this year and the symbol is an amethyst and energy number eights are the female fives there are the connectors they just love connecting with people they are really good and putting the puzzle pieces together like I have an 1/8 and I one of the things I love to do I love creating romance for people that's why I'm in the secret talking about romance I just love people to connect and be friends yeah and that's why you know I love to connect with you so if you afterwards or today want to have a hug with me or picture with me please come to my stand on outside because I love connecting with you ok so your color is an opal and transformation is your key word for this year and again you need to hang a little wind chime in the southwest and the energy number 9 the healers the healers this year they have the golden lock on them yeah this is a year where a lot of healing will happen in the world by the way yeah after a few years of a lot of imbalance and division this will be a year of healing so abundance is your key word and putting golden items in the East or for you for example the East yeah or wearing something gold will be really successful now there are abundant spots that work for everyone so this is definitely something to do for everyone if you want more cash flow this year in 2019 who wants more cash flow of course we all want then get yourself a bubbling fountain not a big one just a small bubbling fountain and put it in the west of your office or the west of your living room not in your bedroom and if your bedroom and office is one place and plug it when you go to sleep so what is the deal well the West this year has new beginnings on it everything with IT everything with technology everything with creativity will actually start a new cycle of nine years so I'm really happy that we came to LA because this is the West Coast and that means also for my fellow Union there will be a new flow of energy coming in but make sure that happens to each one of you yeah so this is for 2019 and remember we work in from shui but the Chinese New Year so it's actually till February 2020 yeah and when you do the Fung Shui for life you will see then you will always get the updates for every year where to put your fountain okay now if you want like amazing wind falls like your investments are working like out of the blue like gold crops down right so that is the East that means that this year everything coming from the East will be bringing golden locket but also mean countries in the East will bring a lot of gold and luck and as the e stands for everything with healing it will be a year of a lot of healing yeah and I think we all could use some of that yeah in many countries so place something in gold or like a bowl of golden coins and it can be fake coins it can be even chocolate coins that's all good right but not paper money yeah and you find like a bowl and you fill that with coins and it can be quarters but then make sure that the bowl itself is kind of a gold looking bowl yeah and then you can also activate the center the center of your house this year has the lucky eight on it and the color for this year for long-term wealth is peach you don't know what peach looks like I have it on all right there's a reason for my outfit by the way yeah so make sure that you clear out the center of your home don't put any images of their dad or violent or feeling images of being stuck so puts there an image of your family because your Center has a family luck but also put a beautiful crystal there and not like a small crystal but like a handful crystal like a quartz crystal or an amethyst and a color peach now this is really important whatever is in the center is always what happens in the world and so this is a year where we have to make a decision to let go of the fear and to go into joy because the last years in the fire rooster year and the earth duck year the Chinese astrology science there was a lot of fear and we're coming now in the earth pickier and the RPK is like the muddy pig so the pig is like rolling in the mud and like oh I have fun with my friends so this is a time to really connect in with your friends and family and take time to enjoy each other and each decision you make this year really go within yourself and say is this a decision out of fear or is the decision that makes me joyful if the decision whatever direction you want to go makes you fearful don't go there this is a year that we can't have that we really need to focus on joy right I would say definitely MindValley right it's about joy so let us create some more joy so I want you if we can hit some music let's do some more dancing so please stand up [Music] come on start clapping look at each other sighs let's see the toy come on get some Pookie go away come on come on come on first [Applause] thank you love you [Applause]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 614,665
Rating: 4.8375621 out of 5
Keywords: synctuition law of attraction, law of attraction, feng shui, what is feng shui, feng shui bedroom, diamond feng shui, the secret full movie, jack canfield success principles, feng shui 2019, jack canfield law of attraction, how to use the law of attraction, how to Feng Shui your bedroom basic tips and rules, Fix Your Money Mindset Today With This Abundance Meditation Marisa Peer, money mindset, abundance mindset
Id: GW0cMaC3Fp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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