How Do We Spend Our Time?

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how many father Mike Schmitz and this is essentially cents so I came across something the other day that likened um how old you are to the time of day it was the time of day it was yeah so if they said if you are 15 years old it is 11 week I'm gonna read it if you're 15 years old it's 10:25 in the morning and they kept going on and kept I'll read some of them if you are 20 years old it is 11:30 for a ambi for 25 years old it is 12:42 p.m. so if you're 25 years old it's just after noon and if your life was just a day 25 years old 12:42 if you're 35 years old it is 3 o'clock in the afternoon I'll jump a decade if you're 45 years old very close 45 years old it's 5:15 p.m. 5:15 in the evening in the appellate afternoon wow this is ok goes on and on if you're 50 years old it's 625 I'll jump to the last number they give if you're 70 years old it is 11 o'clock at night as I was looking at that it just was so good to be able to put like the time of our lives right that the years of our lives into something that's almost manageable or not manageable it's understandable graspable we're stuck oh my gosh if at 44 or even 45 ish it is 5:15 in the afternoon in the evening like I realized most of my life likely most of my life is behind me and that time is gone now who knows how many how many more days how many more weeks or years I'll actually get but what am I gonna do with that time time is our most precious commodity you can if you lose money you can get money back if you your house burned sound you can hopefully build another house if you you lose possessions you might be able to get them back but if you lose time you will never I will never be able to get that back I think about this at 7 years old it is 11 p.m. when I was a young priest I would often do a lot of nursing home calls because I would lived in a town that there were a lot of nursing homes and it would it was always struck me and not only the loneliness of nursing homes which so if you have something in your heart it's just like you know what have a heart for people or lonely and forgot nursing-home it where are they they're at the nursing home they would love for you to be there and get back to our show remember walking through the hallways visit making you know sick calls and visiting people bringing communion praying with them but walking down the hallway and seeing how many people after seven years old even their spent their days watching TV just just flicking through the channels or just watching whatever was on wheel of fortune or some soap opera or whatever and I just thought oh my gosh that just that's what life is now at eleven o'clock in the day of our life days for life like the sands of the hourglass so are the days of our lives the end of one's life all I'm doing is I'm just letting the grains of sand drift by or go by and doing nothing but watching TV just distracting myself from this moment no okay That's not me making a judgment on that because I'm assessing it I'm not judging it in the same sense that like I don't know what I would do I know that sometimes if I'm really exhausted or sometimes I'm really sick like the only thing you can do is probably watch the TV sometimes looks like you're wasting time then I don't know I'm not commenting on that what I'm trying to say is that seems like a time when you would want to say okay God what do you want me to do with the last moments of my life how can I prepare myself to see you face to face now if that's true when it comes to 70 80 90 years old if right now my life it's 5:15 in the day of my life I can ask myself the same question because I realized that I can fritter away I can waste away so much time that I will literally never ever get back unless I make a change this is the thing I think a lot of us recognize that guy do i I know I waste time but I'm not willing to make this change I'm not willing to actually change how I approached I'm not willing to change how I approach my life why because I'm really comfortable here's the thing I'm really comfortable with distraction in fact distraction becomes kind of the norm for my life I'm constantly distracted and I think it's interesting if you're a person who who you find yourself going oh my gosh where's all the time going and then you look at your life and realize I think the main culprit for stealing my time has been just action I think this might this video might be helpful for you a distraction is anything that takes your attention away from what you should be doing so distractions anything that takes your attention away and what you should be doing now if that's the definition least the working definition my working definition for distraction it presupposes a couple things here's number one it presupposes you actually know what you should be doing I think a lot of us we kind of go through life without very clear idea of what it is we should be doing and so we're constantly distracted because why I'm just not doing what I should be doing so all life becomes as a distraction because clearly I'm not doing what I should be doing is I don't even know what I should be doing secondly we might have a sense of here's what I should be doing but I'm not willing to choose that thing I'm not willing to actually choose to do what I I'm supposed to be doing and so what happens is I just give in to the moment like well I know I should get up and get after it I know I should really knuckle down and write this letter I know I should really call pick up the phone and call that person I know I should just do this thing I'm not willing to I know I should go to bed how about this one I know I should go to bed but I'm just this TV shows on and it's easier to sit here on the couch than it is to get up brush my teeth and fall into bed and go to sleep so sometimes we don't know what we should be doing other times we're not willing to choose to do what we should be doing so life just becomes an endless succession of distractions what does it do it's as I said steals our time it steals our productivity as we know that people say no I'm it is you think I'm distracted but I'm just multitasking well the studies are in and every study indicates that very very few people meaning maybe zero can actually multitask and get the job done well typically we have two mono task or single task they actually get something done really really well so it steals our time steals our productivity we know this distraction steals from our relationships because I'm not present here with you because I don't know I'd rather be somewhere else how many times have you seen someone out or a couple people out whether they be on a date or as friends and everyone's on their phones the basically saying to everyone around there I'd rather be with someone else other than you I rather be somewhere other than here so it steals our time it steals our productivity it steals our relationships and actually ultimately it can steal our souls st. Alphonsus Liguori he has this massive quote it was Massa quote for me because it hit my heart like a ton of bricks or I don't know evening a metric ton of bricks he said there's two ways a person can lose their soul two ways a person can lose their soul one is through mortal sin which we know right I know that's the case the second way a person can lose their soul according to Saint Alphonsus Liguori not only mortal sin but what he called voluntary distraction I just let that sink in for a second if this doctor to the church Alphonsus Liguori says that the two ways we can lose our souls are through mortal sin and voluntary distraction and we live in an age of distraction what does that mean about my soul what does it mean about your soul if you and I are constantly distracted we're not doing what we should be doing when we should be doing it what's the save on my soul or where I'm aimed at ending up ultimately if I don't have a clear sense of what I should be doing that don't really have a clear sense of God's will right now if I don't choose to do what God has placed in front of placed in front of me that I'm not choosing to do God's will if I'm constantly distracting myself away from what I should be doing or should be choosing if I'm constantly distracting myself away from being present to the people that God has placed right in front of me or doing the tasks I got his place right in front of me or living the life God has given to me and looks I'm too busy scrolling through and trying to watch look watch someone else's life and I'm not living the life he has given me and you're not living the life God has given you and that day that hour of the day is just passing by second by second minute by minute hour by hour until the very end and I realize that I have not done the secret of a saint that not done the secret of holiness and this is the secret of holiness secret of holiness is to will one thing like to choose one thing in in an age of distraction and an age of multitasking holiness is to will one thing to will what God wills to love him above everything to love our neighbor as ourselves but if we're constantly distracted I don't know what I ought to be doing I don't choose to do what I ought to choose to be doing then we find ourselves losing not only our time and our productivity and our relationships we could find ourselves losing our souls so here's the thing turn off the phone here's the thing when you should be doing the task are talking to the person or it's sleeping just to be able to say I can do that I can choose that kind of a thing why because you are made to be a saint I'm made to be a saint God's grace is there which means that you can actually ma no task and when you do that you're not simply increasing productivity you're not simply increasing the value of your relationships you're saying yes to the Father and you're becoming holy so why not why not put it down why not do with the task right in front of you rather than wanting to be somewhere else doing something else why not be a saint why not be holy and we'll one thing just question for all is here to essentia presents my name is father Mike God blessed be sure to like subscribe and do all those fun things god bless
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 141,843
Rating: 4.9734221 out of 5
Keywords: spend our time, wasting time, how to spend your time, how do you spend your time, how do we spend our time, distraction, monotasking, multitasking, voluntary distraction, St. Alphonsus Ligouri, losing time, time management, waste of time, how we spend our time, how to spend our time usefully, how to spend our time, how to spend your time wisely, how to spend your time better, monotasking vs multitasking, if life was one day, doing god's will catholic, time management motivation
Id: YYjVpobbkyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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