How Do We Follow Jesus? | Pastor Marco Garcia

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matthew chapter 4 19 i'm going to read 19 as a congregation we're going to read verse 20. and verse 19 says this and he said to them jesus said to them follow me as my disciples except in me as your master and teacher and walk in the same path of life that i walk and i will make you fishers of men verse 20. go ahead wow that's powerful i want you to read it one more time that sounded so good read verse 20 again let's give the lord a hand great job congregation let's have a seat isn't it beautiful to hear the word of god in your own mouth there's nothing more powerful than you speaking it it's more powerful than me speaking it that's great and today we're going to be talking about a simple subject which but it's a profound subject it's the most important subject in the world how do we follow jesus so if i ask someone are you following jesus there's a lot of people that say yes i am but we're going gonna learn what it means to follow jesus jesus said follow me as my disciples their response to that just simple question i don't think it was a long speech i think it was a statement follow me as my disciple and the scripture says that they immediately left their nets and followed him as his disciples so how do we follow jesus i'm going to give you three ways to follow jesus one is immediately you'll never be a follower of jesus until you finally say right now i'm making a decision to follow jesus immediately they left their nets we need to be careful that when we hear a call of god that we don't hesitate or do this put it off or develop a habit of talking ourselves out of doing immediately what he asked us to do we need to obey immediately we need to forgive immediately why forgive immediately god tells us jesus tells us uh he says pray like this forgive those who trespass against you but he goes on to say if you don't forgive them their trespasses god is saying i won't forgive you your trespasses and this is what happens when we don't immediately act on let's say a command like that forgive it's it's easy for that to develop into a stronghold it gets harder to forgive them the longer it takes it's kind of like this it's you're in you're next to a pool the water's a little cold you dip your feet into it and then you dip your feet into it you don't jump in and the more you think about it the less likely you're going to be able to jump in right and there's somebody else that's just coming out of the house and just runs in dives in the water and they're enjoying it while you're sitting there contemplating it's too cold i remember when me and my brother when bungee jumping was in how many remember when bungee jumping was in they even had bungee jump in a fiesta village so everybody like was doing it and bungee jumping is just you go like 100 feet up in the air they tie a a rubber band on you and you jump now if you've never done it me i'm scared of heights i'm really scared so when i stood up there i was like i'm i'm standing up there robert's probably around i would say um like 13 and i'm 23 or something like that so i tell robert why don't you go first just in case that bungie don't work i'm just i'm supposed to protect him but i wasn't i was just thinking about my own life at that point so robert goes up there and he jumps and he made it look too easy so i'm next and i'm just hoping there's an earthquake something happens but i stood at their edge and literally they tied that bungee thing around me and my feet were like in cement like i was i was telling myself jump and my feet were not cooperating and the longer i waited the harder it was the cement was getting deeper i finally did jump off but it was very difficult and for some of you it's kind of that approach that you're having with god as god is saying follow me as my disciple and if you don't watch it you could harden your heart towards god keep putting it off and the more you put it off the harder it will be to take the jump to make the decision there's a scripture that says don't harden your heart we need to be careful that we don't harden our hearts towards jesus offer to follow him in hebrews 3 15 it says this remember what it says today when you hear his voice don't harden your hearts as israel did when they rebelled all is saying is today's the day to be saved now is the time to follow the longer we wait the harder it will be because our hearts will become harder and more rebellious instead of developing a habit of immediately following jesus and developing his character we'll develop a habit of putting it off and justifying it today is the day to join the growth track today's the day to sign up maybe for a ministry and and sign up for maybe one day la today's a day to join a p-12 growth group or start a new schedule of reading the word on a daily basis or maybe you're at home today and god is saying why don't you come back and fellowship in the church today's the day to take that step come back to church so following jesus is a now thing it's never a later thing it can never have happened later today's a day of action faith is now but what do we need to immediately we did do oh i'm stuttering what do we do with what do we immediately need to leave to follow jesus that was a tongue twister right there now what do we need to immediately leave to follow jesus because the bible says this is what they did they left their nets and this is the question what are your nets that you need to leave to follow jesus what is the thing that would hold you back now when they left their nets it was a big deal for them because these men were career fishermen and the level of following that jesus was asking them to follow was he's saying follow me and what he was going to do is i'm going to make you a scholar a rabbi i'm going to teach you how to be just like me and it's going to take your full attention now jesus not asking you to leave your job and leave your family but what he's saying the call and the intense is saying be willing to give up everything and anything that would get in the way of you following jesus with all your heart the scripture says this so how do we follow jesus immediately what do we need to leave we leave everything in luke 14 33 says this it is the same for for each of you it is the same for each of you you must leave everything you have to follow me if not you cannot be my follower just think about this you gotta leave everything well you know susie is a prime example she has made a decision to invest in our children in this church but she made that decision when she was a little girl i'm gonna follow jesus and i give everything to the lord and what susie has done she's given up she's given her house to the lord she's willing to say god my house is no longer my house my house is your house and i remember just a few years ago she had a home that she couldn't do this party and invite all the kids over and she had a bigger home than she bought that she presently has and she sold that present home that she had to buy a little bit of smaller house with a way bigger yard and she did that because when she gave her life to jesus she gave everything up and she was saying my life is no longer mine my home is no longer mine my car is no longer mine my money is no longer mine my children are no longer mines my gifts and talents are lone longer mine i give them to you so now this is her yard before the kids come this is her yard after the kids show up look at that given her home everything up for the lord as she did this some of you i'm going to say you could give up your car for the lord what that means you used to use your car just to go to the casino the bars the parties the amusement parks used to use your car just to go to dinner but god is saying give me your car and you know what that means is that when you come you're starting to think maybe i have three extra seats that aren't taken every sunday maybe i could find three or four people and invite them to church and i'll give them a ride i'm giving my car to the lord i'm gonna get that give everything to the lord i'm gonna give you some examples of what we might have to leave to follow jesus it could be clothes you see someone that's in need of clothes you don't have to this is what you you don't you don't have to send them always to our downtown campus maybe you need to go to your own closet and pick stuff you like and give it to them oh lord not my favorite shoes you know why don't you go into your closet while someone is is these clothes and if god puts it on your heart and you find someone who's closed and ask god what should i give them it might be a little scary because he might ask you to give your favorite pants your favorite shirt you might but i know this if you do give it up god's going to give you something way better than that don't don't be scared just go ahead give him clothes give him food food we've been doing that all over all over san bernardino and people are hungry giving food some of us need to give up our religion to follow jesus that means you can't follow jesus because you're too religious so if i ask you are you following jesus you start mentioning your denomination you start mentioning the church you were at and i i didn't ask you what church you attended i didn't ask you a religion you belong to i'm asking you are you following jesus don't let religion get in the way of following jesus well i'm a catholic or i'm a mormon or i'm a you know i go to calvary chapel or i go to the way forget all that first why don't you under there's a question are you a follower of jesus christ become a follower jesus get rid of religion to follow jesus christ it could also be sexual immorality you cannot follow jesus and remain sexually immoral so you might have to give up your sexual morality to follow jesus what's sexual morality all sex outside of the union of a man and a woman in marriage so you cannot follow jesus and be a californicator when by that is is that you're trying to be a christian player you got all kinds of digits on your phone you even have an old beeper just and so they beep you but yet now you've added ministry that means now you're singing and this is crazy now you're preaching and god says you could preach all day long you could sing all day long but i asked you to be my follower follow me as my disciple she could do all that but still the truth is you are not following me so you have to unfollow yourself and unfollow sexual morality unfollow the your possessions to follow jesus christ and if you do whoever's willing to lose it all will definitely gain it all you're not going to lose nothing you're actually going to gain peace joy and purpose so we follow jesus immediately some say immediately now's the time to follow jesus now's the time to develop a habit when god says it i do it i remember you know every just so you know how i approach i approach this when and when i am when i am following when i am being mentored in any any area that i need a lot of help in i don't know what to do i'm struggling in i'll look for a mentor i am teachable i want to learn i want to grow and i don't i don't want to try to learn everything on my own if there's people that already know how to do it teach me how to do it it could be in your job it could be in church it could be in ministry you could be a pastor of a church and and your congregation has been 50 people for the last 15 years and you're thinking i don't i want to grow how do i do that maybe what you need is just a mentor in your life and if you were willing to learn you could break out of this the cycle you're in and get a breakthrough in your life maybe that's it maybe it's at work you don't know how to do you're in sales and and you really don't know how to like man it just seems like i can't close a deal find someone to mentor you but what i'm talking about here most of all it's spiritual life if someone has a great marriage there's nothing wrong for you to admit my marriage is not great but i'm looking at your marriage your marriage seems like it's like on fire like is there any way you could mentor me so i could have some health in my relationships so any area that you want to grow in you need a mentoring i'll say it again any area you want to grow and you need to what so i always tell my mentors i'll say this you're not wasting time with me i go because i'm first of all i show up with questions i'll show up with a notebook and i'll write down every single thing they're telling me and the reason i write it down because i tell them this you're not wasting time with me as soon as you teach me a principle for success i am going to immediately apply it as soon as i leave your office are there anyone anybody here that's an immediate follower of jesus christ when god says it we what do it when god says that we so we follow jesus immediately second way we follow jesus is as disciples in john 4 1 43 it says this the next day jesus decided to go into galilee and he found philip and said to him follow me as my disciple accepted me as your master and teacher and walk in the same path of life that i walked i'm gonna make a statement the only way to follow jesus is as a disciple there's no other way to follow jesus but as a disciple you cannot follow jesus as a fanboy fangirl like i really like jesus he's awesome i really relate to him me and jesus are tight that's fine but jesus did not say follow him as a believer either because the devil believes that jesus exists so believing in jesus and believing he exists is not enough the only way to follow jesus is as a disciple he said follow me as my disciple so if that's the case i need to know what a disciple is and this is what it is it's a learner stay with me a learner so you come to church you come to a bible study to learn so we should be able to ask you by the end of this service what did you learn so many people experienced a feeling but they didn't learn nothing so they come to church for a feeling they don't come to church for a learning experience so as disciples we come to know i would even advise this come to church and take notes because this is what happens if you don't watch it you'll hear it and you remember the feeling i got was good like that was truth man it was good what did you learn i don't know but that pastor he was funny man right and that that's good i'm glad you had a great feeling but you got to learn this stuff because life is a skill life is not going to become easier relationships are going to become easier resistance and warfare is not going to become easier you have to learn how to fight you're going to have to learn how to love you have to learn how to forgive you have to learn how to follow jesus someone say i'm a disciple i'm a learner it also means a mentee someone's mentoring me it also describes one who has made a decision say where they made a decision to follow christ in thought habits and character and what a what a disciple is saying my goal is to be like jesus and many of us have been mentored by other people and how do we know you're being mentored by them you're starting to talk like them you're starting to look like them you're starting to have the character that they have we know who you're following because you begin to resemble the people you're following i told you guys this there was a season in my life that i was a surfer and i never surfed in my life but back in the day these have a few categories these have the surfers the cholos and the stoners and then the punk rockers and then the goth people which were kind of with the punk rockers so i had to make a decision back in those days used to go to go to the store and buy vans and get op shirts pacific i never surfed in my life so i got a little skateboard and they asked me what category and i go i'm a surfer but then i got tired of that because i moved to a different neighborhood and there was no surfers in that neighborhood there was cholos in the neighborhood so i got through a season i was a cholo gangster never joined again never got no gang fight nothing like that but i went to the swap meet got myself some pleated pants that were oversized i got me some chocolates from thrifties i got my little bandanna my little belt with my my initial g guards for garcia and i was a gangster and i was a cholo for just around a month somebody asked me where i was from and i didn't know i'm out of here i'm gonna fight i don't know where i'm from i'm gonna fight for this but the idea is i was looking up to these guys and i began to take on their persona their habits their character their talk their speech and you have to ask yourself who are you talking like who are you walking like and we know this if you're cussing and and you're always angry and you're always upset i know this you're not following jesus because that's not jesus character if you're unforgiving you're not following jesus because jesus core of his being is mercy grace and forgiveness we know that right so so the idea is i'm following jesus to be like jesus and to to be like jesus you do need this you do need a mentor mo i want you to get this joshua had a mentor it was moses elisha had a mentor it was elijah so god is god uh john joshua mentor and it was moses and and god gives mentors for us so we can grow so they could pass on what they've learned their experience so because they could also hold us accountable how many need some accountability in your life like we all need it like we make commitments but the other day i made a commitment that i'm not going to drink any more soda really bad commitment for me but i told my family as soon as i told my family they started holding me accountable my daughter on marisa some of you guys know i'm marisa she goes dad i don't think so so i started reaching behind her trying to get this coke and then she gave me something that's not a coke something a little more healthier she goes daddy you could just have this you know what i need accountability and so do you that means if i'm going to commit to follow jesus why don't you have someone that you meet with on a weekly basis that makes sure you're following jesus it's a good thing how many know we need accountability i remember when um when lisa gave her life to the lord and and um she came that's how lisa came lisa came from a home that they never went to church so she never went to church she was like 20 20 years old when she finally came to the lord she came to a little bible study in the home lisa was adopted when she was a baby she's never met her actual mom or a birth mom or birth dad when i met lisa her mom was a wino i mean really bad i never saw lisa's mom ever not just completely drunk out of her mind she sat in a chair and she drank herself literally to death i never had a normal conversation with her mom i'd come in and she'd be sitting there it could have been eight o'clock in the morning and she'd be there with her wine already drunk her mom never said anything good to lisa it was always putting her down making her feel she was going to mount to nothing once in a while she'd kick lisa out as a teenager take all her clothes and put it on the on the front lawn and put the sprinklers on lisa ended up not knowing her own value and she was raped over and over by different people had an abortion feeling like she's worth nothing she comes into a little bible study my mom's teaching and she's asked follow jesus follow me i can heal you i can help you i know you you're not an accident you're not a mistake i got this wonderful life for you just follow me and that day lisa immediately followed jesus but this is what she did too she allowed herself to be mentored and how i really got to know g lisa is that she would call my mother every single day and ask her questions and then she found out that this was she found out that to be a disciple of jesus christ you need to study the bible and that was a problem for lisa and i'll tell you why it was a problem for lisa because lisa up to that day had never read a book from cover to cover her whole life and she was thinking if i need to read the bible i'm in trouble because i don't like to read period but she didn't look at it as an option she said if i need to read the bible then i need some help and she prayed god give me the desire to read your bible and understand it and she made that prayer and then this is what she did she didn't wait to feel it she just opened up the book the bible in the book of genesis which is the first book in the beginning god created the heavens and earth and she started reading the bible from cover to cover that year she read through the whole bible by the end of that year i used to ask lisa i go where's that scripture and she would say that's in john chapter 15 verse 7. and i'll look at her how do you know that she goes i've been reading my word so become a disciple of jesus christ means to become a student that has a goal to become a scholar someone say to become a what a scholar is one who has profound knowledge in a particular subject if you become a scholar in the word of god young people i'm going to say this you're going to have wisdom beyond your years you're going to say well how do you know that you're going to have grown adults that are married asking for you for counseling because wisdom and age not necessarily have to coincide if you gain the wisdom you become a scholar in the word of god you can have wisdom beyond your years when you gain wisdom this is what's also going to happen you're not going to make the mistakes of those that don't have wisdom you're going to make decisions that are a lot clearer and when you start making decisions a lot clearer and you're making the right decisions you're going to start succeeding and when you start succeeding this is what happens people start looking at you as a leader and when they start looking at you as a leader you become a source of wisdom you become a source of breakthrough you become a source of love you can become a source of healing you become a source of god's power because when you're filled with the word of god you're filled with god and how do we know that you're getting you're becoming a scholar in the word do you start speaking like this the bible says the bible says the bible says the bible says so people start coming with opinion and want your opinion and what you do is say the bible says the word of god says let me show you what god's word says i know you want my opinion but my opinion matters it doesn't matter i lived my life according to my opinion and i was ruining everything until i found out the truth now i'm going to give you some truth so you can bank on this depend on it it's a promise of god the word of god works say with me the word works okay so i want to become a scholar stay with me what so what are the habits of a disciple that wants to become a scholar number one they daily study god's word how do they study daily how many times do you eat a day guys some of you guys eat three four five ten if you see food you eat it okay some might eat one time a day but the idea is there there's not a day that you don't eat unless you're intentioning to fast or something like that but even when you're in tension and fast your body speaks to you and sometimes you'll eat anyways by accident because you're so used to eating now if you're going to feed your body like that why wouldn't you feed your spirit like that why not get some spiritual nutrition with your taco bell some of you guys are so rich you have chefs all over the place you don't even cook anymore you got the del taco chef in a now chef right baker chef i just tell my chef what i want and they cook it right there within five minutes and if they don't do it in five minutes i just fire them right and the idea is you treat yourself so well and you should but be careful that you're not investing so much in your physical appetites that you're not developing a spiritual appetite so the habit of a habit i'll say get a bible and start reading and say what's gonna what's gonna happen in the first chapter i read you're gonna find out how everything was created and anyone can understand it the next chapter you're gonna see how god gave adam and eve some instructions simple instructions and they didn't do it they weren't disciples and then you're gonna find out how it affected their kids the next chapter adam's son sons one of the sons kills the brother first murder in the bible is right there in the beginning so these are stories that you're going to read and as you read them this is what's going to happen when you come to church you're going to be so inspired because we're going to be referencing things that you heard and that means you're going to get more out of the out of this meeting because you're already going to have some exposure to it before you show up and you can start thinking man i heard that before oh my gosh i know the word right so spend time in the word daily let's read these real quick habits of a disciple or a future scholar immediate obedience to the word of god he says it i do it stay with me he says it i number three start and complete growth track here we have a growth check we have a method for you to grow a process and it starts with this starting at the way four classes by the time you're done with starting out the way you'll know how to lead someone to the lord by the time you're done with starting at the way you'll be baptized if you've not been baptized you're gonna understand what a disciple is and you'll be signed up for a ministry and even a power 12. second set of classes prosper not the way stay with me prosper not the way and then freedom at the way and that's our foundational growth track those three classes if you want to go on our leadership growth track you could go to leadership at the way and then leadership university we give you an opportunity here at the wayward lowrish to become a scholar you could get a degree here at the wayworld outreach in christian leadership isn't that great that you could go all through the process and as far as you want to grow you can grow and you say i can't take these classes i'm so busy you can take them you got to make time for it and we even have an opportunity for you to do these classes online so if you can't be here do it online get through the classes grow as a disciple of jesus christ and now another the other the other habit number four has is have a mentor you have a mentor and meet with them on a regular basis and you can have them through a p-12 group leader growth group a ministry leader and you meet weekly and number five weekly church attendance stay with me weak church attendance now this is important because this is going to prepare you for the third the third way we follow jesus and the third way we follow jesus is as disciple makers stay with me i make disciples so what's the fruit of a disciple it's another disciple how do we know that we're following jesus eventually people around you you're starting to train people to follow jesus now we need to get this in our personal families because this is a big deal unless you're a disciple of jesus christ you cannot produce children that are disciples of jesus christ they need to see you read in the bible at home not just here at church you guys understand that right they need to see that your life is adjusting according to the teachings they need to see hey we covered about being a disciple and dad you've made some you've made some decisions you're now getting your bible and you're starting to highlight it you're starting to take notes of church that's awesome so we're going to pass on not just our beliefs we're going to pass on our values and the values are the things that we do i understand our values are the things that we what do so we're disciples we follow jesus and the last the last way we follow jesus we follow jesus as a disciple maker and in the call of follow jesus comes a mission of bringing others to jesus look what he said in matthew 4 19. let's read it again jesus said to them come follow me and i will make you a different kind of fisherman you will bring in people not fish what he's saying is when you follow jesus as a disciple the next step is you're going to bring people to jesus i remember when i was a young man as my mom was disciplining me because my father wasn't living for god my my birth father died in a gunfight when i was six years old five six years old so he he was out of my life then my mother married my my father and my stepfather and and and he was he didn't start serving god until like recently really living for god so there was no leadership in our home spiritually there wasn't a man there teaching us the word of god but my mother said i'm just going to teach him the word of god so we did every single thursday she was making a disciple i was her disciple she would have a bible study in our home every single thursday there wasn't a time in our lives that we didn't have a home bible study we took the word from here and we taught it at home and she would tell me marco we're not going to have a bible study just ourselves i want you to go invite your friends so we had a bible study at seven o'clock she would tell me to go hit the streets of fontana and she would send me to the worst neighborhood there was and just go there invite them and bring them to the bible study so i would go to our hood and i would wait right around six or so because because most of the gangsters don't come out until night they're like vampires and they would come out and when they came out they would start partying maybe the night before they had a big party and i'd be walking the streets and i would break up their party and tell them to turn down the music and say hey guys i would just say something simple like this god has a purpose for your life god loves you and it doesn't matter what you've done he'll forgive you jesus knock on your heart's door and all you need to do is open up your heart and he will save you he will set you free and give you the life that you've been looking for you're not an accident you're not a mistake give your life to jesus and they would look at me like he's crazy and they gave me a nickname preacher boy so when they saw me come he goes preacher boy and i was all by myself i wasn't sent out with anybody by myself on those streets and when i was done none of them would say i want to follow jesus but they would do this after i was done one or two of them would always secretly pull me to the side and say bro man can you pray for me i'm going through this and right now the adopt-a-block leader at our at our pomona campus javier was in was in that gang he was on the streets and i invited javier to come to the lord he finally surrendered his life years later he called me when i was in a car business he goes i'm strung out on drugs i can't overcome these drugs i need some help and we brought him into a home he went into a home he got set free his life is back on track he's out there now on the streets of pomona bringing other gangsters to jesus christ we're talking about spreading this thing let's get it to the next generation so this is simple how do we follow jesus immediately how do we follow jesus as a disciple and so i'm going to ask you this question who's mentoring you and it's a really good question because we're gonna today even by the end of this service you might ask someone might come up to you and say hey would you like to be part of my growth group we meet once a week on thursday nights i look for you to be part of our group i really believe you'll fit right in and and we need you and you need us and we'll do life and ministry together we'll grow together and you got an opportunity at that point to say yes i'm in or no not right now and if you do that it's what you're doing you're going to be pushing off a great opportunity you were created to be in fellowship that means you're created to be in a community be careful that when you're asked to be part of a group you don't shine it on because you're scared to get close to people maybe you got hurt before and said how do i get real close because when i get close people burn me but don't let that fear stop you from getting in the group join a group be part of it we need each other and the same fears you have how many know they have but we're gonna overcome together i pray that you become a disciple and become a disciple maker we'll leave it at this jesus gives every believer the same mission make disciples in matthew 28 19 he says go therefore and make disciples i'm going to read have you read verse 20. we're going to do that again i'm going to reverse 19 you're going to read verse 20. go therefore make disciples of all nations look at this help the people to learn of me believe in me and obey my words baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them oh no you guys read verse 20. you guys read verse 20 go ahead wow let's shoot her one more time it just sounds so good i just love it one more time let's read again wow so what is the answer he goes i've taught you you teach them and teach them everything that i've taught you but don't just teach them to know teach them to do observe and obey everything that i've touched and commanded you so well god is saying if we do this he'll be with us perpetually he'll never leave us we're going to see him in every circumstance you know what that means when we're about his business you can't fail because god is with you and you're gonna find your greatest peace your greatest joy going to find purpose in reaching out to others me and my family now i mean since then every tuesday for the last i would say 20 30 years i've had a bible study every single week with a group of people surrounding me and you know what i'm doing making disciples of jesus christ if you want to be alive breathe receive and then give receive and what receive and and don't ever think that you can't do it you can do it this outline this whole teaching is on the app just download the app and you can pass on the teaching just repeat it share it with somebody this was going to happen if you do you're going to be more alive than you ever have been let's give the lord a hand he's a good guy let's all stand up we're going to switch just a second so how do we follow jesus number one immediately how do we follow jesus what the second way he follows you we follow jesus as a what and we follow jesus as what disciple maker okay so i'm gonna dismiss in just a second before we leave i'm going to give an opportunity like jesus gave his disciples follow me as my disciples and if you do that and you accept that call you're going to be accepting the greatest call in your life because then that call is your breakthrough and that call is your purpose and that call is your freedom and that call is joy and that call there's victory in that call there's eternal life do you know in heaven the only people are going to get there are disciples of jesus christ there's no one getting to heaven by just being a believer in jesus christ only disciples of jesus christ go to heaven and that means that you could believe in god and not follow him and just believing in god is just not enough there has to be a day that i'm saying you know what i'm surrendering my life to you god and you surrender at the level you're at surrender wherever you're at you don't fix your life and come to jesus you're just willing to follow he's the mentor he's the teacher he's the coach you come out of you come to jesus out of shape and he's your coach and get you into shape you understand works you don't get into shape and you get your mentor you just come to where you are and he's the one that puts your relationships back in order you're thinking back in order your emotions back in order your family back in order just follow him and if you follow him that's what you at the end there's such a great blessing we have eternal life forever and ever and ever a place with no pain no suffering no death people ask me if there's a god why there's so much suffering in the world because this is not heaven and we got a whole bunch of imperfect people hurting each other so why doesn't god just end it right now then because if he ended it right now maybe you wouldn't be saved so he's just waiting for you to give your life to the lord and there's going to be a final day when there's going to be a final person that gives your life to jesus and jesus coming back at that time i don't know when he's coming but he's coming back and i pray that you're ready i pray that you live an amazing life now but you're ready for eternity so i'm going to ask you just a simple question if are you a disciple of jesus christ and you know what i don't know i but i want to be a disciple of jesus christ i want the creator of the universe the most influential person to ever live the earth the one that resurrected from the dead the one that said i'm the way the truth and the life the one that's willing to forgive me and accept me like no one else would do and love me unconditionally i want to serve him and i want to get his heart i want to get his wisdom and i want to start living the abundant life that he offers me i want to become a disciple of jesus christ i want to fully leave everything to follow jesus today this is a great decision you'll ever make and if you give your life to jesus you're going to give your life to purpose and you will have eternal life you'll be forgiven of every single thing you've ever done you'd have to live in guilt and shame and living in the past we've all messed up there's nobody here that has it all together we've all messed up we all need jesus to help us save us and make us so i'm to count to three he said pastor that's me i want to become a disciple of jesus christ i want god to restore my life i want to be forgiven i want a new start today's my day one when i say three i want you to raise your hands always building two and don't hesitate because remember today's the day to take action and the longer you take to take action the harder it will be to make the right decision don't try to figure it out god's the coach he's gonna help you figure it out he's the mentor he's gonna help you overcome today's your day to surrender all when i say three raise your hands always building one two three raise your hands always building i see the hand i see the hand i see the hand over there anybody else i see those hands over here many are called come on many are called many are called anybody else i want those that raise their hands i want you to do one more big step i want you to leave your seat and give me the honor and the privilege to pray with you this is what you're doing you're taking your first step in following jesus you're leaving your nets you're leaving your pride you're leaving your past in those seats and you're coming to follow jesus so if you raise your hands i want to follow jesus i want you to just raise your hands i want you to come up here real quick and we're going to pray with you as they're coming up let's give them a hand there's your evil way in the back ask your neighbor you want to go up there i'll go up there with you i'm ready to serve jesus i'm ready to be a disciple i'm ready to surrender all come on they're coming let's give the lord a hand come on someone's making a decision like they did back in the day matthew left everything philip left everything andrew left everything james left everything to follow jesus come on someone's marriage is going to be restored someone's going to set a new pattern in their family today this decision is gonna save your kids this decision is gonna start a new new life a life of freedom a new legacy [Music] praise god praise god praise god come on god is touching people today come on they're gonna have a new life today they're gonna be forgiven today they're starting over today god's gonna help awesome come on let's never get tired people are making a decision he's ready there he goes he's coming as a little young man right there i'm following jesus i want to be a disciple of jesus christ takes a real mad and woman to do this [Music] all right they're still coming so we're going to do one more shot i want to make sure we don't miss anybody we're dismissed in just a second but proud of you god's going to give us the power to do it god's going to give us the power to do it love you we can do this with god's power you could overcome the drugs with god power you could be set free from any addiction through god's power god could heal your broken heart right now you could overcome you said man i'm so undisciplined don't you remember that god's spirit is going to come in you and he's going to give you the power to live for him come on church just give the lord a big hand we got a lot of people saying i want to be a disciple of jesus christ okay [Music] let's pray together we're one prayer away from surrendering our hearts to god this is like a marriage i just did a wedding the other day yesterday i did a wedding and a friday and they say vows before god god not only hears the vows he's going to help them fulfill the vows this vow that you're making to follow jesus god hears it he's been waiting for you to call upon him he's tired he hurts him to see do life alone and the pain you're going through no longer do you need to live this life today's your day to surrender i'm following jesus buy yours close your eyes repeat after me say jesus jesus i believe that you love me you died on the cross to pay the price for all the wrong i've done i no longer need to live in shame and guilt pain and addiction today jesus i ask you to forgive me of all my sins i turn my back on everything that stops me from following you i accept you as my lord and savior i am now a disciple of jesus christ i have eternal life i am born again fill me now with your holy spirit with your peace with your joy with your strength i thank you lord for saving me for calling me i am now saved i have eternal life thank you jesus amen let's give the lord a big hand everyone that came up for we love you everyone that came today you are disciples of jesus christ let's continue coming to the house of god learning growing and if someone asks you what'd you learn be quick to tell them out there someone needs to hear it and if you came for first time we love you and i hope that you just make it a habit and i believe every time you come you're gonna grow just a little bit more you're a disciple of jesus christ god bless you we love you have a great great afternoon if you need prayer we'd love to pray with you up here we've got a team that's been dedicated to praying for you love you have a wonderful wonderful afternoon everyone online so thank you for tuning in and we believe god's presence is right there in that room if you need prayer in your home right now pray the presence of god is there for your breakthrough god bless you we love you go out there be a disciple and make some disciples in jesus name love you bye-bye
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,524
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach, San Bernardino
Id: NMS2_7uHcBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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