Big Family Grocery Haul | Costco | How Much Did It Cost?

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i don't want to let you guys in here it's kind of embarrassing [Music] as you know we have recently moved to our new home and we have been just eating like pizza and eating out our other town only had like two restaurants so we have been enjoying all the restaurants here but it is time it is time to fill our cabinets um we're going to be going to costco today like in our other town that's the one store that with a big family is so needed and so to be able to shop at costco today is super exciting and we are going to fill our empty shelves one of the things that drives us crazy like so crazy is i'll come in and i'll think okay i'm gonna make a quick list of what i need oh it looks like i have enough like macaroni and cheese but actually there's two big boxes but there's only one there's one so i would normally think okay there's two boxes no that is not the case i don't know if anybody else's kids do that i was just looking over here same thing i would think oh good we have lots of pop tarts no we don't it's a trick so anyway um so this is we're used to having so much more food than this yes well as you know we had like five refrigerators um at the last house i don't even know how many freezers we had a lot we had one freezer and four refrigerators so that was five total five total and so we feel like here there's there was one one fridge and so i didn't want to buy a lot i just bought like a few gallons of milk at a time we keep having to run back and forth to the store we've been trying to buy a refrigerator we went to home depot and bought a refrigerator and it came all in this pantry it came all the way out to here it was huge it was too big it was definitely not gonna work so that got returned um we were at the auction on friday and we got a fridge so we just put it in the garage because it also is a little bit bigger and then we went at home depot we got a freezer too we have a little bit more room now we have a little bit more room so it is time to shop it is time to fill this thing up um for our cereal one more thing that drives me crazy is our kids will open cereal in fact let's see if it's gonna make my point no not too bad but they open cereal and then they just leave the box wide open and then they do this i think a lot of kids do that a lot of kids do they do try something so nuts so what we do for cereal is we actually put them in these containers so that they stay skilled and they're not supposed to open boxes even though sometimes they do anyway yeah anyway let's do some shopping at costco okay let's go we need some helpers let's take a few kids with us i'm going i'm going is that it we're literally going to put a card in everybody's hand like we need a lot of stuff we have hearts i think everyone let's go everybody we'll see is that it oh maybe one more one more okay one two three three four five six cards okay let's go i love taking kids shopping and one of the things that we used to do is just have them walk beside us but then they were so bored the whole time and they just be like are we done yet are we oh you know is this over can we go and so now we have changed up how we do it and it works out so well for both of us they get to stay busy and i just get to walk around and get it done super fast so you're going to see me in the store the kids walking behind me with all the carts and all i do is point this out this this and then they just put it in and then we're out of here so much quicker and they're not bored [Music] okay so we want an air fryer but we cannot decide which one we are completely between one or the other so we're gonna do rock paper scissors and see who wins ready you ready jared you're part of this because no i'm just gonna put it on the card no no no this is the one this is the one kylie has and she says it's not we're just right here all right come on mom rock paper scissors shoot what's wrong that one no whoa there we go i'm good i'm good that's this one this one works really good you guys yeah it's so complicated i won the rock paper scissors good job yeah i was lucky looking i wanted this one i need to push it that long [Music] [Applause] [Music] you never know how to pick these let's just go with first choice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] that's all the milk there's one more well i can't find it [Music] [Applause] the last thing is a pineapple oh no no no no no no oh my gosh you guys no please stop please please stop no one last one is the time you drop it okay let's take it inside go go go go take it inside you guys are crazy they're throwing the watermelon i have to stop this waterfall of food that's coming down here oh no is it like really i think it's hopefully just the one item got it you got it i got it i got it got it it's a good thing you played tetris as a kid seriously [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got you something look oh no oh this isn't for you this is for you buddy oh no and so does the dog no no no no run do you love it [Music] [Music] do you want me to help you don't let maya have it no maya now that we're exhausted and tired it's time to put this all away yay let's try this one more time we're excited to put it away yay i'm surprised you got that much [Music] uh so i know what everyone's question is going to be how much did we spend so here's our receipt it keeps going and going it's actually not too bad and i feel like we did a really good job with this amount of food we spent uh yeah 13 34 94. yeah so that's actually not bad for us not bad especially for like a start over on our pantry seriously [Music] i think we got the wrong one i don't think so lizzy won she clearly won the rock paper scissors so um spencer come on i'm really tired i really know i promise spencer is the one that cooks he does a lot of very does a lot of air frying that is his favorite and yes so but this is not the one that he wanted so i hope that you're still going to use it oh i still used it a ton he will he'll do it and like i said kylie loves this one this is the one she has and she absolutely loves it that was super exhausting i'm so tired i just want to go to bed oh so i do feel a lot better though we were able to get a lot of things this looks so much better in here we still have a ways to go for sure but it looks so much better and costco is just amazing they're awesome yes they were so awesome it was kind of crazy because there was so much of us in their filming and they were just so nice to us so thank you costco very much i really appreciate it yeah we do and we love shopping there we really love shopping at costco yeah anyway thank you guys so much for joining us today and we will see you soon bye [Music] you
Views: 1,112,280
Rating: 4.9375691 out of 5
Id: uw42-vyHDqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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