How Do You Talk To God? | Benny Perez

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hey church family welcome to church lv online thank you for welcoming us into your home do us a favor like this video subscribe to our channel maybe leave us a comment if you're new here at churchill v have a simple way for you to get connected take out your phone and text the word church fam all one word to the number ninety four thousand we'd love to meet you and help you get connected into community well hey i know today is gonna bless you here at churchill v we're all about leading people to encounter new life in jesus and i believe that that can happen right where you are i want to encourage you lean in open up your heart and get ready for what god wants to do in your life today god bless first one it says this now jesus was praying in a certain place and when he finished one of his disciples said to him lord teach us to pray as john taught his disciples now we're going to go to matthew chapter 6 verse 7-13 and you can go ahead and start my time here i so appreciate it because today i'm going to preach good today verse 7 says and when jesus speaking again he's he's talking the same uh uh answering the same question that was in luke it's the same story now matthew picks it up from his perspective it says when you pray do not keep up empty phrases as the gentiles do for they think that they will be heard for their many words verse 8 do not be like them for your father somebody say my father my father knows what you need before you ask him before you ask him pray then like this our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come come on you will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil father thank you for your word and lord let everybody that came to church today when they leave say man i'm so glad i came to church in jesus name come on one more big amen right now amen thank you so much you may be seated at all locations i i want to just dive right in for the sake of the text and of time and and i want to continue my message on prayer we're in essentials series and and in this summer series are talking about what is essential as a follower of jesus certainly vision is essential the the power priority is essential putting god first and and prayer i would think would be at least at the top if not the number one priority the number one thing that we need to understand as a follower of jesus most of us understand when i say prayer what does that mean in the simplest form prayer is simply this how i talk to god come on it's communication with god and don't let religion kind of dissuade you because god is not interested in the punctuation and the vocabulary and getting your english right god is interested in hearing the cry of your heart and we make prayer you know some of us maybe we grew up in church and trust me god does not speak king james oh father god in heaven hallow i mean thou and thee and listen god just wants you to talk to him come on like he is he's your heavenly father the disciples come to jesus and they say jesus we we want you to teach us to do one thing we want you to teach us how to pray what an incredible request by a disciple that i think was really representing all of the disciples hey ask jesus how to teach us to pray because out of our prayer life come on everything else will follow prayer is literally if i can see it this way it's not just communication with god it's making god a priority in your life in other words i'm going to pray before any major decision i'm going to i'm going to pray before i i before i choose somebody to get married to before i take a job before i do anything come on i have to be in communication with what heaven has to say for sure we should ask those that are in authority ask your parents ask your pastors ask other people ask your mentors but you must certainly go to god and say god before i make a move i want to pray i want to ask you what you think see some of us what we do is we make a move and we pray to validate what we already did but maybe god wants us to pray before we make a move so he can actually tell us the move to make so that we're in agreement come up with what he said for us to do prayer is not to enforce your will prayer is god i want your will to be done in my life this is what prayer is prayer isn't a god that's looking down to get you and to hurt you it's a god that is wanting you to communicate with him he is a father notice when jesus begins to pray he still wants you to pray like this and i i covered this extensively last week so i'll run through it today but you need to get the context notice what he says he says i want you to pray this i want you to pray our father do not skip the first word when he says are that is a collective word he didn't say pray my father or your father come on help me today he said pray our father indicative in that word is that we must understand that we are connected in community the american christian mindset is one of independence we just celebrated independence day i love independence i love to be independent by nature i'm independent by nature i'm independent i i just i just kind of i just kind of like being by myself sometimes and and and i've been by myself a lot and and and i moved out and i finished my university and thank god for mama my dad and my and my family but but part of me i just like man look what i did and i think you should be proud of what you do but when we come to jesus it is not just me and jesus no it's not me and jesus it is a community of believers it is a community and we all now if your follower jesus we have a father it's our father your father my father which makes you brothers and sisters yeah and some of us need to get over the skin color of our brothers and sisters and some of us need to get over where our brothers and sisters live whether they live in a nice part of town because we we always we always we always like to go one way but i hear people say well you know those rich people those rich people you better be careful because you can have a bad attitude towards rich people just like rich people can have bad attitude towards poor people and poor people can have a bad attitude towards poor people and other people listen to me if we're all brothers and sisters we're part of the same family we are now connected by something greater we're connected by something greater than blood we're connected to something greater than nationality than ethnicity i am not a mexican-american first as a follower jesus i am a kingdom man first listen to me i'm gonna we need to elevate who we are in the kingdom above our background above our pedigree above our our our degrees above all of that no we are brothers and sisters the bible says this way we are a royal priesthood we are kings of priests unto god i am seated with christ come on somebody in heavenly places i'm not just seated there if i look to my right you're there if i look to my left you're there which means we have exact same standing with god this is so good i'm a man of myself so we must understand that prayer always starts with the who not with the how it is now indicative that we are now part of a community and my prayer life isn't trying to establish a relationship no no i have a relationship that's why i'm praying it's our it's our he says we're praying to our father it's interesting that jesus as i said last week and you need to hear this today that he referred to god not as as as elohim not as adonai not as not as you know uh jehovah jiren and there's so many yes there there's there's yahweh yes those are all the names of god but jesus purposely said we are praying come on to our father which means that jesus wants us to look at god a little bit differently now this is important because how you view our father determines how you'll respond to him how you view our father determines how you will respond to him if you if you view god the father like your earthly father maybe he had a great father a lot of sad great fathers but god the father is not a better version of your earthly father no matter how good he was but he is a perfect version of your father got to understand that some of us maybe we didn't have a good version of a father we have a fatherless generation maybe you didn't even have somebody in your life and if we're not careful we will begin to superimpose upon god our view of the father we had or did not have and determine that he's like that but he's not like that but if your father on earth was judgmental and critical you never could do anything right you're always he's always looking for what's wrong if you're not careful you'll superimpose that upon god and you're thinking that god is looking for all your iniquity and all your sin god will not look for that which he's already dealt with i'm going to preach myself happy today people are throwing out scriptures and and and and and god you know find iniquity in me and and god and by all means god you you want to make us more like jesus but god is not looking for your sin he dealt with your sin on the cross over 2000 years ago and we've got to begin to understand that we have a father and what kind of a father do we have he is our heavenly father a father that is good we were singing it today he is gracious the goodness of god come on is chasing after me think about the faithfulness of god the goodness of god all the way from genesis when god the father came after a man fell and god the father came into the garden it wasn't adam trying to get back to god it was god coming in the fullness of man because he still wanted to show that i will close the gap it's god the father that closes the gap with the prodigal son when the prodigal son comes coming back home it's the father that runs towards the son it's the father that says give him a robe it's the father that says put the ring on him this is the kind of father come on somebody we're praying to it's my mission i think the older i kid and i transitioned from being the young guy and i transitioned a long time again from being the young guy to being like a father figure to being like a bishop to being like an overseer and i i have incredible young men and young women that are in this church and if i start naming them i'll forget a few of them but but there's so many of them and i and i look at my life and i look at the goodness of god the father in my life i look at the goodness of god and what he's done for me i look at the goodness of god that i've traveled the world i look at the goodness of god that despite my frailty and despite my humanity he still has chosen to use me i look at the goodness of god that established church i'll be 18 years ago i look at the goodness of god that he brought us to recession he brought us through bankruptcy he brought us through pain he blessed his situations he brought us this trouble why because the lord is the strength of my life i'm appreciating everybody right now i think about the goodness of god the father it wasn't a judgmental cruel harsh father that got me through my valley it was a kind heavenly father that came down and said son i am here with you today today if there's anything i want to provoke you to study the scripture i want to provoke you to see that we have a good heavenly father that sacrifices one and only son so he can have relationship with you i'm telling you listen to me some of you are so sin conscious you forget about listen to me that jesus has paid the price for your sin you are a saint according to scripture i'm going to say it again you are a saint okay i know i know that rubs you the wrong way because you've been taught you were a sinner you are a sinner before you come to jesus but when you come to jesus your sins are dealt with and now you're a son you're a daughter of god you are now a saint who sometimes sins because what you emphasize you'll become oh help me if i emphasize i'm a child of the most high god if i emphasize i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus now my spirit and my heart goes towards heaven and i realize something i'm a saint i'm a saint who sometimes sins you have a father he says i want you to pray to our father and then it gets even better because he he wants to let us all know come on seven hills today come on all locations say he wants us to to know all this he says our father by the way is in heaven you would think that that the disciples would know that okay we're talking about god jesus we're not that dumb i mean peter's that way but i'm not i know i know jesus you know hey i'm a doctor i've got degrees i know where god is god's in heaven get it but but i don't think the word is there just by accident i think i think what the word really means isn't necessarily a place but it's a mindset could it be that when he says our father in heaven that he wants us to begin to pray as i said last week come on with heaven's perspective in mind so that if i if i look at the mountain from heaven's perspective i could speak to that mountain if i look at it from earth's perspective the mountain is too big could it be that we need a heavenly perspective come on in our prayer life see how do i know i have a heavenly perspective in my prayer life is because i now pray watch from heaven to earth prayers not earth to heaven prayers i know that i have heaven's perspective because i take the promises of god and i pray them over the problems that i'm facing but i have an earth to heaven perspective i talk about how big the problems are almost as big as the promises of god are and i spend so much time talking about a problem when i should be elevating the promise that is greater than the problem see when i have an earthly perspective if i find myself begging because i am praying for my adamic nature i am praying for my fleshly nature i am praying from the first adam who was the fallen adam but when i pray in the second adam which is jesus i don't i don't i don't beg i believe i walk by faith come on in not by sight oh no trust me i feel the pain i feel the trouble i feel the situation but because now my father's in heaven and i have a heavenly perspective i will not allow my emotions to dictate to me how i pray he he said he's in heaven he's in heaven that's why jesus would say crazy things like this listen to me seven hills today he said crazy with men this is impossible but with god all things are possible that's why jesus would would come in and he said the disciples couldn't cast them out jesus disciple couldn't cast them out and she said ah man okay this kind this kind comes out only with with prayer and fasting and what we do is see we got to pray more we get a fast more i would just maybe throw another thought in there maybe jesus is saying no no this kind needs a lot of heaven's perspective on this one in other words you need to really understand who you are the authority you have where you're seated what i have done for you and when you get heaven's perspective this kind of thing it's going to come out in jesus name oh i'm preaching good you got to help me preach this thing today when you study the bible it's it's always jesus referred in the first corinthians 15 that he is the heavenly man he's the heavenly man because jesus came from heaven and adam the first adam is the earth to man because he came from the dust and yet we understand something we came from the dust but we're going to end up in heaven why because we put our faith and trust in jesus and we're living under the new covenant the old covenant the old covenant was relied on man doing doing doing but the new covenant is god done done done done done so he says in in heaven he says our father in heaven and then i just want to spend the next few moments because because then i i just call your attention to if we are praying to a god in heaven we have a heavenly perspective we begin to pray i just believe that we do enter and this might be spooky to the american mindset but i do believe that we enter into a supernatural realm and that realm is found in hebrews chapter 4 verses 14 through 16 and we're going to put it up for you today and it says this so then we must cling in faith to all we know to be true for we have a magnificent king priest jesus christ the son of god who rose into the heavenly realm for us and now sympathizes with us in our frailty he understands humanity now look look at me he understands humanity he understands us he understands we have human tendencies he understands that we're not perfect he understands that i i don't know some preachers they're so harsh as if god is looking for perfection he already found him and his name is jesus and perfection was given to us and i know when i say that somebody see see see we can just live how we want to live and do whatever we want to do that's what i said that's what you heard but when i say that to redeem mine we understand what that means i am the righteousness of god in christ jesus he understands my humanity and i will not rest and rely on my humanity in my own wisdom but i will now stretch out by faith and grab a hold of all that god has made given has given to me through jesus he understands her humanity for he was a man our magnificent king priest was tempted in every way as we are and conquered sin hallelujah go to the next verse because it says this so now watch me so now another translation is he therefore because of all that jesus has done jesus actually put his blood on the mercy seat and because jesus has made a way jesus is our high priest jesus is accepted so we're accepted so now we can come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned to receive mercy's kiss come on somebody and discover the grace we urge you the need to strengthen us in our time of weakness another translation is we can come boldly to the throne of grace and attain mercy in time of need i want to i want to just end today uh just just explaining to you when you pray when i pray we already talked about r that's talking about connection and community we talked about a father he is not harsh he is kind gracious loving we talked about he is in heaven a heavenly perspective but let me just land this plane on the throne room of grace i say to you this way the location of your your prayer may be a beach it may be sunday morning with men it may be in your bedroom the location may be different but the place is always the same it's called the throne of grace so if i'm on the beach that's my location praying that's my location but where i am come on in the spirit is in the same place it's called the throne of grace i could be driving down come on the 15 freeway i could be driving down the spaghetti bowl i could be at work and stressed out and there i am at my desk that is the that is the location of where i'm praying but the place is still the throne room do not get confused because you think well if i'm at church i'm a little bit closer to god the only reason why you feel closer to god in church because it has less distractions of everything else i preached in bed and you're saying amen i'm preaching better you're saying amen see because if you would actually put down your phone sir and quit looking at the score of the games on espn if you would actually engage and come on into the presence of god the reason why you feel closer to god is because there's less distractions why because you put your eyes on jesus the author and the finisher of your faith your location can vary but the place is still the same it is the throne room of grace so here's what it says let's go back to scripture what it says today let's we're people of the bible people stewards of scripture and it says this notice it says that we can come boldly to the throne of grace the word boldly comes from the greek word parisia which means to speak freely to speak your mind without fear or retribution or intimidation i think some of us are fearful to pray because we have the wrong view of who we're praying to because nowhere in the scriptures to teach you better be careful the word boldly says i'm going to come because he's my father and i'm just going to share my heart with them and and i know there's proper ways to pray but it's just better to get somebody in the throne room and let them open up their heart god's not intimidated by humanity he already knows it god's not intimidated by your lack of knowledge about him he already knows it he says i want you to come boldly why because of jesus we can come boldly we can come freely we could speak our mind without fear or intimidation this is so good why is he telling because listen to me friends if we ever needed boldness in our day we need boldness in our prayer life we're being intimidated in every which way and man we get intimidated by a lot of people and i get intimidated by this or that but you should not be intimidated if you understand what jesus has accomplished you can come boldly not because you got it all right not because you're perfect not because you had a great week it's because i put my faith and trust in what the high priest has done and he makes a way for me come on somebody seven hills come on today then i can come boldly i could speak without fear or intimidation i could come boldly to the to the throne of grace or the passion translation says i can come boldly to where love is enthroned i i could i could come another transition is i could come and and we find where we we can obtain mercy and find grace the word obtain means to hold something being freely offered it it is it is it is freely given so i'm not obtaining it i'm just reaching out it's like it's like if you're drowning somebody throws out one of those life rings right and all you have to do is just reach out to that which is being gifted you don't have to beg please throw me out please throw me out that ring no if he's a good lifeguard they'll throw out that ring can i tell you something that's what god does god throws out that ring of grace throws it at that ring of mercy and all you have to do come on somebody's receive it somebody's got to put your hands together right now notice we find grace not judgment or harshness we find strength we we find this we find that word find is interesting word that word fine comes from a greek word that we get the word eureka from i struck gold i found gold it's like aha eureka i i found it that this is what it means it means an excitement for something valuable that you just found you understand what i'm saying god is saying you can come and say eureka i have found something more valuable than gold i have something more valuable than my prestige i have something more valuable than money or possessions come on somebody i found something more valuable i have found the grace of god what's the grace of god the grace of god is god giving you the power and to ability not just to endure the trouble but to overcome it we think grace is slippery we think it's like okay it's like grace you know just do whatever i want to do and live how i want to live and i'm just going to live under grace no no real grace doesn't empower you to keep sinning real grace gives you the power to overcome the sin so when i come to the throne room of grace and i'm saying god i have this addiction god i'm struggling with this god i'm struggling with unforgiveness god i just i just don't like this person god i i know vengeance is mine say the lord but avenge his mind says benny i'm going to get him get him get him see but but i come and i say god i'm going to come and i i found it i found grace i found mercy in time of need why would you come to a god who is judgmental and harsh and looking at your sin and trying to find what's wrong you would never go to a god like that see that's what happened with adam and eve they didn't understand the nature of god that's why they hid from god but in genesis god showed them i'm not that kind of a god i'm still going to come to you even in your fallen state and i will make a way for you even in your fallen state my god help us at church shelby at seven hills at every location that we can come boldly and boldly and boldly every time and say god i'm gonna receive your grace and mercy [Applause] so what happens is is we find strength the bible says in time of need we find help that that that word is a very interesting word in the greek that this word it says that we're going to find help in our time of need it's a military term in new testament times so the writer is using a military term in the greek and what it meant is is that a fellow soldier if if i was now in battle and i was weary and i was being overcome by the enemy i would i would send out a cry i would send an emissary and i would i would call for help and when that soldier fellow soldier heard me call for a help he would immediately come and just me knowing that he was coming strengthened me into battle and then when he got there he not just strengthened me he helped me overcome the battle you understand what i'm saying is that when we begin to pray we have somebody already in the battle his name is jesus and when we focus in on jesus he comes in our time of need not just to strengthen us but to help us overcome that which we're facing in our life this is such a beautiful beautiful picture of prayer that's a beautiful picture of the posture of prayer that i'm not here trying to make and i'm not here trying to overcome i am here understanding who i am and who he is and we can come boldly thrown of grace and be strengthened by jesus in our time of need don't get confused who you're praying to it's not a statue it's not a saint it's not a pastor it's not a candle don't get mad at me it's not chanting and crying out to the universe it's not hugging a tree and getting universal vibration no why do i want to connect with nature when i can connect with creator why do i want to connect with something less than who god is are you hearing what i'm saying see prayer is so essential jesus would say crazy things like this he would say come unto me all you who are burdened and heavy laden and i'll give you rest you know what real prayer is when he goes and throwing you what real prayer is it is it's it's an exchange it literally can you imagine i thought about today getting a big old backpack and wearing it the whole time i was preaching but it's so dang hot i'd be sweating and i would pass out you think it's under the power but imagine imagine because we all we have we all have weights we have burdens we all have cares and and jesus speaking to disciples and he's saying to them he says if you're if you're heavy and you're lady you're carrying burdens i want you to come to me and i will give you rest i will give you rest for your souls so real prayer is i take my burdens come on somebody my cares through the throne room of grace and now i have an exchange if you do not leave prayer with rest you did not pray you complained i preached in between you were saying amen today i'm raising my hand because i'm the number one violator of complaining well god you know you know church would be good but these people these people you know social media god they're finding me on social media i can't believe it god oh man i gave my life to these people and these people did this and oh my goodness or maybe some of you complain you know my my wife i prayed for a wife you finally gave me a wife but why did you give me that wife man i prayed for her husband i prayed for husband he was nice for the first three days but after the last three days oh my god my god my god can i get an annulment i don't even know what's going on god i can't even believe this i kept and what we do is we complain and complain and complain which means that we bring the burden that we're supposed to leave in the throne room we bring it back and you wonder why you're weary you know you know how how oh god i preach it listen to me you know how weary it is for you to carry something someplace and then carry it back down and carry it there and carrying it back and carrying it there and carrying it back and what happens is you get so weary that you say why do i have to why don't you have to carry it over there and you end up carrying things for the rest of your life you were never meant to carry see because jesus would say stuff like this you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you what make you what we preach all kinds of stuff and it's all good in context but let me just say to you this way it makes me free from your opinion it makes me free from rejection and makes me free from performance it makes me free come on from measuring up it makes me free from everything that i was relying on because i come to the throne room of grace to our community father come on we have the same father as not my father or your father come on as our father we have a heavenly perspective so now i'm praying from heaven to earth not earth to heaven i'm not begging come on i'm believing i'm exalting the promises over the problems oh i see the problems but i tell the problems there's a there's a greater perspective a greater power so now i understand he's in heaven and now i understand that now prayer could take place in all kinds of locations but there's only one place and that's the throne room of grace and every time i open up my mouth i may be at my job but i go into the throne of grace i may be on a jog but i'm going to the throne of grace i may be at the beach but i'm going to the throne of grace i may be walking the park but i'm in the throne of grace i may be in my bedroom i may be pressed i may be down but i'm going to the place of the throne room of god [Applause] so good today i i i am so convinced that we missed it because we don't understand who we're praying to and we're so introspective i got to make sure i'm okay i gotta make sure i'm okay then i i would i would question your salvation because when you really get saved you should be putting your eyes on jesus somebody's going to come back to the keyboards because a miracle just took place today i'm done how many learned something today come on did you learn something today come on no locations come on no you got to put your hands together stronger than that come on seven hills come on people we can come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy in time of need i think what has happened with the pandemic that we just came through and your views of it are varied mass or no mask and there's there's all kinds of sides to it and people are mad at each other and people are still you know and vaccination unvaccinated you know and i'm like hey listen do what you feel is best for you you want to be vaccinated some of my family members great if you don't want to be vaccinated there's no judgment here you know what the crazy thing there's enough judgment in the earth when we go to heaven to the throne room there's no judgment at the throne room it's it's a throne room of grace and mercy in time of need let me deal with something that i think we need to talk about is our mental health we cannot deal with mental health the same way the world deals with mental health i think they do the best that they can and i think a lot of it is biblical in nature but true mental health if you want to stay mentally healthy the biblical antidote is not just well i'm just going to pray but the biblical antidote is prayer with thanksgiving if you want to have mental health you give god thanks in all circumstances you give god thanks come on not for all of it not for that but in all things come on you give god thanks why because now i begin to understand that now my gratefulness in every situation is me telling my mind and my heart god's got this letting faith arise above all else that i could think or i could understand if i'm honest my prayer life many times is consistent with telling god everything he already knew finances it's going it's getting tough god it's and i think we could pour out a heart before god i get that but but some of us all we do is we part our heart before god but we don't go the next step and begin to say okay i'm going to take a heavenly perspective and i'm going to speak into the situation i would ask every man to to to come at 6 30 at the green valley location on sunday mornings well pastor you just said that's just the location but the place is heaven i know but there's something powerful coming together with a few hundred men and we pray and we're all the throne room together come on praying and crying out to god something powerful right that there's another man that comes alongside you puts his arm around you said brother no no no i'm a soldier you're a soldier and we're gonna we're gonna get through this why we're gonna put our eyes on jesus and he's strengthening us and he's given us his grace he's given us his mercy he's doing it preaching good why do you always say that because i encourage myself in the lord prayer prayer should not be your last response it's your first one well you know what i went to the doctor i went here went there well you know the last thing we should do is pray no the first thing you should do is pray now we gotta pray first baby doll we gotta pray first bella we gotta pray first benign we gotta pray first bj we gotta pray i find myself praying a lot this last week i find myself just getting caught up in prayer just throughout the day i find myself that god god just kind of hijacks me have you ever had god hijack you you just walk in someone move it feel the presence of god and and and it wasn't because i i was maybe listening to anything it's because i just had my mind just kind of on heaven for a little bit and god just shows up he begins to speak to me he says my father forsaken mother forsake me then the lord will take me up you begin to speak to me that i am your strength psalm 27 that when trouble surrounds me the lord is my strength and and he begins to hide me and he puts me upon a rock which means he doesn't hide me from from the enemy he puts me out of his reach [Music] so i begin to pray this church was started in prayer this church is sustained by prayer and your life is a summation of you going to the throne room of grace god's not tired of listening to you god wants to hear you more and more and more i would ask you to binge less on netflix i would ask you to binge less on whatever you whatever you're doing and what would happen if you say you know what there's nothing wrong with some of that stuff but i need to engage in heaven and i'm not going to complain because if you go into prayer and you come out the same way remember what i told you you weren't praying because no exchange took place you just complained that's the limit test for me am i different is my perspective different when a person's name comes up does my gut still go like that if it does i'm gonna go back to the throne of grace and say god i'm gonna exchange that i'm gonna exchange it i'm not gonna live a small life and am i gonna live a small man i'm not gonna live that way i'm rising above i'm going to be the man of god you're going to be the woman of god we're going to see god do everything he's promised in our lives why because we're going to go come on somebody to the throne room of grace thank you for joining us at church today i have a few ways that help you stay connected the first way is if you would like prayer go to forward slash prayer we have an amazing team that would love to agree with you in prayer today another way to get connected is to join a group we believe in community here at church ov so you can go to forward slash groups and join a group today the last way you can get connected is to follow us on instagram at the church lv where we post content all week to help you stay connected let me declare some truths over you today before we end god you are in control you are fighting for us may the peace that passes all understanding guard our hearts and our minds in christ jesus may the lord bless you may the lord keep you and may he make his face shine upon you god bless
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 367
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: christian, church, Las Vegas, Benny Perez, Wendy Perez, christian church, Holy Spirit
Id: aEabnzqNdQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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