This $130,000 Bomb Shelter is HUGE inside.

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look my babies in here I can't even touch it it's so big try to touch the ceiling No not even close no I can barely touch it I'm 6 foot 4 but when I put my hand up as 8 feet so it's got 8 foot ceilings yeah pick your arms out again yeah yeah [Music] guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters I hope you're all doing fantastic and I hope everybody is at home safe so guys wonderful things are happening in that list survival shelters we are busy building all types of bunkers if you've ever been to my website I make like I don't even know I haven't even counted like say 20 different types of bomb shelters I make round I make square I make round water type I make silos I do monolithic domes poured-in-place concrete I do watertight where the square the metals on the outside of the i-beams I do modular or where the skins on the inside the i-beams I do all kinds of shelters ok but the video I did last week or two weeks ago was about revealing the big boy well I read a lot of the comments that you didn't show us this you didn't show us that so you know what gosh a lady came into the factory yesterday and he wanted to see the bunkers and I took my time to do a thorough walkthrough of the big boy and go under the floor in the walls in the cabinets in the show her literally she goes in the shower so guys I hope you enjoyed the video but today's video is about this hundred and thirty thousand dollar nice large bomb shelter so I hope you enjoyed the video see you at the end alright guys so this lady here is a guest didn't care by filling dirt she wants to see the big boy so come on in alright so anybody who comes to this Factory can see everything that we got being built here okay so the way it works is you would come to your gas tight door and you've got to see the star you want to open it up you've got a walk-in shower you go ahead step inside there Oh Oh a slice both ways okay there we go there you go there it so it's got a two-way slider okay there you go all right oh wow put a little step here huh okay then you got a flight dude toilet so let me explain the toilet a you see that air valve right there you know why that's there well you've got to let the co2 out of here and you gotta help with an overpressure release file so what happens is when the air the filter fills up with air it actually opens this valve and it lists the air out as someone was trying to pump it carbon monoxide in it's actually shuts but also by having it there and have an air system on if somebody takes a a smelly turd while the air sis is running it takes his smell right out it goes right out there and it never smells up the shelter so as as the same principle as a boat it's called the head so you put it at the head of the head of the shelter where the air is going on it will never smell okay so it's begging air in it okay so you've got this is your bunk room now that's where all your towels would go right there okay now this is uh you know we'll have triple bunk beds this Center one has storage underneath this want to lift the floor I'll let you lift it up yeah I'll just pull that up okay there you go I know it's a lot of story doesn't it well this is gonna have a water tank down there so and then this is the hot water heater for this one so tank was 110 volt water heater yeah that is yes it's not propane and you know what we don't use propane what would happen if it had a leak and you have this a Matt it would blow bot there you go all right well you're smarter than most of the other bunker builders out there I'm telling you that this will be your dinner table okay and the table sitting right there we still got a mountain but you have that yeah you have storage underneath there yeah under both that me up yeah if you want to sit down in it test it for trickiness ya know so as for four people and it's about four and a half feet long but you know I got this design from Denny's then as far as the couch goes sit on the forum when it's got a reclining couch go ahead and reach over the side and recline that back okay so there you go so you don't feel like you're in a shelter in this one it's that it's so big and the floors are so nice this is cozy is this huge in here if I had to be underground for a long time I want to be in a big boy yeah so this will hold your 42 inch big-screen TV and if they're deaf they look under the cabinet there's actually stores down there too there's storage everywhere in there and of course you have a desk over here as well and you can put your computers your cameras couple chairs three chairs you can have seven people sit at one time and eat okay then let me throw you the water system under the you open that up and it's got a it's got two purifiers it has one that's under the front over there and then it has a second one that is this one here that really claims the water so it's got to get through two water systems more freedom yes well no I goes through one it up at the front of the bunker a sediment filter and then it goes to this filter so the waters double filtered I don't know you know it only needs one but I just do two because I'm just that kind of person it's got metal again look at the sink on that and then well you know what if you're gonna have a big boy you're gonna want some nice things and of course then the master bedroom and look how wide that hallway is there I mean it's this wide innit well this one yeah that's the story but that also access the electrical panel okay what's they still got a hookup yeah so that's where it that will be your breaker box right there and and then this is your air system and this maintenance whistlin is called a VA 150 lower that's the size it's electric it also has a manual crank on it in case you lose power so I have to do turn on you turn on the switch it's got an adjustable air flow and that filter is good for 25 years so as long as you don't open that filter in that sheltered there's filters good until the year 2045 and then you got to replace the filter but if you ever need it you cut this cable you unhook these two things right here you have one up to here and the other here the air comes through the pre-filter up here it comes straight down it goes through a HEPA filter than a carbon sixty pounds of carbon then it comes back up to this side comes through here and and it basically blows right here at 177 cubic feet a minute and all the bunkers got these instructions on them it shows how to operate the air system no no they're very quiet and unfortunately there are so there are some out there that were allowed but not mine and that right there is an escape tunnel so that will total out probably ten feet they'll go up to the surface and you can actually use it for more guess what more stories okay so a shelter this size this has a ton of room even up here you got stories up there on these fields okay like the plot yeah there is plenty of plug there's plugs there you got plugs here we've got plugs inside there we've got four plugs over here over here what else do we have there's four plugs right there sorry what what is nice all the lazy susan no no I'm all about storage and space you like that huh Wow and then you also got all the cabinets you got storage there so technically a person could really live in this bunker the whole life but I don't know how you want to live underground Penta then back up here I'll show you how the plumbing works guys I hope you enjoyed my video guess what you know when I do those ads about go to be prepared calm and use the code word Atlas the code word Atlas doesn't work anymore they given me my own landing page is called shelter with Atlas comm so guys if you want to get some food from be prepared go to shelter with Atlas comm you don't have to put any codes now but guess what now you're getting 10% discounts instead of the old 5% for an example this Pelle right now on the be prepared website is $1.99 but when you go to the shelter with Atlas website landing page is 179 you're saving 10% so guys from now on go to shelter with Atlas comm and you don't have to put in any codes just go there and order your food and the 10% discount is already built in so guys back to the video go ahead and lift that step back and lift that up so you have access to your plumbing so when you leave your bunker every time in case there's an earthquake or something he turned the shutoff valves off like that so that is a pressurization pump right there then this right here is the first line of water filtration so goes to that filter it goes through the pressurization pump it goes up to the safe it goes to that then it comes back just filter water this is called the grinder pump and the grinder pump is what takes the the wastewater of the Blackwater and it pumps it straight uphill 25 feet and out 150 feet so this will have a flexing toilet it will have the shower the sink the shower head and everything ready to go and then you can also fit off the water and as well oh yeah this is all included yeah it's wired up just like the pre manufactured house and then let me show you how the door works okay set it on down okay now the door go ahead and grab the door now pull hard and push down no no it when you pulls our first and push down okay almost like you got this is it put the point on me there you go okay go ahead and unlock it okay so you lift up well it's got just got torque up so it looks straight lift straight up it's great up hope oh there you go but you know what you can feel that it was airtight good again yeah but if you've got to have that seal around the door to protect you from airborne plagues from from chemical warfare from radiation so we'll go ahead and walk out the bunker and this is the mudroom and in this room here you that's going to be your interest that's a 60 degree angle that will be a staircase as hot dip galvanized it's got a presser treated with so whatever rot won't rust from the humidity in this room here then you have a decontamination shower head that will hook up here so when you're in your bunker you can actually shower off first and and then this one here is going to have a generator plot so there will be another door and another pot over there going to the generator room and this bunker here costs one hundred and thirty thousand plus the generator pod cost ten thousand so it's 140 grand and then the cost of the install it's about thirty grand and then the cost of the generator and the batteries probably another fifteen to twenty grand so when this is all said no this is a two hundred thousand dollar shelter yeah okay well here let's work out and I'll show you what's going on over here so on the other side of the factory and guys anybody watching this if you ever want to come by I'll do the same for you or is it lunchtime already damn okay then it seemed like twelve but that's a water tight round shelter that's a modular square bunker right there and of course they're painting the inside right now so that's gonna be beautiful it is painted it yesterday it's going to have a brand encounters marble inlaid sour we did an epoxy paint we're gonna put crown molding and this bunker risk of me beautiful the guys that's it so I hope you enjoyed the tour with the lady from Texas and I'll see you guys on the next video so guys I hope you enjoyed that that's about as close as I can get to the bunker looking at until we actually install it but that bunker is gonna have a generator pod on it and it's gonna have a diesel generator I believe and it's going to have the solar EMP proof solar system with the big lithium battery so that will be one heck of an install and I look forward to doing that because I actually got to start a couple more of these big boys I sell them two or three of them since I came out with the first video so guys if you're not a subscriber to my channel and I hope you are because we cover some pretty cool stuff here alright make sure you like and subscribe here this video if you want the rest of the world to see it and guys always said that little indicator beltless you know when my next video is comes in but guys as always I love you I'll see you in my next video [Music]
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 104,253
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel
Id: 1i88f4lExUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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